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Short Course on Environmental Bioengineering and Phytoremediation

Short Course on Environmental Bioengineering and Phytoremediation

Center for Bioresources SITH – ITB delighted to announce Short Course program, Environmental Bioengineering and Phytoremediation, scheduled for 13th-14th August 2024. This Short Course is conducted to solving waste issues based on study case, as well as looking for natural based solution with phytotechnology and exploration on phytoremediation research. We look forward to welcoming you […]

Plant & Microalgae Based Bioindustry

Plant & Microalgae Based Bioindustry

About the event The Plant Science and Biotechnology research group of SITH ITB has been conducting series of Joint Symposium and International Conference since 2019. So far, we have conducted three (3) joint symposium (2019, 2020 and 2022) and one (1) International Conference (2021). Therefore, we are delighted to announce the upcoming 2nd International Conference […]

Integrating Insights for Sustainable Aquatic Systems

Integrating Insights for Sustainable Aquatic Systems

Dear Knowledge Enthusiast! A group of PhD candidates from Wageningen University and Research, in collaboration with School of Life Science of Technology Institut Teknologi Bandung, present: “Integrating Insights for Sustainable Aquatic Systems: Exchanging Perspective between The Netherlands and Indonesia” This event consists of scientific presentations, study abroad talk, poster session, gender roles in science, and […]

International Virtual Course 2023 – Biotechnology: “Application of multi-omics for the advancement of Biotechnology”

International Virtual Course 2023 – Biotechnology: “Application of multi-omics for the advancement of Biotechnology”

Master Program in Biotechnology – School of Life Sciences and Technology proudly announces and invites you to join The International Virtual Course 2023. This course will cover the discussion about Omics application in many aspects and will be held on June 8th – July 3rd, 2023. . You can fill in the registration form at: […]

Webinar by KK ATB – SITH ITB

Dear colleagues,

Agrotecchnology and Bioproduct Technology Group invites you to our international webinar program.

“Valorization of Biomass to Produce Valuable Bioproducts”

Topic: Biomass to Biobased Chemicals
Prof. Dr. Ir. Hero Jan Herees
Green chemical Reaction Engineering – University of Groningen, The Netherland
Honorary Professor of School of Life Sciences & Technology, ITB

Topic: Toward Sustainable Agriculture – Bioindustry System in Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Ir. Robert Manurung
School of Life Sciences & Technology – Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Topic: Cassava for Food Security and Renewable Energy
Helmi Hasanudin
Executive Director of PT Usaha Bumi Indah, Indonesia

Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Abduh
School of Life Sciences & Technology – Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Thursday, 15th December 2022
14.00 – 17.00 WIB (GMT+7)
Online Via Zoom

Free and open for public
Registration link:

All are welcome to attend

Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you at the webinar

School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology is pleased to host an international conference with the theme “Translational Omics and Bioinformatics” on November 23-25, 2022. The programme will discuss how informatics can be used to improve research and development in Vaccine, Therapeutics, and Diagnostics, and how it is helping to centralise and organise medical knowledge.

Our aims to bring together leading academia, industrial partner, communities, and government to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Translational Omics and Bioinformatics. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the field

For more information, please visit IC OMICS website


About the Event

The Plant Science and Biotechnology research group, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology in collaboration with University Kebangsaan Malaysia, proudly present the 3rd Joint Symposium on Plant Sciences and Products 2022 with the theme “Utilization of Biomass Towards Strengthening Bioeconomy”.

This conference is to build a scientific forum that can bring together reliable experts, researchers, academics, observers, and industry to accelerate the down streaming of research results in the plant and microalgae-based bioindustry fields. The movement of scientific direction which tends to fade boundaries and brings forth trans disciplinarily towards sustainable or scientific complexes encourages the holding of scientific forums in both fields. This conference aims to promote utilization or transformation of plant and microalgae biomass to create valuable bioproducts for strengthening bioeconomy.


Call for Paper, with related topic:

  • Plant Sciences
  • Plant Biodiversity and Ethnobotany
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Microalgae Cultivation
  • Clean Environmental Technology
  • Nutraceuticals, Medicinal Plants and Natural Products.
  • Biorefinery, Bioenergy and Biomaterial
  • Agriculture, Food and Post-Harvest Technology

Speaker: *Poster

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Deadline        : 24 October 2022
  • Acceptance Announcement             : 31 October 2022
  • Full Paper Deadline                           : 10 November 2022
  • Symposium Event                              : 16-1 October 2022

Registration and Abstract Submission:



Presenters*                 IDR 500.000/ 200 MYR
Student Presenters*   IDR 300.000/ 150 MYR
*does not include publication fee in selected journals
Participants                 IDR 350.000/ 110 MYR
Student Participants   IDR 200.000/ 100 MYR









+6289617080049 (rizka)

 Prosedur Permohonan Surat Rekomendasi kepada Dekan Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati Untuk Studi Lanjut

Bagi mahasiswa dan alumni yang membutuhkan surat rekomendasi oleh Dekan SITH ITB untuk keperluan studi lanjut maupun pendaftaran beasiswa, harap mengikuti prosedur sebagai berikut:

  1. Siapkan dokumen yang harus dilampirkan:
    a. Ijazah dan transkrip yang berlaku dari Institut Teknologi Bandung
    b. Curriculum Vitae yang berisi seluruh rekam jejak termasuk aktivitas kokurikuler dan ekstrakurikuler selama berkuliah di SITH maupun ITB
    c. Surat permohonan ke Dekan SITH yang ditandatangani oleh pemohon
    d. Formulir (terlampir) dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan format .docx
  2. Kirimkan permohonan berserta seluruh dokumen yang dibutuhkan ke alamat email akademik@sith.itb.ac.id dengan subjek [Permohonan Surat Rekomendasi – Nama Lengkap – NIM]

Selengkapnya :




Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati melalui Program PPMI 2021 saat ini membuka satu lowongan riset paskadoktoral pada bidang Sains Tumbuhan.

Dr. Rizkita R. Esyanti (KK SBT)

– S3 dalam bidang Biologi Molekuler Tumbuhan
– Memahami teori dan praktik analisis flow cytometry
– Berpengalaman dalam teknik analisis modifikasi epigenetik dan ekspresi gen (khususnya transkriptomik)

Deskripsi umum pekerjaan:
Melakukan riset regulasi Epigenetik terkait cell cycle arrest untuk pengembangan tanaman pangan tahan cekaman, sesuai standar pelaksanaan penelitian di lingkungan SITH-ITB.

Periode kerja:
Tahun 2022 (selama 12 bulan)

Dokumen utama syarat pendaftaran:
– Cover letter
– Ijazah terakhir
– CV & daftar publikasi

Untuk pendaftaran & untuk mendapatkan informasi lanjut terkait detail pekerjaan, silahkan menghubungi Angga Dwiartama, Ph.D. (WDS SITH-ITB) melalui email di wds@sith.itb.ac.id