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Fusarium solani induces the formation of agarwood in Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg.) Domke branches

Fusarium solani induces the formation of agarwood in Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg.) Domke branches

Agarwood is a highly prized resinous wood used as essential oils, in perfumes, cosmetics, and drugs. Agarwood formation requires a long-time process in nature. Interestingly endophytic fungi appeared to be important in inducing agarwood formation. In this report, Dr. Faizal and the team studied the induction technique for agarwood formation of Gyrinops versteegii tree (Gaharu) using wounding and inoculation of two strains of the endophytic fungi Fusarium solani. The study suggested that this method has successfully induced agarwood formation in a matter of months which could be used to enhance the agarwood cultivation.

Article Citation:

Faizal, A., Azar, A.W.P., Turjaman, M., Esyanti, RR. 2020. Fusarium solani induces the formation of agarwood in Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg.) Domke branches. Symbiosis, 81: 15–23.

Full paper is published in Symbiosis : https://doi.org/10.1007/s13199-020-00677-w

Image (first page):

Gyrinops versteegii tree or Gaharu (source: alamendah.org)

Photographs of branches of G. versteegii 4 weeks after the plants had been wounded and inoculated with F. solani (source: Faizal et al. 2020)

Profile of Dr. Ahmad Faizal : https://sbt.sith.itb.ac.id/en/group/ahmad-faizal/