Khalilan Lambangsari, S.T., M.Si.
Associate Professor
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Agrotechnology and technology bioproduct
Email : khalilan@itb.ac.id
Khalilan Lambangsari, S.T., M.Si. is one of the lecturers from the agrotechnology and bioproduct technology expertise group which focuses on scientific and research fields related to bioproduct technology.
Bachelor’s degree
- Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (2007). Major field : Biological Engineering
Master’s degree
- Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (2012). Major field : Biotechnology
Undergraduate Courses
- Principles of segregation of bioproducts, design of products and processes of biological systems
- Bioengineering 1 practicum, clean product technology, introduction to engineering and design
- Plant-based bioproduct technology, biorefinery systems
- 2019: Pemanfaatan Vanili Afkir untuk Pembuatan Sirup di Kelompok Tani Sumedang – P3MI ITB
- 2019: Metode Pengeringan Vanili untuk meningkatkan Kandungan Vanilin di Kelompok Tani Sumedang – P3MI ITB
- 2019: Peningkatan Nilai Produk Singkong Desa Cireundeu Melalui Pembuatan Tepung Singkong Termodifikasi – PM ITB
- 2019: Peningkatan Efektivitas Dan Produktivitas Pupuk Masaro – LPIK ITB
- 2019: Hilirisasi Bisang (Bibit Pisang) : Scale Up Bibit, Packaging Dan Pemasaran Dengan Metoda Daring – LPIK ITB