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Cell-Free Fetal DNA as a Non-Invasive Method Using Pyrosequencing in Detecting Beta-Globin Gene Mutation

Cell-Free Fetal DNA as a Non-Invasive Method Using Pyrosequencing in Detecting Beta-Globin Gene Mutation

Thalassemia is a monogenic, autosomal recessive, inherited disorder of the red blood cells caused by mutations or deletions in the globin gene. Approximately 6-10% of the Indonesian population carries the β-globin gene mutation; however, premarital screening is rarely conducted, and antenatal screening is optional. Azzania Fibriani, M.Si., Ph.D and her colleagues explored the use of cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) as a potential non-invasive method of detecting the fetal β-globin gene mutation prenatally in pregnant women. The results of the allele quantification showed that six fetuses were predictive carriers of IVS1nt5 and one was predictive normal, in line with the allele quantification for the bio-archived DNA from patients with thalassemia major. Taking cffDNA from the mother’s blood proved useful as a non-invasive means of detecting the β-globin gene mutation using pyrosequencing allele quantification. This non-invasive method is of great interest for prenatal diagnosis in settings with limited facilities, as it minimizes the risk of abortion. Further study of other mutations of the β-globin gene is needed.

Article Citation:
Maskoen, A. M., Rahayu, N. S., Laksono, B., Fibriani, A., Soewondo, W., Mose, J. C., Sahiratmadja, E., & Panigoro, R. (2022). Cell-free fetal DNA as a non-invasive method using pyrosequencing in detecting beta-globin gene mutation: A pilot study from area with limited facilities in Indonesia. Frontiers in pediatrics, 10, 902879. https://doi.org/10.3389/fped.2022.902879

Azzania Fibriani, M.Si., Ph.D Profile Picture
(Source: https://sith.itb.ac.id/azzania-fibriani-m-si-ph-d-2/)

Profile of Azzania Fibriani, M.Si., Ph.D :