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Associate Professor
School of  Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Forestry Technology
Email :  adi.p@itb.ac.id


Adi Pancoro, Ph.D. is a lecturer and researcher who is a member of the Genetics and Molecular Biotechnology expertise group. He focuses primarily in big data and microsatellite molecular marker technology. Over the years, Dr. Adi has conducted various researches related to molecular genetics involving various organisms, many of which are utilised by humans in Indonesia.

Bachelor’s Degree

  • Institut Teknologi Bandung, Idonesia (1985). Major: Biology.

Doctoral Degree

  • Newcastle University, England, UK (1993). Major: Molecular Genetics.

Undergraduate Courses

  • Genetics; Introduction of Bioinformatics for Microbiology; Molecular Phylogenetics; Aquaculture Genetics

Postgraduate Courses

  • Bioinformatics; Systems Biology; Molecular Breeding
  • Santoso, P.J., dan Pancoro, A. Point mutation of ITS-nrDNA sequences as specific markers of three durian species: Durio zibethinus, D. kutejensis and D. lowianus. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental ScienceVol. 482(1)
  • Maulani, R.R., Pancoro, A., dan Sumardi, D. 2019. Total flavonoids and anthocyanins content of pigmented rice. Drug Invetion Today. P-ISSN 0975-7619. 12(1): 369-373
  • Budiman, L.F., Apriyanto, A., Pancoro, A., dan Sudarsono. 2019. Genetic diversity analysis of Tenera × Tenera and Tenera × Pisifera Crosses and D self of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) parental populations originating from Cameroon. Biodiversitas. E-ISSN 1412-033X. Vol. 20(4): 937-949. DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d200402
  • Setyorini, Kuspriyanto, Widyantoro, D.H., dan Pancoro, A. 2019. Bit-Parallelism Score Computation with Multi Integer Weight. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics. Vol. 11(1): 35-50 DOI: 10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.3
  • Effendi Y, Pambudi A, Pancoro A. 2019. Metagenomic analysis of Fusarium oxysporum. sp. cubense-infected soil in banana plantation, Sukabumi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 20: 1939-1945.
  • Dadang Sumardi, Rijanti Rahaju Maulani, Adi Pancoro, Agung Karuniawan, Tati Suryati Syamsudin. 2017. The Effect of Altitude of Growing Location on Composition and Level Of Isoflavone In Black Soybean. The International Conference on Food Security Innovation (ICFSI). University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Banten-Indonesia
  • Dadang Sumardi, Rijanti Rahaju Maulani, Adi Pancoro, Agung Karuniawan, Tati Suryati Syamsudin. 2017. Potensi Hasil Biji dan Kandungan Isoflavon Kedelai Hitam Lokal.
    Seminar Nasional Peluang Pengembangan Tempe dan Produk Kedelai bagi Industri Pangan dan Farmasi Masa Kini dan Nanti. Forum Tempe Indonesia dan Pergizi Pangan Indonesia.
  • Dadang Sumardi, Rijanti Rahaju Maulani, Adi Pancoro, Agung Karuniawan, Tati Suryati Syamsudin. 2017. The Expression of IFS1 and IFS2 Genes in Black Soybean Seed Growing at Different Altitude. INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL SEMINAR IN CONJUNCTION WITH CONGRESS (PERIPI) 2017. IPB dan PERIPI. Bogor-Indonesia
  • Rijanti Rahaju M., Budi Waluyo, Husna Nugrahapraja, Adi Pancoro, Agung Karuniawan, Tati Suryati Syamsudin. 2017. The Expression of IFS1 and IFS2 Genes in Black Soybean Seed Growing at Different Altitude. Seminar Nasional dan Internasional Serta Kongres Perhimpunan Ilmu Pemuliaan Indonesia 2017. Perhimpunn Ilmu Pemuliaan Indonesia. Bogor-Indonesia
  • Rijanti Rahaju M., Adi Pancoro, Agung Karuniawan, Tati Suryati Syamsudin. 2017. Seed Isoflavone Content of Blacksoybean Genotypes Growing at Different Altitude. The 1st International Conference on Food Security Innovation 2017. Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Banten-Indonesia
  • Santoso P.J., Pancoro A., Suhandono S., Aryantha I.N.P. 2017. Development of simple-sequence repeats markers from durian (Durio zibethinus murr. cultv. matahari) genomic library. Agrivita.(URL)
  • Kusumawaty D., Suhandono S., Pancoro A., Aryantha I.N.P. 2017. Induction of toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and Myeloid88-dependent TLR-signaling response to aeromonas hydrophila infections in gouramy (osphronemus Gouramy). IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
  • Setyorini, Kuspriyanto, Widyantoro D.H., Pancoro A. 2017. The implementation of bit-parallelism for DNA sequence alignment. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
  • Santoso P.J., Indriyani N.L.P., Istianto M., Pancoro A., Aryantha I.N.P. 2017. Phylogeny of Indonesian durian (Durio sp.) germplasm based on polymorphism of ITS-nrDNA sequences. Acta Horticulturae.
  • Julie H., Pasaribu U.S., Pancoro A. 2015. The distribution of genome shared identical by descent for a pair of full sibs by means of the continuous time Markov chain. AIP Conference Proceedings.
  • Hidayat T., Pancoro A., Kusumawaty D., Eiadthong W. 2012. Development matK gene as DNA barcode to assess evolutionary relationship of important tropical forest tree genus Mangifera (Anacardiaceae) in Indonesia and Thailand. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering).
  • Hidayat T., Pancoro A., Kusumawaty D. 2011. Utility of matK gene to assess evolutionary relationship of genus mangifera (anacardiaceae) in Indonesia and Thailand. Biotropia.
  • Lestari R., Pancoro A., Ahmad A.S., Manaf A., Ahmad M., Nidom C.A., Budiana Y. 2011. Pandemic influenza simulation based on genetic algorithm and agent based modeling. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ICEEI 2011.
  • Fainmarinat Inabuy and A. Pancoro . 2010. Isolation and characterization of artial cDNA of sucrose synthase putative gene in Palmyra Palm ( Borassus flabellifer ). Biotropia. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology-Semeo Biotrop . Vol.17 No.2 December. P.77-97.
  • Martha Aznury, Tjandra Setiadi1, and Adi Pancoro . 2010. Pengaruh Sumber Karbon Terhadap Produksi Bioplastik Polihidroksialkanoat (Pha) Dengan Ralstonia Eutropha. Jurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia Vol. 9 No. 1 April 2010, 28-32.
  • Bahrelfi M , A. Pancoro, ernawati A.Giri Rachman Phylogeogaphy and distribution pattern of H5N1 from Indonesia. 2008.
  • Topik H., and A. Pancoro. Molecular phylogenetic studies provide a basic knowledge of improving genetic resources. 2008.
  • Arifina N, Puri Arta and A.Pancoro. 2008 . Isolation and characterization phaA, phaB and phaC genes which encode beta-ketothiolase, acetoacety-CoA reductase and polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase from Rasltonia eutropha JMP 134. 2008.
  • Pancoro A., Nisa, Dini Ayudia and Ulfa Mardhiah. Genetic variation of wild and cultured black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in Indonesia using microsatellite markers. 2008.
  • Sartika, D. & A. Pancoro. Bioinformatics of flowering gene : characterzation of homologue gene in Magnoliopsida and Liliopsida. 2006.
2011-Present Team Member of Research Desentralization and Sosialization of RIP from DP2M
2006-2012 Member of National Research Council- Indonesia (Dewan Riset Nasional)
  • Riset KKP3T-Departemen Pertanian. 2009-2010. Identification of F1 cross AR143XRed mangos using molecular marker of microsatellite. (Principle Investigator)
  • Riset Unggulan Strategis Nasional-Dikti. 2009-2010. Pengembangan Budidaya induk/broodstock udang windu (P. monodon) dengan aplikasi teknologi Recirculation Aquaculture system, Teknologi RNA interference dan Penanda Molekuler Mikrosatelit. (Principle Investigator)
  • Competitive Research of ITB : 2010.Konstruksi vector ekspresi gen penghasil bioplastik-material berbasis hayati dengan teknologi rekayasa genetika. (Principle Investigator)
  • The National Science Foundation (NSF) : 2010-2012. Biogeographic and ecological diversity of tress across the Indoensian archipelago : developing indigenous leadership in biodiversity informatics. (Member of researcher).
  • Riset KKP3T-Departemen Pertanian: 2011-2012. Pengkayaan Plasma Nuftah, penentuan tetua dan penyediaan seleksi dini untuk perbaikan varietas Durian ( Durio ) dengan pendekatan molecular assisted Breeding. (Principle Investigator)