Associate Professor
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Plant Sciences and Biotechnology
Email : afaizal@itb.ac.id
Dr. Ahmad Faizal, M.Si. is interested in the field of plant secondary metabolite and metabolic engineering. During his Ph.D in Ghent University, Belgium, he developed strategies to modulate the production of triterpene saponins from medicinal plants. These are including the classic tissue culture techniques, polyploidization, genetic engineering of uncommon plant species using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, flow cytometry, and metabolic engineering.
Doctoral Degree
- Ghent University, Belgium. Major: Plant Sciences.
Undergraduate Courses
- Plant Physiology and Development; Plant Sciences Project; Quantitative Physiology of Cells and Tissues; Plant Specialised Metabolism
Postgraduate Course
- Plant Pathogenesis
Journals |
Sembada, A. A., Theda, Y., & Faizal, A. (2024). Duckweeds as edible vaccines in the animal farming industry. 3 Biotech, 14(10), 1–20. |
Sembada, A. A., Faizal, A., & Sulistyawati, E. (2024). Photosynthesis efficiency as key factor in decision-making for forest design and redesign: A systematic literature review. Ecological Frontiers. |
Satyawan, D., Nugroho, K., Terryana, R. T., Fitrahtunnisa, R., Kirana, R., et al. (2024). Surviving mutations: How an Indonesian Capsicum frutescens L. cultivar maintains capsaicin biosynthesis despite disruptive mutations. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(6), 2949–2963. |
Widodo, S. O. W., Faizal, A., & Melani, L. (2024). The influence of chitosan on plant growth and β-sitosterol content in adventitious roots of Talinum paniculatum in NFT hydroponic cultivation system. Current Research on Biosciences and Biotechnology, 5(2), 5–11. |
Nawfetrias, W., Devy, L., Esyanti, R. R., & Faizal, A. (2024). Phyllanthus lignans: A review of biological activity and elicitation. Horticulturae, 10(2), 195. |
Nawfetrias, W., Nurhangga, E., Aprianti, R., Himawati, S., Shodiq, A. W., et al. (2024). Drought stress response in Phyllanthus niruri L.: A potentially medicinal plant. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2957(1). |
Kirana, R., Mulya, K., Lestari, P., Utami, D. W., Nugroho, K., Rosliani, R., et al. (2024). Enhancing traits in hot pepper through single cross-hybridization: A study of phenotypic and genotypic changes. |
Rahmawati, A., Saksyasamita, A. R., Emmanuel, V., Lambangsari, K., et al. (2023). The effect of methyl jasmonate on growth, stevioside, and rebaudioside A production in Stevia rebaudiana shoot culture using mist bioreactor. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1271(1), 012088. |
Nawfetrias, W., Nurhangga, E., Reninta, R., Chotimah, S., Bidara, I. S., Maretta, D., et al. (2023). Metabolite profiling of the medicinal herb Phyllanthus niruri L. under drought stress. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1255(1), 012046. |
Sembada, A. A., Maki, S., Faizal, A., Fukuhara, T., Suzuki, T., & Lenggoro, I. W. (2023). The role of silica nanoparticles in promoting the germination of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) seeds. Nanomaterials, 13(14), 2110. |
Afifah, I. Q., Wibowo, I., & Faizal, A. (2023). A newly identified β-amyrin synthase gene hypothetically involved in oleanane-saponin biosynthesis from Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. Heliyon, 9(7). |
Andrianto, H., Faizal, A., Kurniawan, N. B., & Aji, D. P. P. (2023). Performance evaluation of IoT-based service system for monitoring nutritional deficiencies in plants. Information Processing in Agriculture, 10(1), 52–70. |
Sembada, A. A., & Faizal, A. (2023). Characterization of starch from duckweeds and its conversion into reducing sugars via enzymatic saccharification. |
Faizal, A., Esyanti, R. R., Utami, N. P., Azar, A. W. P., Hermawaty, D., Setiyobudi, T., et al. (2022). Elicitation of secondary metabolites in Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. callus culture by crude mycelial extract of Fusarium solani and methyl jasmonate. Forests, 14(1), 48. |
Andrianto, H., & Faizal, A. (2022). Future research on smart farming platforms. 2022 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation. |
Tan, M. I., Alfarafisa, N. M., Septiani, P., Barlian, A., Firmansyah, M., Faizal, A., et al. (2022). Potential cell-based and cell-free therapy for patients with COVID-19. Cells, 11(15), 2319. |
Fauziah, F., Permana, A. D., & Faizal, A. (2022). Characterization of volatile compounds from tea plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze) and the effect of identified compounds on Empoasca flavescens behavior. Horticulturae, 8(7), 623. |
Syamsudin, T. S., Kirana, R., Karjadi, A. K., & Faizal, A. (2022). Characteristics of chili (Capsicum annuum L.) that are resistant and susceptible to oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel) infestation. Horticulturae, 8(4), 314. |
Faizal, A., Hermawaty, D., Junita, E., Rahmawati, A., Azar, A. W. P., et al. (2022). Evaluation of biotic and abiotic stressors to artificially induce agarwood production in Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg.) Domke seedlings. Symbiosis, 86(2), 229–239. |
Sembada, A. A., & Faizal, A. (2022). Protein and lipid composition of duckweeds (Landoltia punctata and Wolffia arrhiza) grown in a controlled cultivation system. |
Kirana, R., Karjadi, A. K., Faizal, A., & Syamsudin, T. S. (2021). The expression of chili defense gene due to oviposition of fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 752(1), 012044. |
Faizal, A., Esyanti, R. R., Adn’ain, N., Rahmani, S., Azar, A. W. P., & Turjaman, M. (2021). Methyl jasmonate and crude extracts of Fusarium solani elicit agarwood compounds in shoot culture of Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk. Heliyon, 7(4). |
Faizal, A., Sembada, A. A., & Priharto, N. (2021). Production of bioethanol from four species of duckweeds (Landoltia punctata, Lemna aequinoctialis, Spirodela polyrrhiza, and Wolffia arrhiza) through optimization. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(1), 294–301. |
Andrianto, H., & Faizal, A. (2020). Development of smart greenhouse system for hydroponic agriculture. 2020 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation. |
Andrianto, H., & Faizal, A. (2020). Design of a service computing system platform for monitoring plant nutrient deficiencies based on the SCSE framework. 2020 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation. |
Andrianto, H., Faizal, A., & Armandika, F. (2020). Smartphone application for deep learning-based rice plant disease detection. 2020 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation. |
Keryanti, K., Faizal, A., & Suhardi, S. H. (2020). Pengaruh variasi pH medium terhadap perolehan biomassa sel dan laju konsumsi substrat amonium pada kultur suspensi sel wortel (Daucus carota L.). Reka Buana: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia, 5(2), 125–134. |
Andrianto, H., Suhardi, S., & Faizal, A. (2020). Performance evaluation of low-cost IoT-based chlorophyll meter. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 9(3), 956–963. |
Makajanma, M. M., Taufik, I., & Faizal, A. (2020). Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of extract from two species of mosses: Leucobryum aduncum and Campylopus schmidii. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 21(6). |
Dermawan, R., Permana, A. D., & Faizal, A. (2020). Pemberdayaan Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) melalui pemanfaatan lalat tentara hitam dan Trichoderma sp. sebagai agen biofungisida dan pembuatan pupuk organik di Makassar, Sulawesi. Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian, 5(2), 101–113. |
Faizal, A., Azar, A. W. P., Turjaman, M., & Esyanti, R. R. (2020). Fusarium solani induces the formation of agarwood in Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg.) Domke branches. Symbiosis, 81, 15–23. |
Faizal, A., Taufik, I., Rachmani, A. F., & Azar, A. W. P. (2020). Antioxidant and antibacterial properties of tree fern Cyathea contaminans. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 21(5). |
Iriawati, I., Oktaviani, I., & Faizal, A. (2020). Pengaruh suhu tinggi terhadap perkembangan organ reproduksi jantan pada cabai (Capsicum annum L.) cv. Tanjung-2. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 25(1), 19–25. |
Faizal, A., Manik, V. T., Iriawati, I., & Esyanti, R. R. (2020). Establishment of hairy root cultures and analysis of saponin production in Javanese ginseng (Talinum paniculatum Gaertn.). XXX International Horticultural Congress IHC2018: II International Symposium. |
Sembada, A. A., & Faizal, A. (2019). Effect of polyculture cultivation system and addition of abscisic acid (ABA) on enhancement of starch and protein content from duckweeds. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2120(1). |
Azar, A. W. P., Rosleine, D., & Faizal, A. (2019). Secondary metabolite profiles in the methanolic extract of Leucobryum javense isolated from tropical montane forest in West Java, Indonesia. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2120(1). |
Esyanti, R. R., Fadholi, M., Rizki, R. M., & Faizal, A. (2019). Shoot multiplication and growth rates of Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk. shoot cultures in temporary immersion system (TIS)-RITA® and bubble column bioreactors. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 51(4). |
Syamsudin, T. S., Faizal, A., & Kirana, R. (2019). Dataset on antixenosis and antibiosis of chili fruit by fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) infestation. Data in Brief, 23, 103758. |
Faizal, A., & Sari, A. V. (2019). Enhancement of saponin accumulation in adventitious root culture of Javanese ginseng (Talinum paniculatum Gaertn.) through methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid elicitation. African Journal of Biotechnology, 18(6), 130–135. |
Kirana, R., Karyadi, A. K., Faizal, A., & Syamsudin, T. S. (2019). Dataset on volatile compounds in susceptible and resistant chili variety to fruit fly infestation. Data in Brief, 22, 234–236. |
Faizal, A., & Putra, R. T. (2019). Uniconazole increases starch content in duckweed (Lemna aequinoctialis Welw.). |
Putra, R. E., Reizandy, F., Faizal, A., & Kinasih, I. (2018). Effication of local propolis as edible coating of tangerine cultivar Garut (Citrus reticulata Blanco). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 187(1), 012025. |
Andrianto, H., & Faizal, A. (2018). Detection of chlorophyll content based on spectral properties at leaf level: A meta-analysis. 2018 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation. |
Mba’u, Y. J., Iriawati, I., & Faizal, A. (2018). Transient transformation of potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L.) Granola cultivar using syringe agroinfiltration. AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science, 40(2), 313–319. |
Andrianto, H., Suhardi, & Faizal, A. (2017). Measurement of chlorophyll content to determine nutrition deficiency in plants: A systematic literature review. 2017 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation. |
Faizal, A., Esyanti, R. R., Aulianisa, E. N., Iriawati, E., Santoso, E., & Turjaman, M. (2017). Formation of agarwood from Aquilaria malaccensis in response to inoculation of local strains of Fusarium solani. Trees, 31, 189–197.
Ahmad Faizal, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti, Elfa Norisda Aulianisa, Iriawati, Erdy Santoso, and Maman Turjaman. 2017. Formation of agarwood from Aquilaria malaccensis in response to inoculation of local strains of Fusarium solani. Trees, 31: 189-197. [ fulltext ] |
Foubert, K., Gorella, T., Faizal, A., Cos, P., Maes, L., Apers, S., & Geelen, D. (2016). Triterpenoid saponins from Maesa argentea leaves. Planta Medica, 82(18), 1568–1575. |
Pramana, H. I., Esyanti, R. R., & Faizal, A. (2016). The efficiency of growth medium bioconversion into banana (Musa acuminata, AA) plantlet biomass in temporary immersion system (TIS) RITA® bioreactor with different immersion periods.
Hans Indra Pramana, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti, and Ahmad Faizal. 2016. The efficiency of growth medium bioconversion into banana (Musa acuminata, AA) plantlet biomass in temporary immersion system (TIS) RITA® bioreactor with different immersion periods. IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences, 4: 133-140. [ fulltext ] 8-15Kenn Foubert, Taposh Gorella, Ahmad Faizal, Paul Cos, Louis Maes, Sandra Apers, Danny Geelen, and Luc Pieters. 2016. Triterpenoid saponins from Maesa argentea leaves. Planta Medica, 82: 15675 DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-118189. [ fulltext ] |
Faizal, A., & Geelen, D. (2015). Studies on saponin production in tropical medicinal plants Maesa argentea and Maesa lanceolata. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1677(1). |
Moses, T., Pollier, J., Faizal, A., Apers, S., Pieters, L., Thevelein, J. M., & Geelen, D. (2015). Unraveling the triterpenoid saponin biosynthesis of the African shrub Maesa lanceolata. Molecular Plant, 8(1), 122–135. |
Riadi, M. F., Esyanti, R. R., & Faizal, A. (2015). The effect of LED light on production of female flowers in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). International Journal of Science and Technology, 1, 13–23. |
Mayorazaki, F., Esyanti, R. R., & Faizal, A. (2015). Enhancement of photosynthetic rate through photoperiod using LED in cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Matter: International Journal of Science and Technology. |
Ikram, M. M. M., Esyanti, R. R., & Faizal, A. (2015). The effect of photoperiodism with LED light on productivity of female flowers in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Matter: International Journal of Science and Technology.
Tessa Moses, Jacob Pollier, Ahmad Faizal, Sandra Apers, Luc Pieters, Johan M Thevelein, Danny Geelen, and Alain Goossens. 2015. Unraveling the triterpenoid saponin biosynthesis of the African shrub Maesa lanceolata. Molecular plant, 8: 122-135. [ fulltext ] Ahmad Faizal and Danny Geelen. 2015. Studies on saponin production in tropical medicinal plants Maesa argentea and Maesa lanceolata. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1677: 090009. [ fulltext ] Feby Mayorazaki, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti, and Ahmad Faizal. 2015. Enhancement of photosynthetic rate through photoperiod using LED in cucumber (Cucumis sativus). MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology, 2015: 1-12. [ fulltext ] Muhammad Fahri Riadi, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti, and Ahmad Faizal. 2015. The effect of LED light on production of female flowers in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). MATTER: International Journal ofScience and Technology, 2015: 13-23. [ fulltext ] Muhammad Maulana Malikul Ikram, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti, and Ahmad Faizal. 2015. The effect of photoperiodism with LED light on productivity of female flower in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology, 2015: 24-34. [ fulltext ] |
Faizal, A., & Geelen, D. (2013). Saponins and their role in biological processes in plants. Phytochemistry Reviews, 12(4), 877–893. |
Faizal, A., Foubert, K., Lambert, E., De Storme, N., Claeys, M., Apers, S., et al. (2013). Saponin production is not qualitatively changed upon callus regeneration in the medicinal shrub Maesa perlarius. Plant Growth Regulation, 70(1), 39–48. |
Daud, N., Faizal, A., & Geelen, D. (2013). Adventitious rooting of Jatropha curcas L. is stimulated by phloroglucinol and by red LED light. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 49(2), 183–190. |
Faizal, A. (2013). Modulation of saponin production in medicinal Maesa spp. Ghent University.
Norhayati Daud, Ahmad Faizal, and Danny Geelen. 2013. Adventitious rooting of Jatropha curcas L. is stimulated by phloroglucinol and by red LED light. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 49: 183-190. [ fulltext ] Ahmad Faizal and Danny Geelen. 2013. Saponins and their role in biological processes in plants. Phytochemistry Reviews, 12: 877-893. [ fulltext ] |
Foubert, K., Moses, T., Faizal, A., Gorella, T., Apers, S., Maes, L., & Geelen, D. (2012). Unraveling the triterpenoid saponin biosynthesis pathway in Maesa lanceolata. Planta Medica. |
Geelen, D., & Faizal, A. (2012). Saponin biosynthesis in plants and its implications for medicinal applications. Phytochemistry Reviews.
Kenn Foubert, Annelies Breynaert, Mart Theunis, Rita Van Den Bossche, Guido RY De Meyer, André Van Daele, Ahmad Faizal, Alain Goossens, Danny Geelen, Edward M Conway, Arnold Vlietinck, Luc Pieters, and Sandra Apers. 2012. Evaluation of the anti-angiogenic activity of saponins from Maesa lanceolata by different assays. Natural Product Communications, 7: 1149-1154. [ fulltext ] Ahmad Faizal and Danny Geelen. 2012. Agroinfiltration of intact leaves as a method for the transient and stable transformation of saponin producing Maesa lanceolata. Plant Cell Reports, 31: 1517-1526. [ fulltext ] |
Esyanti, R. R., & Faizal, A. (2011). Biotechnological advancements in the production of secondary metabolites in tropical plants. Biotechnology Advances.
Ahmad Faizal, Ellen Lambert, Kenn Foubert, Sandra Apers, and Danny Geelen. 2011. In vitro propagation of four saponin producing Maesa species . Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 106: 215-223. [ fulltext ] Ellen Lambert, Ahmad Faizal, and Danny Geelen. 2011. Modulation of triterpene saponin production: In vitro cultures, elicitation and metabolic engineering. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 164: 220-237. [ fulltext |
Presentations |
Nurkhalis A.F., Melani L., Faizal A. 2023. Optimization of Vitexin Compound Extraction from Landoltia punctata Plants with DES Choline Chloride Solvent: Urea Using Response Surface Methodology. The 2nd International Conference in Plants and Microalgae Based Bioindustry. ITB, Nov 1-2. |
Btari R.S., Melani L., Faizal A. 2023. Salicylic Acid Elicitation to Increase β-sitosterol Contents in Javanese Ginseng (Talinum paniculatum) Adventitious Root. The 2nd International Conference in Plants and Microalgae Based Bioindustry. ITB, Nov 1-2. |
Amboro K.K., Melani L., Faizal A. 2023. The Effect of Methyl Jasmonate on β-sitosterol Content in Adventitious Roots of Javanese Ginseng (Talinum paniculatum) Grown in a Hydroponic Cultivation System. The 2nd International Conference in Plants and Microalgae Based Bioindustry. ITB, Nov 1-2. |
Rahmawati A., Saksyasamita A.R., Emmanuel V., Lambangsari K., Esyanti R.R., Othman R., Faizal A., Nugrahapraja H., Iriawati. 2023. The Effect of Methyl Jasmonate on Growth, Stevioside, and Rebaudioside A Production in Stevia rebaudiana Shoot Culture Using Mist Bioreactor. The 5th International Conference on Biosciences (ICoBio). IPB, Aug 2-3. |
Hermawaty D., Setyobudi T., Nugrahapraja H., Turjaman M., Faizal A. 2023. De Novo Transcriptome Analysis of Gyrinops versteegii Seedlings: Artificial Agarwood Induction. 3rd International Scientific Symposium on Agarwood. University Putra Malaysia, Oct 17-18. |
Faizal A., Esyanti R.R., Utami N.P., Makajanma M.M., Turjaman M. 2019. Secondary Metabolite Profiles of Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk. Callus Culture Elicited with Fusarium solani Mycelium Extract and Methyl Jasmonate. 1st International Symposium on Agarwood and Aromatic Plants. Universitas Mataram, Oct 1-2. |
Faizal A., Azar A.W.P. 2019. Methyl Jasmonate and Crude Extract of Fusarium solani Elicit Agarwood Compounds in Shoot Culture of Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. 1st International Symposium on Agarwood and Aromatic Plants. Universitas Mataram, Oct 1-2. |
Gene Expression Analysis Related to Steviol Glycoside Biosynthesis and Growth of Stevia rebaudiana Shoots Induced with Methyl Jasmonate. Co-Investigator. ITB Research University Grant. 2023. |
Extraction and Characterization of Vitexin Compounds from Duckweed (Landoltia Punctata) Using Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES). Co-Investigator. ITB Research University Grant. 2023. |
Transcriptomic Analysis of Agarwood-Producing Plants Post-Inoculation with Fusarium solani. Principal Investigator. Funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia. 2023. |
Propagation of Theobroma cacao. Principal Investigator. Private Research Funding. 2023. |
Increased Production of Phyllanthin in Phyllanthus niruri as a Raw Material for Standardized Herbal Medicine Through Endophytic Microbial Elicitation and Drought Stress Induction. Co-Investigator. ITB Research University Grant. 2022. |
Study of Agarwood Formation Using a Multi-Omics Approach. Principal Investigator. Funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia. 2022. |
Transcriptomic Analysis on Steviol Glycoside Biosynthesis Pathway Induced by Jasmonate and Its Relation to Stevia rebaudiana Growth. Co-Investigator. ITB Research University Grant. 2022. |
Optimization of Transient and Stable Transformation for Gene Editing System Design (CRISPR/CAS9) in Virus-Resistant Chili (Capsicum annuum). Co-Investigator. ITB Research University Grant. 2021. |
Study of Agarwood Formation Using a Multi-Omics Approach. Co-Investigator. Funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia. 2021. |
Bioethanol Production from Duckweed Polyculture Species (Landoltia punctata, Lemna aequinoctialis, and Wolffia arrhiza). Co-Investigator. Funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia. 2021. |
Characterization of Morphology, Volatile Compounds, and Physiological Response of Tea Clones (Camellia sinensis L.) to Empoasca favescens. Co-Investigator. Funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia. 2021. |
Artificial Agarwood Production in Gyrnops verstegii Through Endophytic Fungal Inoculation. Principal Investigator. Indonesian Government Grant. 2019. |
Micropropagation and Metabolite Analysis of Bryophyte Taxithelium kerianum and Leucobryum aduncum as Potential Medicinal Plants. Principal Investigator. Indonesian Government Grant. 2019. |
Cloning and Functional Analysis of Beta-Amiryn Synthase Gene for Increased Saponin Production in Talinum paniculatum. Co-Investigator. Indonesian Government Grant. 2019. |
Cloning and Functional Analysis of Beta-Amyrin Synthase Gene for Increased Saponin Production in Talinum paniculatum. Co-Investigator. ITB Research University Grant. 2018. |
Establishment of Hairy Root Lines and Secondary Metabolite Production Analysis in Talinum paniculatum (Javanese Ginseng). Co-Investigator. Asahi Glass Foundation. 2018. |
Elicitation Effect on Secondary Metabolite Synthesis in Agarwood Shoots (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk.). Principal Investigator. Indonesian Government Grant. 2018. |
Cloning and Functional Analysis of Beta-Amyrin Synthase Gene for Increased Saponin Production in Talinum paniculatum. Principal Investigator. ITB Research University Grant. 2017. |
Establishment of Hairy Root Lines and Analysis of Secondary Metabolite Production in Talinum paniculatum (Javanese Ginseng). Principal Investigator. Asahi Glass Foundation. 2017. |
Screening, Selection, and Development of Bryophytes as Medicinal Plants. Principal Investigator. Funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia. 2016. |
Metabolite Profiling of Aquilaria malaccensis in Response to Fusarium sp. Inoculum Injection for High-Quality Agarwood. Principal Investigator. Funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia. 2016. |
Development Potential of Bryophytes as Antibacterial and Antioxidant Agents. Principal Investigator. ITB Research University Grant. 2016. |
Establishment of Hairy Root Lines and Analysis of Secondary Metabolite Production in Talinum paniculatum. Principal Investigator. Asahi Glass Foundation. 2016. |
Optimization of Biotransformation Efficiency for Biomass Production in Banana Cultures (Musa acuminata) Using a TIS RITA Bioreactor System. Principal Investigator. ITB Research University Grant. 2015. |
Metabolite Profiling of Aquilaria malaccensis in Response to Fusarium sp. Inoculum Injection for High-Quality Agarwood. Principal Investigator. ITB Research University Grant. 2015. |
Tahun 2018: Penghargaan ITB Bidang Penelitian