School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Microbial Biotechnology
Email : gsuantika@itb.ac.id
Prof. Gede Suantika, M.Si. focuses in the research and advances of aquaculture, aquatic ecology, as well as applications of microbial biotechnology. Throughout his career, Prof. Gede has published multitude of research within his expertise that involves the development of sustainable aquaculture production systems as well as maximising the potentials of various aquatic commodities from whiteleg prawns (Litopenaeus vannamei) to various species of commercially important Perciform fishes. Over his years of work, Prof. Gede has forged associations and cooperation with institutions and companies worldwide aiming for the mutual goal of sustainable, efficient, and effective aquaculture systems.
Bachelor’s degree
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (1994). Major field : Biology – Freshwater Ecology
Master’s degree
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (1997). Major field : Biology – Marine Ecology
Doctoral degree
- Ghent University, Belgium (2001). Major field : Applied Biology for Aquaculture
Undergraduate Courses
- Aquaculture; Microbial Ecology and Evolution; Microbial Product Development; Microbial Aquaculture; Aquatic Microbial Ecology; Aquaculture Production System; Post-Harvesting Processing System Development; Advanced Microbial Ecology; Marine and Coastal Agriculture Technology
Postgraduate Courses :
- Aquatic Ecology; Aquaculture Biotechnology; Aquaculture Production System; Advanced Microbial Ecology
International Journals
- Situmorang, M.L., Uawisetwathana, U., Arayamethakorn, S. Karoonuthaisiri, N., Rungrassamee, W., Haniswita, H., Bossier, P., & Suantika, G.. Supplementation of ex situ produced bioflocs improves immune response against AHPND in Pacific whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) postlarvae. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 106, 3751–3764 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-022-11966-3
- Robi Binur, I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha, Gede Suantika. Nutritional profiling of microfungi and its effects on the growth performance, bacterial communities, and survival with Vibrio harveyi on white shrimp post-larvae (Litopenaeus vannamei),
Aquaculture, Volume 545, 2021, 737260, ISSN 0044-8486, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.737260. - Putri, S.L.E., Suantika, G., Situmorang, M.L. et al. Shrimp count size: GC/MS-based metabolomics approach and quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) reveal the importance of size in white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Metabolomics 17, 19 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11306-020-01766-z
- Suantika, G., Situmorang, M.L., Saputra, F.I., Putri, S.L.E., Putri, S.P., Aditiawati, P., dan Fukusaki, E. 2020. Metabolite profiling of whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannameifrom super-intensive culture in closed aquaculture systems: a recirculating aquaculture system and a hybrid zero water discharge–recirculating aquaculture system. Vol. 16(4).
- Yustinadiar, N., Manurung, R., dan Suantika, G. 2020. Enhanced biomass productivity of microalgae Nannochloropsis in an airlift photobioreactor using low-frequency flashing light with blue LED.Bioresources and Bioprocessing. Vol. 7(1).
- Suantika, G., Situmorang, M.L., Saputra, F.I., Alviredieta, U., Aditiawati,P., dan Putri, S.P. 2019. The Effect of Feed Supplementation With Fermented Red Seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) on Growth and Survival of White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Post-Larvae Culture.Hayati Journal of Bioscience. E-ISSN 1978-3019.
- Situmorang, M,L., Suantika, G., Santoso, M., Khakim, A., Wibowo, I., Aditiawati, P., dan Haniswita. 2019. Poly‐β‐Hydroxybutyrate Improves Nursery Phase Pacific White Shrimp Defense Against Vibriosis.North American Journal of Aquaculture. E-ISSN 0301-4797. Vol.231: 763-769.
- Suantika, G., Situmorang, M.L., Khakim, A., Wibowo, I., Aditiawati, P., Suryanarayan, S., Nori, S.S., Kumar, S., Putri, F. 2018. Effect of red seaweed Kappaphycus alvareziion growth, survival, and disease resistance of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei against Vibrio harveyi in the nursery phas Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development, 9(2): 523; DOI: 10.4172/ 2155-9546.1000523
- Suantika, G., Situmorang, M.L., Nurfathurahmi, A., Taufik, I., Aditiawati, P., Yusuf, N., Aulia, R. 2018. Application of Indoor Recirculation Aquaculture System for White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Grow-out Super-Intensive Culture at Low Salinity Condition. Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development. Vol 9:4. ISSN: 2155-9546. DOI: 10.4172/2155-9546.1000530. https://www.omicsonline.org/peer-reviewed/application-of-indoor-recirculation-aquaculture-system-for-white-shrimp-emlitopenaeus-vannameiem-growout-superintensive-culture-a-100681.html.
- Suantika, G., Situmorang, M.L., Kurniawan, J.B., Pratiwi, S.A., Aditiawati, P., Astuti, D.I., Azizah, F.F.N., Djohan, Y.A., Zuhri, U., Simatupang, T.M. 2018. Development of a zero water discharge (ZWD)—Recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) hybrid system for super intensive white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture under low salinity conditions and its industrial trial in commercial shrimp urban farming in Gresik, East Java, Indonesia. Aquacultural Engineering. Vol 82: 12-24. ISSN: 0144-8609. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaeng.2018.04.002.
- Suantika, G., Turendro, O.R., Situmorang, M.L. 2017. Use of Nitrifying Bacteria for Promoting Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergiide Man.) Nursery Phase in Indoor System. Journal of Fisheries and Livestock Production, 5:2. DOI: 10.4172/2332-2608.1000228.
- Suantika, G., Situmorang, M.L., Aditiawati, P., Khakim, A., Suryanarayan, S., Nori, S.S., Kumar, S., Putri, F. 2017. Effect of Red Seaweed Kappaphycus alvareziion Growth, Salinity Stress Tolerance and Vibriosis Resistance in Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Hatchery Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 12(3): 127-133.
- Chazanah, N., Sudjono, P., Hasby, F.A., Suantika, G., Muntalif, B.S. 2017. Development of Bioassessment Tools for Ecological Status Using Macrozoobenthic Community in Upstream Area (Case Study: Citarum River, West Java, Indonesia). Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 9, 770-785. ISSN online: 1945-3108, ISSN print: 1945-3094.
- Kusumaningtyas, P., Nurbaiti, S., Suantika, G., Amran, M.B., Nurachman, Z. 2017. Enhanced Oil Production by the Tropical Marine Diatom Thalassiosira Cultivated in Outdoor Photobioreactors. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 182(4):1605-1618. DOI: 10.1007/s12010-017-2421-8.
- Suantika, G., Putri, A.D., Djohan, Y.A., Azizah, F.F.N., Astuti, D.I., Aditiawati, P. 2016. Impact of Salinity and Light Intensity Stress on B Vitamins Content in Marine Diatom Skeletonema costatum. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, ISSN 1816-4927. DOI: 10.3923/jfas.2016.
- Muhammad, H., Djohan, Y.A., Aditiawati, P., Situmorang, M.L., Suantika, G. 2016. Biological, Technical, and Financial Feasibilities Study of Zero Water Discharge (ZWD) System Application in Low Salinity White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannameiBoone) Urban Aquaculture. Study Case: Gresik District, North Coastal Area East Java Province, Indonesia. Journal of Fisheries and Livestock Production, 4:4.
- Suantika, G., Pratiwi, M.I., Situmorang, M.L., Djohan, Y.A., Muhammad, H.,Astuti, D.I. 2016. Ammonium removal by nitrifying bacteria biofilm on limestone and bioball substrate established in freshwater trickling biofilter. Journal of Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences Vol 4 : 2.
- Suantika, G., Muhammad, H., Azizah, F.F.N., Rachminiwati, N., Situmorang, M.L., Astuti, D.I., Aditiawati, P. 2016. The Use of Cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensisand Cladoceran Daphnia magna as Complementary Protein and Lipid Sources in Transitional Diet for Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Nursery. Natural Resources, 7, 423-433. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/nr.2016.77037.
- Suantika, G., Lumbantoruan, G., Muhammad, H., Azizah, F.F.N., Aditiawati, P. 2015. Performance of Zero Water Discharge (ZWD) System with Nitrifying Bacteria and Microalgae Chaetoceros calcitransComponents in Super Intensive White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Culture . Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development 6:359. doi:10.4172/2155-9546.1000359
- Rosada, K.K., Afianti, N.F., Astuti, D.I., Suantika, G., Aditiawati P. 2014. Bacterial Community Structures of Planktonic Cells and Biofilm at Saguling Hydro Power using Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresi J. Biol. Sci., 14:414-424.
- Suantika, G., Aditiawati, P., Astuti, D.I., and Khotimah, Z.F. 2013. The Use of Indigenous Probiotic Halomonas aquamarinaand Shewanella algae for White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone) Hatchery Productivity in Zero Water Discharge Syst Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, 2013, 4:5
- Nurachman, Z., Hartati, Syahfitri, A., Anward, E.E., Novirani, G., Mangindaan, B., Gandasasmita, S., Syah, Y.M., Panggabean, L.M.G, and Suantika, G. 2012. Oil productivity of the tropical marine diatom Thalassiosira. J. Bioresources Technology Journal 108: 240-248.
- Suantika, G., Aditiawati, P., Rusni, M., Arief, R. R., and Turendro, O. R. 2012. The Use of 3-dimensional Cubical Bamboo Shelter for Nursery Phase Productivity Improvement of Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergiide Man) using Biofiltration Technology Through The Application of Nitrifying Bacteria and Chlorella sp. in Indoor System. ITB Journal of Sciences, Vol. 44 A, No. 2: 129-144.
- Suantika, G., Astuti, D.I., Arief, R.R., Rusni, M., and Turendro, O.R. 2012. The Use of Zero Water Discharge Technology through Application of Nitrifying Bacteria and Textile Vertical Substrate For Grow-out Phase of Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man.Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development 3:5.
- Suantika, G., Dhert, P., Sweetman, E., O’Brien E., Sorgeloos P. 2003. Technical and Economical feasibility of a rotifer recirculation system. Aquaculture 227, 173-189.
- Rombaut, G., Grommen, R., Zizhong, Q., Vanhoof, V.,Suantika, G., Dhert, P., Sorgeloos, P., Verstraete, W. 2003. Improved performance of an intensive rotifer culture system by using a nitrifying inoculum (ABIL). Aquaculture Research 34, 165-174.
- Rombaut, G., Suantika, G., Boon, N., Maertens, S., Dhert, P., Sorgeloos, P., Verstraete, W. 2001. Monitoring of the evoluting diversity of the microbial community present in rotifer cultures. Aquaculture 237-252.
- Suantika, G., Dhert, P., Rombaut, G., Vandenberghe, J., De Wolf, T., Sorgeloos, P. 2001. The use of ozone in a high density recirculation system for rotifers. Aquaculture 201, 35-49.
- Dhert, P., Rombaut, G.,Suantika, G., Sorgeloos, P. 2001. Advancement of rotifer culture and manipulation techniques in Europe. Aquaculture 200, 129-146.
- Suantika, G., Dhert, P., Nurhudah, M., Sorgeloos, P. 2000. High-density production of rotifer Brachionus plicatilis in a recirculation system : consideration of water quality, zootechnical and nutritional aspects.Aquacultural Engineering 21, 201-214.
National Journals
- Pingkan Aditiawati, Dea Indriani Astuti, Gede Suantika, Togar M. Simatupang. 2016. Pengembangan Potensi Lokal Di Desa Panawangan Sebagai Model Desa Vokasi Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dan Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional. Jurnal Sosioteknologi, Vol. 15, No 1, April 2016.
- Suantika, G. Aditiawati, P.A., Astuti, D.I., Sofyan, Y. 2009. Pengaruh kepadatan Awal Inokulum Terhadap Kualitas Kultur Chaetoceros gracilis(schutt) pada Sistem Batch. Jurnal Matematika dan Sains.-ITB. Vol. 14 No. 1. P. 1-8. 2009.
- Suantika, G. dan Hendrawandi, D. 2009. Efektivitas Teknik Kultur Arthrospira (Spirulina) sp. Menggunakan Sistem Kultur Statis, Kultur Semi-kontinyu, dan Kultur Kontinyu. Jurnal Matematika dan Sains (JMS) ITB Vol 14 no 2 Juni 2009.
- Noerdjito, D.R., Suantika, G. 2006. Peningkatan Produktivitas Kultur Statis Brachionus plicatilisMueller 1786 dengan Optimasi Jenis dan Konsentrasi Pakan Alami. Jurnal Biologi Indonesia 2006 Vol. IV No.1.
International Proceedings
- Suantika, G., Situmorang M. L., Maisarah, Y.R., Azizah, F.F.N. Assessment of Trophic Status of Jatiluhur Reservoir at Epilimnion Zone Using Analysis of Dynamics of Bacterial Community CINEST 2017, Fukuoka University, Japan, 29 November – 1 December 2017.
- Suantika, G., and Situmorang M. L. Review On The Use Of Closed Aquaculture System At Hatchery And Nursery Stage For Sustainable Aqua-Culture In Indonesia. LARVI 2017. 4-7 September 2017. Ghent, Belgium.
- Aditiawati, P., Situmorang M. L., Hasby, F.A.,Suantika, G. Community-level Physiological Profiling of Microbial Community in Super Intensive Zero-Water Discharge System for White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Nursery at Low Salinity. LARVI 2017. 4-7 September 2017. Ghent, Belgium.
- Astuti, D.I., Suantika, G., Azizah, F.F.N., Rahmayunita, I., Hasby, F.A., Septiana, A.R., Faturakhmat, S.R., Athhar, F., Situmorang, M.L. Application of Bacillus megateriumas Heterotrophic Component in Biofloc System for Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Culture at Nursery Stage in Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia. LARVI 2017. 4-7 September 2017. Ghent, Belgium.
- Fahma Fiqhiyyah Nur Azizah, Gede Suantika. Economic Feasibility Of Chlorella And Dried Artemia-Based Artificial Feed For Ornamental Koi Fish (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) Larviculture: Case In Indonesia The JSFS 85th Anniversary-Commemorative International Symposium “Fisheries Science for Future Generations”, 2017, 22-24 September 2017 di Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan.
- Gede Suantika, Rizal Maulana Hasby. Optimization of N P Concentrations and Light Intensity For Growth and Lipid Accumulation in Chaetoceros calcitrans. International Conference on Aquaculture Biotechnology 2016. Bogor Indonesia.
- Gede Suantika, Febby Nurul Rohmah. Development of Porous Ceramic Metakaolinite-zeolite Technology For Nitrifying Bacteria Preservation. The annual international conference & exposition of World aquaculture society Asian-pacific chapter, WAS (2015).
- Gede Suantika, G., Aditiawati P, Astuti, DI, Sjarmidi, A., Lim, N., Khotimah, Z.F. Evaluation of probiotic bacteria against aeromonads syndrome in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in simple axenic larviculture. Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 78 (4), pp. 433-436 (2013) – LARVI 2013 Conference.
- Kishita, A., Setiawati, D.A.,Suantika, G. and Sondari RR. Direct Conversion of Microalgae Culture for Biodiesel Production by using Sub/Supercritical Methanol. Proceeding 14 th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress in Singapore 21-24 Februari 2012.
- Suantika, G., Anggraini J, Hasbi FA, and Yanuwiarti NPI. Does Zero Water Discharge technology enhanced culture performance of pacific white shrimp (L. vannamei). Proceeding The 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), Bandung 8-9 November 2012.
- Suantika, G., Aditiawati, P. and Rusli, M. The Use of Biofiltration Technology For nursery Phase Productivity Improvement of The Giant Freshwater Prawn ( rossenbergii) through the application of nitrifying bacteria andChlorella sp. In outdoor system. Proceeding Asian Pacific Aquaculture (APA) Internaional Meeting 2011. Kochi, India.
- Aditiawati, P., Suantika, G., Astuti, D.I., Kartika, A., Novitasari, D., and Ayuningtyas, M. Optimization of pH, Salinity, C/N Ratio and Aeration on Biofloc Forming for Water Quality Improvement in Aquaculture System. Proceeding Asian Pacific Aquaculture (APA) International Meeting 2011. Kochi, India.
- Astuti, D.I., Aditiawati, P., Suantika, G., L. Karina., Zikri, and A.H. Azam. Production of Biofloc Thalassiosira and Achromobactersp. For White Shrimp Culture and Its potential as antagonism Agent of Shrimp Pathogenic Bacteria Vibrio Harveyii. Proceeding Asian Pacific Aquaculture (APA) Internaional Meeting 2011. Kochi, India.
- Suantika, G., Aditiawati, P., dan Astuti, D.I. Identification and Optimization of Indegenous Probiotic Bacteria against Vibrio harveyiiisolated from white shrimp hatchery at Situbondo. Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2010.
- Suantika, G., Pancoro, A., Suhandono, S., dan Susanto, A. The White Shrimp Broodstock Improvement: The Use Of A Closed Recirculation System. Proceeding ICAI and ICOSA International Seminar. 2010
- Prima M., Subahar, T.S.,Suantika, G., dan Barti S.M. Is the river continuum concept applicable to trophical river? A case study: Chironomidae larvae (diptera). Community at Ciliwung River, West Java-Indonesia. Proceeding International Meeting Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation 2010.
- Suantika, G. dan Hutapea, P. Diatom periphyton vertical stratification in floating net cages At Jatiluhur Reservoir. Proceeding International Meeting Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation 2010.
- Suantika, G., Astuti, D. I., Aditiawati P., Sasmita, P.G. Development of Zero-Water Discharge Technology and Nitrifying Bacteria Application in Nursery Phase of the Giant Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man. “World Aquaculture 2009”, Mexico, May 26 – 29, 2009.
- Situmorang, M.L., and Suantika, G. Productivity Improvement of Marine Rotifer Culture (Brachionus plicatilisMuller) Based on the Use of Baker’s Yeast Diet in a Recirculation Aquaculture System (RAS). Proceeding Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2009 and Malaysian International Seafood Exposition 2009: Sustainable Aquaculture and Quality Seafood for All. Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia, 3 – 6 November, 2009.
- Suantika, G., Kurniasih. The Use of Spirulina sp. as the Enrichment Agent of Artemia sp. in Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Postlarvae Culture. Proceeding Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2009 and Malaysian International Seafood Exposition 2009: Sustainable Aquaculture and Quality Seafood for All. Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia, 3 – 6 November, 2009
- Khoirunnas, R.F. and Suantika, G. The growth of Vibrio harveyii at White Shrimp Post-larvae (Litopenaeus vannamei ) Cultivation in Laboratorium Scale. Proceeding of International Conference and Exhibition on Biomass Production, ITB. 2009
- Khoirunnas, R., Suantika, G. Application of Probiotic Bacteria Pseudomonas sp. to Inhibit The Growth of Vibrio harveyii at White Shrimp Post-Larvae (Litopenaeus vannamei) Cultivation in Laboratorium Scale. Proceeding International Conference and Exhibition on Science and Technology in Biomass Production 2009. Bandung – Indonesia, 25 – 26 November, 2009.
- Anggraeni, J., Suantika, G. Application of Probiotic Bacteria Brevibacterium sp. Against Vibrio harveyii for White Leg Shrimp Post Larvae (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone). Proceeding International Conference and Exhibition on Science and Technology in Biomass Production 2009. Bandung – Indonesia, 25 – 26 November, 2009.
- Suantika, G., Astuti, D.I., dan Adityawati, P. Probiotics in Shrimp Larviculture: Isolation and Use of Local Strain Bacteria. International Conference and Exhibition on Biomass Production, November, Bandung, Indonesia. Proceeding of International Conference and Exhibition on Biomass Production, ITB. 2009.
- Yessy, Suantika, G. dan Sulistyawati, E. The Growth of Microalgae pyrenoidosa Chick under Different CO2 Concentrations. Proceeding of International Conference and Exhibition on Biomass Production, ITB. 2009
- Suantika, G., Kurniati, R., dan Situmorang, M.L. Development of Commercial Fertilizers-Based Medium for Nannochloropsis sp. in Batch Culture System. Seminar Internasional Dies Emas 2009.
- Suantika, G., Astuti, D.I., Aditiawati, P., dan Sasmita, P.G. Development of Zero Water Discharge Technology and Nitrifying Bacteria Application in Nursery Phase of the Giant Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergiide Man. Proceeding of World Aquaculture 2009, Mexico.
- Suantika, G., Aditiawati, P., Astuti, D.I., Perangin-angin, K. Isolation and Application of Potential Probiotic Bacteria Against Aeromonas hydrophilain Larvae Culture of Pangasid Catfish Pangasius sutchi ”International Symposium on Catfish Farming in Asia”, Vietnam, December 5 – 7, 2008.
- Suantika, G., and Antarini, R. Optimization of Temperature, Salinity Level, and Type of Live Feed in Marine Copepod Culture Apocyclops borneoensis. “International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences”. Institut Teknologi Bandung., p.169-170, 2006.
- Suantika, G., and Triwardhani, C. R. Optimization of Temperature, pH, and Live Feed Concentration in Freshwater Copepode CultureTigriopus “International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMS)”. Institut Teknologi Bandung., p.61-62, 2006
- Suantika, G., Dhert, P., Sweetman, E., Sorgeloos, P. Biological, technical and economical feasibility of a rotifer recirculation system. “Larvi 2001 International Conference”, Ghent, Belgium, September 3-6, 2001.
- Dhert, P., Suantika, G., De Wolf, T., Okechi, J.K., Bonaldo, A., Sorgeloos, P. The use of ozone in a high density rotifer recirculation system. “The International conference AQUA 2000, Responsible Aquaculture in The New Millennium”, Nice, France.
- Suantika, G., Dhert, P., De Wolf, T., Sorgeloos, P. The use of recirculation system for rotifer production on a commercial scale. “The International conference AQUA 2000, Responsible Aquaculture in The New Millennium”, Nice, France.
National Proceedings
- Suantika G., N.R. Nganro dan P. G. Sasmita J. Pengaruh Penggunaan Shelter Terhadap Kesintasan dan Padat tebar Udang Galah (Macrobrachium rosenbergiide Man) dalam Skala Laboratorium. Prosiding Nasional Seminar MIPA IV. Institut Teknologi Bandung. 2004.
International Seminars
- Suantika, G., Situmorang M. L. Review On The Use Of Closed Aquaculture System At Hatchery And Nursery Stage For Sustainable Aqua-Culture In Indonesia. LARVI 2017. 4-7 September 2017. Ghent, Belgium.
- Suantika, G. Review on the Development of Closed Aquaculture System For Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergiide Mann) Culture In Indonesia. Pigua Macrobrachium carcinus congress in Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco (UJAT), Mexico, May 2014.
- Suantika, G., Aditiawati, P. and Rusli, M. The Use of Biofiltration Technology For nursery Phase Productivity Improvement of The Giant Freshwater Prawn ( rossenbergii) through the application of nitrifying bacteria and Chlorella sp. In outdoor system. Asian Pacific Aquaculture (APA) International Meeting 2011.
- Gede Suantika. Development of Zero-Water Discharge Technology and Nitrifying Bacteria Application in the Nursery Phase of Giant Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergiide Man). World Aquaculture 2009. Mexico, May 26 – 29, 2009.
- Gede Suantika. The Use of Spirulina sp. as the Enrichment Agent of Artemia in Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone.) Postlarvae Culture. Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2009 and Malaysian International Seafood Exposition 2009: Sustainable Aquaculture and Quality Seafood for All. Kuala Lumpur, 3 – 6 November, 2009.
- Antarini, R. dan Suantika, G. The Application of Nitrifying Bacteria on Different Substrate for White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Postlarvae Culture. Proceeding of International Conference and Exhibition on Biomass Production, ITB. 2009.
- Yessy, Suantika, G.dan Sulistyawati, E. The Growth of Microalgae pyrenoidosa Chick under Different CO2 Concentrations. Proceeding of International Conference and Exhibition on Biomass Production, ITB. 2009.
- Suantika, G., Dhert, P., De Wolf, T., Sorgeloos, P. The use of recirculation system for rotifer production on a commercial scale. “The International conference AQUA 2000, Responsible Aquaculture in The New Millennium”, Nice, France.
National Seminars
- Suantika, G. Culturing Technique of Microalgae and Isolation of Its Lipid for Biofuel. The Fifth Grouber – Soedigdo Lecture, ITB Bandung, November 2015.
Books and Book Chapters
- Gede Suantika, Magdalena Lenny Situmorang, Pingkan Aditiawati, Dea Indriani Astuti, Fahma Fiqhiyyah Nur Azizah, Harish Muhammad. Book Chapter :Closed Aquaculture System: Zero Water Discharge for Shrimp and Prawn Farming in Indonesia. Biological Resources of Water InTechOpen (25 April 2018). ISBN: 978-1-78923-081-9. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.69758.
- Gede Suantika, Magdalena Lenny Situmorang, Pingkan Aditiawati, Dea Indriani Astuti, Reskha Handayani. Title : Teknik Kultur Mikroalga. ITB Publisher (In press).
- Suantika, G., Nganro N.R., Noerdjito D. R., Puspitaningasih. Title : Biologi KelautanUniversitas Terbuka. Jakarta.
- Suantika, G. Development of a Recirculation System for the High Density Culturing of the Rotifer Brachionus plicatilis.Doctoral Dissertation, Laboratory of Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Center – Ghent University. Gent, Belgium. 2001
A. International Journal | |||
No. | Year | Title | Publisher/Journal |
1. | 2017-now | Aquaculture Engineering | Elsevier |
2. | 2011-now | Integrative Zoology | Wiley |
3. | 2013-now | Journal of Advances in Microbiology | Science domain International |
4. | 2017-now | BIOTROPIA | Biotrop |
B. Book | |||
No. | Year | Title | Publisher |
1. | 2003 | Pemanfaatan Anjungan Minyak dan Gas Lepas Pantai Pascaproduksi | Pusat Riset teknologi Kelautan. Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan. Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan. Jakarta. |
C. Accredited National Journal | |||
No. | Year | Title | Publisher/Journal |
1. | 2015-now | Jurnal Matematika dan Sains | ITB |
Position | Institution | Period |
Advisor of Graduate Student Affairs | School of Life Sciences and Technology-ITB | 2017-now |
Head of Study Program | Biomanagement Master Program | 2013-2015 |
Head of Study Program | Bioengineering Undergraduate Program | 2011-2013 |
Head of Study Program | Microbiology Undergraduate Program | 2013-2015 |
Head | Life Science Center – ITB | 2009-2011 |
Person in charge for ITB Erasmus Mundus LOTUS Project | European Unions – ITB | 2012-2017 |
Advisor of MGG (Maha Gotra Ganesha) | Student Activity Units – ITB | 2011-now |
Advisor of Student Affairs | School of Life Sciences and Technology-ITB | 2006-2011 |
Year | Oganization | Position |
2009-2010 | World Aquaculture Society | Member |
2014-now | Global Aquaculture Alliance | Member |
No. | Name of Activity | Place and Organizer | Year | Description |
1. | Scientific Advisor; Consultant | Novaton, Switzerland | 2018-now | |
2. | Workshop of Marine Microalgae Cultivation for Aquaculture Purposes (Larviculture) | Gondol, Bali Utara / P3MI | 2017 | |
3. | Development of New Approach on Shrimp Larviculture | SITH-ITB/ Skretting | 2017 | |
4. | Marine Growth Mooring | Arafuru Sea/ BWG Geothermal | 2017 | |
5. | Dissemination of Hybrid technology for White Shrimp Nursery Culture in Pranggong, Arahan, Indramayu, West Java | Ponpes Maarif Manbaul Ulum, Indramayu/ ITB | 2017 | |
6. | The Potency of Fisheries in Lesser Sunda Ecoregion | Lesser Sunda Ecoregion/ TNC | 2016-2017 | |
7. | Application of Hybrid-Zero Water Discharge for Marine Lobster Farming at Cidaun, Cianjur, West Java | Cidaun, Cianjur, West Java/LPPM ITB | 2016 | |
8. | Application of RAS Technology for Gourami Larviculture in Tulungagung, East Java | Tulungagung, East Java/ PT. Petrokimia Gresik dan SITH-ITB | 2014-2015 | CSR of PT. Petrokimia Gresik |
9. | Application of RAS in Pacific white shrimp nursery in Indramayu, West Java | Indramayu, West Java / KKP-Indonesia | 2013 | |
10. | Consultant on Freshwater fish hatchery and grow out | PT. Indo Hatchery, Cianjur | 2012-now | |
11. | Consultant on Freshwater fish hatchery | PT. Suri Tani Pemuka | 2012-2015 | |
12. | Application of RAS in Pacific white shrimp at low salinity nursery, Gresik, East Java | Gresik, East Java / KKP-Indonesia | 2012 | |
13. | Developmet of Carantine Strategy for Common Carp Fry (Cyprinus carpio) in Cianjur, West Java | Cianjur, West Java/ KKP-Indonesia | 2011 | |
14. | The Use of Recirculation Aquaculture System (RAS) for Common Carp Nursery Culture at Industrial Scale in Cikalong, Cianjur, West Java | Cianjur, West Java/KKP-Indonesia | 2011 | |
15. | Application of Biofiltration Technology in Zero Water Discharge Technology for Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man.) Nursery Cuture in Pamarican, Ciamis, West Java | Pamarican, Ciamis, West Java/KKP-Indonesia | 2011-2014 | |
16. | Technology dissemination : the use of peryphytic biofiltration technology for giant freshwater prawn nursery at medium-small enterprise at Pamarican-Ciamis-West Java | Ciamis, West Java | 2009-2010 | |
17. | Application of Recirculation system for freshwater fish larviculture for the vocational village at Ciamis, Panawangan – West Java | Ciamis, West Java | 2009-2010 | |
18. | Organizing committee Internasional Seminar “ICEBP” 2009 | ITB, Bandung | 2009 | |
19. | Technology adoption : Sistem Resirkulasi untuk Kultur Rotifera pada Hatchery Larva Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos) di UD Putra Gondol, Buleleng-Bali | Udayana University, Bali | 2008-2009 | |
20. | Consultant on Marine shrimp and fish hatchery and feed technology | PT. Charoen Phokphand, Indonesia | 2003-2012 |
No. | Award | Appreciator | Year |
1. | Peneliti Terbaik Riset Kreatif BP3IPTEK Provinsi Jawa Barat | BP3IPTEK | 2016 |
2. | Tokoh Penemu | Tempo Magazine | 2012 |
3. | Best Innovative Researcher ITB | ITB | 2012 |
4. | Dosen Berprestasi SITH | SITH-ITB | 2012 |
5. | Development Co-operation Prize Winner | Belgium Government | 2002 |