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Lecturer/Academic Staff
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Plant Sciences and Biotechnology
Email : novitri@itb.ac.id


Novi Tri Astutiningsih, S.Si., M.Sc mainly focuses in the expertise field of plant sciences and biotechnology where over the years she has conducted a number of studies on the production of algae while utilising farm wastewater to design experimental vineyards to identify crop parameters. Some of her recent research experiences involve the effects of skin tanning industries on rice as well as optimising Spirulina platensis cultivation using degraded manure substrate to generate natural dyes.

Bachelor’s degree

  • Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia(2007). Major: Biology.

Master’s degree

  • Technische Universitat Munchen,Germany (2010). Major : Horticultural Science.
  • Washington State University, USA (2016). Major: Crop Science.

Undergraduate Courses

  • Plant Growth Modelling; Bioindustry Capita Selecta; Plant Structure and Development
  • Plant Sciences Project; Phytoremediation; Cellular and Molecular Biology Project
  • Undergraduate Thesis Seminar and Defence; Fundamental Biology; Internship
  • Taufikurahman, , Ardiansyah, M. A., Astutiningsih, N. T., & Suyono, E. A. (2019). Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris using Anaerobically Digested Dairy Manure Wastewater (ADDMW) for Protein and chlorophyll Production. ON UNIVERSAL WELLBEING (ICUW 2019), 117.
  • Schoedl, , Lawo, J. P., Astutiningsih, N. T., & Forneck, A. (2012). An experimental design applied to vineyards for identifying spatially and temporally variable crop parameters. Vitis, 51(2), 53-60.
  • Widiyanto, N., Astutiningsih, N.T., & Esyanti R. R. (2008). Caliandra axillary shoot multiplication through the in vitro node-cutting technique. Eugenia 14 (2), 161 – 170.

Research Experiences

2020 Pengaruh Limbah Industri Penyamakan Kulit terhadap Karakteristik dan Produksi Padi (Oryza sativa L.) cv. Banowati di Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat
2019 Optimasi sistem kultivasi Spirulina platensis menggunakan substrat limbah kotoran sapi terdegradasi untuk menghasilkan pewarna alami fikosianin dan pakan ternak
2019 Pengaruh Tagetes erecta L. Terhadap karakter pertumbuhan ubi cilembu (Ipomea batatas Poir. Var. rancing) yang diinfeksi hama boleng (Cylas formicarius Fabr.)
2018 Optimasi Kondisi Pencahayaan Untuk Fikoremediasi Limbah Peternakan Sapi Dengan Menggunakan Mikroalga
2018 Penguatan Produksi Umbi Kentang G0 Melalui Sistem Produksi Bibit Terpadu
2017 Penguatan produksi bibit kentang melalui mikropropagasi
2017 Pengendalian Hama Boleng Dengan Menggunakan Insektisida Alami
2013 Field phenomics platform development: Analysis of spatial variables determining wheat phenomics for breeding research (sebagai bagian dari Program Doktoral di Washington State University)

Other Activities

No Tahun Judul PkM
1. 2019 Alih teknologi tepat guna berbasis tumbuhan untuk peningkatan potensi wisata alam di Pangjugjugan, Cilembu, Sumedang
2. 2018 Pengembangan Kebun Pembibitan Untuk Tanaman Pangan dan Penghijauan di Haur Gombong Sumedang
3. 2017 Pengadaan Bibit-Bibit: Ubi Cilembu, Ubi Ungu dan Pisang, yang Bebas Penyakit Bagi Kelompok Tani Sugih Mandiri di Desa Cigendel Kecamatan Pamulihan Kabupaten Sumedang
4. 2017 Farmers’ Day