Fenryco Pratama, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Academic Staff/Lecturer
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Microbial Biotechnology
Email :fenryco@itb.ac.id
Fenryco Pratama, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. is a lecturer and member of the Microbial Biotechnology expertise group. His primary focus are the investigation of optimised bacterial EOR system as well as expression and purifications of certain genes and proteins from Eschericia coli.
Bachelor’s degree
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (2010). Major: Microbiology.
Master’s degree
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (2013).
Doctoral Degree
- Ongoing
Undergraduate Courses
- Fundamental Microbiology; Microbiology; Food Microbiology; Crops Microbiology; Bioproduct Biosecurity;
- Post-Harvest Operational Unit
- Microbiology Studium Generale; Analytic Microbiology; Microbial Physiology;
- Introduction to Engineering and Design
- Morra, R., Pratama, F., Butterfield, T., Tomazetto, G., Young, K., Lopez, R., & Dixon, N. (2023). arfA antisense RNA regulates MscL excretory activity. Life Science Alliance, 6(6).
- Pratama, F., Linton, D., & Dixon, N. (2021). Genetic and process engineering strategies for enhanced recombinant N-glycoprotein production in bacteria. Microbial cell factories, 20, 1-25.
- Investigation of Optimized Bacterial EOR System in X Field, Kepulauan Seribu. L Perkasa, F Pratama, S Primeia, N Juli, DI Astuti, S Siregar. Indonesian Petroleum Association. 2011
- Expression and Purification of PhoR Sensor-Domain Histidine Kinase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Escherichia coli. EA GIRI-RACHMAN, F PRATAMA, OR AJI, A PATRIATI, I IHSANAWATI, Microbiology Indonesia 9 (2), 1-1. 2015
- Expression and Purification of PhoR Sensor-Domain Histidine Kinase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Eschericia coli. E ARIFIN GIRI-RACHMAN, F PRATAMA, O ROKA AJI, A PATRIATI, Microbiology Indonesia 9 (2), 51-57. 2015
- Cloning, Overexpression, and Purification of PhoR CytoplasmicDomain Protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Rv. OR AJI, DN PASCAPURNAMA, F PRATAMA, I IHSANAWATI, MR MOEIS,. Microbiology Indonesia 8 (4), 1-1. 2014