Associate Professor
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Genetics and Molecular Biotechnology
Email : sony@itb.ac.id
Prof. Dr. Sony Suhandono focuses on the field of microbial molecular genetics, cell and molecular biology, genetics engineering and biotechnology. Dr. Sony conducts research that focuses on molecular biology. Apart from conducting research in the field of molecular biology, Dr. Sony also cooperates with several industries such as PT. Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia and PT. XI National Plantation – Surabaya in providing scentific expertise and consultancy.
Bachelor’s Degree
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (1987). Major: Biology.
Master’s Degree
- La Trobe University, Australia (1994). Major: Botany.
Doctoral Degree
- Newcastle University, United Kingdom (2000). Major: Molecular Biology.
Undergraduate Courses
- Molecular Biology; Cellular Biology; Synthetic Biology; Synthetic Biology Application
Postgraduate Courses
- Molecular Ecology; Advanced Molecular Genetics
International Publications
- Elfahmi Elfahmi, Fany Mutia Cahyani, Tati Kristianti, Sony Suhandono. (2020). Transformation of amorphadiene synthase and antisilencing p19 genes into artemisia annua and its effect on antimalarial artemisinin production. Adv Pharm Bull, 2020, 10(3), 464-471 doi: 10.34172/apb.2020.057 https://apb.tbzmed.ac.
- Hayati Minarsih Iskandar, Sony Suhandono, Jember Pambudi, Tati Kristianti, Riza A. Putranto,windi Mose and Sustiprijatno. (2020). Characterization of a drought inducible Dehydrin promoter from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Journal of Tropical Crops Science, 7(1), 27-36
- Masduki , F.F., Y Hotimah, R Rani, A Mawardi, ERPF Ramandey, A Fibriani, S Suhandono.
(2019). Cloning and expression of Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase (PfLDH) in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). ActaBioIna, 2 (2), 52 – 57 - Santoso P.J., Pancoro A., Suhandono S., Aryantha I.N.P. 2017. Development of simple-sequence repeats markers from durian (Durio zibethinus murr. cultv. matahari) genomic library. Agrivita
- Kusumawaty D., Suhandono S., Pancoro A., Aryantha I.N.P.. 2017. Induction of toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and Myeloid88-dependent TLR-signaling response to aeromonas hydrophila infections in gouramy (Osphronemus goramy). IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
- Kusumawaty, D., Pancoro, A., Aryantha, I.N.P., Suhandono, S. Evaluation of identification techniques for the fish pathogen, Aeromonas hydrophila, from Indonesia. [full text]. Malaysian Journal of Microbiology. 2016.
- Sony Suhandono M.Sc.,Ph.D., , I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha Ph.D., Heri Setiadi, Tati Kristianti, Ali Budhi Kusuma, Andini Warih Wedaringtyas, Demi Tristan Djajadi Diversity of Culturable in Various Part of Luwak’s (Paradoxurus hermaprodithus javanica) Gastrointestinal Tract. Microbiology Indonesia. 2016.
- Sony Suhandono M.Sc.,Ph.D., Meirina Kartika Kusumawardhani, Dr. Pingkan Aditiawati MS “Isolation and Molecular Identification of Endophytic Bacteria From Rambutan Fruits (Nephelium lappaceum L.) Cultivar Binjai”. Hayati. 2016.
- Santoso, P.J., Aryantha, I.N.P., Pancoro, A., Suhandono, S. Identification of Pythium and Phytophthora associated with Durian (Durio sp.) in Indonesia: Their molecular and morphological characteristics and distribution. [full text]. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology. 2015.
- Febryana, N.Y., Moeis, M.R, Suhandono, S. Study Characterization of Aflatoxin -Whole Cell Biosensor based on Co-transformed Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) with pKCYP and pSOSGFP. Research and Development on Nanotechnology in Indonesia. 2015.
- Elfahmi, Suhandono, S., Chahyadi, A. Optimization of genetic transformation of Artemisia annua L. Using Agrobacterium for Artemisinin production. [full text]. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2014.
- Moeis, M.R., Berlian, L., Suhandono, S., Prima, A., Komalawati, E., Kristianti, T. Cloning and construction of recombinant palI gene from Klebsiella oxytoca on pET-32b into E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS for production of isomaltulose, a new generation of sugar. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2014.
- Hernahadini, N., Suhandono, S., Choesin, D.N., Chaerun, S.K., Kadarusman, A. Isolation, identification and characterization of indigenous fungi for bioremediation of hexavalent chromium, nickel and cobalt. [full text]. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2014.
- Suhandono, S., Apriyanto, A., Ihsani, N. Isolation and characterization of three cassava elongation factor 1 alpha (MeEF1A) promoters. [full text]. PLoS ONE. 2014.
- Semiarti, E., Purwantoro, A., Mercuriani, I.S., Anggriasari, A.M., Jang, S., Suhandono, S., Machida, Y., Machida, C. 2014. In planta transformation method for T-DNA transfer in orchids. [full text]. AIP Conference Proceedings.
- Sony Suhandono , Meirina Kartika Kusumawardhani & Pingkan Aditiawati. 2013. Isolation and identification of endophytic bacteria from rambutan fruits ( Nephelium lappaceum L.) Cultivar Binjai. ITB Journal of Science , ACCEPTED )
- Hayati Minarsih, Dwiyantari Widyaningrum, Sony Suhandono , Soekarno Mismana Putra & Asmini Budiani. 2013. Cloning of P5CS gene from Saccharum officinarum L. The Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences (ISSN 2337-5760) (formerly ITB Journal of Science (ISSN 1978-3043).
- Shibghatallah M.A.H., Khotimah S.N., Suhandono S., Viridi S., Kesuma T. 2013. Measuring leaf chlorophyll concentration from its color: A way in monitoring environment change to plantations. AIP Conference Proceedings.
- Suhandono, S ., Reza, E., Apriyanto, A., Tati K., and Nadya, F. 2012. Gene Bank Accession Number: JN132399. Title: Saccharum hybrid cultivar PS 862 elongation factor 1 alpha (eEF1A).
- I Sagi, Y.S. Suhandono S. 1997. PCR Primers Amplifying Microsatellite Loci of Quercus Myrsinifolia Blume and Their Conservation between Oak Species. Molecular Ecology 6: 897-899. Google Citation Index : 42
National Publications
- Hayati Minarsih, Sony Suhandono, Annisa K. Fuadi, Tati Kristianti, Riza A. Putranto, Deden
Sukmadjaya & Sustriprijatno. (2020). Isolation and characterization of Dehydrin promoter region from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.). Menara Perkebunan, 88(1), 16 -28. - Sony Suhandono , Ardha Apriyanto, Tati Kristianti . 2012. Isolation of two Elongation Factor 1-Alpha promoters gene from cassava ( Manihot esculenta Crantz). Journal of Life Sciences and Technology , 1: 1-18.
- Tati Kristianti & Sony Suhandono . 2011. Cloning and sequence analysis of MeTUF gene coding for the elongation factor Tu of cassava ( Manihot esculenta Crantz .). Journal of Life Sciences and Technology , 19-35
- Kustiawan, A, Y., Y, Efendi, D, Natalia, Suhandono, S. 2004. Kontribusi Gen Cb42 dengan promotor CaMV pada Vektor Ekspresi pCambia 1303. Ekologi & Biodiversitas Tropika. 2(1):6-10
- Effendi, B., Ghotzadi M., Widodo, Suhandono, S. 2004. Konstruksi Vektor Biner dengan Promoter MeEF1 dan CaMV 35S Berbasis pCAMBIA1390 DAN pCAMBIA1303 untuk Ekspresi Gen Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HbsAg) pada Tumbuhan. Proceeding Seminar MIPA IV Bandung 6-7 Oktober 2004. ISBN NO : 979-368-8-02-5
International Seminar
- Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati Irwanto, Humaira Safitri Andari, Ardha Apriyanto, Sony Suhandono . 2013. The utilization of DNA markers, rbc L and mat K to identify the population of Amorphophallus on Tanggamus Mountain, Lampung . International Flora Malesiana Symposium, Bogor, 27-31 August 2013.
Publications of 2004 – 2008
Judul Tulisan
Diterbitkan sebagai :
1. | Codon optimization of HBsAg gene based on Musa spp. In silico and construction of HBsAg gene with VSPα S signal peptide and cloning into pAF expression vector | 2008 | Poster pada ICMNS |
2. | Construction of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxydase promoter of pisang ambon (musa sp aaa group) on binary vector p.Cambia 1304 | 2008 | Poster pada ICMNS |
3. | Isolation and cloning of d-arabinose 5-phosphate isomerase gene from Erwinia cripipedii | 2008 | Poster pada ICMNS |
4. | The Design of ihpRNA Constructs to Silence the Expression of Pisang Ambon ACS and ACO Genes as an Alternative Solution to Control Fruit Ripening | 2006 | Poster pada ICMNS |
5. | Isolation Cloning and Characterization of Pyrophosphate-dependent Phosphofructokinase α-Subunit genes from Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) | 2006 | Poster pada ICMNS |
6. | Screening Soft-Rot Bacteria Which Utilize Palatinose and Cloning palI (sucrose isomerase) Gene from Erwinia rhapontici ATCC 29283 | 2006 | Poster pada ICMNS |
7. | Vector construction for regulating ACC synthase and ACO oxidase gene expression as an alternative n ripening control in pisang ambon (Musa sp., AAA group) | 2006 | Poster pada ICMNS |
8. | Suhandono, S., Febriani, A., Abbas, Yudi K., Natalia, D. 2005. Konstruksi Vektor Biner untuk Ekspresi Gen CB42 pada Tumbuhan Potensial Digunakan sebagai Vaksin Ternak. | 2005 | Kongres III dan Seminar Nasional PBPI Gedung PPI UNIBRAW 12-13 April 2005 |
9. | Pancora Adi, Annisa, Suhandono, S., dan Mulyani Yuniar. 2005. Aplikasi Penanda Molekuler Mikrosatelit untuk Analisis Keragaman Genetik dan Heterozigositas pada Mangga. | 2005 | Kongres III dan Seminar Nasional PBPI Gedung PPI UNIBRAW 12-13 April 2005 |
10. | Widiyanto, Sri N., Pancoro, Adi., Suhandono, S., Brunner, Amy M., Strauss, Steven H. 2005. Transformasi Genetik pada Jati dengan Perantara Agrobacterium tumefaciens. | 2005 | Kongres III dan Seminar Nasional PBPI Gedung PPI UNIBRAW 12-13 April 2005 |
11. | Dwivany, F., Suhandono, S., Ramondrana D., Wicaksono, D.W., 2005,Isolation and Expression Analysis of the ACC synthase and ACC oxidase Genes from Pisang ambon. | 2005 | Sub Biotechnology Conference-Asean Science Technology Week Jakarta, Indonesia |
12. | A, Yudi Kustiawan, Y, Efendi, D, Natalia, Suhandono, S. 2004. Kontribusi Gen Cb42 dengan promotor CaMV pada Vektor Ekspresi pCambia 1303. | 2004 | Ekologi & Biodiversitas Tropika. 2(1):6-10 |
13. | Effendi, B., Ghotzadi M., Widodo, Suhandono, S. 2004. Konstruksi Vektor Biner dengan Promoter MeEF1 dan CaMV 35S Berbasis pCAMBIA1390 DAN pCAMBIA1303 untuk Ekspresi Gen Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HbsAg) pada Tumbuhan. | 2004 | Proceeding Seminar MIPA IV Bandung 6-7 Oktober 2004. ISBN NO : 979-368-8-02-5 |
- IDP000065610: Promoter of the Elongation Factor 1 alpha-3 gene (MeEF1alpha3) from the Adira cultivar of cassava (Manihot esculentaC.)
- IDP000064225: Method of increasing ADS (Amorpha 4,11-diene synthase) gene expression in anuma plants (Artemisia annuaL.) to increase artemisin levels in plants
- IDP000056160: Isolation and cloning of TUF gene from sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) to increase temperature tolerance in bacterium and to increase the photosynthesis capacity in plants. No. 003/DivKMHaKI-ITB/SPP/II/2012
- IDP000056160: Isolation and cloning of TUF gene from sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) to increase temperature tolerance in bacterium and to increase the photosynthesis capacity in plants. No. 003/DivKMHaKI-ITB/SPP/II/2012
- Association of academics of Indonesia
- Indonesian Microbiology Association