Dr. Anne Hidayane, S.Hut., M.Si.
Lecturer/Academic Staff
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Forestry Technology
Email : diyane71@itb.ac.id
Dr. Anne Hidayane, S.Hut., M.Si. is one of the lecturers in the forestry technology expertise group. Dr. Anne have interest in the field of forest product quality enhancement, forest product technology, wood-based properties and wood cell structure.
Bachelor’s degree
- Winaya Mukti University, Indonesia. (1996). Major field : Drying Technology
Master’s degree
- Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia (2005). Major field : Forest Product Quality Enhancment
Doctoral degree
- Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia (2019). Major field : Forest Product Quality Enhancment
Undergraduate Courses
- Biological refinery technology, processing of forest bioproducts, traditional post-harvest knowledge
- Technology for drying and preserving forest products, environmental knowledge, seminars and adjudication
- Introduction to engineering and design, security, health, safety and environment (HSE)
- Dungani, R., Karliati, T., Hadiyane, A., Tanaka, T., Yamada, M., Hartati, S., dan Malik, J. 2020. Using kraft black liquor on coconut wood (Cocos nucifera) through impregnation with vacuum pressure method. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science. Vol. 17(1)
- Dungani, R., Karliati, T., Hadiyane, A., Tanaka, T., Yamada, M., Hartati, S., Dewi, M., dan Malik, J. 2020. Natural weathering’s effect on mechanical properties of short cycle coconut trunk lumber impregnated using kraft black liquor. BioResources. Vol. 15(2)
- Sumardi, I., Hadiyane, A., Rumidatul, A., Melani, A. 2020. Characteristics of Empty Palm Bunch Fibers as Alternative Pulp Material. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 17: 129-134
- Irsan, M. F., Sulistyawati, E., Hadiyane, A., Hidayati, N. 2020. Transpiration Capability of Several Lowland Forest Tree Species. Malays. Appl. Biol. 49(2): 63-67
- Hadiyane, A., Dungani, R., Karliati, T., Rumidatul, A. 2019. Effect of Vinegar Waste Logging Based Stimulation on Production of Resin From Pinus merkusii Et De Vriese. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 12:4, 2227-2234
- Dungani, R., Karliati, T., Hadiyane, A., Suheri, A., Suhaya, Y. 2019. Coconut fibres and laminates with Jabon trunk (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) veneer for hybrid plywood composites: dimensional stability and mechanical properties. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
- Hadiyane, A., Dungani, R., Dewi, S.P., and Rumidatul, A. 2018. Effect of chemical modification of Jabon wood (Anthocephalus cadamba) on morphological structure and dimensional stability. Journal of Biological Sciences, Vol. 18 No. 4, 201-207
- Sulaeman, A., Dungani, R., Nurudin, N., Hartati, S., Karliati, T., Aditiawati, P., Hadiyane, A., Suhaya, Y., and Sulistyono. 2018. Review on Quality Enhancement of Bamboo Utilization: Preservation, Modification and Applications. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 17(1), 1-18
- Dungani, R., Karliati, T., Hadiyane, A., and Suhaeri, A. 2018. Coconut Fibers and Laminates with Jabon Trunk (Anthocephalus cadamba) Veneer for Hybrid Plywood Composites: Dimensional Stability and Mechanical Properties. Journal of Biological Sciences (online first)
- Sulaeman, A., Dungani, R., Islam, Md. N., Khalil, H. P. S. A., Sumardi, I., Hernawan, D., Hadiyane, A. 2016. Preliminary Study of Characterization of Nanoparticles from Coconut Shell as Filler Agent in Composites Materials. Journal of Material Science, 1:1-9.
- Dungani, R., Karina, M., Subyakto, Sulaeman, A., Hermawan, D., Hadiyane, A. Agricultural waste fibers towards sustainability and advanced utilization: A review. [full text]. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences. 2016.
- Dungani, R., Abdul Khalil, H.P.S., Islam, Md.N., Sumardi, I., Aditiawati, P., Hadiyane, A. 2016. Soil burial degradation of Oil Palm Shell (OPS) nanofiller and Phenol Formaldehyde (PF) resin-impregnated Oil Palm Trunk Lumber (OPTL): Dimensional stability and mechanical properties. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy.
- A. Hadiyane, E. Sulistyawati, W.P. Asharina and Rudi Dungani. 2015. A Study on Production of Resin from Pinus merkusii Jungh. Et De Vriese in the Bosscha Observatory Area, West Java-Indonesia. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, DOI: 10.3923/ajps.
- Andianto, Imam Wahyudi, Totok Kartono Waluyo, Rudi Dungani, A. Hadiyane and M. Fikri Hernandi. 2015. Wood Anatomical from Indonesian Genus Cinnamomum (Lauraceae) and their Identification Key . Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 14(1) page 11-19.
- M. Jawaid, HPS Abdul Khalil, A. Abu Bakar, Azman Hassan, Rudi Dungani, A. Hadiyane. 2012. “Effect of Jute fibre loading on tensile and dynamic mechanical properties of oil palm-epoxy composites”. Journal of Composite Part B: Engineering. Article in Press
- HPS Abdul Khalil, P. Amouzgor, M. Jawaid, A. Hassan, F. Ahmad, A. Hadiyane and Rudi Dungani. 2012. “New Approach to Oil Palm Trunk Core Lumber Material Properties Enhancement Via Resin Impregnation”. Journal of Biobased Material and Bioenergy. Vol.6 (3): 1-10
- CK. Abdullah, M. Jawaid, HPS Abdul Khalil, A. Zaidon and A. Hadiyane. 2012. “Oil Palm Trunk Polymer Composite: Morphology, Water Absorption, and Thicknees Swelling Behaviours”. Journal Bioresources 7(3) 2948-2959.
- Anne Hadiyane. Zahrial Coto, Imam Wahyudi, Fauzi Febrianto, Gustan Pari. 2011. “Perubahan Sifat-sifat Dasar Kayu Agatis dan ketahanannya Terhadap Rayap Kayu Kering Dengan Perlakuan Impregnasi”. Journal Tropical Wood Science and technology Vol 10 No 1
- Anne Hadiyane. Zahrial Coto, Imam Wahyudi, Fauzi Febrianto, Gustan Pari. 2010. “Perubahan Stabilitas Dimensi dan Sifat-sifat komponen Penyusun Kayu Akibat Densifikasi Secara Parsial”. Wana Mukti Forestry Research Journal Vol 11 No.1 :69-76
- Yoyo Suhaya, Anne Hadiyane, Fandi A Nebo. 2008. “Pengaruh Pengukusan Dan Perebusan Kayu Surian (Toona sinensis) Terhadap Laju Pengeringan”. Wana Mukti Forestry Research Journal Vol 6 No.1 : 1-10
- Anne Hadiyane. Alfi Rumidatul. 2011. “Cristalinity Changes of Mangium (Acacia mangium Wild) and Agatis (Agathis lorantifolia Salisb) Wood Due to Impregnation Process”. Proceeding The 3rd International Symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society
- Anne Hadiyane. Zahrial Coto, Imam Wahyudi, Fauzi Febrianto, Gustan Pari. 2011. “Perubahan Komponen Kimia Kayu Terpadatkan Secara Parsial”. Prosiding Mayarakat Peneliti Kayu Indonesia 14
- Anne Hadiyane. Zahrial Coto, Imam Wahyudi, Fauzi Febrianto, Gustan Pari. 2010. “Perubahan Sifat-sifat Dasar Kayu Agatis Terdensifikasi melalui Proses Impregnasi “. Prosiding Mayarakat Peneliti Kayu Indonesia 13
- Anne Hadiyane. Zahrial Coto, Imam Wahyudi, Fauzi Febrianto, Gustan Pari. 2010. “Gradasi Kerapatan dan Kristalinitas Kayu Terpadatkan secara Parsial”. Prosiding Mayarakat Peneliti Kayu Indonesia 13
Research Grant (as Principal Investigator)
Community Empowerment Grant (as Principal Investigator)
Membership of Professional Organization