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School of  Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Genetics and Molecular Biotechnology
Email : fennym@itb.ac.id


Prof. Dr. Fenny Martha Dwivany. focuses in plant molecular biology. Her recent research interests include fruit ripening process to further improve postharvest biotechnology, plant-disease interactions in developing biological control technology, as well as genomics, transcriptomics, functional genomics, and biodata related to the biodiversity, tropical fruit ripening, and plant-disease interactions. One of her remarkable recent project is the Banana Group that is aiming to study biological properties of bananas as one of the most important bioresources for humans. Likewise, throughout the years Dr. Fenny has published plenty of researches on important plant species as well earning notable number of awards from her dedications and efforts in the field.

Bachelor’s Degree

  • Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (1995). Major: Biology.

Master’s Degree

  • Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (1998). Major: Biology.

Doctoral Degree

  • The University of Melbourne, Australia (2004).

Post-Doctoral Degree

  • The University of Melbourne, Australia (2008).
  • The Queensland University of Technology, Australia (2010-2011).

Undergraduate Courses

  • Genetics; Genomics and Proteomics; Post-Harvest Molecular Biotechnology

Postgraduate Courses

  • Applied Omics, Plant Genomics and Biotechnology; Genetic Modification for Agriculture; Post-Harvest Biotechnology

International Journals

Kuala, S. I., Juliastuti, E., & Dwivany, F. M. (2024, February). Manufacture and performance test of banana ripe detection tool using laser light backscattering imaging. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2957, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  • Anindita, P. A., Agson-Gani, P. A., Nugroho, F. G., Esyanti, R. R., Suendo, V., & Dwivany, F. M. (2024). Nano-TiO2 enhanced fruit storage chambers: unveiling the potential for prolonging banana shelf life. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 1-14.
  • Permanasari, M. D., Sumardi, D., Suhandono, S., & Dwivany, F. M. (2024). 16S rRNA-based Metagenomic Analysis of Beeswax-coated Saba Banana (Musa× paradisiaca) Pseudostem. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 47(3).
  • Wiprayoga, I., Meitha, K., & Dwivany, F. (2023). In Silico Characterization of Lycopene Beta Cyclase (LCYB) and Lycopene Epsilon Cyclase (LCYE) Genes from DH-Pahang (Musa acuminata, A Genome) and DH-PKW (Musa balbisiana, B Genome): In Silico Characterization of LCYB and LCYE Genes. Journal of Tropical Life Science, 13(1), 81-92.
  • Hessel, S. S., Dwivany, F. M., Zainuddin, I. M., Wikantika, K., Celik, I., Emran, T. B., & Tallei, T. E. (2023). A computational simulation appraisal of banana lectin as a potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 candidate by targeting the receptor-binding domain. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 21(1), 148.
  • SIALLAGAN, Z. L., KRISTIANTI, T., DWIVANY, F. M., NUGRAHAPRAJA, H., DE FRETES, C. E., FADLI, M., … & SUSANTO, R. D. (2023). Vertical profile of culturable bacteria from the Makassar Strait, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 24(3).
  • Dwivany, F. M., Utami, R. L. W., Yuswindia, C. Z., Wargadipura, F. H., Zainuddin, I. M., Tallei, T. E., … & Suhandono, S. (2024). Fruit ripening and chitosan coating impacts on the expression profile of Banana Lectin (BanLec) genes. Scientia Horticulturae, 335, 113293.
  • Wikantika, K., Ghazali, M. F., Dwivany, F. M., Susantoro, T. M., Yayusman, L. F., Sunarwati, D., & Sutanto, A. (2023). A Study on the Distribution Pattern of Banana Blood Disease (BBD) and Fusarium Wilt Using Multispectral Aerial Photos and a Handheld Spectrometer in Subang, Indonesia. Diversity, 15(10), 1046.
  • Afriani, F., Tiandho, Y., Hapidin, D. A., Dwivany, F. M., & Khairurrijal, K. (2023). Optical absorption enhancement of TiO2 via plasmonic effect of gold nanoparticles in volatile organic compounds medium. Computational Materials Science, 230, 112462.
  • Anggraeni, T., Masriany, Dwivany, F.M., dan Esyanti, R.R. 2020. Possibility of sap-feeding beetle, nitidulidae, as a spreading agent for blood disease bacterium on the banana plant. Malaysian Applied Biology. Vol. 49(2)
  • Patty, K.L., Novianti, C., dan Dwivany, F.M. 2020. Isolation and characterization of pisang tongkat langit (Musa troglodytarum) acs1 and aco1 gene expression during fruit ripening process. Malaysian Applied Biology. Vol. 49(2)
  • Dwivany, F.M., Nugrahapraja, H., Rahmawati, A.R., Meitasari, D.P., Putra, A.M., Septiani, P., Farah, N., Subandiyah, S. 2020. Data on banana transcriptome in response to blood disease infection. Data in Brief. Volume 29
  • Dwivany, F.M., Syam, F., Nugrahapraja, H., Radjasa, O.K., Moeis, M.R., Uchiyama, S. 2020. Dataset of microbial community structure in alcohol sprayed banana associated with ripening process. Data in Brief. Vol. 29
  • Dwivany, F.M., Nugrahapraja, H., Fukusaki, E., Putri, S.P., Novianti, C., Radjasa, S.K., Fauziah, T., Nirmala Sari, L.D. 2020. Dataset of Cavendish banana transcriptome in response to chitosan coating application. Data in Brief. Vol. 29
  • Masriany, M., Esyanti, R.R., Dwivany, F.M., dan Anggraeni, T. 2020. Banana flower-insect interaction: Alpha-pinene as potential attractant for the insect vector of banana blood disease. Hayati Journal of Biosciences. Vol. 27(1)
  • Karmawan, L.U., Dwivany, F., Esyanti, R.R., dan Aryantha, INP. 2019. Pre-treatment and suitable reagent enable a reliable and consistent for molecular detection of Fusarium oxysporumsp. Cubense Tropical Race 4 (Foc4). Hayati. P-ISSN 1978-3019. E-ISSN 2086-4094. Vo 26(4): 196-203
  • Dwivany, F., Esyanti, R.R., Suendo, V., Pratiwi, A.S., dan Putri, A.A. 2019. Analysis of ethylene biosynthesis gene expression profile during titanium dioxide (TiO2) treatment to develop a new banana postharvest technology. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 24(2)
  • Harto, A.B., Prastiwi, P.A.D., Ariadji, F.N., Suwardhi, D., Dwivany, F.M., Nuarsa, I.W., Wikantika, K. 2019. Identification of banana plants from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) photos using object based image analysis (OBIA) method (a case study in Sayang Village, Jatinangor District, West Java). HAYATI Journal of Biosciences. Vol. 26(1)
  • Apriyani, R.K., Esyanti, R.R., dan Dwivany, F.M. 2019. Pengaruh Kerapatan Agrobacterium terhadap Efisiensi Transformasi pada Pisang Cavendish (Musa acuminata colla). Vol.17(1)
    DOI : https://doi.org/10.24198/bjib.v17i1.21898
  • Dwivany, F.M., Esyanti, R.R., Suend, V., Pratiwi, A.S., dan Putri, A. 2019. Analysis of ethylene biosynthesis gene expression profile during titanium dioxide (TiO2) treatment to develop a new banana postharvest technology. IndonesJ Biotechnol. 24(2): 87-91 DOI 10.22146/ijbiotech.51718 www.jurnal.ugm.ac.id/ijbiotech
  • A.R Parijadi, Sobir Ridwani,Fenny M. Dwivany, Sastia Prama Putri*, Eiichiro Fukusaki. 2019. Metabolomics-based approach for the evaluation of off-tree ripening postharvest treatment in mangosteen(Garcinia magostana). Metabolomics. 2019. MEBO- D-18-00350R1
  • Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti*, Fenny M. Dwivany, Soraya Mahani, Husna Nugrahapraja and Karlia Meitha.  2019. Foliar application of chitosan enhances growth and modulates expression of defense genes in chilli pepper (Capsicum annuumL.). Australian Journal of Crop Science AJCS 13(01):55-60 (2019) ISSN:1835-2707                                                     doi: 10.21475/ajcs.19.13.01.p1169
  • LU Karmawan, Fenny M. Dwivany, RR Esyanti, INP Aryantha*.  2019. Improved in vitro bioassay for Musa acuminata cv. Pisang ambon kuning (AAA group) based on quantitative analysis of necrosis area and biomass changes during Foc4 infection. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection. DOI: 10.1080/03235408.2018.1491167
  • Cita Lustriane, Fenny M. Dwivany*, Veinardi Suendo, M Reza. 2018. Effect of chitosan and chitosan-nanoparticles on post harvest quality of banana fruits.Journal of Plant Biotechnology. 45:36-44
  • IN Rai*, Fenny M. Dwivany, A Sutanto, K Meitha, IM Sukewijaya, ING Ustriyana. 2017. Biodiversity of Bali Banana (Musaceae) and its Usefulness. 2018. Hayati Journal of Biosciences. 25/1/Januari 2018 halaman 18-24.
  • Anjaritha AR Parijadi, Sastia P Putri*, Sobir Ridwani, Fenny M. Dwivany, Eiichiro Fukusaki. 2018. Metabolic profiling of Garcinia mangostana (mangostene) based on ripening stageJournal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. Volume 125, Issue 2, February 2018, Pages 238-244.
  • Parijadi A.A.R., Putri S.P., Ridwani S., Dwivany F.M., Fukusaki E. 2017. Metabolic profiling of Garcinia mangostana (mangosteen) based on ripening stages. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering.(URL)
  • Ikram M.M.M., Esyanti R.R., Dwivany F.M. 2017. Gene expression analysis related to ethylene induced female flowers of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) at different photoperiod. Journal of Plant Biotechnology.(URL)
  • Esyanti R.R., Dwivany F.M., Almeida M., Swandjaja L. 2016. Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of space flown tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) seeds. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
  • Dwivany FM, Hermawaty D and Esyanti RR. 2016. ‘Raja Bulu’ banana MaACS1 and MaACO1gene expression during postharvest storage. Acta Hortic. 1120. ISHS 2016. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1120.16
  • Swandjaja L, Esyanti RR, Khairurrijal, Dwivany FM. 2014. The Effect of Clinorotation to the Growth of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and Mung Bean (Vigna radiata) Seedlings. TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES, AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN
Vol. 12 (2014) No. ists29 p. Th_5-Th_10.
  • Takaoki M, Yano S, Mathers N, Dwivany F, Esyanti R, Djamaluddin T, Asillam MF, Kamarudin F, Madom MS, Tantiphanwadi S, Giang NV, and Kibo-ABC. 2014. Space Seed for Asian Future. Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan, 12 (29), pp. 1-5.
  • Esyanti RR, Dwivany F, Latief C, Handayani RU, Swandjaja LWR, Ginaldi A.2012. Ground Based Study of The Effect of Open and Closed Chamber Condition on Banana Ripening Process. STM Journals vol 2/2, 2 August 2012 p 1-9.
  • Karmawan LU, Suhandono, S. and Dwivany FM. 2009. Isolation of MA-ACS gene family and expression study of MA-ACS1 gene in Musa acuminata cultivar Pisang Ambon Lumut. Hayati J. Biosci.16(1):35-39.
  • Dwivany F, Yulia D, Burton RA, Shirley NJ, Wilson SM, Fincher GB, Bacic A, Newbigin EJ and Doblin MS. 2009. The CELLULOSE-SYNTHASE LIKE C (CSLC) family of barley includes members that are integral membrane proteins targeted to the plasma membrane. Molecular Plant 2009 2(5):1025-1039; doi:10.1093/mp/ssp064.
  • Dwivany, F., Suhandono, S, Karmawan, L.U. ITB Proceeding (In press); 2006; The design of ihpRNA construct to silence the expression of pisang ambon ACS synthase gene as an alternative solution to control fruit ripening.
  • Dwivany, F., Suhandono, S., Ramondrana, D., Wicaksono, B. W. Asean Science Technology Week Conference Proceeding. 2005. Isolation and expression analysis of the ACC oxidase and ACC synthase genes from Pisang ambon.  Jakarta (In press); 2005;
  • Bacic, A., Burton, R., Doblin, M., Dwivany, F., Gatford, K. T., Medhurst, A., Harvey, A., Shirley, N., Newbigin, E., Fincher, G. B. 2004. The Cellulose Synthase (CESA) and Cellulose-Synthase-Like (CSL) Gene Families of Barley (2004) 227th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society: ACS Cellulose and Renewable Materials Division. March 28-April 2004. Anaheim, California USA; 2004; Article
  • Dwivany, F., Yulia, D., Medhurst, A., Burton, R., Campbell, R., Wilson, S., Shirley, N., Fincher, G. B., Newbigin, E. and Bacic, A. 2003. Functional Analysis of the Barley CSLC Gene Family (2003)  Combio 2003 Combined Conference. 28 September-2 October 2003. Melbourne, Australia; 2003;
  •  Medhurst, A., Dwivany, F., Burton, R., Campbell, R., Wilson, S., Shirley, N., Yulia, D., Fincher, G. B., Newbigin, E. and Bacic, A. 2003. Cellulose Synthase-Like (CSL) Genes of Barley (2003)  Combio 2003 Combined Conference. 28 September-2 October 2003. Melbourne, Australia; 2003;
  • Dwivany, F., Burton, R., Fincher, G., Bacic, A., Newbigin, E. 2002. Functional Analysis of the Barley CSLC Gene Family 13th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research. June 28-July 2 2002. Sevilla, Spain; 2003; Article; 2003;

National Journals

  • Mawarni E, Tangapo A, Dwivany F. 2013. Agrobacterium-mediated stable transformation of medicinal plant Andrographis paniculata callus expressing ß-glucuronidase (GUS) gene. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, December, 2013 Vol. 18, No. 2I,.Jp. pB.i9o2te-1c0h0.
  • Tangapo A, Mawarni E and Dwivany F. 2012. Transformasi dan Ekspresi Transien Gen pelapor GUS pada Andrographis paniculata (Burm F.) Wallix Ex Ness. J. Bios logos (2):1

International Proceedings

  • FennyM Dwivany*, A Aulina, and A S Pratiwi. 2018. Effects of Fruit Storage Chamber (FSC) and Chitosan Coating on Cavendish Banana (Musa acuminata AAA Group) MaACO and MaACS1 Genes Expression. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/197/1/012002
  • Pratiwi AS, Dwivany FM, Larasati D, Islamia HC, and Martien R. 2015. Effect of chitosan coating and bamboo FSC (fruit storage chamber) to expand banana shelf life. AIP Conference Proceedings 1677, 100005 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4930763 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930763
  • Dwivany F (2010) Plant genetic improvement through fruit ripening study in Indonesia. INDONESIAN ACADEMIC OF SCIENCES: LOKAKARYA ILMUWAN MUDA INDONESIA, Jakarta. October 13th 2010.
  • Dwivany F, Suhandono S, Rahmi RE, Handayani RU. Ground-based experiment to study the effect of a space environment on the expression of fruit ripening associated genes. The School of Life Science and Technology Institut Teknologi Bandung. JSBSS. Tsukuba, Japan. 2-5 October 2009.
  • Meitha K and Dwivany F. ACC Synthase 1 (ACS1) Gene Promoter from banana for Application in agriculture and other field. International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Future. Universitas Udayana, Bali. 15 – 16 September 2009.8) Karmawan LU, Dwivany F, Suhandono S (2008) Identification of MA-ACS Gene Family and expression study of MA-ACS1 Gene in Musa acuminata (AAA group) cultivar pisang Ambon lumut fruit based on real time pcr (qPCR). The 2nd ICMNS. Bandung. 28-30 October 2008.
  • Karmawan LU, Dwivany FM, Suhandono S. 2008. Identification of MA-ACS Gene Family and expression study of MA-ACS1 Gene in Musa acuminata (AAA group) cultivar pisang Ambon lumut fruit based on real time pcr (qPCR). The 2nd ICMNS. Bandung. 28-30 October 2008.
  • Dwivany F , Utami R. Sundari S, Hermawaty D. Transfer the ACC Sintase Gene RNAi Construct into Pisang Ambon (Musa sp AAA Group) Leaf Tissue Using Agrobacterium tumefacicas GV 301. The 2nd ICMNS. Bandung. 28-30 October 2008.
  • Dwivany F , Suhandono S, Sadjuri A.S, Karmawan L U, Britanto DW, Ramondrana D. The design of ihpRNA constructs to silence the expression of pisang ambon ACS and ACO genes as an alternative solution to control fruit ripening. The 1st ICMNS, Bandung. 29-30 November 2006.
  • Dwivany F , Suhandono S, Sadjuri A.S, Karmawan L U. Vector construction for regulating ACS synthase and ACO oxidase gene expression as an alternative ripening control in pisang ambon (Musa sp., AAA group). The 1st ICMNS, Bandung. 29-30 November 2006.
  • Dwivany F , Suhandono S, Ramondrana D, Wicaksono B W. Isolation and expression analysis of the ACC oxidase and ACC synthase genes from Pisang ambon. The 7th Asean Science Technology Week Proceeding. Jakarta. 2005.

National Proceedings

  • Dwivany FM. 2010. Plant genetic improvement through fruit ripening study in Indonesia. INDONESIAN ACADEMIC OF SCIENCES: LOKAKARYA ILMUWAN MUDA INDONESIA, Jakarta. October 13th
  • Meitha K andDwivany FM. ACC Synthase 1 (ACS1) Gene Promoter from banana for Application in agriculture and other field. International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Future. Universitas Udayana, Bali. 15 – 16 September 2009.
  • Dwivany FMSuhandono S, Ramondrana D, Wicaksono BW. 2005. Isolation and expression analysis of the ACC oxidase andACC synthase genes from Pisang ambon. The 7thAsean Science Technology Week Proceeding. Jakarta 2005.

Books and Book Chapters

  • Fenny M. Dwivanyet al. 2016. Studi Genetika Molekuler Pematangan Buah. Penerbit ITB, Bandung. ISBN 9786027861886
  • Fenny M. Dwivanyet al. 2018. Planet Banana: Peeling the Scientific Facts of Fruit Ripening. Penerbit ITB. ISBN9786020705743
  • Ambariyanto, Budi P Widyobroto, Bustanul Arifin, Eko Handayanto, Fenny M. Dwivany, FG Winarno, Purwiyatno Hariyadi, Widjaja Lukito, Winarti T Koesoemo. 2017. The Indonesian Sago Palm, Unravelling its potential for national development. PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta
  • FG Winarno, Eko Handayanto, Bustanul A., Winarti TK, Ambariyanto, Fenny M. Dwivany. 2017. Cabai, Potensi Pengembangan


  • Fenny M. Dwivany dan Dina Hermawaty. 2016. Pematangan Buah. Bunga Rampai ForMIND 2016. Penerbit ITB.ISBN 9786027861527
  • Fenny M. Dwivanydan Anniza Nurrahmah. 2017. Pentingnya Data Pisang Indonesia. ISBN 978602541737
  • Fenny M. Dwivany, Rizkita R. Esyanti dan Annisa Ayu Putri Hermawati. 2018. Aplikasi senyawa fotokatalis untuk memperpanjang umur buah. ISBN  9786020705194.


  • Fenny Martha Dwivany, Listya Utami Karmawan, Arif rahman Sadjuri. 2018. Metode Pengaturan Pematangan Buah Pisang Ambon Lumut (Musa acuminata pisang ambon lumut, AAA group) dengan Manipulasi Gen yang Berperan dalam Pengaturan Pematangan. (2012. P00201200167, Registered; 2018. IDP000051217, Granted)
  • Dwinita Larasati, Fenny M. Dwivany, Harry Nugraha, Rizkita Rahmi Esyanti, Aksarani Sa’ Pratiwi, Hana Cahya Islamia, Veinardi Suendo, Rino Mukti, Kemal Agusta, Husna Nugrahapraja. 2018.Alat untuk mengatur pematangan buah dari material bambu yang dikombinasikan dengan material kimiawi pemecah etilen. (2018. S00201708460, Registered)

Research Projects

A.    International Fund
Source of Fund Titles Position Periods
1.     L’Oreal Unesco FWIS International An Alternative Method to Control Banana Ripening by Silencing the Banana ACO gene PI 2007
2.     Faculty for the Future Award, funded by Schlumberger, France Alternative method to control fruit ripening using RNA interference technology: banana embryo production for genetic transformation PI 2011-2012
3.     Endeavour Research Award- Australia Award Banana transformation preparation and establishment PCR based method to screen gene copy number in banana transgenic plants PI 2010
4.     SEARCA-SEAMEO The Use of Biomaterial Nano- chitosan as Biofungicide Against Phytoptora capsici on six chilies cultivars in West Java Province Indonesia for sustainable agro industry applications PI 2016
5.     ASAHI Glass Foundation Isolation and characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana genes to produce bacterium resistant plants PI 2012
6.     ASAHI Glass Foundation Transcriptome and Expression Profile Analysis of Banana Gene that Play a Role in Ethylene Synthesis for Application in Agriculture Field PI 2015
7.     ASAHI Glass Foundation The Transcriptomics Study on Ripening Process of “Klutuk” Banana PI 2018
B.     National Fund
Source of Fund Titles Position Periods
KemenristekdiktiFundamental Research- Directorate General of Higher Education, Indonesia (Riset Dasar-DIKTI) Isolation and cloning of OsCESA5 gene in Oryza sativa PI 2004
Fundamental Research- Directorate General of Higher Education, Indonesia (Riset Dasar-DIKTI) Genetic transformation of Phalaenopsis amabilis: soft rot disease resistance, herbicide resistance and glowing in the dark Anggota 2008
Competitive Research Grant, Directorate General of Higher Education, Indonesia (Hibah Kompetisi-DIKTI) MaACS1 gene promoter isolation from pisang (Musa sp. AAA group) and binary vector construction using pCambia PI 2009-11
National Strategic Research Funds, Directorate General of Higher Education, Indonesia (Hibah Penelitian Strategis Nasional-DIKTI) Gene expression analysis during banana vegetative development and fruit ripening: searching useful gene promoters for agriculture application PI 2009
Inter Institution Research Funds, Department of Research and Technology, Indonesia (Hibah Penelitian Antar Lembaga-RISTEK) Ground Based Experiment to Study the effect of microgravity and physical factor in fruit ripening PI 2009
Inter Institution Research Funds, Directorate General of Higher Education, Indonesia (Hibah Penelitian Antar Lembaga-DIKTI) Ground Based Experiment to study Fruit Ripening Process PI 2010
MP3EI Fruit Storage Chamber as alternative fruit storage for food industry and farmers PI 2013-2015
IPTEK-Ristekdikti Pengembangan Sistem Pengelolaan Pascapanen dengan Memanfaatkan Nano material dengan Buah Pisang sebagai Model Anggota 2014
IPTEK-Ristek DIKTI Pemanfaatan Bio-material Ramah Lingkungan (Nanokitosan) sebagai Fungisida Alami Terhadap Phytoptora capsicipada Delapan Kultivar Tanaman Cabai di Jawa Barat untuk Aplikasi Agroindustri Anggota 2015-2016
BP3IPTEK Fruit Storage Chamber sebagai alternatif penyimpanan buah pasca panen PIC 2016
Competitive Research Grant, Directorate General of Higher Education, Indonesia (Hibah Kompetisi – DIKTI) Studi Ekspresi GenTerkait Biosintesis Etilen Selama Penundaan Pematangan BuahPisang PI 2016-2018
HIKOM- Ristekdikti Identifikasi dan Karakterisasi Variabilitas Morfologi dan Molekuler Sumber Daya Hayati Pisang di Povinsi Bali Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Mutu Varietas dan Pemanfaatannya Di Provinsi Bali PI 2018-2020
PTUPT-Ristekdikti Pemetaan Biodiversitas dan Biogeografi Tanaman Pisang Bali dengan Teknologi UAV Remote Sensing dalam Mendukung Kemandirian Pangan Lokal dan Nasional Anggota 2018-2020
Hibah Kompetitif -Ristekdikti Pembuatan Pustaka Genomik (Genome Project) Pisang Eksotik Tongka Langit dari Maluku Sebagai Sumber Pangan Masa Depan PI 2019
ITB Priority Research (Riset Unggulan-ITB) The ihpRNA (silencing) construct for Banana ACS gene PI 2005
ITB Priority Research (Riset Unggulan ITB-PP Bioteknologi) Compatibility study of Agrobacterium tumefaciens dan Agrobacterium rhizogenesas Andrographis paniculata genetic transformation vector Anggota 2009
ITB Priority Research (Riset Unggulan Internasional-ITB) Ground Based Experiment to study effect of space environment on fruit ripening related genes PI 2010
ITB Priority Research (Riset Unggulan ITB-PP Bioteknologi) Optimation of hairy root and cell culture of Andrographis paniculata which consists of hygromycin resistance gene Anggota 2010
ITB Research Innovation Developing a New Post Harvest Technology and gene expression study of pisang raja bulu PI 2013
ITB Priority Research (KK) Endophyt identification on Musa sp AAA Group for  Fusarium oxysproum f.sp cubense race 4 systemic resistance induction Anggota 2014
ITB Priority Research (KK) Transformation on Pisang Mas (Musa acuminata AA Group) Embryo Culture Suspension using Agrobacterium Tumefaciens Strain AGL1 yang membawa plasmid  pCambia 1304 dan pB121 PI 2014
PPNN ITB Pengembangan Sistem Pengelolaan Pascapanen dengan Memanfaatkan Nanomaterial TiO2 dengan Buah Pisang sebagai Model PI 2015
ITB Research Innovation Pembuatan Database Biodiversitas Multiomics dan Biogeografi Pisang Eksotis Tongka Langit Kepulauan Maluku untuk Ketahanan Pisang PI 2018
ITB Priority Research (KK) Metatranskriptomik Pada Proses Pematangan Buah Pisang Yang Disalut Kitosan untuk pengembangan teknologi pasca panen PI 2019
Bogasari Nugraha VII, Indonesia (funded by PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk., Indonesia) The banana ACS and ACO genes isolation and characterization PI 2004
Bali International Riset center for Banana Biogeography and Biodiversity of Bali Bananas and Its Usefulness Anggota 2017
L’Oreal Unesco FWIS Indonesia Binary vector construction for Banana ACS gene as an alternative method to control fruit ripening PI 2006
KKP3T-Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture MaACO gene promoter from pisang ambon for agriculture application PI 2007
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) melalui PPNN ITB The effect of chitosan nanoparticle on fruit ripening for post harvest application PI 2014
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) melalui PPNN ITB Studi Efek Penyalutan Nanopartikel Ekstrak Rumput Laut (Eucheuma cottoni) terhadap Proses Pematangan Buah untuk Aplikasi Pasca Panen PI 2015
Directorate General of Higher
Education, Indonesia – BRIN
Pemanfaatan Rumput Laut
Sebagai Bahan Baku
Suplemen, Obat & Agrosa
Untuk Deteksi Covid-19
Member Start 2020
Directorate General of Higher
Education, Indonesia – BRIN
Pengembangan Teknologi
Pengolahan Pisang Lokal
dengan Karotenoid dan Nutrisi
Tinggi sebagai Pangan
Fungsional untuk
Meningkatkan Imunitas Dalam
Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Member Start 2020
ITB Priority Research A
Functional Genomics study on
Musa Troglodytarum – carotenoid
biosynthesis pathway
PI 2020
ITB Inovation Research Indigenoues Banana multiplication
using improved in vitro method
Member 2019
ITB Innovation Research Design and technology application
in banana bark utilization as
postharvest zero waste product for
community development
PI 2020
World Class Professor –
Directorate General of Higher
Education, Indonesia
Development of Omics Technology
to strengthen Indonesia
Biodiversity Based-Product
Member 2019
Academic Senate, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2019-present
Faculty Senate, The School of Life Sciences & Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2019- present
Head of Genetics & Molecular Biotechnology Research Group, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2019- present
INABIG (Indonesia Biogeography & Biodiversity) Research Institute, Founder and Governing Board, 2018-present
Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Dept Biotech, Graduate School Engineering, Osaka University, 2017-2018
Akademi Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia (ALMI) –AIPI, Member, 2016-present
Forum Peneliti Muda Indonesia (ForMIND), Founder and Governing Board, 2013-present
No. Activity/Event Mitra Year Details
1. Pendirian Bali International Research Center for Banana Universitas Udayana 2017-
Sebagai pendiri dan Koordinator Riset dan
2. Riset WCU dan Cross appointment program Osaka University,
Visiting scientist dan specially appointed
Associate Professor
3. Riset Pisang PT. Sewu Segar
Mitra Industri
4. Riset Pisang Balai Buah Tropika,
Litbang pertanian
Kementrian Pertanian
5. Riset Pisang Universitas Pattimura 2018-
Mitra riset
6. Riset Pisang Center of Remote
Sensing, ITB
Mitra riset
7. Riset Pisang INABIG (Indonesia
Biogeography and
Biodiversity Research
8. Riset Pisang PT. Innovomic 2018-
Mitra industri
9. Riset Pisang CTCB, Queensland
University of
Technology, Brisbane
Visiting scientist 2010
dan 2011, 2016 dan mitra riset
10. Riset Space Biology LAPAN, Indonesia 2007-
Kerjasama Multilateral
11. Riset Space Biology JAXA, Japan 2007-
Kerjasama Multilateral
12. Riset Cabe PT. East West Seed,
Riset didanai SEARCA
13. Riset Cabe Universitas Gadjah
2017 Riset didanai PT. ISM
14. Riset Cabe PT. Indofood Sukses
Makmur (ISM)
2017 Riset Didanai PT. ISM
15. Banana Smart Village Desa Anturan dan
Desa Bukti, Bali Utara
Pengabdian Masyarakat

Community Contributions

2018-present Banana Smart village Banana group ITB, Center of Remote Sensing ITB
2011, 2013,2014,2016 Indonesian-US Kavli Frontiers of Sciences Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, US-National Academy of Sciences
2013-present Jury Indofood Riset Nugraha PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk
2011-present Space Seed For Asian Future APRSAF
2010- present Jury For Women in Science L’Oreal UNESCO Indonesia PT. L’Oreal, UNESCO
2009 Jury Innovative Writing Olympic
PPI Perancis
2 Institut Teknologi Bandung- Inovation Award 2015 Institut Teknologi Bandung 2015
3 Satyalancana Karya Satya X tahun Republik Indonesia 2013
4 Anugerah IPTEK – RISTEK Republik Indonesia 2012
5 Schlumberger Faculty for The Future Award Schlumberger Foundation 2011
6 Australia Award (Endeavour Research Award) Australia Government 2010
7 Hayati The Best Paper Award Hayati Journal of Biosience 2009
8 International For Women in Science L’Oreal Internasional-Unesco 2007
9 International For Women in Science L’Oreal Indonesia-Komite Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO (KNIU) 2006
A.    International
No. Tempat/Tahun Judul Kegiatan Penyelenggara
1. Ternate, 12-14 Juni 2010 Indonesian Young Scientist Meeting Indonesia Academy of Science
1. Bogor, 9 – 11 Juli 2011 KAVLI Frontiers of Science Symposium: Understanding the molecular genetic and physiology aspects of banana fruit ripening US – Indonesia Academy of Science
2. Singapura, Desember 2011 Asian Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum – 18 : Space Fruit for Asian Future Proposal APRSAF (Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum)
3. Bandung, 8-10 November 2012 International Conference On Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) ITB
4. Selangor Malaysia, Februari 2012, IAB women in Science International Symposium: Pisang Mas (Musa acuminata CollaMaEXPA1 Gene Promoter Isolation and Characterisation  for Banana Imporovement Universitas Selangor, Malaysia
5. Kuala Lumpur, 10 – 14 Desember 2012 Asian Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum -19 : Fruit Ripening study on 3D Clinostat APRSAF (Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum)
6. Denpasar, 23-27 Juni 2013 KAVLI Frontiers of Science Symposium: Banana Genetic Improvement in Indonesia: Searc hing for Banana Foc Resistant Genes From Local Cultivars US – Indonesia Academy of Science
7. Bandung, 2013 AUN SEED NET 2013: Understanding Fruit Ripening: From Basic Research to Applied Research AUN SEED NET
8. Bandung, 30-31 Oktober 2013 International Seminar on Tropical Bio-resources for Sustainable (ISTB 2013): Analysis of MaACS2, a stress- inducible 1- aminocyclopropane- 1-carboxylic acid synthase gene in Musa acuminata AAA Group cultivar Pisang Ambon SITH-ITB
9. Medan, 19-27 Juni 2014 KAVLI Frontiers of Science Symposium: Gene expression and transcriptomics study of Local Banana US – Indonesia Academy of Science
10. Brisbane, Australia 18-23 Agustus 2014 The 29th International Horticultural Congress 2014: Banana cultivar raja bulu MaACS1 and MaACO gene expression study during postharvest storage ISHS (international Society of Horticulture Science)
11. Malang, 1-4 Agustus 2016 KAVLI Frontiers of Science Symposium: Gene expression and Transcriptomics study of local banana US – Indonesia Academy of Science
12. Canberra,  28 November-1 December 2016, Australia Indonesia Science Symposium 2016: From Basic to Applied Research: Banana Fruit Ripening Transcriptomics Study and Its application in Indonesia Australia & Indonesia Academy of Science
13. Sorong, 28 Oktober 2017 ForMIND International Conference ForMIND
14. Jember,  8 November 2017 Indonesian Protein Society (IPS) International Seminar 2017: Banana Post-harvest Study: Ripening Related Genes IPS (Indonesian Protein Society (IPS)
15. Manado, 6-8 Agustus 2018, Asian Science Camp 2018:  Fruit & Ripe Surya Institute
16. Bali, 12-13 September 2018 The First Bali International Conference on Banana 2018 ITB dan BIRCB (bali International Research Center for Banana)
17. Osaka – Japan,28 Oktober 2018 Japan – Indonesia International Scientific Conference 2018 FoRMIND, Osaka University dan I4
B.     National
No. Tempat/Tahun Judul Kegiatan Penyelenggara
1. Bandung, 28 Juli 2012 Orasi Ilmiah pada Sidang Terbuka Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru ITB 2012: Aplikasi Ilmu Hayati Dalam Menjawab Tantangan Pangan di Abad 21 ITB
2. Bandung, 30 Oktober 2012 Seminar Inovasi dan Kontribusi Peneliti ITB bagi Masyarakat dan Industri: Kontribusi Sains & Teknologi dalam mengangkat citra buah Lokal LPPM ITB
3. Bandung, 19-20 April 2017 Seminar Nasional Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni (Semnas-IPTEKS):

  1. Pengaruh Pengemasan Buah Pisang Cavendish (Musa acuminata AAA Group) dalam Plastik Vakum terhadap Kondisi Fisik, Fisiologis, dan Ekspresi Gen Selama Proses Pematangan Buah
  2. Pengaruh Penggunaan Senyawa Fotokatalis Terhadap Kondisi Fisik, Fisiologis, dan Ekspresi Gen (MaACS1 dan MaACO1) Selama Proses Pematangan Buah Pisang Cavendish (Musa acuminata AAA group)
4. Medan, 8 September 2018 Penguatan Rekayasa Industri Bioteknologi dan Inovasi Pembelajaran FMIPA, UNIMED
5. Balai Sarbini Jakarta, 8 September 2018 TEDx: Jagat manusia TEDx Jakarta
6. Australian Embassy, Jakarta 18 October 2018. A TED inspired presentation:Expanding Impact of Research to Woman Australia Award