Dr. Ir. Asep Suheri., MT.
Assistant Professor
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Forestry Technology
Email : asep_s@itb.ac.id
Dr. Ir. Asep Suheri., MT. is a lecturer and researcher of the Forestry Technology expertise group. Dr. Asep primarily focuses in the utilisation and development of forestry products as sustainable materials and fuel. Moreover, he has been involved similarly in several Green City projects throughout West Java.
Bachelor’s degree
- Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia (1986). Major: Forest Planning and Socio-Economy.
Master’s degree
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (1998). Major: Remote Sensing and GIS for Land Uses.
Doctoral Degree
- Major: Natural Resource and Environmental Management.
- Environmental Sciences; Forest Area Planning; Remote Sensing and GIS for Forestry;
- Introduction to Life Sciences and Technology; Forest Biometrics; Integrated Landscape Management
Journals |
2019 : The peak runoff model based on Existing Land Use and Masterplan in Sentul City area, Bogor (Conference Paper). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 399, Issue 1, 31 December 2019, Article number 0120391st International Seminar on Natural Resources and Environmental Management 2019, ISeNREM 2019; IPB International Convention Center (IICC) Bogor; Indonesia; 15 August 2019 through ; Code 156665.2019 : Integrated utilization of land and vegetation in secondary forest areas. 3BIO Journal ITB. Tahun: 2019 | Volume: 1. | ISSN: 1812-5719
2019 : Model Prediksi Kebutuhan Air Bersih Berdasarkan Jumlah Penduduk di Kawasan Perkotaan Sentul City. Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan | Vol. 04 No. 03, Desember 2019, Hal 207-218 2019 : Coconut Fibers and Laminates with Jabon Trunk (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) Veneer for Hybrid Plywood Composites: Dimensional Stability and Mechanical PropertiesCoconut Fibers and Laminates with Jabon Trunk (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) Veneer for Hybrid Plywood Composites: Dimensional Stability and Mechanical Properties. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. Tahun: 2018 | Volume: 13 | ISSN: 1812-5719. 2018 : The potential use of wood waste ash nanofiller for improvement of laminated veneer lumber production made from Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba). Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science Volume 15, Issue 2, 1 December 2018, Pages 126-131 |
Seminar |
2019 : Suheri, A.; Kusmana, C; Yanuar, M J. Purwanto; Setiawan, Y. 2019. The peak runoff model based on Existing Land Use and Masterplan in Sentul City area, Bogor Presented in 1st International Seminar on Natural Resources and Environmental Management 2019, ISeNREM 2019; IPB International Convention Center (IICC) Bogor; Indonesia; 15 August 2019 through ; Code 156665.2019 : Suheri, A.; Kusmana, C; Yanuar, M J. Purwanto; Setiawan, Y. 2019. Impact of Smart Tank on Runoff Coeficient Improvement in Sentul City for Reducting Peak Runoff of Bekasi Hulu Watershed. Presented in Sustainable Urban Water International Seminar (SUWIS) 2019. Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor. Supported by The Australia-Indonesia Center (AIC). 24 January 2019. |
- 2020 : Ketua Tim Penelitian Persepsi masyarakat Cibugel terhadap fungsi dan manfaat bambu di wilayahnya
- 2020 : Ketua Tim Penelitian Rancangan hutan energi sebagai bahan bakar terbarukan untuk mendukung kemandirian di Cibugel, Sumedang.
- 2019 : Ketua Tim Penelitian Penguatan wanatani melalui pengembangan sumberdaya dan kearifan lokal.
- 2018 : Ketua Tim Penelitian Revegetasi Kawasan Sentul City menuju Kota Hijau
- 2018 : Ketua Tim Penelitian Penyediaan danau buatan untuk pencegahan dan antisipasi banjir di Jakarta melalui pendekatan intensitas dan curah hujan (Studi kasus: DAS Ciliwung Hulu)
- 2018 : Ketua Tim penelitian “The development model of clean water supply from the social aspect”
- 2017 : Ketua Tim Penelitian “The peak runoff model based on Existing Land Use and Masterplan in Sentul City area, Bogor”
- 2017 : Anggota Tim Penelitian “The potential use of wood waste ash nanofiller for improvement of laminated veneer lumber production made from Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba)”
- 2017 : Anggota Tim Penelitian “Coconut Fibers and Laminates with Jabon Trunk (Anthocephalus cadamba) Veneer for Hybrid Plywood Composites: Dimensional Stability and Mechanical Properties Coconut Fibers and Laminates with Jabon Trunk (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) Veneer for Hybrid Plywood Composites: Dimensional Stability and Mechanical Properties”
- 2016 : Ketua Tim Penelitian “Impact of Smart Tank on Runoff Coeficient Improvement in Sentul City for Reducting Peak Runoff of Bekasi Hulu Watershed”
- 2016 : Ketua Tim Penelitian “Integrated utilization of land and vegetation in secondary forest areas”
- 2019 : Introduksi Teknik Pengelolaan Benih Tanaman Hutan pada Masyarakat Pelaku Benih dan Bibit dalam Meningkatkan Produksi Benih dan Bibit Tanaman Hutan Berkualitas (Anggota)
- 2018 : Pemanfaatan Serbuk Gergajian Kayu Hutan Rakyat sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Pelet Kayu untuk Energi Alternatif Masa Depan (Anggota)
- 2017 : Pelatihan pembuatan kayu laminasi bagi masyarakat sekitar kawasan gunung geulis (Anggota)
- 2016 : Pelatihan Peningkatan Kualitas Kayu Hutan Rakyat bagi Anggota Kelompok Tani Hutan Rakyat di Desa Cibugel, Kecamatan Cibugel, Kabupaten Sumedang (Anggota)
- 2014 : Pelatihan perajin kayu sekitar kampus ITB Ganesa (Anggota)