Associate Professor
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Biological Resources Management
Email : dwiartama@itb.ac.id
Angga Dwiartama, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. is an Associate Professor at the School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia, a faculty member within the Management of Bio-resources Expertise Group, and currently the Vice Dean for Resources Affairs. Dr. Angga’s research focuses on multiple aspects of agrifood studies: value chain, environmental governance, Alternative Food Networks (AFNs), food security-sovereignty-justice nexus, and resilience, with a study area in Indonesia, and interests in commodities such as rice, coffee, cocoa, and dairy products. In his studies, Dr. Angga mainly use post-structural political economy approaches [actor-network theory, assemblage, governmentality, theory of practice]. In his daily life, Dr. Angga is a volunteer at Rumah Belajar Mentari, a community learning centre, and a board member of Komunitas 1000 Kebun, an alternative food movement in Bandung. Dr. Angga also has a keen interest in the world of plants and occasionally write, although not professionally, about ethnobotany.
Bachelor’s degree
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (2005). Major: Biology.
Master’s degree
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (2008). Major: Managemen of Natural Resources and Tropical Environment.
Doctoral Degree
- University of Otago, New Zealand (2014). Major: Geography / CSAFE.
Undergraduate Courses
- Agriculture Regulations and Policy; Agriculture Sociology;
- Biotechnology Industry Management
- Ethnobotany; Green Marketing
Postgraduate Courses
- Value Chains in Bioindustry; Final Project Designing
Publications in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and conference proceedings
Dwiartama, A., Akbar, Z. A., Ariefiansyah, R., Maury, H. K., & Ramadhan, S. (2024). Conservation, livelihoods, and Agrifood systems in Papua and Jambi, Indonesia: A case for diverse economies. Sustainability, 16(5), 1996.
Forney, J., & Dwiartama, A. (2023). The project, the everyday, and reflexivity in sociotechnical agri-food assemblages: proposing a conceptual model of digitalisation. Agriculture and Human Values, 40(2), 441-454.
Forney, J., Dwiartama, A., & Bentia, D. (2023). Everyday digitalization in food and agriculture: Introduction to the symposium. Agriculture and Human Values, 40(2), 417-421.
Rahayu, Y. Y. S., Dwiartama, A., Sujarwo, W., Rosleine, D., & Irsyam, A. S. D. (2024). Exploring wild edible plants in West Java, Indonesia: Ethnobotanical assessment, use trends, and potential for improved nutrition.Dwiartama, A., Ariefiansyah, R., Maury, H. K., Akbar, Z. A., & Ramadhan, S. (2023, June). Stories of Community Resilience: Seeing Beyond the Success and Failure of Community-Based Conservation in Indonesia. In XX ISA World Congress of Sociology (June 25-July 1, 2023). ISA.
Dwiartama, A., Kelly, M. & Dixon, J. (2022). Linking food security, food sovereignty and foodways in urban Southeast Asia: cases from Indonesia and Thailand. Food Security [Q1 Journal; Impact factor: 1,39].
Forney, J., Dwiartama, A., & Bentia, D. (2022). Everyday digitalization in food and agriculture: Introduction to the symposium. Agriculture and Human Values, 1-5 [Q1 Journal; Impact factor: 1,359].
Forney, J. & Dwiartama, A. (2022). The project, the everyday, and reflexivity in sociotechnical agri-food assemblages: proposing a conceptual model of digitalisation. Agriculture and Human Values. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-022-10385-4 [Q1 Journal; Impact factor: 1,359].
Dwiartama, A., Nirbayati, W.F., Giri-Rachman, E.A., Niloperbowo, W., Tan, M.I., Anin, A. (2022). Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice towards Hepatitis B Infection Prevention and Screening among Indonesians. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(8):4644. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19084644 [Q2 Journal; Impact factor: 0.75]
Dwiartama, A., Purnamahati, R.R., Pramudya, A.D., Megawanto, R., Nalang, V.S., Sumedi, P. (2022). Analisis Pengembangan Kebijakan Internasional dan Nasional Bioprospeksi. In Potensi Bioprospeksi Indonesia bagi Pembangunan Ekonomi NKRI (Eds:Hadi Sukadi Alikodra & Enny Sudarmonowati). Bogor: Penerbit IPB. ISBN: 978-623-467-038-7 [in Bahasa]
Dwiartama, A., Pratama, M.F., Saputri, S.R. & Irsyam, A.S.D. (2021). Field Guide Buah Lokal Jawa Barat. Bandung: Penerbit ITB. ISBN: 978-623-297-157-8 [in Bahasa]
Dwiartama, A. (2021) ‘Indigenous livelihood.’ In Routledge Handbook of Sustainable and Regenerative Food Systems (Eds: Jessica Duncan, Michael Carolan, and Han Wiskerke). Routledge.
Matar, Z.A., Dwiartama, A., Suantika, G. (2021). The Effect of Implementing the Integrated Management System in Seawater Desalination Plants in Conflict Zones: Case Study on the Gaza Strip. Future Cities and Environment 7(1): 9. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/fce.119. [Q1 Journal; Impact factor: 0.39]
Ramdan, H., Prameswari, S.A., Dwiartama, A. (2021). Suitability Analysis of Kampung Pasundan Cisamaya in Mount Ciremai National Park Area as Healing Forest Site. 3BIO: Journal of Biological Science, Technology and Management 3(2):30-36. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5614/3bio.2021.3.2.4.
Lubis, D.M., Sintawardani, N., Hamidah, U., Astuti, D.I., Dwiartama, A., Widyarani. (2021). Sustainability Assessment of Small-Scale Tofu Industry Based on Water Resource: case study of Giriharja Hamlet, Indonesia. Sanitation Value Chain 5(2): 55-70. DOI: https://doi.org/10.34416/svc.00067
Zulvianita, D., Purnamahati, R.R., & Dwiartama, A. (2021). Evaluation and Strategy of Tapping Pine Trees as an attempt for Community Empowerment in Sumedang, West Java. Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan Vol 18 No. 1. [in Bahasa] DOI: https://doi.org/10.20886/jpsek.2021.18.1.1-14
Dwiartama, A. (2021) Indigenous livelihood. In Routledge Handbook of Sustainable and Regenerative Food Systems (Eds: Jessica Duncan, Michael Carolan, and Han Wiskerke). Routledge.
Dwiartama, A., Purnamahati, R.R., Pramudya, A.D., Megawanto, R., Nalang, V.S., & Sumedi, P. (2020). Membangun Cetak Biru Bioprospecting di Indonesia [Building a Blueprint for Bioprospecting in Indonesia]. Bandung: Penerbit ITB. ISBN: 978-623-7568-96-4 [in Bahasa]
Dwiartama, A. & Ahmad, I. (2020). Tantangan dan Peluang Kuliah Daring di Perguruan Tinggi: Refleksi dalam Perspektif Pedagogi. In Potret Pendidikan Tinggi di Masa Covid-19 (Eds: Tian Belawati and Nizam). Dirjen DIKTI Kemendikbud. ISBN: 978-602-9290-23-3. [In Bahasa]
Matar, Z.A., Dwiartama, A., Suantika, G. (2021). The Effect of Implementing the Integrated Management System in Seawater Desalination Plants in Conflict Zones: Case Study on the Gaza Strip. Future Cities and Environment 7(1): 9. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/fce.119. [Q1 Journal]
Lubis, D. M., Astuti, D. I., Dwiartama, A., Sintawardani, N., & Hamidah, U. (2021). The Quantity, Quality, and Treatment of Wastewater from the Tofu Industry in Giriharja, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia. Sanitation Value Chain 5(1): 48.
Zulvianita, D., Purnamahati, R.R., & Dwiartama, A. (2021). Evaluation and Strategy of Tapping Pine Trees as an attempt for Community Empowerment in Sumedang, West Java. Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan Vol 18 No. 1. [in Bahasa]
Dwiartama, A. (2020). Antara Akses dan Kedaulatan Lahan: pergulatan masyarakat periurban di Sekepicung atas hak ruang-ruang publik (Between Land Access and Sovereignty: the struggle of peri-urban community in Sekepicung for their right of public spaces). Jurnal Analisis Sosial AKATIGA 21(1). [in Bahasa]
Neilson, J., Dwiartama, A., Fold, N., & Permadi, D. (2020). Resource-based industrial policy in an era of global production networks: Strategic coupling in the Indonesian cocoa sector. World Development, 135, 105045. [Q1 Journal]
Dwiartama, A., Tresnadi, C., Furqon, A. & Pratama, M.F. (2020). Membangun Ketahanan Pangan melalui Inisiatif Pangan Lokal: studi kasus di Kota Bandung dan sekitarnya. Jurnal Sosioteknologi 17(1):14-20. (in Bahasa)
Dwiartama, A., Tresnadi, C., Furqon, A. & Pratama, M.F. (2020). Membangun Ketahanan Pangan melalui Inisiatif Pangan Lokal: studi kasus di Kota Bandung dan sekitarnya. Jurnal Sosioteknologi (in Bahasa)
Faridah, L., Rinawan, F.R., Fauziah, N., Mayasari, W., Dwiartama, A. & Watanabe, K. (2020). Evaluation of Health Information System (HIS) in Surveillance of Dengue in Indonesia: Lessons from case in Bandung, West Java. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Dwiartama, A. (2020) Indigenous food systems. In Routledge Handbook of Sustainable and Regenerative Food Systems (Eds: Jessica Duncan, Michael Carolan, and Han Wiskerke). Routledge.
Pratama, F., Dwiartama, A., Rosleine, D., Abdulharis, R., Irsyam, A.S.D, Lastini, T. (2019) A documentation of underutilized fruit trees (UFTs) across indigenous communities in West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 20:9.
Hernawan, E., Rosmiati, M., Lastini, T., Sofiatin, Dwiartama, A., & Rahman, H. (2019) Agroforestry as a model of sustainable land use of small-scale private forest: a case study in Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia. International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management.
Piatti, C. & Dwiartama, A. (2019) Provenance for Whom? A Comparative Analysis of Geographical Indications in the EU and Indonesia. In The Role and Significance of Geographical Indication as a Tool for the Development and Democratization of Agri-Food (Eds: A. Bonanno, K. Sekine & H. Feuer). Routledge.
Neilson, J., Pritchard, B., Fold, N. & Dwiartama, A. (2018). Lead firm strategies in the cocoa-chocolate global production network: an assessment of the deductive capabilities of GPN 2.0 applied to the case of Indonesia. Economic Geography [Impact factor: 2.735]
Dwiartama, A. (2018). ‘From disciplinary societies to societies of control: an historical narrative of Agri-Environmental Governance in Indonesia.’ In Jeremie Forney, Chris Rosin & Hugh Campbell (Eds). Agri-environmental governance as an assemblage: multiplicity, power, and transformation. London, UK: Routledge Publishing.
Rosmiati, M., & Dwiartama, A. (2018). Strategi Pengembangan Keberlanjutan Pangan (Kasus Komoditas Cabai Merah di Kabupaten Garut). Jurnal Agribisnis Terpadu 10(1).
Dwiartama, A. (2017). Achieving food security through alternative food movements: insights from Bandung. Green Initiative Week in Indonesia Joint Program on Green City and Architecture with South East Asian Countries, Jakarta, Indonesia, 28 October – 4 November 2017.
Dwiartama, A., Tresnadi, C., Furqon, A., & Pratama, M. F. (2017). From Initiative to Movement: The Growth and Evolution of Local Food Networks in Bandung, Indonesia. Asian Journal of Social Science Studies, 2(4), 91.
Dwiartama, A. (2017). Resilience and transformation of the New Zealand kiwifruit industry in the face of Psa disease. Journal of Rural Studies [Impact factor: 2.444]
Rahmah, A., Rosmiati, M., & Dwiartama, A. (2017). Rantai Pangan Berkelanjutan: Kasus Komoditas Cabai di Kabupaten Garut. Agricore, 2(1).
Dwiartama, A. & Suheri, T. (2016). Youth, identity, and community resilience: an ethnographic record on a social transformation in the periurban of Bandung (in Bahasa Indonesia). Jurnal Analisis Sosial AKATIGA 20(1-2): 197-215.
Dwiartama, A., Budi, E.M, Sarwono, J., Ekawati, E., Pratama, M.P., Hersaputri, M., Aprilia, E., & Listyana. (2016). Pemanfaatan sumberdaya hayati berkelanjutan melalui Indikasi Geografis: bambu temen surade sebagai bahan baku angklung padaeng. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Biologi & Biologi FMIPA UNY, 26 November 2016. B-13 pp.143-155.
Dwiartama, A. (2016). Resilience thinking, fluidity, and the agency of a quasi-actant. Dialogues in Human Geography 6(1): 28-31 [Impact factor: 1.243]
Dwiartama, A. & Piatti, C. (2016). Assembling local, assembling food security. Agriculture and Human Values 33: 153-164 [Impact factor: 1.359]
Piatti, C. & Dwiartama, A. (2016). From Food Security to the Enactment of Change: Introduction to the Symposium. Agriculture and Human Values 33: 135-139 [Impact factor: 1.359]
Dwiartama, A., Rosin, C., & Campbell, H. (2016). ‘Worlds of Rice: Understanding agrifood systems as assemblages’. In Richard Le Heron, Hugh Campbell, Nick Lewis & Michael Carolan (Eds). Biological Economies: Experimentation and the politics of agrifood frontiers. London, UK: Routledge Publishing.
Dwiartama, A. & Rosin, C. (2014). Exploring agency beyond humans: the compatibility of actor-network theory (ANT) and resilience thinking. Ecology and Society 19(3): 28 [Impact factor: 3.310]
Rosin, C., Dwiartama, A., Grant, D., & Hopkins, D. (2013). Using provenance to create stability: State‐led territorialisation of Central Otago as assemblage. New Zealand Geographer 69(3): 235-248 [Impact factor: 0.526]
[Articles in progress]
Dwiartama, A. Kelly, M. & Dixon, J. (under review) Looking into urban food ways and food desert in Southeast Asian context. Submitted to Geoforum.
Neilson, J., Dwiartama, A., Permadi, D. & Fold, N. (under review) Resource-based industrialisation (RBI) in the Indonesian cocoa sectors. Submitted to World Development.
Scientific and technical reports
Dwiartama, A., Purnamahati, R.R., Pramudya, A.D., Megawanto, R., Nalang, V.S., & Sumedi, P. (forthcoming). Membangun Cetak Biru Bioprospecting di Indonesia [Building a Blueprint for Bioprospecting in Indonesia]. Bandung: ITB Press.
Neilson, J., Morrison, M., Dwiartama, A., Utami, R., Patunru, A., & Pritchard, B. (2017). Food Processing and Value Chain Development in Indonesia. The Australia-Indonesia Centre.
Riqqi, A., Dwiartama, A. & Afriyanie, D. (2017). Environmental Management Planning for West Java Province. Technical Report for the Regional Environmental Agency of West Java.
Dwiartama, A., & Iriani, P. (2016). A Biodiversity study of Kampung Blekok (Ardeola speciosa) in Bandung. Research Report for PT. Pertamina (Persero).
Dwiartama, A., Iriani, P. & Suroso, A. (2015). A monitoring report on the implementation of Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) in the construction of Access Roads for the development of Upper Cisokan Hydroelectric Dam. Technical Report for PT. PLN (Persero).
Dwiartama, A., Fukuda, Y., Woodford, K., Manhire, J., Moller, H., Mavromatis, G., … & Rosin, C. (2013). International research collaboration for agricultural sustainability: opportunities for partnership with the New Zealand Sustainability Dashboard. The NZ Sustainability Dashboard Research Report 13/11. Published by ARGOS.
Rosin, C., Dwiartama, A., & Hunt, L. (2012). Policy Approaches to Environmental Practice in Agriculture: a review of international literature and recommendations for application in New Zealand. ARGOS Research Report 12/11.
International Conferences and Workshops
Dwiartama, A., Neilson, J., Permadi, D., Aklimawati, L. & Hartatri, F. Blockchain technology in coffee value chains: solution to farmers’ livelihood or another case of business as usual? The 26th International Conference of the Agri-Food Research Network, December 2019, Christchurch: New Zealand.
Dwiartama, A., Pratama, F., Rosleine, D. & Abdulharis, R. Taste and attention: the politics behind the invisibility of indigenous fruits. The 26th International Conference of the Agri-Food Research Network, December 2019, Christchurch: New Zealand.
Pratama, M.F., Dwiartama, A., Abdulharis, R. & Rosleine, D. Development of Community-based Local Fruit Management In West Java: Opportunities and Challenges. The 25th International Conference of the Agri-Food Research Network, December 2018, Brisbane: Australia.
Alwasilah, M. & Dwiartama, A. A Spectrum of Organic-Ness among Vegetable Farmers in West Java, Indonesia. The 25th International Conference of the Agri-Food Research Network, December 2018, Brisbane: Australia.
Permadi, D. & Dwiartama, A. Re-embedding meanings on Geographical Indications: a case from Gayo coffee, Indonesia. The 25th International Conference of the Agri-Food Research Network, December 2018, Brisbane: Australia.
Dwiartama, A. Assembling the agro-digital landscapes in Indonesia: a preliminary study. The 25th International Conference of the Agri-Food Research Network, December 2018, Brisbane: Australia
Dwiartama, A. The growth and evolution of Alternative Food Networks in Bandung, Indonesia. The 24th International Conference of the Agri-Food Research Network, 3 – 5 December 2017, Bandung: Indonesia.
Dwiartama, A., Neilson, J. & Permadi, D. Hilirisasi: Resource-based industrialisation (RBI) in the Indonesian Coffee and cocoa sectors. The 24th International Conference of the Agri-Food Research Network, 3 – 5 December 2017, Bandung: Indonesia.
Riswanti, I., Dwiartama, A. & Sjarmidi, A. The coffee, the civet and the certification: on the creation of standards for the most expensive coffee in the world. The 24th International Conference of the Agri-Food Research Network, 3 – 5 December 2017, Bandung: Indonesia.
Alwasilah, M., Dwiartama, A. & Rosmiati, M. Perceptions of organic among farmers in West Java, Indonesia. The 24th International Conference of the Agri-Food Research Network, 3 – 5 December 2017, Bandung: Indonesia.
Dwiartama, A & Effendi, A. Hybrid of two worlds: a typology of alternative food initiatives (AFIs) and the growth of middle class in Bandung, Indonesia. The 23rd Australasian Agri-Food Research Network Conference, 7 – 9 Desember 2016, Adelaide: Australia
Dwiartama, A., Neilson, J. & Pritchard, B. From chain to network: a preliminary study on Indonesia’s chocolate industry. The 22nd Australasian Agri-Food Research Network Conference, 6 – 9 Desember 2015, Queenstown: NZ
Dwiartama, A. The vibrancy of rice in Indonesia’s agriculture and food system: a look beyond political economy. The 21st Australasian Agri-Food Research Network Conference, 23 – 26 November 2014, Sydney: Australia
Dwiartama, A. Can resilience be linked to food security? A multi-scalar analysis of resilience in Indonesia’s rice agrifood system. The 20th Australasian Agri-Food Research Network Conference, 2 – 5 December 2013, Melbourne: Australia
Dwiartama, A. & Piatti, C. Potential and challenges of a bottom-up approach towards an urban food strategy: the case of Dunedin’s local food network. The 20th Australasian Agri-Food Research Network Conference, 2 – 5 December 2013, Melbourne: Australia
Dwiartama, A., Rosin, C. & Campbell, H. Resilience in the making: a review of the New Zealand kiwifruit industry as an assemblage of multiple actors. The European Society of Rural Sociology (ESRS) Congress , 29 July – 1 August 2013, Florence: Italy.
Dwiartama, A. Resilience at what cost? The New Zealand kiwifruit industry in the face of the Psa disease. The 19th Australasian Agri-Food Research Network Conference, 5 – 8 December 2012, Palmerston North: New Zealand
Dwiartama, A. Incorporating actor-network theory to the study of agrifood systems’ resilience: A case study of Indonesia’s rice agriculture. The XIII World Congress of Rural Sociology, 29 July – 4 August 2012, Lisbon: Portugal
Dwiartama, A. Identifying the Resilience of New Zealand’s kiwifruit and Indonesia’s rice Agrifood Systems in the Face of Various Shocks. the 18th Australasian Agri-Food Research Network Conference, 5 – 8 December 2011, Canberra: Australia
Popular Articles
The illusion of Industry 4.0: a critical overview of our current technology. PRO:Aktif Online, April 2019. [in Bahasa]
Islam and (the spirit of) social transformation, quo vadis? Studia Humanika, [in Bahasa Indonesia]
Food, Agriculture and Islam: a critical review. Jurnal SALMAN, July 2019. [in Bahasa Indonesia]
Investigating the Dark Side of the Global Value Chain in the Apparel Industry. PRO:Aktif Online, October 2018. [in Bahasa]
Food as embodied politics. PRO:Aktif Online, May 2018. [in Bahasa Indonesia]
Understanding the incompatibility between indigenous community’s local wisdom and modern lifestyle. PRO:Aktif Online, January 2018. [in Bahasa Indonesia]
Tracing the meanings of food security. PRO:Aktif Online, August 2014. [in Bahasa Indonesia]
Food in the grasps of capitalism. PRO:Aktif Online, August 2014. [in Bahasa Indonesia]
City looks to sustainable food systems. ‘Over the Fence’ Column in Otago Daily Times, March 2013.
Journal of Rural Studies
World Development
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Society and Natural Resources
Journal of Socio-Economic in Agriculture
Agricultural System
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management
Jurnal Sosio-teknologi (in Bahasa Indonesia)
2011 – present International Sociological Association (ISA) Member of Research Committee on Agriculture and Food (RC 40)
2018 – 2022 Executive Board Member of RC40 at ISA (elected)
2018 – present Asian Rural Sociological Association (ARSA)
2011 – present Australasian Agri-food Research Network (AFRN) https://afrn.co
2017 Chair of the 24th International Conference of the Agrifood Research Network https://agrifood.sith.itb.ac.id/
2012 – 2014 Asia:NZ Young Leaders Network (YLN) http://www.asianz.org.nz/our-work/young-leaders
- Salsabila Nur Feranti. Evaluating ecotourism in Way Kambas National Park. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2018.
- Alvin Faza Aulia. Value chain study of coffee in West Java. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2018
- Adzani Ghani Ilmannafi’an. Resilience of Cieunteung rural community in the face of floods. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2014 (graduated).
- Reina Yulianti. Vegetation management along the green corridors connecting two recreational parks in Bandung. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2014 (graduated).
- Aulia Rahmah. Sustainability of agri-food supply chains: a case of chili pepper in West Java. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2015 (graduated).
- Ine Riswanti. Creating a sustainable luwak coffee through an integration of animal welfare standards. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2015 (graduated).
- Mentari Qorina Alwasilah. Perceptions of organic among vegetable farmers in Bandung. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2016 (graduated).
- Dikdik Permadi. Re-embedding meanings on Geographical Indications: A case from Gayo coffee, Indonesia. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2017.
- Mochammad Fikry Pratama. Management of community-based local fruit production and conservation for food and nutritional security. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2017.
- Luthfi Dwimulya. Evaluating the implementation of urban farming program in the city of Bandung. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2017.
- Muhammad Maulana Sidik. Exploring agro-digital futures in Indonesia. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2018.
2020 | A study on social and economic impact of digital agriculture on farmers; funded by P3MI ITB (Principal Investigator] |
2020 | Measuring Social Impact towards the Implementation of New Approach on Traceability System in Coffee Value Chain – with PT. LAPI ITB, SEEDS Indonesia and Upnormal Coffee Roastery; funded by Coffee Innovation Fund GIZ, Germany (Principal Investigator] |
2020 | Evaluations on implementations and governances of TFCA-Kalimantan Program – funded by Yayasan Kehati [Principal Investigator] |
2019 – 2021 | New Directions in Agro-environmental Governance: Digitalization of agriculture and its impact on farmers’ livelihood – with Dr. Jeremie Forney; funded by SERI Switzerland |
2019 – 2020 | Developing a blueprint for bioprospecting in Indonesia; funded by Yayasan Kehati [Principal Investigator] |
2019 | Value chain study of Indonesian coffee sector: on the evaluation of value chain digital technology – with Dr. Jeffrey Neilson; funded by ACIAR |
2019 | Spatial Evaluations on the achievements and impacts of TFCA-Sumatera Program – funded by Yayasan Kehati[Principal Investigator] |
2018 – 2020 | Socio-economic study of integrated dengue monitoring and surveillance – with Prof. Intan Ahmad; funded by Taiwan CDC and National Chung Hsing University |
2018 – 2020 | Local Fruits for Local Food Security – funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Indonesia [Principal Investigator] |
2018 | Biodiversity study for Kiara Payung Biodiversity Park, West Java – PT. LAPI ITB; funded by PT. Pertamina [Principal Investigator] |
2017 – 2018 | Evaluations on implementations and governances of TFCA-Sumatera Program – funded by Yayasan Kehati [Principal Investigator] |
2017 – 2019 | Achieving food security through Alternative Food Networks – funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Indonesia [Principal Investigator] |
2017 – 2018 | Value chain study of Indonesian coffee and cocoa sector – with Dr. Jeff. Neilson; funded by ACIAR Australia |
2017 | Initiating a research collaboration on agri-environmental governance in Switzerland and Indonesia – with Dr. Jeremie Forney; funded by SERI Switzerland |
2017 | Designing Environmental Management Planning Strategy for West Java Province – with Dr. Akhmad Riqqi; funded by the Provincial Environmental Agency, Indonesia |
2017 | Study of energy flow and material cycle of urban farming systems – funded by ITB Indonesia [Principal Investigator] |
2015 – 2016 | Food processing and value chain development in Indonesia – with Dr. Jeff Neilson; funded by the Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC) Australia |
2016 | Biodiversity study of Kampung Blekok (a village conserving the Javan Heron/Ardeola speciosa) in Bandung – PT. LAPI ITB; funded by PT. Pertamina [Principal Investigator] |
2016 | Developing standards for bamboo as a material for musical instrument (angklung) – with Dr. Eko Mursito Budi; funded by LPDP Indonesia |
2015 – 2016 | Integrated Urban Farming System for marginal communities in Bandung – funded by ITB Indonesia[Principal Investigator] |
2015 | Implementation of Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) in the construction of access roads for the Upper Cisokan Hydroelectric Dam project – PT. LAPI ITB; funded by PT. PLN [Principal Investigator] |
2014 – 2015 | Mapping local and alternative food movements in Bandung, Indonesia – self-funded |
2014 – 2015 | Ecologically-based rodent management: developing a system dynamic model for rice production cluster in West Java – with Dr. Achmad Sjarmidi; funded by PT. Pupuk Kujang |
2012 – 2013 | The Good Food Project: mapping Dunedin’s local food system – with Dr. Cinzia Piatti; self-funded, supported by CSAFE, University of Otago, New Zealand |
2012 – 2013 | Research Assistant in the Agriculture Research Group on Sustainability (ARGOS) Project, CSAFE, University of Otago, New Zealand |
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Public Engagements
2019 Board of Experts. Plantation Agency and Forestry Agency of West Java Provincial Government.
2019 Board of Experts, Accelerating the growth of Indonesia’s Food Industry – organized by GAPMMI and
AC Nielsens
2018 Building a foundation for regional food security and food sovereignty. Invited Speaker at the leadership training for 2nd Echelon Civil Servants, July 2018.
2018 Food, Agriculture and Islam: a critical review. Invited Speaker at SALMAN Public Lecture Series, May 2018
2018 Tracing Our Ecological Food Prints. Invited Speaker in KAIL Sharing Day, May 2018.
2017 Introduction: a brief overview of agriculture in Indonesia. Mentor at the Agrifood XIV Pre-Conference Workshop for postgraduate students, November 2017.
2017 From a disciplinary society to a society of control: an historical narrative of agri-environmental governance in Indonesia. Invited Speaker at the University of Neuchatel’s Public Symposium on Agri-environmental governance, Neuchatel, Switzerland, September 2017.
2017 Agro-ecologie: defis agricoles en Indonésie. Invited Speaker at the University of Neuchatel’s Students’ Movie Playing on Sustainability, Neuchatel, Switzerland, September 2017.
2017 Building food security through alternative food movements. Invited Speaker at Forum for Young Indonesians (FYI), Jakarta, July 2017