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Dr. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati


Dr. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati

School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Jalan Ganeca 10, Bandung 40132
E-mail : rina@sith.itb.ac.id

Academic Career
Associate Professor in Ecology and Biosystematics Institut Teknologi Bandung


Doctorate (Biology) The University of Newcastle, Australia


Master (Biology) Institut Teknologi Bandung


Master (Science) The University of Newcastle, Australia


Bachelor (Biology) Institut Teknologi Bandung


Courses Taught (Last 5 Years)
Course Code Course Name
BW-2102 Taksonomi Tumbuhan (Plant Taxonomy)
BW-4112 Aplikasi Taksonomi Tumbuhan (Application of Plant Taxonomy
BI-2001 Pengetahuan Lingkungan (General Environmental Science)
BI-6113 Ekologi Populasi (Population Ecology)
BE3207 Bioprospecting of Tropical Plants
BI-2208 Biosystematics
Research and development projects over the past five years
  1. Utilization MATK and rbcL gene markers for the identification of Amorphophallus spp. in Mount Tanggamus Region, Lampung for conservation of endangered species in Indonesia. 2013. Funded by Institut Teknologi Bandung.
  2. Development of community-based environmental for biodiversity conservation in protected areas of Mount Masigit Kareumbi, Cicalengka, West Java. 2013. Funded by Institut Teknologi Bandung.
  3. Flora and fauna expedition in Bukit Barisan. 2011. Funded by Institut Teknologi Bandung
  4. 2006-2007 Oil content of  Azadirachta indica ,  Terminalia catappa and  Cerbera odollam from three different areas. Plant Sciences and Biotechnology Research Group. Institut Teknologi Bandung.
  5. 2005-2006 Bioprospecting of Indonesia’s potential plants for biofuel. Plant Sciences and Biotechnology Research Group. Institut TeknologiBandung.
  6. Somatik embryogenesis (1999-2004)


International Publications:

  1. Mustari, E., Diningrat, D.S., Ratnasih, R., Widiyanto, S.M.. APETALA2 and APETALA3 genes expression profiling on floral development of teak (tectona grandis Linn f.).Journal of Plant Sciences. 2016.
  2. Iriawati, R.R. Irwanto . Oil content of fruit and seed tissues of Winged Bean ( Psochocarpus tetragronolobus L.). Special Proceedings of SITH-IAB Joint Seminar on Partnership & Networnces & in Life Sciences & Technology. 22 February 2012, ITB.
  3. Xin-DingWang, Kim E. Nolan, Rina R. Irwanto , Michael B. Sheahan and Ray J. Rose. 2011. Ontogeny of embryogenic callus in Medicago truncatula : the fate of the pluripotent and totipotent stem cells. Annals of Botany 107: 599–609, 2011
  4. Irwanto, R.R and R.J. Rose. AFLP fingerprints as markers to evaluate genetic differences between Jemalong and 2HA, a new line produced by in vitro cultures. 2008.
  5. Irwanto, R.R. Rofianty, R & Wardini, T.H.. Bioprospek Azadirachta indica Juss dan Tamarindus indica sebagai bahan baku biodiesel. 2008.
  6. Estu, D & Irwanto, R.R. Eksplorasi habitat bakung putih (Crinum asiaticum L.) untuk mendapatkan kadar galantamin pada ketinggian tempat yang berbeda. 2008.
  7. Rina Ratnasih Irwanto dan Djuandi. Peranan Herbarium Bandungense Dalam Penelitian Keanekaragaman Hayati di Jawa Barat. 2008.
  8. Rina Ratnasih Irwanto, Muslich Hidayat, Undang A. Dasuki, Arief Hamidi. Analisis dan Kajian Fitofarmaka Tumbuhan yang Digunakan Dalam Makanan Khas Aceh (Studi Kasus di Kotamadya Banda Aceh). 2008.
  9. Hadiana Arjulis, Rina R. Irwanto, Arief Hamidi. Analysis of Terminalia catappa L. Seed Oil Content in Three Locations and Its Potency as Biodiesel. 2008.
  10. Taufik Taufikurahman, Rina Ratnasih Irwanto. An Analysisis of seeds Tanjung tree (Mimusops elengi) as source of biofuel. 2008.
  11. Arief Hamidi, Rina Ratnasih Irwanto, Djuandi. Eksplorasi Alga dari Pantai Selatan, Jawa Barat Sebagai Sumber Potensi Obat, Makanan dan Bahan Industri. 2008.
  12. Irwanto,R.R., Mulyani, E., Rahman, H.A., Rofianty, R., Rachmi, R.E. (2007). Bioprospecting of potential plants for bioenergy resources.
  13. Irwanto, RR, Rofianty, R., Rahman, H A., Mulyani, E., Wardini. T.H. (2007). The prospect of Azadirachta indica Juss., Cerbera odollam Gaertn., and Terminalia catappa Linn. as Biofuel Energy.

    1. Irwanto RR, Irsyam ASD. 2020. Acer laurinum Sapindaceae. In: Franco F. (eds)Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-14116-5_56-1
    2. Irwanto RR, Irsyam ASD. 2020.  Aeschynanthus radicansJack Gesneriaceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham. doi: 1007/978-3-030-14116-5_57-1
    3. Irwanto RR, Irsyam ASD. 2020.  Areca catechu Arecaceae. In: Franco F. (eds)Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-14116-5_58-1
    4. Irwanto RR, Irsyam ASD, Raihandhany Yus R. 2020.  Erythrina subumbrans(Hassk.) Merr. Fabaceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham. doi: 1007/978-3-030-14116-5_58-1
    5. Irsyam ASD, Mustaqim WA, Irwanto RR. 2020. Ficus padanaf. Moraceae. In: Franco F. (eds)Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham.
    6. Irwanto RR, Irsyam ASD, Raihandhany Yus R. 2020.  Litsea cubeba(Lour.) Pers. Lauraceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-14116-5_60-1
    7. Irsyam ASD, Mustaqim WA, Irwanto RR. 2020. Maclura cochinchinensis(Lour.) Corner. Moraceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham.
    8. Irsyam ASD, Mustaqim WA, Irwanto RR.Phyllanthus emblica L. Phyllanthaceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham.
    9. Irsyam ASD, Mustaqim WA, Irwanto RR. 2020. Plectocomia elongata ex Blume. Arecaceae. In: Franco F. (eds)Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham.
    10. Irwanto RR, Irsyam ASD, Raihandhany Yus R. 2020.  Uncaria gambir(W.Hunter) Roxb. Rubiaceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-14116-5_61-1
    11. Irsyam ASD, Mustaqim WA, Irwanto RR. 2020. Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott. Araceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham.
    12. Expedition in Bukit Barisan (Nature conservation in Indonesia). 2011. Jawa Pos. Surabaya
International Seminars

  1. Ibtisani Farahnaz, Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati, Ichsan Suwandhi. Community Structure and Ecological Status of Riparian in upsteram Citarik River, Taman Buru Masigit Kareumbi (TBMK) watershed West Java. Joint Symposium on Plant Sciences and Products 2019 SITH-ITB, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bandung 1-2 Agustus 2019.
  2. Devi N Choesin, Dian Rosleine, Rina Irwanto. Estimation of Blue Carbon Storage in Mangrove Ecosystems of Java, Indonesia. 5th International Mangrove, Macrobenthos and Management Meeting (MMM5). National University of Singapore, Singapore, 1-5 July 2019
  3. Dikayani, S.N.B. Widiyanto, E. Marwani & R.R.P . Irwanto . 2013. The influence of plant growth regulators on callus induction in vitro culture development of Ruwolfia serpentina Benth Ex Kurz. International Seminar on Tropical Bioresources for Sustainable Bioindustry. ITB Bandung, 30–31 October 2013.
  4. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati Irwanto , Humaira Safitri Andari, Ardha Apriyanto, Sony Suhandono . 2013. The utilization of DNA markers, rbc L and mat K to identify the population of Amorphophallus on Tanggamus Mountain, Lampung . International Flora Malesiana Symposium, Bogor, 27-31 August 2013
  5. Lestari, G.D. and Irwanto , R. R . 2013. Planning of seaweed cultivation, Eucheuma cottonii to support sustained development of sentra minapolitan in District Serang, B anten Province . International Seminar on Tropical Bioresources for Sustainable Bioindustry. ITB Bandung
  6. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati Irwanto & Arief Hamidi. 2013. Bioprospect of Croton tiglium L . and Ricinus communis L . as a source material for biodiesel. International Seminar on Tropical Bioresources for Sustainable Bioindustry. ITB Bandung
  7. Irwanto, R. R. , Muthia, H.L and Arief Hamidi. The composition of essential oils in ginger ( Zingiber officinale var rubrum) . Proceedings of IAB Women in Science International Symposium, 7 May 2012. Selangor Malaysia
  8. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati Irwanto , Arief Hamidi & Andri Irawan. 2012. Bukit Barisan expedition 2011: existing conditions of the flora and fauna in Sumatera. 4th. International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2012). Bandung, 8-9 November 2012.
National Seminar

  1. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati, Nurudin, Hafiya Auliya Nurhayati. Pendugaan kepadatan dan kelimpahan Owa Jawa (Hylabates moloch, Audebert 1798) di cagar Alam Gunung Simpang dan Gunung Tilu, Jawa Barat. Seminar Nasional Biodiversitas Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia, Magelang 31 Agustus 2019
  2. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati, Nurudin, Selly Surya. Pemetaan kesesuaian habitat owa Jawa (Hylabates moloch, Audebert 1798) di Cagar Alam Gunung Simpang dan Gunung Tilu,Jawa Barat. Seminar Nasional Biodiversitas Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia, Magelang 31 Agustus 2019
  3. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati, Nurudin, Sony Saefulloh. Analisis fragmentasi hutan berdasarkan klasifikasi tutupan lahan menggunakan object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) di Kawasan Gunung Simpang, Jawa Barat. Seminar Nasional Biodiversitas Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia, Magelang 31 Agustus 2019
  4. Reza Gemilang, Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati, Angga Dwiartama. Studi Etnobotani sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rothb) di Pulau Lingga, Kepulauan Riau. Seminar Nasional Biologi 4 2019: Pemanfaatan Biodiversitas dan Bioteknologi untuk pelestaria Lingkungan             Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, 25 April 2019
Publications (2000-2020)


  1. Irsyam ASD, Irwanto RR, Hariri MR, Peniwidiyanti. 2020. The Genus Cnidoscolus Pohl (Euphorbiaceae) in Java. Jurnal Al Kauniyah 13(1): 76–86. [pdf]
  2. Irsyam ASD, Hariri MR, Irwanto RR, Mustaqim WA. 2020. A Note on The Genus Evolvulus (Convolvulaceae) in Java. Jurnal Biodjati 5(1): 90–98. [pdf]
  3. Irsyam ASD, Irwanto RR, Dewi AP, Hariri MR. 2020. Catatan marga Pseudogynoxys (Asteraceae) di Pulau Jawa. Biotika 18(1): 1–11. [pdf]
  4. Irsyam ASD, Hariri MR, Setiawan AB, Irwanto RR, Dewi AP. 2020. New distributional records of Cleome chelidonii L.f. and Cleome rutidosperma DC. (Cleomaceae) in Madura Island. Biogenesis 8(1). In Press.
  5. Irsyam ASD, Irwanto RR, Hariri MR. 2019. Catatan keberadaan Costus afer Ker Gawl. (Costaceae) di Pulau Jawa. Floribunda 6(2): 64–71. [pdf]
  6. Irsyam ASD, Irwanto RR. 2019. Nine Additional Cultivated Species of Asteraceae from Java. Jurnal Biodjati 4(2): 244–251. [pdf]
  7. Hariri MR, Irsyam ASD, Irwanto RR. 2019. Plumeria pudica Jacq. : Tambahan untuk Marga Plumeria (Apocynaceae) di Jawa. Biotika 17(2): 1–8. [pdf]
  8. Nolan, K.E.,  Irwanto, R.R , Rose, R.J. 2003. Auxin-up regulated  MtSERK1 Expression in both  Medicago truncatula root-forming and embryonic cultures.  Plant Physiology 133: 218-230
  9. Irwanto, RR. 2003. Cellular regulation of somatic embryogenesis in  Medicago truncatula . The Inaugeral Retreat for the ARC Centre of Excellence foar Integrative Legume Research. Moreton Bay Research Station North Stradbroke Island. 27 th February to 2 nd March 2003.
  10. Nolan, K.E., Irwanto, RR., Saeed, N.A., Sheahan, M.B., McCurdy, D.W., Rose, R.J. 2002. The use of in vitro cellular of Medicago truncatula to study gene expression in meristem development and stress; 2002; First Australian Medicago truncatula Workshop Rottnest Island, Perth, West Australia. 10th-13th November 2002.
  11. Irwanto, RR., Rose, RJ. 2002. Investigation into genotypic differences between high and low regenerability lines of Medicago truncatula cv Jemalong; 2002; Poster Combio 2002. Sydney, Australia
  12. Nolan, K.E., Irwanto, R.R., Saeed, N.A., Sheahan, M.B., McCurdy, D.W., Rose, R.J. 2002. The use of in vitro cellular of Medicago truncatula to study gene expression in meristem development and stress; 2002First Australian Medicago truncatula Workshop Rottnest Island, Perth, West Australia. 10th-13th November 2002
  13. Nolan, K.E., Irwanto, R.R, Rose, R.J. 2003. Auxin-up regulated MtSERK1 Expression in both Medicago truncatula root-forming and embryonic cultures; 2003; Plant Physiology 133: 218-230
  14. Irwanto, RR. 2003. Cellular regulation of somatic embryogenesis in Medicago truncatula. The Inaugeral Retreat for the ARC Centre of Excellence foar Integrative Legume Research; 2003; Moreton Bay Research Station North Stradbroke Island. 27th February to 2nd March 2003.
  15. Romaidi, Irwanto, R.R. dan Dasuki, U.A. 2005. Pemanfaatan tumbuhan untuk pasca melahirkan di Kabupaten Pamekasan Madura; 2005; Lokakarya, seminar nasional dan kongres penggalang Taksonomi Tumbuhan Indonesia, Bandung 17-19 November 2005.
  16. Nolan, K.E.;  Irwanto, R.R . William, E.M; Dibley, S.J. Rose, R.J. 2001. Workshop on  Medicago truncatula . Hormone response and stress response gene in the very early culture phase of  Medica . go truncatula regeneration. University Of Wisconsin, U.S. A. 7 th -10 th July 2001
  17. Nolan, K.E.,  Irwanto, R.R . William, E.M; Dibley, S.J. Rose, R.J. 2001. Hormone response and stress response gene in the very early culture phase of  Medicago truncatula regeneration. ComBio. Conference. Canberra, Australia (Sym no 45-04).
  18. Rose, R.J; Nolan, K.E.;  Irwanto, R.R . 2000. Investigation of the expression of two kinase genes during the induction of somatic embryogenesis from  Medicago truncatula Jemalong 2HA. 6 th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology. Quebec, Canada. (Poster)
  19. Irwanto, RRP . 2000.  Displospora DC. Plant Resources of South East Asia (PROSEA) 16 (Stimulants): 127-128. Bakhuys Publisher, Leiden
  20. Irwanto, RRP . 2000.  Discospermum singulare (Korth.)O. Kuntze. Plant Resources of South East Asia (PROSEA) 16 (Stimulants): 128. Bakhuys Publisher, Leiden
  21. Rina Ratnasih Irwanto , Trimurti H. Wardini. 2000. Pembentukan sel-sel pigmen sebagai visual indikator kematangan fisiologis biji jagung (Zea mays). Laporan Penelitian SPP/DPP ITB no 19700699.
  22. Irwanto, RRP . 2001.  Polygala L. Plant Resources of South East Asia (PROSEA) (medicinal & poisonous 2). 12 (2): 445-449. eds J.L.C.H. van Valkenburg & N Bunyapraphatsara. Bakhuys Publisher, Leiden
  23. Irwanto, RRP . 2001.  Polygonum aviculare L. Plant Resources of South East Asia (PROSEA) 12 (2) (medicinal & poisonous 2). J.L.C.H. van Valkenburg & N Bunyapraphatsara. p. 449-451Bakhuys Publisher, Leiden
  24. Irwanto, RRP. 2001.  Ruta L. Plant Resources of South East Asia (PROSEA) 12 (2) (Medicinal & Poisonous 2). J.L.C.H. van Valkenburg & N Bunyapraphatsara. p. 449-451. Bakhuys Publisher, Leiden


Dr. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati

School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Jalan Ganeca 10, Bandung 40132
E-mail : rina@sith.itb.ac.id

Academic Career
Associate Professor in Ecology and Biosystematics Institut Teknologi Bandung


Doctorate (Biology) The University of Newcastle, Australia


Master (Biology) Institut Teknologi Bandung


Master (Science) The University of Newcastle, Australia


Bachelor (Biology) Institut Teknologi Bandung


Courses Taught (Last 5 Years)
Course Code Course Name
BW-2102 Taksonomi Tumbuhan (Plant Taxonomy)
BW-4112 Aplikasi Taksonomi Tumbuhan (Application of Plant Taxonomy
BI-2001 Pengetahuan Lingkungan (General Environmental Science)
BI-6113 Ekologi Populasi (Population Ecology)
BE3207 Bioprospecting of Tropical Plants
BI-2208 Biosystematics
Research and development projects over the past five years
  1. Utilization MATK and rbcL gene markers for the identification of Amorphophallus spp. in Mount Tanggamus Region, Lampung for conservation of endangered species in Indonesia. 2013. Funded by Institut Teknologi Bandung.
  2. Development of community-based environmental for biodiversity conservation in protected areas of Mount Masigit Kareumbi, Cicalengka, West Java. 2013. Funded by Institut Teknologi Bandung.
  3. Flora and fauna expedition in Bukit Barisan. 2011. Funded by Institut Teknologi Bandung
  4. 2006-2007 Oil content of  Azadirachta indica ,  Terminalia catappa and  Cerbera odollam from three different areas. Plant Sciences and Biotechnology Research Group. Institut Teknologi Bandung.
  5. 2005-2006 Bioprospecting of Indonesia’s potential plants for biofuel. Plant Sciences and Biotechnology Research Group. Institut TeknologiBandung.
  6. Somatik embryogenesis (1999-2004)


International Publications:

  1. Mustari, E., Diningrat, D.S., Ratnasih, R., Widiyanto, S.M.. APETALA2 and APETALA3 genes expression profiling on floral development of teak (tectona grandis Linn f.).Journal of Plant Sciences. 2016.
  2. Iriawati, R.R. Irwanto . Oil content of fruit and seed tissues of Winged Bean ( Psochocarpus tetragronolobus L.). Special Proceedings of SITH-IAB Joint Seminar on Partnership & Networnces & in Life Sciences & Technology. 22 February 2012, ITB.
  3. Xin-DingWang, Kim E. Nolan, Rina R. Irwanto , Michael B. Sheahan and Ray J. Rose. 2011. Ontogeny of embryogenic callus in Medicago truncatula : the fate of the pluripotent and totipotent stem cells. Annals of Botany 107: 599–609, 2011
  4. Irwanto, R.R and R.J. Rose. AFLP fingerprints as markers to evaluate genetic differences between Jemalong and 2HA, a new line produced by in vitro cultures. 2008.
  5. Irwanto, R.R. Rofianty, R & Wardini, T.H.. Bioprospek Azadirachta indica Juss dan Tamarindus indica sebagai bahan baku biodiesel. 2008.
  6. Estu, D & Irwanto, R.R. Eksplorasi habitat bakung putih (Crinum asiaticum L.) untuk mendapatkan kadar galantamin pada ketinggian tempat yang berbeda. 2008.
  7. Rina Ratnasih Irwanto dan Djuandi. Peranan Herbarium Bandungense Dalam Penelitian Keanekaragaman Hayati di Jawa Barat. 2008.
  8. Rina Ratnasih Irwanto, Muslich Hidayat, Undang A. Dasuki, Arief Hamidi. Analisis dan Kajian Fitofarmaka Tumbuhan yang Digunakan Dalam Makanan Khas Aceh (Studi Kasus di Kotamadya Banda Aceh). 2008.
  9. Hadiana Arjulis, Rina R. Irwanto, Arief Hamidi. Analysis of Terminalia catappa L. Seed Oil Content in Three Locations and Its Potency as Biodiesel. 2008.
  10. Taufik Taufikurahman, Rina Ratnasih Irwanto. An Analysisis of seeds Tanjung tree (Mimusops elengi) as source of biofuel. 2008.
  11. Arief Hamidi, Rina Ratnasih Irwanto, Djuandi. Eksplorasi Alga dari Pantai Selatan, Jawa Barat Sebagai Sumber Potensi Obat, Makanan dan Bahan Industri. 2008.
  12. Irwanto,R.R., Mulyani, E., Rahman, H.A., Rofianty, R., Rachmi, R.E. (2007). Bioprospecting of potential plants for bioenergy resources.
  13. Irwanto, RR, Rofianty, R., Rahman, H A., Mulyani, E., Wardini. T.H. (2007). The prospect of Azadirachta indica Juss., Cerbera odollam Gaertn., and Terminalia catappa Linn. as Biofuel Energy.

    1. Irwanto RR, Irsyam ASD. 2020. Acer laurinum Sapindaceae. In: Franco F. (eds)Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-14116-5_56-1
    2. Irwanto RR, Irsyam ASD. 2020.  Aeschynanthus radicansJack Gesneriaceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham. doi: 1007/978-3-030-14116-5_57-1
    3. Irwanto RR, Irsyam ASD. 2020.  Areca catechu Arecaceae. In: Franco F. (eds)Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-14116-5_58-1
    4. Irwanto RR, Irsyam ASD, Raihandhany Yus R. 2020.  Erythrina subumbrans(Hassk.) Merr. Fabaceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham. doi: 1007/978-3-030-14116-5_58-1
    5. Irsyam ASD, Mustaqim WA, Irwanto RR. 2020. Ficus padanaf. Moraceae. In: Franco F. (eds)Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham.
    6. Irwanto RR, Irsyam ASD, Raihandhany Yus R. 2020.  Litsea cubeba(Lour.) Pers. Lauraceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-14116-5_60-1
    7. Irsyam ASD, Mustaqim WA, Irwanto RR. 2020. Maclura cochinchinensis(Lour.) Corner. Moraceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham.
    8. Irsyam ASD, Mustaqim WA, Irwanto RR.Phyllanthus emblica L. Phyllanthaceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham.
    9. Irsyam ASD, Mustaqim WA, Irwanto RR. 2020. Plectocomia elongata ex Blume. Arecaceae. In: Franco F. (eds)Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham.
    10. Irwanto RR, Irsyam ASD, Raihandhany Yus R. 2020.  Uncaria gambir(W.Hunter) Roxb. Rubiaceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-14116-5_61-1
    11. Irsyam ASD, Mustaqim WA, Irwanto RR. 2020. Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott. Araceae. In: Franco F. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham.
    12. Expedition in Bukit Barisan (Nature conservation in Indonesia). 2011. Jawa Pos. Surabaya
International Seminars

  1. Ibtisani Farahnaz, Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati, Ichsan Suwandhi. Community Structure and Ecological Status of Riparian in upsteram Citarik River, Taman Buru Masigit Kareumbi (TBMK) watershed West Java. Joint Symposium on Plant Sciences and Products 2019 SITH-ITB, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bandung 1-2 Agustus 2019.
  2. Devi N Choesin, Dian Rosleine, Rina Irwanto. Estimation of Blue Carbon Storage in Mangrove Ecosystems of Java, Indonesia. 5th International Mangrove, Macrobenthos and Management Meeting (MMM5). National University of Singapore, Singapore, 1-5 July 2019
  3. Dikayani, S.N.B. Widiyanto, E. Marwani & R.R.P . Irwanto . 2013. The influence of plant growth regulators on callus induction in vitro culture development of Ruwolfia serpentina Benth Ex Kurz. International Seminar on Tropical Bioresources for Sustainable Bioindustry. ITB Bandung, 30–31 October 2013.
  4. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati Irwanto , Humaira Safitri Andari, Ardha Apriyanto, Sony Suhandono . 2013. The utilization of DNA markers, rbc L and mat K to identify the population of Amorphophallus on Tanggamus Mountain, Lampung . International Flora Malesiana Symposium, Bogor, 27-31 August 2013
  5. Lestari, G.D. and Irwanto , R. R . 2013. Planning of seaweed cultivation, Eucheuma cottonii to support sustained development of sentra minapolitan in District Serang, B anten Province . International Seminar on Tropical Bioresources for Sustainable Bioindustry. ITB Bandung
  6. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati Irwanto & Arief Hamidi. 2013. Bioprospect of Croton tiglium L . and Ricinus communis L . as a source material for biodiesel. International Seminar on Tropical Bioresources for Sustainable Bioindustry. ITB Bandung
  7. Irwanto, R. R. , Muthia, H.L and Arief Hamidi. The composition of essential oils in ginger ( Zingiber officinale var rubrum) . Proceedings of IAB Women in Science International Symposium, 7 May 2012. Selangor Malaysia
  8. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati Irwanto , Arief Hamidi & Andri Irawan. 2012. Bukit Barisan expedition 2011: existing conditions of the flora and fauna in Sumatera. 4th. International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2012). Bandung, 8-9 November 2012.
National Seminar

  1. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati, Nurudin, Hafiya Auliya Nurhayati. Pendugaan kepadatan dan kelimpahan Owa Jawa (Hylabates moloch, Audebert 1798) di cagar Alam Gunung Simpang dan Gunung Tilu, Jawa Barat. Seminar Nasional Biodiversitas Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia, Magelang 31 Agustus 2019
  2. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati, Nurudin, Selly Surya. Pemetaan kesesuaian habitat owa Jawa (Hylabates moloch, Audebert 1798) di Cagar Alam Gunung Simpang dan Gunung Tilu,Jawa Barat. Seminar Nasional Biodiversitas Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia, Magelang 31 Agustus 2019
  3. Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati, Nurudin, Sony Saefulloh. Analisis fragmentasi hutan berdasarkan klasifikasi tutupan lahan menggunakan object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) di Kawasan Gunung Simpang, Jawa Barat. Seminar Nasional Biodiversitas Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia, Magelang 31 Agustus 2019
  4. Reza Gemilang, Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati, Angga Dwiartama. Studi Etnobotani sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rothb) di Pulau Lingga, Kepulauan Riau. Seminar Nasional Biologi 4 2019: Pemanfaatan Biodiversitas dan Bioteknologi untuk pelestaria Lingkungan             Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, 25 April 2019
Publications (2000-2020)


  1. Irsyam ASD, Irwanto RR, Hariri MR, Peniwidiyanti. 2020. The Genus Cnidoscolus Pohl (Euphorbiaceae) in Java. Jurnal Al Kauniyah 13(1): 76–86. [pdf]
  2. Irsyam ASD, Hariri MR, Irwanto RR, Mustaqim WA. 2020. A Note on The Genus Evolvulus (Convolvulaceae) in Java. Jurnal Biodjati 5(1): 90–98. [pdf]
  3. Irsyam ASD, Irwanto RR, Dewi AP, Hariri MR. 2020. Catatan marga Pseudogynoxys (Asteraceae) di Pulau Jawa. Biotika 18(1): 1–11. [pdf]
  4. Irsyam ASD, Hariri MR, Setiawan AB, Irwanto RR, Dewi AP. 2020. New distributional records of Cleome chelidonii L.f. and Cleome rutidosperma DC. (Cleomaceae) in Madura Island. Biogenesis 8(1). In Press.
  5. Irsyam ASD, Irwanto RR, Hariri MR. 2019. Catatan keberadaan Costus afer Ker Gawl. (Costaceae) di Pulau Jawa. Floribunda 6(2): 64–71. [pdf]
  6. Irsyam ASD, Irwanto RR. 2019. Nine Additional Cultivated Species of Asteraceae from Java. Jurnal Biodjati 4(2): 244–251. [pdf]
  7. Hariri MR, Irsyam ASD, Irwanto RR. 2019. Plumeria pudica Jacq. : Tambahan untuk Marga Plumeria (Apocynaceae) di Jawa. Biotika 17(2): 1–8. [pdf]
  8. Nolan, K.E.,  Irwanto, R.R , Rose, R.J. 2003. Auxin-up regulated  MtSERK1 Expression in both  Medicago truncatula root-forming and embryonic cultures.  Plant Physiology 133: 218-230
  9. Irwanto, RR. 2003. Cellular regulation of somatic embryogenesis in  Medicago truncatula . The Inaugeral Retreat for the ARC Centre of Excellence foar Integrative Legume Research. Moreton Bay Research Station North Stradbroke Island. 27 th February to 2 nd March 2003.
  10. Nolan, K.E., Irwanto, RR., Saeed, N.A., Sheahan, M.B., McCurdy, D.W., Rose, R.J. 2002. The use of in vitro cellular of Medicago truncatula to study gene expression in meristem development and stress; 2002; First Australian Medicago truncatula Workshop Rottnest Island, Perth, West Australia. 10th-13th November 2002.
  11. Irwanto, RR., Rose, RJ. 2002. Investigation into genotypic differences between high and low regenerability lines of Medicago truncatula cv Jemalong; 2002; Poster Combio 2002. Sydney, Australia
  12. Nolan, K.E., Irwanto, R.R., Saeed, N.A., Sheahan, M.B., McCurdy, D.W., Rose, R.J. 2002. The use of in vitro cellular of Medicago truncatula to study gene expression in meristem development and stress; 2002First Australian Medicago truncatula Workshop Rottnest Island, Perth, West Australia. 10th-13th November 2002
  13. Nolan, K.E., Irwanto, R.R, Rose, R.J. 2003. Auxin-up regulated MtSERK1 Expression in both Medicago truncatula root-forming and embryonic cultures; 2003; Plant Physiology 133: 218-230
  14. Irwanto, RR. 2003. Cellular regulation of somatic embryogenesis in Medicago truncatula. The Inaugeral Retreat for the ARC Centre of Excellence foar Integrative Legume Research; 2003; Moreton Bay Research Station North Stradbroke Island. 27th February to 2nd March 2003.
  15. Romaidi, Irwanto, R.R. dan Dasuki, U.A. 2005. Pemanfaatan tumbuhan untuk pasca melahirkan di Kabupaten Pamekasan Madura; 2005; Lokakarya, seminar nasional dan kongres penggalang Taksonomi Tumbuhan Indonesia, Bandung 17-19 November 2005.
  16. Nolan, K.E.;  Irwanto, R.R . William, E.M; Dibley, S.J. Rose, R.J. 2001. Workshop on  Medicago truncatula . Hormone response and stress response gene in the very early culture phase of  Medica . go truncatula regeneration. University Of Wisconsin, U.S. A. 7 th -10 th July 2001
  17. Nolan, K.E.,  Irwanto, R.R . William, E.M; Dibley, S.J. Rose, R.J. 2001. Hormone response and stress response gene in the very early culture phase of  Medicago truncatula regeneration. ComBio. Conference. Canberra, Australia (Sym no 45-04).
  18. Rose, R.J; Nolan, K.E.;  Irwanto, R.R . 2000. Investigation of the expression of two kinase genes during the induction of somatic embryogenesis from  Medicago truncatula Jemalong 2HA. 6 th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology. Quebec, Canada. (Poster)
  19. Irwanto, RRP . 2000.  Displospora DC. Plant Resources of South East Asia (PROSEA) 16 (Stimulants): 127-128. Bakhuys Publisher, Leiden
  20. Irwanto, RRP . 2000.  Discospermum singulare (Korth.)O. Kuntze. Plant Resources of South East Asia (PROSEA) 16 (Stimulants): 128. Bakhuys Publisher, Leiden
  21. Rina Ratnasih Irwanto , Trimurti H. Wardini. 2000. Pembentukan sel-sel pigmen sebagai visual indikator kematangan fisiologis biji jagung (Zea mays). Laporan Penelitian SPP/DPP ITB no 19700699.
  22. Irwanto, RRP . 2001.  Polygala L. Plant Resources of South East Asia (PROSEA) (medicinal & poisonous 2). 12 (2): 445-449. eds J.L.C.H. van Valkenburg & N Bunyapraphatsara. Bakhuys Publisher, Leiden
  23. Irwanto, RRP . 2001.  Polygonum aviculare L. Plant Resources of South East Asia (PROSEA) 12 (2) (medicinal & poisonous 2). J.L.C.H. van Valkenburg & N Bunyapraphatsara. p. 449-451Bakhuys Publisher, Leiden
  24. Irwanto, RRP. 2001.  Ruta L. Plant Resources of South East Asia (PROSEA) 12 (2) (Medicinal & Poisonous 2). J.L.C.H. van Valkenburg & N Bunyapraphatsara. p. 449-451. Bakhuys Publisher, Leiden
