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Kelompok Keilmuan

1. Agroteknologi & Teknologi Bioproduk

Head: Dr. Robert Manurung

Research Topics

Integrated Biorefenery Concepts

(Sugar Platform, Biogas Platform, Carbon Rich-Chain Platform, Thermochemical Platform, and Plant Products Platform)

– Increase the value of agricultural products
– Reducing the dependence on the processing of agricultural products

2. Bioteknologi Mikroba

Ketua : Dr. I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha

Research Topics

– Short-term (2012-2014)

Exploration and characterization of microbes that have potentials to be developed in the field of food and energy

– Medium-term (2015-2020)

Product development and bioprocess

– Long-term (2020-2025)

Applications in bioindustry and prototype and protocol development that can be used in industrial and environmental

3. Ekologi

Ketua : Prof. Djoko Tjahjono Iskandar

Research Topics

– Ecological services: quantification and prediction
– Evaluation of ecosystem responses to global anthropogenic changes
– Biodiversity changes and dynamics
– Coupled human and natural systems dynamics
– Land use and habitat loss
– Adaptive potential of ecosystems
– Water loss and degradation
– Carbon dynamics
– Invasive species
– Complex retroactions between ecosystems compartements
– Biogeochemical imbalance

4. Fisiologi, Perkembangan Hewan & Sains Biomedika

Ketua : Dr. Tjandra Anggraeni

Research Objects

Human and Animal’s Molecule; Cell; Tissue; Organ; Organ system; Organism

Research Subjects

Sciences and applications of: Physiology, Biology Development, Biomedical principles

Genetika & Bioteknologi Molekuler

Kepala : Dr. Sony Suhandono

Research Topics

  1. Genetic /molecular diversity of tropical resources for biocorrosion, biomining, bioremediation.
  2. Quality improvement of tropical fruit durian (durian superior) with molecular breeding
  3. Post-genomics research : RNA level (transcriptomics), proteins (proteomics) and metabolites generated (metabolomics).
  4. Genetic manipulation/engineering.
  5. Metabolic engineering
  6. Synthetic biology (e.g: carbohydrase and sucrose isomerase)
  7. Study of banana ripening
  8. Disease at the molecular level : vaccines (molecular pharming)

6. Manajemen Sumber Daya Hayati

Ketua : Prof. Intan Ahmad

Research Topics

  1. Application of management principles in biodiversity.
  2. The use of variety of biological principles (reproduction, heredity, grow, develop, interaction, adaptation) in biodiversity management practices.
  3. Efficiency model/process efficiency and optimization of sustainable use of biological resources at the level of genes, species (humans), and ecosystem.

7. Sains & Bioteknologi Tumbuhan

Ketua : Prof. Dr. Sri Nanan B. W.

Research Topics

Developing (new) materials & plant products; adapting plants to environmental stresses; engineering plant cultivation; improving plant growth, quality & reproduction.

  1. Initial stage (2012-2013) : in vitro plant propagation of Vetiveria zizanioides and evaluation of oil synthesis on root (in vitro plantlet).
  2. Developmental stage to increase the oil production (2013-2014) : cell culture & hairy root culture transformed by A. rhizogenes.
  3. Final stage (2015-….) : Optimization for scale up production of vetiver oil.

8. Teknologi Kehutanan

Ketua : Dr. Endah Sulistyawati

Research Topics

Forest Characterization :

– Extent, quality & changes
– Floristic diversity
– Growing environment of trees
– Carbon stock & cycle

Silviculture Technology

– Improvement of genetic materials of commercial species
– Development of intensive silviculture
– Development of low-cost silviculture

Technology for processing forest produtcs

– Improvement of quality and durability of wood
– Modification of timber and non-timber forest products
– Diversification of raw material and forest products