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Publikasi presentasi pada seminar internasional 2012


Publikasi presentasi pada seminar internasional

  1. ICMNS: Analisis Kelimpahan serta Aktivitas Enzim Telomerase pada Penyu Hijau (Chelonia mydas): Hewan Model untuk Proses Anti-penuaan. Anggraini Barlian & Regina L. Nalasetya
  2. Wise: The Potency of Palm Kernel Oil in SkinWound Healing. Anggraini Barlian, Pingkan Aditiawati & Dharzan
  3. ICBS 2012: Olive oil and ozonated olive oil enhance wound healing in diabetic-induced mice. Anggraini Barlian, Pingkan Aditiawati & Hesti Riani
  4. ICBS 2012: Polyfenol effect to insulinß receptor expression on the skeletal muscle of diabetic-induced mice. Anggraini Barlian, Ahmad Ridwan & Hesti Riani
  5. Ridwan, A. & Puspita, L.2012. Effect of Melatonin Suplemment to Blood Glucose Level and Pancreas Histology of Induced Diabetes Mellitus Male Mice (Mus musculus) strain S.W. ICMNS 2012
  6. Kuswatiningsih, D. N. Ridwan, A. , Putra, R.E. 2012. Study of Kidney Failure : Analysis of nephrin glomerular of mouse’s kidney induce by hypertension. ICMNS 2012
  7. Junardi., Anggraeni, T., Ridwan, A., Yuwono, E. 2012. The maturity of nypa palm worm Namalycastis rhodochorde
    (Nereididae : Polychaeta). ICMNS 2012
  8. Arief BudiYulianti a , Sony Heru Sumarsono b ; Ahmad Ridwan b ; Ayda T Yusuf b 2012. Free Radicals and Aggregate Protein in Brainstem of The Wistar Rat Treated Rotenone . ICMNS 2012
  9. Evaluation and Analysis of µ Rhythm Desynchronization and Mirror Neuron Activity Related to Motor-Related Activity. Finda Dwi Putri, Lulu L. Fitri, Suprijanto. ICMNS-ITB, 2012,
    Analysis of µ Rhythm Desynchronization as a Response to Imagination of Motor-related Activity. Finda Dwi Putri, Lulu L. Fitri, Suprijanto. International Conference on Women’s Health in Science and Engineering (Wise-Health), ITB, 6-7 December 2012.
  10. Analysis of Brainwaves Response Related to Brain Cognitive Function Due to Non-Visual Effect of Light. Falma K., Sheila N.K., Suprijanto , , Abdulazis R. S., F.X. Nugroho S., Lulu L. Fitri
  11. ICMNS 2012:
  12. WISE-Health 2012:
    KUCC Symposium 2012, Kansas. The Prognostic Value of G protein-coupled receptor 55 in Indonesian Ovarian Cancer Patients
  13. ICBS 2012
    : The Effect of Trypsin Addition on Cultivation of Influenza H1N1 A/ Solomon Island/ 3/ 06-Like Virus on Vero and MDCK Cell Line.
    Fawzi Rahmadiyan Zuhairi, Maharani Ugiyadi and Marselina I. Tan
  14. ICBS 2012. The Role of Orphan G Protein-Coupled Receptor GPR55 in SKOV3 cells System. Yellianty
  15. Arief Budi Yulianti, Sony Heru Sumarsono, Ahmad Ridwan, Ayda T. Yusuf (2012). Increase of oxidative stress and acumulation of a-synuclein in midbrain of rotenone treated Wistar rat. ICBS. ITB. Bandung 27-28 February 2012
  16. Erlangga Bintang Praditya 1 , Lulu L. Fitri 1 , Suprijanto 2 . Role of GI Acupuncture on Reducing Stress Level of ITB Male Students Indicated by Alpha Brainwave One Day Prior to Final Exam. ICBS 2012.
  17. Esti Rachmawati Sadiyah, Lulu Lusianti Fitri & Ahmed M. Almehdi. Leucine Supplementation Effect on Diabetic-Induced. Adult Male Swiss Webster Mice’s ( Mus musculus L.)
    . Blood Glucose and Brain Glutamate Level. ICBS 2012
  18. Finda Dwi Putri, Lulu L. Fitri, Suprijanto. Evaluation and Analysis of µ Rhythm Desynchronization and Mirror Neuron Activity Related to Motor-Related Activity. ICMNS-ITB, 2012,
  19. Finda Dwi Putri, Lulu L. Fitri, Suprijanto. Analysis of µ Rhythm Desynchronization as a Response to Imagination of Motor-related Activity. International Conference on Women’s Health in Science and Engineering (Wise-Health), ITB, 6-7 December 2012.
  20. Falma K., Sheila N.K., Suprijanto , , Abdulazis R. S., F.X. Nugroho S., Lulu L. Fitri Analysis of Brainwaves Response Related to Brain Cognitive Function Due to Non-Visual Effect of Light. International Conference on Women’s Health in Science and Engineering (Wise-Health), ITB, 6-7 December 2012.
  21. The Effect of Leaf Biopesticide (Mirabilis jalapa) and Entomopathogenic Fungi (Beauveria bassiana) Combinations to Some Physiological Characters and Anatomical Histology of Crocidolomia pavonana (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvae
  22. The Effect of The Combination of Two Biological Control Agents, Mirabilis jalapa and Bacillus thuringiensis, to Spodoptera exigua’s Immune Respons and Their Mortality
  23. The Effect of Leaf Biopesticide Mirabilis jalapa and Fungi Metarhizium anisopliae to Immune Response and Mortality of Spodoptera exigua Instar IV
  24. ” Ethanolysis of Jatropha curcas L. oil in a continuous centrifugal contactor separator”. 5 th Workshop of fats and oils as renewable feedstock for the chemical industry, Jerman ( 2012 )
  25. Saptari, A.Y.,Supriadi A.,Wikantika K.,Darmawan S. 2012. Remote Sensing in Bandung Basin Erosion Assessment. Journal Makalah Seminar Internasional. AGSE Publishing, http://applied-geoinformatics.org/publications. Volume 1 (2012). Volume 1 (2012). ISBN 978-3-943321-06-7. Conference Web Site: http://applied-geoinformatics.org/. pp. 155-164.
  26. Rosleine, D. & E. Suzuki. Forest rehabilitation process in corridor area of Halimun Salak National Park. The annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan. Ryukoku University, Otsu, Japan. 17-21 March 2012.
  27. Syamsudin, T.S. & S.L. Herlianthi. The role of local policies in community-owned forest conservation in Bangunjaya Village, West Java – Indonesia. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) Asia-Pacific Chapter Annual Meeting. Xishuangbanna, China, 24-27 March 2012.
  28. Syamsudin, T.S ., Marselina I.T., Ernawati G.R. Indra W. & Tjandra A. Women participation in biomedical science development. Islamic Academy for Life Sciences and Biotechnology (IAB) Women in Science International Symposium. Selangor, Malaysia. 7 May 2012.
  29. Choesin, D.N. & Y.Z.B. Lubis. Effects of seaweed farming on the seagrass community of Panjang Island, Banten, Indonesia. 49 th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Bonito-MS, Brazil, 19-22 June 2012.
  30. Sulistyawati, E., A. Iqbal, D.N. Choesin & S. Rozieanti. Forest structure and composition of one hectare permanent plot in Mount Papandayan, Indonesia. 49 th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Bonito-MS, Brazil, 19-22 June 2012.
  31. Syamsudin, T.S. & Rahmi Utami Hadini. 2012. Biological management on butterfly for sustainability of butterfly garden. Society for Conservation Biology, Asia Section. August 7-10, Bangalore – India
  32. Bickford, D.P., D.T. Iskandar , A. Barlian , B.A. Rachmatyningtyas; R.M. Brown; U. Arifin, M. Kamsi; D.C. Blackburn, A.C. Diesmos. 2012. Ecology and evolution of the lungless frog.World Congress of Herpetology . Vancouver, Canada. 10-12 August 2012.
  33. Choesin, D.N. , E. Laelasari, P.M.Triawan, K. Bone, B.M. Anggoro & H. Halim. Effects of plant variation and bacterial isolate addition on wetland effectiveness in treating wastewater: insights from microcosm experiments. 4 th International Ecosummit: Ecological Sustainability– Restoring the Planet’s Ecosystem Services. Columbus, OH, USA, 30 September–5 October 2012.
  34. Azdan, M.D. & D.N. Choesin . Management of tidal lowlands in Indonesia: problems and perspectives. 4 th International Ecosummit: Ecological Sustainability–Restoring the Planet’s Ecosystem Services. Columbus, OH, USA, 30 September–5 October 2012.
  35. Syamsudin, T.S. , G. Gloria & P. Mayaningtias. The potential of macrozoobenthos community as indicator of water quality in Ciliwung River, Bogor, West Java. 4 th. International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2012). Bandung, 8-9 November 2012.
  36. Irwanto, R. R. P. , A. Hamidi & A. Irawan. Bukit Barisan expedition 2011: existing conditions of the flora and fauna in Sumatera. 4 th. International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2012). Bandung, 8-9 November 2012.
  37. Andari, H. S., R. R. P. Irwanto and A. Apriyanto. The use of three DNA markers, ITS, rbcLand matK to identify population of titan arum in Tanggamus mountain, Lampung. 4 th. International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2012). Bandung, 8-9 November 2012.
  38. Novianti, V. & D. N. Choesin . The relation between soil sulphate concentration and proanthocyanidin content of Selliguea feei Bory from around Ratu Crater, Mount Tangkuban Perahu. 4 th. International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2012). Bandung, 8-9 November 2012.
  39. Fauziah, F. & D. N. Choesin . Accumulation of Pb and Cu heavy metals in sea water, sediment, and leaf and root tissue of Enhalus sp. in the seagrass bed of Banten Bay. 4 th. International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2012). Bandung, 8-9 November 2012.
  40. Harbowo, D.G. & D. N. Choesin . Effectiveness of a model constructed wetland system containing Cyperus papyrus in degrading diesel oil. 4 th. International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2012). Bandung, 8-9 November 2012.
  41. Mahardini, N. & D. N. Choesin . Role of Chlorella pyrenoidosa microalgae and the aquatic plants Pistia stratiotes and Equisetum hyemale in the treatment of fertilizer industry wastewater using a constructed wetland system. 4 th. International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2012). Bandung, 8-9 November 2012.
  42. Hernahadini, N., S. Suhandono, D. N. Choesin & S. K. Chaerun. Isolation, identification and characterization of indigenous fungi for bioremediation of hexavalent chromium, nickel and cobalt. 4 th. International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2012). Bandung, 8-9 November 2012.
  43. Kusmana, C. & I. Suwandhi . Diversity of plant species and the presence of invasive alien species (IAS) in the sub-montane forest at Pakenjeng Region, Southern part of Garut, West Java. Symposium of International Training Programme, Kagoshima University, Japan. 3-11 November 2012,.
  44. Sumarga, E . Mapping multiple ecosystem services: an approach for analysing deforestation impact. Indonesian Scholars International Convention, London, England. 9-11 November 2012.
  45. Iriawati & R.R. Irwanto . Oil content of fruit and seed tissues of Winged Bean ( Psochocarpus tetragronolobus L.). Special Proceedings of SITH-IAB Joint Seminar on Partnership & Networnces & in Life Sciences & Technology. 22 February, ITB
  46. Irwanto, R.R ., J.A.SF Sihotang, Bioprospect of Jatropha multifida L and Jatropha gossypifolia L., as source of biofuel. Special Proceedings of SITH-IAB Joint Seminar on Partnership & Networking in Life Sciences & Technology. 22 February, ITB.
  47. Regina Angeline, Rahma Tejawati Maryama, Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman and Wardono Niloperbowo. Mathematical Modelling of Growth of Recombinant Pichia pastoris , Producing sHBsAg, in Yeast Extract Potato Dextrose Medium (YEPD) and Buffered Glycerol-complex Medium (BMGY). International Conference on Mathematical and Natural Science . Institut Teknologi Bandung. 8-9 November 2012. Oral Presentation.
  48. Dyshelly Nurkartika, Ernawati A. Giri Rachman , Maelita R. Moeis and Ihsanawati. Cloning and Overexpression of PhoR Cytoplasmic Domain Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv as A Molecular Target for Novel Antitubercular Drugs. International Conference on Mathematical and Natural Science . Institut Teknologi Bandung. 8-9 November 2012. Oral Presentation.
  49. Irma Sopiyani and Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman . PhoR of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a Target for High Throughput Screening System of Novel Anti-Tubercular Drugs. International Conference on Mathematical and Natural Science . Institut Teknologi Bandung. 8-9 November 2012. Oral Presentation.
  50. Aldina S. Suwanto, Arkasha Sadewa, Gladys Langi, Ihsanawati and Ernawati A.Giri-Rachman . Characterization, Molecular Cloning and Expression of the DNA Encoding PhoR Sensor Domain from Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a Target Molecule for Novel Anti-Tubercular Drugs. International Conference on Biomedical Science . School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung. 27-28 February 2012. Oral Poster Presentation.
  51. Inri Kusumadewi, Lidya, Ernawati Giri Rachman , Bachti Alisjahbana, Ida Parwati and Reinot van Crevel. Molecular Epidemiology Study of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Java and Papua. International Conference on Biomedical Science . School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung. 27-28 February 2012. Oral Poster Presentation.
  52. Purwaeni, Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman and Debbie S Retnoningrum. Role of Residues 256-257 and 278 in ß Domain on Plasminogen Activation of Streptokinase of Streptococcus pyogenes. International Conference on Biomedical Science. School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung. 27-28 February 2012. Oral Poster Presentation.
  53. Ali B Kusuma, Anggie PN Hidayati, Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman , Din Syafruddin, Hisao Yoshikawa and Masaharu Tokoro. Trichomonads Species Distributing in Southwest Sumba District, Indonesia. International Conference on Biomedical Science . School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung. 27-28 February 2012. Oral Poster Presentation.
  54. Amy Estiati, Ade Nena, Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman , Putri Sandy Pangestu, Putri Dwi Utari, Ima Mulyama and Sony Suhandono. Transformation of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen into Local Banana Plants for Molecular Farming Vaccine. International Conference on Biomedical Science . Oral Poster Presentation. School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung. 27-28 February 2012. Oral Poster Presentation.
  55. Rahma Tejawati Maryama, Shinta Kusumawardhani, Dessy Natalia, Debbie S Retnoningrum and Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman . Intracelullar Expression of HbsAg Genotype B in Pichia pastoris KM71 Hyperresistant Zeosin, International Conference on Biomedical Science . School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung. 27-28 February 2012. Oral Poster Presentation.
  56. Putri Dwi Utari, Dina Rachmi Ramadhani, FX Reymond Sutandy, Lailatul Badriyah, Tati Kristanti, Ami Estiati, Sony Suhandono and Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman . Construction and Transient Expression of Recombinant Large Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (L-HBsAg) in Plants to Develop Third Generation Hepatitis B Vaccine. International Conference on Biomedical Science . School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung. 27-28 February 2012. Oral Poster Presentation.
  57. Dian M. Hala, Adeline Prapaisie, Rizkita R. Esyanti, Fenny M. Dwivany , Jekson Robertlee, Chunaeni Latief, and Ari Ginaldi. The Effect of Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbondioxide Gas Composition on Fruit Ripening Process (Model: Banana, Musa cavendish ). 2012. International Conference On Mathematics and Natural Sciences Proceeding. ITB, Bandung. 8-10 November 2012.
  58. Fenny M. Dwivany , Sony Suhandono, Masriany Musa, Karlia Meitha. 2012. The Isolation of Ma-acs1 Gene Promoter from Banana and Analysis of MaACS1 Gene Function for Application in Edible Vaccine Production . ICBS. ITB. Bandung
  59. Yogi Prasetyo Nugroho and Fenny M. D . 2012. Searching for a fruit specific promoter for banana improvement . Bio Edu. Jakarta, 6-8 Juni 2012.
  60. Fenny MD , Rizkita Esyanti, Resnanti U.H., Jekson R, Annisa K., Al Idrus, Indra C.P., Aksarani S.P., Rinda K.P., & Herafi Z., Environment effect on ripening related gene to develop a new post harvest technology . ICMNS November 8 – 9, 2012
  61. Adeline P, Rizkita R.E, Fenny M.D , Dian M.H., Jekson R, Chunaeni L & Ari G. Study of Banana Ripening Proces in .Microgravity Simulation . ICMNS November 8 – 9, 2012
  62. Fenny M. D , Rizkita R. Esyanti, Sony Suhandono, Dea Indriani Astuti, Jekson Robertlee, Adeline Prapaisie, Dian M. Hala, Khairurrijal, Chunaeni Latief, and Ari Ginaldi. 2012. Banana Ripening Study on 3D Clinostat . APRSAF 19. Kualalumpur, 10-14 Desember 2012.
  63. Endang S, Azis P, Ixora S.M, Anida M.A, Seonghoe J, Sony Suhandono , Yasunori M & Chiyoko M. In Planta Transformation Methode for T-DNA transfer in orchids . ICMNS November 8 – 9, 2012
  64. Sony Suhandono , Dewi A.K.U, Edhyana S & Herman. Cloning and Bioinformatic Analysis of Human Papilomavirus Type 18 L1 Capsid gene from Indonesia patient . ICMNS November 8 – 9, 2012
  65. Gladys L. Ihsanawati, Maelita R.Moeis & Ernawati A.G.R . Molecular Cloning and Cold Shock Induced Overexpression of the DNA Encoding PhoR Sensor Domain from Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a Target Molecule for Novel Anti-Tubercular Drugs . ICMNS November 8 – 9, 2012
  66. Fenryco P.I, Ernawati A.G.R, Maelita R.M & Ihsanawati. Transformation, Overexpression and Purification of Phor Sensor Domain Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv as Molecular Target for Novel Anti-Tubercular Drugs . ICMNS November 8 – 9, 2012
  67. Nova H, Intan A, Maelita R.M & Lee Chow-Yang. Insecticide Resistance Status of German Cockroach, Blatella germanica Collected from 30 Locations in Indonesia against Deltametrin . ICMNS November 8 – 9, 2012
  68. Mia F.U, Dhika A, Maelita R.M & Sony Suhandono . Identification of Endophytic Bacteria from Mangifera indica Cultivar Arumanis as a Isomaltulose-Producing Bacteria and Enzyme Assay of Sucrose Isomerase . Poster on ICMNS November 8 – 9, 2012
  69. Liska B, Maelita R.M , Alex P & Sony Suhandono . Construction of Recombinant palI Gene from Klebsiella oxytoca on pET-32b into E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS for Production of Isomaltulose, a new generation of sugar . Poster on ICMNS November 8 – 9, 2012
  70. Nelis H, Sony Suhandono , Devi N.C & Siti K.Chaerun. Isolation, Identification and Characterization Indigenous Fungi for Bioremediation of Hexavalent, Chromium, Nickel and Cobalt . Poster on ICMNS November 8 – 9, 2012
  71. Rizkita RE. & Fenny MD, Study of Spaceflight Tomato Seed, APRSAF 19, Kuala lumpur
  72. The presence of medicinal compounds in embryogenic cell of pasak bumi ( Eurycoma longifolia Jack.). ISNMP. 2012
  73. Dian Magfirah Hala 1 , Rizkita R. Esyanti 1* , Fenny M. Dwivanny 1 , Adeline Prapaisie 1 , Jekson Robertlee 1 , Chunaeni Latief 2 , Ari Ginaldi 2
  74. The Effect of Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbondioxide Gas Compositions on Fruit Ripening Process (Model: Banana, Musa Cavendish ), ICMNS 2012
  75. Evi N. Iskandar and Trimurti H. Wardini. Evaluation of the toxicity of treated and untreated leachate of TPAs Sarimukti, Bandung using Allium test. ICMNS. 2012
  76. Sugoro, I., D. Sasongko., D.I. Astuti., dan P. Aditiawati . 2012. Biosolubilization of Gamma Irradiation Lignite by Penicillium sp. The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment .
  77. Sulistyawati, E. , Iqbal, A., Choesin, D. N., Rozieanti, S. 2012. Forest Structure and Composition of One Hectare Permanent Plot in Mount Papandayan, Indonesia , oral presentation at The 49 th Annual Meeting of The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), 18-22 June 2012, Bonito-MS, Brazil.
  78. Iqbal, A., Sulistyawati, E. , Fetriza. 2012. Carbon Stock in a Tropical Montane Forest in Mount Papandayan Indonesia , poster presentation at The 2 nd Asia Regional Conference of the Society for Conservation Biology, 7-10 August 2012, Bangalore, India
  79. Dampak Insektisida terhadap Lebah Madu Lokal Apis cerana indica di Daerah Ciburial, Dago Pakar
  80. Potensi Larva Lalat Hermetia illucens L. (Diptera: Stratiomydae) dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Organik berupa Ampas Kelapa dan Sisa Sayuran Kol
  81. Hendartin E, Kartodihardjo H, Nugroho B, Darusman D. 2010. “Identification Successfulof IndependentDirectAssistance (IDA) in the Ministries of Agriculture as a Model on a RFL for the Development of CFP  in the Ministry of Forestry” sebagai poster session di Kasetsart University-Thailand pada tanggal 11 Februari 2011.
  82. Environmental Analysis of Post Sand and Andesite Mining Land in Cimalaka and Paseh, Sumedang, West Java. Dipresentasikan dalam The 5 th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment.
  83. Sustainable Production and Consumer Response of Healthy Sugar Isomaltulose Fermented by Protaminobacter rubrum in Bandung, West Java. Dipresentasikan dalam The 5 th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment.
  84. Coral Reef Condition in Pangandaran Marine Nature Reserve and Tourism Park in Relation with Human Activities and Tsunami In 2006. Dipresentasikan dalam The 5 th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment.
  85. The impact of tourism on behavior change of monkey Macaca fascicularis (Raffles, 1821) and deer Cervus timorensis (Blainville, 1822) in Nature Reserve and Nature Park Pananjung Pangandaran, West Java. Dipresentasikan dalam The 4 th International Conference of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
  86. Enviromental Management Conflict in Mount Tangkuban Perahu Nature Reserve and Natural Park, North Bandung, West Java. Dipresentasikan dalam The 4 th International Conference of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
  87. Nature Reserve Management Conflict in Indonesia: Case-West Java. Dipresentasikan dalam The 2 nd Asia Regional Conference of the Society for Conservation Biology.

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