S.Hut , M.Si. (IPB), Dr (UNPAD)
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung Indonesia 40132
Phone: +62 22 251 1575, 250 0258
Fax : +62 22 253 4107
Email: yahiday@itb.ac.id
S.Hut. (1994): Dept. Forest Management. Faculty of Forestry. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Major field: Silviculture |
M.Si . (2000) : Forest Sciences. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Major field: Silviculture |
Dr. (2011): Plant Sciences. Universitas Padjadjaran. Major field: Forest Genetic |
I am interested in the field of Silviculture, forest genetic, forest restoration, and tree improvement. In the last five years, I have been conducting research in genetic variation and tree improvement of Toona sinensis Roem, one of the another potential trees in community forest, for subtitute of teak. I am also interested to establish tree seed sources based on genetic variation information to improve seed quality genetically.
Course Code | Course Name |
BW-4205 | Rekayasa Hutan Kota |
PI-5004 | Proyek Keinsinyuran |
BI-2001 | Pengetahuan Lingkungan |
a. Journal | ||
b. Proceeding
c. Book
• Kader silvikulturis |
• Forum DAS Cimanuk Citanduy |
• Masyarakat Perbenihan dan Pembibitan Kehutanan Indonesia (MPPIK) |
• Masyarakat Silvikultur Indonesia |