Ihak Sumardi, M.Si., Ph.D
Associate Professor
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Forestry Technology
Email : ihak@itb.ac.id
Ihak Sumardi, M.Si., Ph.D. merupakan salah satu dosen pada kelompok keahlian teknologi kehutanan yang memiliki ketertarikan pada bidang bamboo-wood strandboard manufacture, wood science and bio-composite, and forestry sciences.
Bachelor’s degree
- Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia (1994). Major field : wood preservative
Master’s degree
- Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia (2000). Major field : Composite wood
Doctoral degree
- Gifu University, Japan (2007). Major field : Utilization of Biological Resources
Undergraduate Courses
- Penelitian biosystem hutan dan seminar, metodologi penelitian, penyusutan produkpasca panen
- Tugas akhir I: Penelitian pasca panen, tugas akhir II: Pra-rancangan sistem pasca panen, seminar dan siding
- Pengolahan pasca panen hasil hutan kayu, pengetahuan lingkungan, perancangan sistem proses pasca panen.
Jurnal Internasional
- Sumardi, I., Hadiyane, A., Rumidatul, A., Melani, A. 2020. Characteristics of Empty Palm Bunch Fibers as Alternative Pulp Material. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 17: 129-134
- Rahmawati, N., Sumardi, I., and Dungani, R. 2020. Isolation and identification of fungi inhabiting rubber-impregnated wood, and their role of quality changing the impregnated wood. BioResources 15(2), 2839-2849.
- Alamsyah, E. M., Sumardi, I., Darwis, A., Suhaya, Y., Hidayat, Y. 2020. The possible use of surian tree (Toona sinensis Roem) branches as an alternative raw material in the production of composite boards. Journal of Wood Science 66:25
- Karliati, T., Febrianto, F., Syafii, W., Wahyudi, I., Sumardi, I., Lee, S. H., Kim, N. H. 2019. Properties of Laminated Wood Bonded with Modified Gutta-Percha Adesive at Various Surface Roughness Profile of Laminae. Bioresources, 14(4):8241-8249.
- Maulana, S., Gumelar, Y., Fatrawana, A., Maulana, M. I., Hidayat, W., Sumardi, I., Wistawa, N. I., Lee, S. H., Kim, N. H., Febrianto, F. 2019. Destructive and Non-destructive Tests of Bamboo Oriented Strand Board under Various Shelling Ratios and Resin Contents. Journal Korean Wood Science Technology, 47(4):519-532.
- Darwis, A., Sumardi, I., Suhaya, Y., Sunarya, S. 2018. Characteristic of vascular bundles and morphologi of Giganthochloa apus culm. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 129-133
- Karliati, T., Sumardi, I., Darwis, A., and Rumidatul, A. (2018). Incorporation of phenol formaldehyde based black liquor as an adhesive on the performance of plywood. Biol. Sci. 18(7), 346-353. P-ISSN 1727-3048. E-ISSN 1812-5719
- Sumardi, I., Dungani, R., Suhaya, Y. Rumidatul, A., Rofii M. N. 2018. Alternative Materials for Strandboards Made with Waste Veneer from Industrial Plywood in Indonesia. BioResources, 13(4): 8385.
- Maulana, S., Busyra, I., Fatrawana, A., Hidayat, W., Sari, R. K., Sumardi, I., Witsawa, I. N. J., Lee, S. H., Kim, N. H., Febrianto, F. 2017. Effects of Steam Treatment on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Oriented Strand Board. Journal Korean Wood Science Technology, 45(6):872-882
- Alamsyah, E. M., Sumardi, I., Sutrisno, Darwis, A., Suhaya, Y. 2017. Bond Quality of Laminated Wood Made from Surian (Toona sinensis Roem) and Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen). Journal Biological Scinece, 18:32-38
- Dungani, R., Abdul Khalil, H.P.S., Islam, Md.N., Sumardi, I., Aditiawati, P., Hadiyane, A. 2016. Soil burial degradation of Oil Palm Shell (OPS) nanofiller and Phenol Formaldehyde (PF) resin-impregnated Oil Palm Trunk Lumber (OPTL): Dimensional stability and mechanical properties. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy
- Sulaeman, A., Dungani, R., Islam, Md. N., Khalil, H. P. S. A., Sumardi, I., Hernawan, D., Hadiyane, A. 2016. Preliminary Study of Characterization of Nanoparticles from Coconut Shell as Filler Agent in Composites Materials. Journal of Material Science, 1:1-9.
- Sumardi, I., Suzuki, S., Rahmawati, N. 2015. Effect of Board Type on Some Properties of Bamboo Strandboard. Journal Mathematic and Fundamental Science, 47(1):52-61.Dungani R., Khalil H.P.S.A., Sumardi I., Suhaya Y., Sulistyawati E., Islam M.N., Suraya N.L.M., Aprilia N.A.S. 2015. Non-wood renewable materials: Properties improvement and its application. Biomass and Bioenergy: Applications.
- Sumardi, I .; Suzuki, S.; 2014. Dimensional Stability and Mechanichal Properties of Strandboard Made from Bamboo. BioResources Journal 9(1): 1159-1167.
- Sumardi, I .; Suzuki, S.; 2013. Parameters of strand alignment distribution analysis and bamboo strandboard properties . BioResources Journal 8(3):4459-4467.
- Rudi Dungani , H.P.S. Abdul Khalil, Ihak Sumardi , Yoyo Suhaya, Endah Sulistyawati, Md. Nazrul Islam, N.L.M. Suraya and N.A. Sri Aprilia. 2013 . Non-wood Renewable Materials: Properties Improvement and Its Application (in editing). In: Khalid Hakeem, Mohammad Jawaid, Umer Rashid (ed.). Biomass and Bioenergy: Applications (Volume II). SPRINGER-Verlag Publisher, (Accepted and now in editing)
- Sumardi, I .; Suhaya, Y; Trio Putra, T. 2010. Some importance properties of bamboo-wood strandboard . Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis. 8(1):77-82.
- Sumardi, I .; Nurcipto, H.; Abbas, A. 2010. Pembuatan papan stranboard dari bambu betung (Strandboard manufactured from bamboo). Wana Mukti Forestry Research Journal. 11(1):47-52.
- Sumardi, I .; Kojima, Y; Suzuki, S. 2008. Effect of strand length and layer structure on some properties of strandboard made from bamboo. J. Wood Sci. 54(2):128-133.
- Sumardi, I .; Ono, K; Suzuki, S.: 2007. Effect of board density and layer structure on the mechanical properties of bamboo oriented strandboard, J. Wood Sci. 53(6):510-515
- Sumardi, I .; Suzuki, S.; Ono, K.: 2006. Some important properties of strandboard manufactured from bamboo, Forest Prod. J., 56(6):59-63.
Jurnal Nasional
- Maulana, S., Damanik, M. Q. A., Marwanto, Maula, M. I., Fatrwana, A., Sumardi, I., Wistawa, N. J., Febrianto, F. 2019. Ketahanan Oriented Strand Board Bambu Betung dengan Perlakuan Steam pada Strand terhadap Cuaca. Jurnal Imu Teknologi Kayu Tropis 17(1):34-46.
- Sumardi, I ; Nur, S.H.: 2004. Uji pengawetan awal terhadap serangan jamur biru pada kayu tusam/ Pinus merkusii . Wana Mukti Forestry Research Journal, 3(1):61-66
- Sumardi, I ; Suhaya,Y; Firmansyah, F.: 2003. Pengaruh pencampuran kulit dan partikel kayu Acasia ( Acasia mangium Wild) terhadap kualitas papan partikel. Wana Mukti Forestry Research Journal, 2(1):61-71
- Bakar.E.S; Hadi,Y.S; Rahman, O: Sumardi, I : 2001. Perbaikan kualitas kayu sawit: Impregnasi dengan phenol formaldehyde. Jurnal Teknologi Hasil Hutan, 15(2): 14-19
- Sumardi, I . 1998 . Berat sebagai dasar penentu kualitas kayu untuk 20 jenis kayu tropika . Majalah Ilmiah Universitas Winaya Mukti 8: 21-24
- Hartono, R; Sumardi, I . 1997. Pengaruh pengukusan, perendaman urea, perendaman ammonia terhadap retensi, penetrasi basilit triple PI pada kayu kruing dan kamper . Majalah Ilmiah Universitas Winaya Mukti 5:27-31
- Controlled Arabica Wine Coffee Fermentation Method Using Bacterial and Yeast Isolates to Produce Coffee with a High and Consistent Taste Rating PATEN 2019
- Fermented Coffee Rice (Green Bean) Process Using Proteolytic, Pectolytic, Amylolytic, and Cellulolytic Bacteria to Produce Coffee with a High and Consistent Taste Rating PATEN 2019
- Desentralisasi DIKTI. 2013. Biodegradasi perekat alami tanin kulit kayu bakau (rhizophora sp) phenol formaldehida untuk pembuatan kayu lapis dari lima jenis kayu hutan rakyat.
- LPPM ITB. 2013. Pelatihan dan peningkatan kualitas pengrajin kayu di sekitar kampus itb
- ITB Grant. 2011. Rekayasa Limbah Veneer Sengon untuk Papan Strandboard
- DP2M Dikti. 2009. Study Pembuatan Papan Strandboard dari Bambu Betung.
- Pusat Pengembangan Sumberdaya Hutan Perum Perhutani Cepu, Jawa Timur. 2004. Sifat Fisik Mekanik Kayu Jati (Tectona grandis L.F) pada Berbagai Kelas Umur (II).
- Indonesian Wood Research Society (IWORs) from 1997-present
- The Japan Wood Research Society, from 2004-present
- Sumardi, I., Suzuki. S., and Rachmawati. N. 2013. Effect of Board Type on Some Properties of Bamboo Strandboard. International Seminar on Tropical Bio-Resources for Sustainable Bio-Industry 2013 (ISTB 2013). 30-31 October 2013, ITB Bandung Indonesia
- Sumardi, I. 2013. The Manufacture of Particleboard Using Wood Wasted from Plywood Industry. The Fifth International Symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society (IWoRS), November 7-8, 2013 Balikpapan Indonesia
- Sumardi, I ; Darwis, A.: 2011. Strandboard Manufacture from Veneer Wasted. The 3rd International Symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society, Yogyakarta.
- Sumardi, I; Suhaya. Y; Trio Putra T.; 2009. Some Importance Properties of Bamboo-Wood Strandboard . The first International Symposium of Indonesian wood Research Society, Bogor
- Suzuki, S; Sumardi, I ; Kojima,Y.; 2008. Effect of mat-forming parameters on the basic properties of bamboo oriented strandboard. The 10 th Symposium of World Conference on Timber Engineering. Miyazaki, Japan. P.143 .
- Sumardi, I ; Kojima, Y; Suzuki, S.: 2007. The strand alignment analysis using the von Mises. Proceedings of the 57 th Annual Meeting of Japan Wood Research Society, JWRS, Hiroshima, Japan, p. 45.
- Suzuki, S.; Sumardi, I ; Ono, K.: 2006. Effect of manufacturing parameter on the mechanical properties of bamboo strandboards. Proceeding of the 2 nd International Conference on Environmentally-Compatible Forest Products, Oporto, Portugal, p. 473-481.
- S umardi, I .; Kojima, Y; Suzuki, S.: 2006. Effects of layer-structure on strandboard from bamboo, Proceedings of the 56 th Annual Meeting of Japan Wood Research Society, JWRS, Akita, Japan, p. 54.
- Sumardi, I .; Ono, K; Suzuki, S.: 2005. Effect of density and layer structure on the mechanical properties of bamboo strandboard, Proceedings of the IWPS2005 International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 111-112.
- Suhaya, Y; Darwis, A; Sumardi, I .: 2005. Physical and mechanical properties of teak wood ( Tectona grandis L.F) on various ages class (I-VIII). Proceeding of the 6 th International Wood Science Symposium, Bali Indonesia, p 14.
- Sumardi, I ; Entang. R.: 2002. Physical and mechanical properties of densified oil palm wood. Proceeding of the 4 th International Wood Scince Symposium, Serpong Indonesia, p. 66
- Nurrachman, M. H. Z., Sumardi, I., Lastini, T. 2018. Land Cover and Groundwater Recharge Changes Study Using Conservation Index in the Highland Ciburial Village, Bandung Regency. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 166.
- Atmawi Darwis, Ihak Sumardi, Yoyo Suhaya, Sopandi Sunarya. 2017. The Vascular Bundles in Surat Bamboo Culm (Gigantochloa pseudoarundinacea). The 9th International symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society (IWoRS). Fahutan UGM bekerjasama dengan IWoRS. Bali-Indonesia
- Sumardi, I, dan Alamsyah. E. M. 2013. Karakteristik Bambu sebagai bahan Baku LVL. Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Peneliti Kayu Indonesia (MAPEKI) XVI, 6-7 November, Balikpapan Indonesia
- Sumardi, I .; Suhaya, Y; Trio Putra, T. 2009. Pengaruh resin content dan struktur lapisan terhadap sifat fisis dan mekanis. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Wood Research Society (IWORs), Bandung, p: 226-232.
- Karliati, T.; Sumardi, I .; Syah, M. 2009. Effects of layers and Adhesive types to physical and mechanical properties of laminated rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.)- Gmelina (Gmelina arborea. Roxb ) Boards. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Wood Research Society (IWORs), Bandung, p: 326-331
- Falah, F; Sumardi , I; Suhaya, Y.; 2004. Extraction of Tannin from Bark of Surian ( Toona Sinensis Merr), Gmelina ( Gmelina arborea Roxb), Ki Hiyang ( Albizia procera Benth.) and Utilization for Adhesive . The 7 th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Wood Research Society (IWoRS), Makasar, Indonesia.
- Sumardi , I; Darwis, A; Hadian, I.: 2004. Pengaruh Kerapatan dan Ukuran Partikel Terhadap Sifat Fisis dan Mekanis Papan Partikel Kayu Suren (Toona sureni Merr). The 7 th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Wood Research Society, Makassar, Indonesia.
- Sumardi, I ; Nurcipto, H; Rasyid, E; Amin. Y.; 2003. Pengaruh Pengukusan dan Pemadatan terhadap sifat fisis dan Mekanis Kayu sawit. The 6 th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Wood Research Society, Bukit Tinggi, Indonesia. p: 256-266