Hari Rabu tanggal 2 November 2011, Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati menyelenggarakan “Workshop of JSPS International Training Program to Protect Diversity of Bioresources in the Tropical Area” di Aula Timur ITB mulai pukul 8.30 sampai 17.30.
Acara dibuka oleh Dekan SITH Prof. Tati S. Syamsudin, kemudian sambutan dari pihak ITB disampaikan oleh Wakil Rektor Bidang Komunikasi, Kemitraan, dan Alumni, Prof. Hasanuddin Z. Abidin dan sambutan dari Executive Vice President, Kagoshima University, Mikiko Abe.
Topik-topik yang dipaparkan sebagai berikut:
- Impacts of selective management system on stand structure and carbon dynamics of a tropical rain forest in Malaysia, disampaikan oleh Prof. Tsuyoshi Yoneda dari Dept. of Environmental Science & Technology Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University.
- Vegetation and floristic diversity of Nusakambangan island, disampaikan oleh Prof. Tukirin Partomihardjo, Research Center for Biology Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
- Lizards Biodiversity at the beginning of the 21st Century in the tropical Malesian subregion: a ten year progress, disampaikan oleh Prof Djoko T. Iskandar dari SITH ITB
- Role of coastal forests in tsunami energy reduction, disampaikan oleh Prof. Toshiyuki Asano, Dept. of Ocean Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Kagoshima University
- Mangrove biodiversity in Indonesia, disampaikan oleh Prof. Cecep Kusmana, Dept. of Silviculture Faculty of Forestry Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
- Traditional management of biodiversity by Baduy community in South Banten, disampaikan oleh Prof. Johan Iskandar, Institute of Ecology Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Bandung
- Protection of diversity in economically important fruits, disampaikan oleh Prof. Tati S. Syamsudin, Dekan SITH-ITB
- Secondary forest succession after the 1998 fire on Bukit Bangkirai, East Kalimantan, disampaikan oleh Prof. Eizi Suzuki, Dept. of Earth & Environmental Science Faculty of Science Kagoshima University
- Soil animal ecology and nitrogen cycling in a cacao plantation (tentative topic), disampaikan oleh Laode Harjoni Kilowasid, SITH-ITB
- Faunal diversity in Leuweung Sancang nature reserve, a remnant conservation site in West Java, Indonesia, disampaikan oleh Hendra K. Maury, SITH-ITB
- Wildlife conservation in Pangandaran (tentative topic), disampaikan oleh Dr. Achmad Sjarmidi, SITH-ITB
- Study of vegetation structure in Pangandaran Nature Reserve, West Java, disampaikan oleh Masatatsu Kawasaki, Dept. of Earth & Environmental Science, Faculty of Science Kagoshima University
- Invasion of teak (Tectona grandis) into Pangandaran Nature Reserve, West Java, disampaikan oleh Ryohei Nakazono, Dept. of Earth & Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University
- The current status of grassland vegetation in Pangandaran Nature Reserve, West Java, disampaikan oleh Dian Rosleine, Dept. of Earth & Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University
- Stand structure at Gajabuih permanent plot in West Sumatra 14 years after logging, disampaikan oleh Reki Kardiman, Department of Biology, Andalas University, Padang
- Distribution study of invasive plants in West Java and West Sumatra, disampaikan oleh Yoshihumi Kudo, Dept. of Earth & Environmental Science, Faculty of Science Kagoshima University
- Regeneration traits of five dominant sprouters in a tropical rainforest, Padang, West Sumatra, disampaikan oleh Elias Thiam, Dept. of Environmental Science & Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University
- Analysis of genetic variation of Schima wallichii (Theaceae) in national parks of West Java, disampaikan oleh Aimi Kamei, Dept. of Earth & Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University