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Tim AQUASafe dengan koordinator Dr. Magdalena Lenny Situmorang telah berhasil meraih CAROLINA MACGILLAVRY AWARD

Tim AQUASafe dengan koordinator Dr. Magdalena Lenny Situmorang telah berhasil meraih CAROLINA MACGILLAVRY AWARD

Team AQUASafe aims to evaluate the application of biofloc technology for the improvement of productivity and environmental sustainability of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) production as a climate change adaptation strategy in the Southeast Asian shrimp aquaculture industry had been CAROLINA MACGILLAVRY AWARD this award recognizes the top-ranked applications responding to an IFS call for collaborative.

Tim  riset AQUASafe dikoordinatori oleh  Dr. Magdalena Lenny Situmorang (SITH-ITB) Indonesia, dengan anggota tim Dr. Umaporn Uawisetwathana (BIOTEC) Thailand dan  Jomar Rabajante Philippines.

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