Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, Ph.D.
Asistant Professor
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Genetics and Molecular Biotechnology
Email : erna_girirachman@itb.ac.id
Ernawati Giri-Rachman, Ph.D. is one of the lecturers at genetics and molecular biotechnology expertise group who focuses in the field of molecular microbiology, virology, molecular and cell biology. Dr. Ernawati is also active in several projects both at home and abroad, such as the project to develop the covid-19 and hepatitis B vaccines. Dr, Ernawati is the head of the ITB covid-19 task force and is a member of the team for handling covid-19 and accelerating vaccines in the regional and national government arenas. Dr. Ernawati is an active member of several national and international organizations related to virology, microbiology and molecular biology.
Bachelor’s degree
- Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (1993). Major field : Chemistry
Master’s degree
- Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (1997). Major field : Chemistry
Doctoral degree
- University of Bristol (2003). Major field : Molecular Microbiology
Undergraduate Courses
- Basic molecular and cell biology, applied in molecular and cell biology, diagnostic microbiology
- Microbial physiology (practical), microbial pathogenesis and immunology, project on microbial genetics
- Virology, current issues in biotechnology
Contribution to GenBank NCBI Database
- Efendi,Y.S., Susanti,D., Tritama,E., Putri,G.N.N., Raharso,S.,Iskandar,I., Aditiawati,P., Giri-Rachman,E.A., Mukhopadhyay,B. and Purwantini,E. Bordetella pertussis strain Pelita III, complete genome. GenBank : NZ_CP019957. 2017
- Giri-Rachman,E.A ., Kocher,J.F., Li,G., Bui,T., Jiang,X. and Yuan,L. Norovirus Hu/GII.4 2006b/092895/2008/USA major capsid protein gene, complete cds.GenBank: KC990829.1. 2013
- Jinata,C., Giri-Rachman,E.A . and Retnoningrum,D.S. Hepatitis B virus isolate CJ66 small S protein (sHBsAg) gene, partial cds. JQ646056.1-JQ646072, 2012 (18 sequences)
- Tafroji, W., Bernadette, F.M., Giri Rachman, E.A., Safari, D. 2020. The use of PCR and BsmAI restriction combination targeting wciP gene to determine serotype 6A, 6B, 6C and 6D Streptococcus pneumoniae. Journal of Microbiological Methods. Vol. 172
- Almando Geraldi, Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman. 2018. Synthetic biology-based portable in vitro diagnostic platforms Alexandria journal of medicine, 54 (4), 423-428.
- Yusuf Efendi, Dwi Susanti, Erman Tritama, Michelle Pasier, Gilang Putri, Sugeng Raharso, Iskandar Iskandar, Pingkan Aditiawati, Ernawati Giri-Rachman, Biswarup Mukhopadhyay, and Endang Purwantini. 2017. Complete genome sequence of Bordetella pertussis Pelita III, the production strain for an Indonesian Whole Cell Pertussis Vaccine. Accepted in Genome Announcements.
- Latri Rahmah, Ernawati G Rachman, Debbie S. Retnonigrum, Marselina I. Tan. 2017. Molecular characterization and expression of human Rotavirus Recombinant Protein VP2, VP6 and VP7 transfected in Vero Cell. International Journal of Integrative Biology. 18:1
- Lei S, Ramesh A, Twitchell E, Wen K, Bui T, Weiss M, Yang X, Kocher J, Li G, Giri-Rachman E, Trang NV, Jiang X, Ryan EP, Yuan L. 2016. High Protective Efficacy of Probiotics and Rice Bran against Human Norovirus Infection and Diarrhea in Gnotobiotic Pigs. Front Microbiol. 2016, 7:1699
- Wang H, Gao K, Wen K, Allen IC, Li G, Zhang W, Kocher J, Yang X, Giri-Rachman E, Li GH, Clark-Deener S, Yuan L. 2016. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG modulates innate signaling pathway and cytokine responses to rotavirus vaccine in intestinal mononuclear cells of gnotobiotic pigs transplanted with human gut microbiota. [full text]. BMC Microbiol. 16(1):109. doi: 10.1186/s12866-016-0727-2
- Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, Indah Woro Utami, Shinta Kusumawardani, Debbie Soefie Retnoningrum, Dessy Natalia, Nurfitriani, Gilang Nadia, Patricia Gita Naully and Neni Nurainy. 2015. Construction, Expression and Characterization of Multi Cassettes Encoding Indonesian Small Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (s-HBsAg) in Methylotropic Yeast Pichia pastoris. Biotechnology 14(5): 225-232 DOI: 10.3923/biotech.2015.225.232
- Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman,Fenryco Pratama, Oktira Roka Aji, Arum Patriati, Ihsanawati, Maelita Ramdani Moeis, Edy Giri-Rachman Putra. 2015. Expressionand Purification of PhoR SensorDomain Histidine Kinaseof Mycobacterium tuberculosisin Eschericia coli. Submited to Microbiology Indonesia, under review.
- ERNAWATI ARIFIN GIRI-RACHMAN M.Si, Ph.D, Dr. IHSANAWATI S.Si., MAELITA RAMDANI, FENRYCO PRATAMA, OKTIRA ROKAAJI, ARUM PATRIATI, EDY GIRI RACHMAN PUTRA. Expression and Purification of PhoR Sensor-Domain Histidine Kinase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Escherichia coli. JURNAL MIKROBIOLOGI INDONESIA. 2015.
- Zhang H, Wang H, Shepherd M, Wen K, Li G, Yang X, Kocher J, Giri-Rachman E, Dickerman A, Settlage R, Yuan L. 2014. Probiotics and virulent human rotavirus modulate the transplanted human gut microbiota in gnotobiotic pigs. Gut Pathog. 2014 Sep 9;6:39. doi: 10.1186/s13099-014-0039-8.
- Oktira Roka Aji, Dyshelly Nurkartika Pascapurnama, Fenryco Pratama, Ihsanawati Ihsanawati, Maelita Ramdhani Moeis, Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, 2014. Cloning, Overexpression, and Purification of PhoR CytoplasmicDomain Protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Rv. Vol 8, No 4 (2014)
- Jacob Kocher, Tammy Bui, Erna Giri-Rachman, Ke Wen, Guohua Li, Xingdong Yang,Fangning Liu, Ming Tan, Ming Xia, WeimingZhong, Xi Jiang, and Lijuan Yuan. 2014. Intranasal P particle vaccine protects against human GII.4 norovorus infection and diarrhea in gnotobiotic pigs. J Virol. pii: JVI.01249-14.
- Ke Wen, Christine Tin, Haifeng Wang, Xingdong Yang,Guohua Li, Ernawati Giri-Rachman , Jacob Kocher, Tammy Bui, Sherrie Clark-Deener, Lijuan Yuan. 2014.Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosusGG enhanced Th1 cellular immunity but did not affect antibody responses in a human gut microbiota transplanted neonatal gnotobiotic pig model. [full text]. PLoS One. 10;9(4):e94504. doi: 10.1371 Husen Zhang, Haifeng Wang, Megan Shepherd, Ke Wen, Guohua Li, Xingdong Yang, Jacob Kocher,Ernawati Giri-Rachman , Allan Dickerman, Robert Settlage, Lijuan Yuan. Lactobacillus rhamnosusGG modulates the human gut microbiota in rotavirus vaccinated and challenged gnotobiotic pigs. 2013. Submitted
- Ugiyadi M, Tan MI, Giri-Rachman EA, Zuhairi FR, Sumarsono SH. The expression of essential components for human influenza virus internalisation in Vero and MDCK cells. Cytotechnology . Published online 2013 Aug 4
- Martius E., Mardjuki A, Giri-Rachman, E , Riani C, Cahyati , Retnoningrum DS. 2013. Role of Lys59 and Lys386 of streptokinase from type 12 group A Streptococcus on in vitro stability against plasmin cleavage. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology , 7: 2617-2627
- Chandra Jinata,Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman and Debbie Soefie Retnoningrum. 2012. Molecular Analysis of Immune Escape Mutants of Hepatitis B Virus from Local Clinical Samples. Microbiology Indonesia. 6 (1), 9-14.
- FX Reymond Sutandy, Putri Dwi Utari, Tati Kristianti, Sony Suhandono, Amy Estiati and Ernawati A. Giri Rachman. 2012. Transformation and Analysis of L-HBsAg DNA Transient Expression in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum Linn.) Seedlings.Journal of Life Sciences and Technology (STM online Journal) School of Life Science and Technology, ITB, 1 (1) : 19-24
- Aldina S. Suwanto, Ihsanawati and Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman. 2011. Molecular Cloning of PhoR Sensor Domain from Mycobacterium tuberculosis for Structure-Based Discovery of Novel AntiTubercular Drugs . Journal of Life Sciences . 5:454-459
- Zrimi, J., A. N. Ling, A. Giri-Rachman, G. Feverati, C. Lesieur., 2010. Cholera Toxin B Subunits Assemble into Pentamers – Proposition of a Fly-Casting Mechanism. Plos One 5 (12) e15347 (eISSN-1932-6203)
- Sony Suhandono, Rasi Fitria, Ernawati Arifin Giri Rachman. 2010. Sequence Analysis of PutativepotB , potC , and potD Genes from Serratia rubidae . Microbiology Indonesia . 4:2, (ISSN 1978-3477)
- Patrisia Puspapriyanti, Johan Lucianus, Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman . 2010. Kloning DNA Pengkode PhoQ untuk Pengembangan High Throughput Screening System sebagai Usaha Mencari Antibakteri Baru terhadap Salmonella typhi. Jurnal Kedokteran Maranatha . 9(2): 136-145 (ISSN 1411-9641)
- Kirby Saputra, Johan Lucianus, Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman. 2010. Deteksi mutasi pada Quinolone Resistance Determining Region (QRDRs) gen gyrA pada Salmonella typhi Isolat Klinik dan Galur khas Indonesia. Jurnal Kedokteran Maranatha 9(1): 1-7 (ISSN 1411-9641)
- Suhandono S., Giri-Rachman E. A. , I.M Zainuddin, P D Utari, A. Supraba and A. Estiati. 2007. Construction of Binary Vector with Wound Inducible Promoter For HBsAg Expression : Development of Plant–based Edible Hepatitis B Vaccine from Indonesian isolate. Annales Bogorienses 11 (1): 8-18 (ISSN : 0517-8452).
- Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman and Fernita Puspasari “Study of D51 mutant of Cpx two component regulatory system in Vibrio cholerae”, ITSF Seminar, February 2005
- Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, Lolke de-Haan, Claire Lesieur, Fernita Puspasari and Timothy R.Hirst, “The role of Cpx two component regulatory system in Vibrio cholerae”, International Biotechnology Conference, Bali, December 2004.
- Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, Lolke de-Haan, Kurshid Nurmahomed, Timothy R.Hirst “Cpx dan pengendalian faktor virulensi di Vibrio cholerae”, PIT PERMI, 2003.
- Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, Lolke de-Haan, Claire Lesieur, Timothy R.Hirst” Cpx two component regulatory system di Vibrio cholerae”, Seminar Jurusan Kimia ITB, 2003
- Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, “The Cpx two component regulatory system of Vibrio cholerae”. PhD Thesis, 2003.
- Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman dan Timothy R.Hirst, “The Cpx two component regulatory system in Vibrio cholerae”. Bristol Microbiology Forum, University of Bristol, UK, 2002.
- Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, Kurshid Nurmahomed, Mark Toleman and Timothy R. Hirst,”The Cpx two component regulatory system in Vibrio cholerae”, Society of General Microbiology, University of Worrick, 2002.
- Marselina Irasonia Tan, Anggraini Barlian, Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman, Biologi Sel dan Terapannya. Penerbit ITB. 2015
- Feraliana, Nathanael Steven, Mellysa Rahmita, Ernawati Giri Rachman, Azzania Fibriani. 2017. Development of the high throughput system for screening novel HIV drugs from Indonesian natural resources. The 9th International seminar of indonesian microbiology (ISISM 9). PERMI Palembang. Palembang-Indonesia
- Feraliana, Nathanael Steven, Mellysa Rahmita, Ernawati Giri Rachman, Azzania Fibriani. 2017. Development of the high throughput system for screening novel HIV drugs from Indonesian natural resources. The 9th International seminar of indonesian microbiology (ISISM 9). PERMI Palembang. Palembang-Indonesia
- Langi, Gladys Emmanuella Putri ; Moeis, Maelita R. ; Ihsanawati, Giri-Rachman, Ernawati Arifin , Molecular cloning and cold shock induced overexpression of the DNA encoding phor sensor domain from Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a target molecule for novel antitubercular drugs, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1589, Issue 1, p.407-410
- Dina Rachmi Ramdhani, Putri Dwi Utari, Ima Mulyama Zainuddin, Ami Estiati, Sony Suhandono,Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman. 2009. Construct DNA Encoded Large Hepatitis B Surface Antigens (L-HBsAg) from Indonesian Isolates into Expression of Vector pCAMBIA 1390 to Development of The Third Generation Vaccine. Proceeding of International Conference and Exhibition on Biomass Production , School of Life Sciences and Technology, ITB. ISBN 978-60296488-0-5
- Ima Mulyama Zainuddin , Sony Suhandono, Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman , Ami Estiyati . 2007. “Construction of Binary Vector with MeEF1 Promoter for Gene Expression of Hepatitis B SurfaceAntigen (HBsAg) in Plant.” Proceeding in International Seminar on Pharmaceutics. School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung.
- Saripah Sundari, Junessa Palao, and Ernawati Giri-Rachman . Targetting PhoP-PhoR two component signal transduction to develop a novel high throughput screening system for searching new antibacterial against M . tuberculosis. Proceeding of International Conference and Exhibition on Biomass Production , School of Life Sciences and Technology, ITB . ISBN 978-602-96488-0-5
- Mufti Hatur Rahmah and Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman . 2009. Amplification of truncated MprB encoding gene to Develop a Novel High ThroughputScreening System for Searching New Antibacterial against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Proceeding of International Conference and Exhibition on Biomass Production, School of Life Sciences and Technology . ISBN 978-602-96488-0-5
- Ima Mulyama Zainuddin, Ima, Sony Suhandono, Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman , Amy Estiati.2008. Isolation of Poly-A vspB Fragment from Soybean cv. Slamet, Proceeding in International Conference of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman , Thomas Robertus and Sarwono Hadi. 2006. “PCR for detectionSalmonella typhi strain Ind onesia.” Proceeding in International Conference of Mathematical and Natural Sciences.
- Terdaftar dan Dipublikasi:PLASMID REKOMBINAN YANG BERFUNGSI SEBAGAI VEKTOR EKSPRESI UNTUK PRODUKSI BERLEBIH HEPATITIS B SURFACE ANTIGEN (HBsAg) DI HANSENULA POLYMORPHA. No Pendaftaran : P00201407051. 2014. Paten diajukan bersama PT Biofarma (Persero) dan ITB.Biofarma : Neni Nurainy, Gilang Nadia, Vanny NaritaITB : Dessy Natalia, Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman (SITH/PP Biosains Bioteknologi ITB), Debbie Soefie Retnoningrum dan Fernita Puspasari
- Terdaftar :VIRUS–LIKE PARTICLE PROTEIN SMALL HEPATITIS b SURFACE ANTIGEN (sHBsAg) UNTUK BAHAN BAKU VAKSIN HEPATITIS B DAN PROSES PRODUKSINYA DI SEL INANG Pichia pastoris.No Pendaftaran : p00201504908. 12 Agustus 2015Paten diajukan bersama PT Biofarma (Persero) dan ITBBiofarma : Neni Nurainy, Gilang Nadia, Dicky MahardhikaITB : Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman (SITH/PP Biosains Bioteknologi ITB), Dessy Natalia, Debbie Soefie Retnoningrum, Elvi Restiawaty, Wardono Niloperbowo dan Fernita Puspasari
- Studi Ketahanan Pada Populasi Orang Indonesia yang Terdedah Covid-19. Kemenristek DIKTI. Ketua. 2020
- Produksi Kandidat Vaksin Covid-19 dengan Platform Vektor Adenovirus. Yayasan Solidarity Forever. Anggota. 2020
- Komersialisasi Kit Hepatitis B Kualitatif Berbasis ELISA. Kemenristek Dikti, Science Technology Park, ITB. Ketua. 2019
- The Development of Intranasal Vaccine for Hepatitis B and Norovirus CRDF Global (US grant, collaboration with Virginia Tech, US). Ketua. 2018-2019
- Produksi HBsAg dan Anti-HBsAg Untuk Pengembangan serta Komersialisasi Kit Diagnostik Hepatitis B Indonesia. Rispro-LPDP. Ketua. 2016-Present
- Pengembangan “Dimer Based Screening System” untuk penapisan cepat kandidat antituberkulosis baru. P3MI-ITB. Ketua. 2017-2018
- The Development of Intranasal Therapeutic and Preventive Hepatitis B Vaccine using Norovirus P Particle as Vaccine Delivery System. Riset Kerjasama Luar Negeri DIKTI. Ketua. 2017
- Purification of P-particle and Riset Centre and development of intranasal therapeutic and preventive hepatitis B vaccine. Advance Science ITB. Ketua. 2015
- Studi dimerisasi PhoR tuberculosis untuk pengembangan obat baru. Riset inovasi KK ITB. Ketua. 2015
- Development and production of subunit hepatitis B vaccine in Indonesia Ristek-PT Bio Farma(PI): Konsorsium Nasional Vaksin Hepatitis B. Koordinator Tim ITB. 2012-2017
- Riset Kerjasama Luar Negeri, 2017, Pengembangan Vaksin Hepatitis B Intranasal menggunakan P-Particle, kerjasama dengan Virginia Tech, US (Principal Investigator)
- Rispro LPDP, 2016, Produksi HBsAg dan Anti-HBsAg Untuk Pengembangan serta Komersialisasi Kit Diagnostik Hepatitis B Indonesia (Principal Investigator)
- National Vaccine Consortium in Hepatitis B Insentif Riset Sinas-Kementrian Riset-Teknologi, 2012-…… (Co-Researcher, ITB Coordinator) Development and production of Subunit Hepatitis B Vaccine in Indonesia
- Riset Centre and Advance Science ITB. 2015. Purification of P-particle and development of intranasal therapeutic and preventive Hepatitis B vaccine.
- Riset Inovasi KK ITB.2015. Studi dimerasisasi PhoR M.tuberculosis untuk pengembangan obat baru.
- Riset Unggulan ITB.2015. Pengembangan humanized antibodi monoclonal anti-HBsAg
- Riset Inovasi KK ITB.2014. Determination of 3-D conformation of Phor domain sensor of Mycobacterium tuberculosis for development of new anti tuberkular. 2014. Funded by Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Cloning and crystallization of PhoR cytoplasmic domain from Mycobacterium tuberculosis to develop novel multitarget antitubercular drug. 2013. TWAS Grant
- Pathogenesis and immunology of enteric virus. 2012. Fulbright Visiting Scholar 2012 : in Dr.Lijuan Yuan Laboratory, Virginia Tech, US.
- Riset dan Inovasi KK ITB, 2012 (Princial Investigator) Production of Modified L-HBsAg in Plant as a Protective Hepatitis B Vaccine Antigen
- Riset PP Pangan, Kesehatan dan Obat ITB, 2011 (Principle Investigator) Initiation of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Production based on Indonesian isolate in Pichia pastoris
- Riset Hibah Kompetisi Strategis Nasional, DIKTI, 2009-2011 (Principle Investigator) Production of L-HBsAg in plant to solve National Health Problem
- Riset Unggulan ITB, 2009 (Principle Investigator) Production of Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and mutein G145R HBsAg in Pichia pastoris
- Riset kompetitif LIPI- 2007-2011 (Co-Researcher) Development of Hepatitis B edible vaccine
- Riset Desentralisasi DIKTI, 2012 (Principal Investigator) Purification and Crystalization of PhoR Sensor Domain Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a target of Novel Antitubercular
- National Vaccine Consortium in Tuberkulosis, Insentif Riset Sinas-Kementrian Riset-Teknologi, 2012 (Co-Researcher, ITB Coordinator) Development of Prototype of Tuberculosis Vaccine
- Indonesian Torray Science Foundation, 2009 (Co-researcher) Targetting PhoP-PhoR two component signal transduction to develop a novel high throughput screening system for searching new antibacterial against M . tuberculosis
- Riset Internasional ITB, 2008, collaboration with School of Pharmacy ITB and University of Groningen, Netherlands (Co-Researcher) Molecular characterization of streptococcal adhesin to human fibronectin using Surface Plasmon Resonance
- KNAW Mobility Program, collaboration with School of Pharmacy ITB and University of Groningen, Netherlands (Co-Researcher) Drugs development of Streptococcus Pyogenes
- Joint Research Program Hibah Kompetisi B (PHK-B)-DIKTI, Kerjasama SITH-ITB dan Fakultas Kedokteran UK Maranatha : 2009 (Co-Researcher) Development of FCGamma RIII detection
- Riset Hibah Kompetitif Strategis Nasional DIKTI, 2009 (Co-Researcher) Development of HCV diagnostic kit
- Riset Insentif Kementrian Ristek dan Teknologi, 2007 (Co-Researcher) Microsateliate in Penaues Monodon
- Riset Pembinaan Ilmu Kedokteran (Risbin-Iptekdok), Kerjasama dengan Universitas Hasanudin , 2007 (Konsultan) Overexpression of Cpn-1 as Tuberculosis vaccine candidate
- Hibah Pekerti DIKTI, Kerjasama dengan Universitas Hasanudin , 2006 (Co-Researcher) VP 28 as White Spot Syndrome Virus vaccine candidate in shrimp
- Riset Fakultas – ITB Kerjasama dengan Kelompok Keahlian Biokimia – ITB , 2006 (Coresearcher) Protein analysis of gene expressed in invation process of Salmonella typhi straind Indonesia
- Riset Pembinaan Ilmu Kedokteran (Risbin-Iptekdok), Kerjasama dengan Universitas Hasanudin, 2006 (Consultant) Immune response variant against Anti-ESAT6 in M akasar
- Intitation of collaboration with Dr. Claire Leuseur, National University of Singapore , 2005 Site directed mutagenesis of Cholera toxin B subunit to investigate cholera toxin assembly in vitro
- Indonesian Torray Science Foundation, 2004 ( (Principal investigator) Study of D51 mutant of two component regulatory system of Vibrio cholerae
- PhD Thesis, 2003 The Cpx two component regulatory system of Vibrio cholerae (Supervisor : Prof.T.R.Hirst, University of Bristol, UK)
- American Society of Virology. Virology. Member. 2017-Present
- Society of Indonesian Microbiology, Bandung Branch Chairman Juni 2011-…
- Society of Indonesian Microbiology, Bandung Branch Program Coordinator 2005-2011
- Society of Indonesian Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bandung Branch Member 2011-…
- Satyalencana Karya Satya 10 Year
- 57th ITB anniversary award to field of research
- Sinas Research Incentive Award
- Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program