Noviana Budianti, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Lecturer/Academic Staff
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Forestry Technology
Email : budianti@itb.ac.id
Noviana Budianti, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. is a lecturer in the forestry technology expertise group with a focus on forestry technology.
Bachelor’s degree
- Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (2011).
Master’s degree
- Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (2014).
Doctoral degree
- Gifu University, Japan (2022)
Undergraduate Courses
- Tropical forest ecology, integrated landscape management
- Mass and energy balances of living systems
- Processes in forest ecosystems
- Noviana Budianti, Masaaki Naramoto, Atsuhiro Iio. 2022. Drone-sensed and sap flux-derived leaf phenology in a cool temperate deciduous forest: A tree-level comparison of 17 species. Remote Sensing, 14 (10), 2505. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14102505.
- Atsuhiro Iio, Noviana Budianti. 2022. The relationship between stem sap flow and crown leaf phenology derived from UAV images in a temperate deciduous forest (in Japanese). Poster presentation. The 133rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forest Society, 27-29 Maret 2022, Yamagata University, Yamagata, Japan.
- Noviana Budianti, Hiromi Mizunaga, Atsuhiro Iio. 2021. Crown structure explains the discrepancy in leaf phenology metrics derived from ground- and UAV-based observations in a Japanese cool temperate deciduous forest. Forests, 12 (4), 425. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12040425.
- Noviana Budianti, Hiromi Mizunaga, Atsuhiro Iio. 2021. Crown structure explains the discrepancy between UAV- and ground-based leaf phenology at the individual tree level. Poster presentation. The 132nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forest Society, 19-23 March 2021, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Noviana Budianti, Ayano Miyata, Atsuhiro Iio. 2020. Observation of tree-level leaf phenology by using drone and its comparison with ground monitoring results. Poster presentation. The 67th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan, 4-8 March 2020, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan.
- Noviana Budianti, Atsuhiro Iio, Shohei Kunitomo. 2019. Leaf phenology variation in species-rich natural beech forest: Does canopy duration affect stem growth? Poster presentation. The 130th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forest Society, 20-23 March 2019, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan.
- Noviana Budianti, Endah Sulityawati, Devi N. Choesin, Yoyo Suhaya. 2018. Litter production and decomposition in tropical montane forest at Mount Papandayan, Indonesia. Poster presentation. The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology, 8-10 June 2018, Shizuoka University, Shizuoka, Japan.
- Noviana Budianti, Endah Sulityawati, Devi N. Choesin, Yoyo Suhaya. 2014. Litter-fall dynamic in 1-ha permanent plot at Mount Papandayan, Indonesia. Proceeding. The International Conference on Forest, Soil and Rural Livelihoods in a Changing Climate, 27-30 September 2014, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal.