Ir. Neil Priharto, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D.
Lecturer/Academic Staff
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Microbial Biotechnology
Email : neil@itb.ac.id
Ir. Neil Priharto, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D. is a researcher and lecturer of the Microbial Biotechnology expertise group. His primary focuses are studies on microalgal resources as well as the applications of pyrolysis in production of biological fuel and energy generation.
Bachelor’s degree
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia(2009). Major: Microbiology.
Master’s degree
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (2012). Major : Chemical Engineering.
Doctoral Degree
- Ghent Universty, Belgium (Ongoing). Major: Department of Green Chemistry & Technology.
Undergraduate Courses
- Post-Harvest Operational Unit; Fermentation Techniques; Clean Production Technology;
- Microalgae Cultvation Technique; Phycology; Internship; Introduction to Scienific Techniques (PTI)
Postgraduate Courses
- Metabolism Engineering
Articles in journal/conference proceeding
- Priharto, N., Ronsse, F., Prins, W., Carleer, R., dan Heeres, H.J. 2020. Experimental studies on a two-step fast pyrolysis-catalytic hydrotreatment process for hydrocarbons from microalgae (Nannochloropsis gaditana and Scenedesmus almeriensis). Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 206
- Priharto, N., Ronsse, F., Yildiz, G., Heeres, H.J., Deuss, P.J., dan Prins, W. 2019. Fast pyrolysis with fractional condensation of lignin-rich digested stillage from second-generation bioethanol production. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis(In press). E-ISSN 0165-2370. 10.1016/j.jaap.2019.104756
- Priharto, N.,Ronsse, F., Prins, W., Hita, I., Deuss, J., dan Heeres, H.J. Hydrotreatment of pyrolysis liquids derived from second-generation bioethanol production residues over NiMo and CoMo catalysts. Biomass and Bioenergy. E-ISSN 9619534. Vol. 136: 84-93
- Ariadji, T., Astuti, D.I., Priharto, N., Ananggadipa, A.A., Persada, G.P., Subiantoro, E., Erwanto, P.E., Abqory, M.H. 2019. Field implementation of nutrient huff and puff in Bentayan field, South Sumatera: Towards a low-cost EOR. Society of Petroleum Engineers – SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2019, APOG 2019
2010 | Seminar Internasional | International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) | FMIPA-ITB | Poster Presenter |
2011 | Seminar Internasional | Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition (APOGCE) 2011 | Society of Petroleum Engineers | Presentasi oral diberikan oleh anggota lain |
2016 | Seminar Internasional | 14th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology (HTC-14) | Royal Society of Chemistry | Presentasi oral diberikan oleh anggota lain |
2016 | Seminar Internasional | 12th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries | Ghent University | Poster Presenter |
2016 | Seminar Internasional | 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition | The European Commission’s science and knowledge service | Poster Presenter |
2018 | Seminar Internasional | 26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition | The European Commission’s science and knowledge service | Presentasi oral diberikan oleh anggota lain |
2018 | Seminar Internasional | 14th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries | Ghent University | Presentasi oral diberikan oleh anggota lain |
2019 | Seminar Internasional | Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition (APOGCE) 2019 | Society of Petroleum Engineers |
2014-2019 | Erasmus Mundus | Creating drop-in chemicals and fuels from lignin-rich digested stillage and microalgae via thermochemical conversion processes | Peneliti utama |
2017-2018 | PT Pertamina | Aplikasi Teknologi Huff-and-Puff Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery | Anggota peneliti |
2019 | KEMENRISTEKDIKTI | Rancang Bangun Purwa Rupa Fotobioreaktor Upgrading Biogas Menjadi Biomethane denganFotosintesis oleh Mikroalga | Anggota peneliti |
2019 | KEMENRISTEKDIKTI | Konversi Asam Lemak Jenuh Strearin Menggunakan Enzim Desaturase | Anggota peneliti |
2019 | PT Pupuk Indonesia | Pengembangan Biofuel dari Biakan Mikroalga Varian Lokal Indonesia | Anggota peneliti |
2019 | Erasmus Mundus | Hydrotreatment of pyrolysis liquids derived from second-generation bioethanol production residues over NiMo and CoMo catalysts |
2008 | Pengenalan Teknologi Biogas Tepat Guna Sebagai alternatif pengganti Minyak Tanah | Ketua Panitia | Sumedang |
2009-2011 | Program Desa Binaan dengan fokus produksi makanan fermentasi lokal | Organizing Committee | Ciamis |
2018 | Pertemuan Ilmiah dan Lomba Kreativita Biologi siswa SMP-SMA Tingkat nasionals | Organizing Committee | Bandung |
2018 | Aplikasi Biogas Komunal Skala Kecil | Pemateri | Bali |
2019 | Budidaya Ikan Nila: Pemeliharaan, Pembuatan Pakan, dan Pengawetan | Pemateri | Bandung |
2019 | New Approach in Controlling Vibriosis Syndrome for Super Intensive Shrimp Production | Organizing Committee | Bandung |
2019 | Pelatihan analisis Next-Generation Sequencing | Pemateri | Bandung |
2019 | Fermenstation : Pelatihan pembuatan makanan dan minuman fermentasi | Pemateri | Bandung |
2020 | Produksi Virus Transfer Media untuk Swab Test Covid-19 | Innovator | Bandung |