Associate Professor
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Microbial Biotechnology
Email : renni@itb.ac.id
V. Sri Harjati Suhardi, Ph.D. currentlu focuses in the field of microbial biotechnology, mainly in environmental technology such as treatments of textile industry wastewater to enzme-based treatments for industrial wastewater treatments and enhancing oil treatments.
Bachelor’s degree
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. Major: Environmental Engineering.
Doctoral degree
- University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. Major : Environmental Biotechnology.
Undergraduate Courses
- Environmental Microbiology; Environmental Sciences; Health and Safety in Bioindustry;
- Application of Environmental Microbiology and Bioremediation;
- Microbiology Laboratory Management; Biosafety; Bioremediation;
- Introduction to Engineering and Design
· Chapter 7. Suhardi, S.H., Prasai, B., Samaha, D. and Boopathy, R. 2015. Combined biological and chemical pretreatment method for lignocellulosic ethanol production from energy cane in Barnabas Gikonyo, PhD. (Ed), Sugarcane as biofuel feedstock: advances toward a sustainable energy solution, Apple Academic Press, Waretown, USA, p139 – 150, ISBN-13: 978-1771881296. |
· Suhardi, S.H., Prasai, B., Samaha, D., Boopathy, R. 2013. Evaluation of pretreatment methods for lignocellulosic ethanol production from energy cane variety L 79-1002. International Biodeterioration Biodegradation. 65, 683 – 687. |
· Suhardi, S.H., Prasai, B., Samaha, D., Boopathy, R. 2013. Combined biological and chemical pretreatment method for lignocellulosic ethanol production from energy cane. Renewable Bioresources 2013, 1:1. ISSN 2052- 6237 |
· Prasai, B., Suhardi, S.H., and Boopathy, R. 2013. Use of white rot and brown rot fungi in lignin removal from sugarcane residue for bioethanol production LOUISIANA SCIENTIST The news Letter. Volume 3 Number 1, 2013 |
· Risdianto, H., Fitriyantia, M., Suhardi, S.H., Yogi, W., Budhia, and Setiadi, T. 2012. “Production of Laccase by Marasmius sp. Grown in Rice Straw using a Packed Bed Bioreactor” The 19th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering. ISBN: 978-602-9494-30-3 |
· Risdianto, H., Sofianti, E., Suhardi, S.H., Setiadi, T. 2012. “Optimization of Laccase Production using White Rot Fungi and Agricultural Wastes in Solid-State Fermentation”. ITB Journal of Engineering and Science, Vol. 44, No. 2, 2012, 93-105 |
· Risdianto, H., Suhardi, S.H. and Setiadi, T. 2012. “The Influence of Temperature on Laccase Production in Solid State Fermentation by using White Rot Fungus Marasmius sp.” The Proceedings of 4th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment. ISBN 978-616-551-439-2 |
· Risdianto, H., Sofianti, E., Suhardi, S.H., dan Setiadi, T. 2012. Optimization of laccase production using white rot fungi and agricultural wastes in solid-state fermentation. ITB Journal of Engineering Science 44, 93-105. |
· Risdianto, H., Fitriyanti, M., Suhardi, S.H., Budhi, Y.W., dan Setiadi, T. 2012. Production of laccase by Marasmius sp. grown in rice straw using a packed bed bioreactor. Proceeding 19th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 7-8 Novermber, Bali, Indonesia. |
· Risdianto, H., Sofianti, E., Suraya, Suhardi, S.H., dan Setiadi, T. 2012. The influence of carbon sources on laccase production by white rot fungus Marasmius sp. in solid state fermentation. The 4th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment and Seminar of NRCT- JSPS Asian Core Program 18th-19 th Januari. Bangkok, Thailand. |
· Risdianto, H., Suhardi, S.H., dan Setiadi, T. 2011. The influence of temperature on laccase production in solid state fermentation by using white rot fungus Marasmius sp.. Proceedings of 18th regional symposium on Chemical Engineering. 27-28 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. |
· Risdianto, H., Suhardi, S.H., Setiadi, T., dan Kokugan, T. 2010. The Influence of Temperature on Laccase Production in Solid State. The 1st International Seminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering, 3-4 November, Bali, Indonesia. |
· Risdianto, H., Sofianti, E., Suhardi, S.H., Setiadi, T. 2009. “Produksi Lakase Menggunakan Fermentasi Padat (Solid State Fermentation) dari Limbah Hasil Pertanian”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia 2009, Bandung |
· Suhardi, S.H., Koesnandar, Kusuma, D., Arnaldo, H. 2008. ”Pedoman Biosafety untuk Laboratorium Mikrobiologi dan Klinik”. ISBN 978-979-17245-0-0 Diterbitkan oleh PT Multazam Mitra Prima |
· Risdianto, H., Setiadi, T., Suhardi, S.H., Niloperbowo, W. 2007 “Laccase Production from Marasmius sp. Using A Modified Temporary Immersion Bioreactor”, Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta |
· Risdianto, H., Suhardi, S.H., Niloperbowo, W., Setiadi, T. 2007. “The Influence of Immersion Period on Laccase Production by Marasmius sp. in A Modified Temporary Bioreactor”, The 20th International symposium on Chemical Engineering, Hambat National University, Daejeon, Korea |
· Suhardi, S.H., Guswandhi, Panjaitan S.P.J., and Setiadi, T. 2007. ‘The Effect of Immersion Time on Decolorization of Textile Wastewater Using Marasmius sp. In Modified Packed Bed Bioreactors’, The Fifth International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Green Lake Resort, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 7-9, 2007, Proceedings The Fifth International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Vol. 5, 2007, p. 88-95. |
· Christian, H., Suwito, E., Ferdian, T.A., Setiadi, T., dan Suhardi, S.H. 2007. ‘Kemampuan Pengolahan Warna Limbah Tekstil oleh Berbagai Jenis Fungi dalam Suatu Bioreaktor’, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fundamental & Aplikasi Teknik Kimia 2007, Jurusan Teknik Kimia, ITS, Surabaya, 15 Nopember 2007, hal. B5-1 s.d B5-6, ISSN 1410-5667. |
· Guswandhi, Panjaitan, S.P.J., Suhardi, S.H., Niloperbowo, W., Setiadi, T. 2007. “PENGHILANGAN WARNA LIMBAH TEKSTIL DENGAN Marasmius sp. DALAM BIOREAKTOR UNGGUN TETAP TERMODIFIKASI (MODIFIED PACKED BED)”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Rekayasa Kimia dan Proses 2007, Semarang 2007 |
· Risdianto, H., Setiadi, T., Suhardi, S.H., Niloperbowo, W. 2007. “Pemilihan Spesies Jamur dan Media Imobilisasi untuk Produksi Enzim Ligninolitik”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Rekayasa Kimia dan Proses 2007, Semarang |
· Guswandhi, Panjaitan, S.P.J., Suhardi, S.H., Niloperbowo, W., Setiadi, T. 2007. “Decolorization of Textile Wastewater Using Marasmius sp. In Modified Packed Bed Reactor”, Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta |
· Suhardi, S.H., and Arifianti, A. 2006. Full Scale Case: Performance of ex-situ mycoremediation in a petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated site. Annual Meeting on Indonesia Microbiology Society, August 2006. |
· Boehmer, U., Suhardi, S.H., Bley, T. 2006. Decolorizing Reactive Textile Dyes with White-Rot Fungi by Temporary Immersion Cultivation. Engineering in Life Sciences. Volume 6, Issue 4 , Pages 417 -420. |
· Aryantha, I.N.P., Suhardi, S.H., Setiadi, Y., Kristanti, N. 2005. The use of Palm Oil Fiber treated with lignocellulotic fungi as Bulking agent for plant media of tomato and corn plant. Submitted to Proceeding of the 2005 Annual Meeting of Indonesia Society of Microbiology, August 2005. |
· Suhardi, S.H., Kristanti, N., Jatnika, A. 2005. The use of Palm Oil Fibre bulking agent and degrading fungi, Sporotrichum pulverulentum CK94, in bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil. Submitted to Proceeding of the 2005 Annual Meeting of Indonesia Society of Microbiology, August 2005 |
· Suhardi, S.H., Boehmer, U., Bley, T. 2005. The use of Palm Oil Fibre and Pine Wood Chips as a growth media: biodegradation of textile dye wastewater using culture of Trametes versicolour. Proceeding of the Asean Science and Technology Week, Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Jakarta, August 2005. |
· Suhardi, S.H., T, Sayoga, R., Kurniawati, S. 2004. Selection, characterization and identification of indigenous microorganisms on the acid rock drainage generation in overburden dumps. Annual meeting of the Indonesita Microbiology Society, Semarang. |
· Siahaan, T., Suhardi, S.H., Kardena, E., Sudarmaji. 2003. Aktifitas konsorsium bakteri dan jamur lapuk putih pada pH rendah dalam proses bioremediasi tanah terkontaminasi minyak bumi – Studi Kasus VICO Indonesia, Annual meeting of Indonesia Microbiology Society, Bandung. |
· Suparno, O., Suhardi, S.H., Hardiyati E., Kardena E., Wisjnuprapto. 2002. Chlorolignin Degradation Using Immobilized Sporotrichum Pulverulentum RS01 In a Fluidised Bed Reactor. Journal Biosains, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp 1-8. |
- Independent Trainer for Laboratory Health and Safety Training, Jan 2004 – Present
- Organiser and Trainer for Laboratory Health and Safety Training, Biotechnology Research and Development Centre, Jan 2004 – 2007
- Organiser and Trainer for in house training of Bioremediation Technology Application for treatment of Hydrocarbon Contaminated soil, ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Feb 2004 and March 2004.
- Trainer for course on Bioremediation of Hydrocarbon Contaminated sites (soil, sludge and wastewater) for oil and gas company, KTCO, Bandung, June & Dec 2004
- Trainer for course on Bioremediation of Hydrocarbon Contaminated sites (soil, sludge and wastewater) for oil and gas company, KTCO, Bandung, November 2003
- Trainer for course on Bioremediation of Hydrocarbon Contaminated sites (soil, sludge and wastewater) for oil and gas company, KTCO, Bandung, September 2002
- Trainer for course on Bioremediation of Hydrocarbon Contaminated sites (soil, sludge and wastewater) for oil and gas company, KTCO, Bandung, October 2001.
- Trainer for course on Bioremediation of Hydrocarbon Contaminated sites (soil, sludge and wastewater) for oil and gas company, KTCO, Bandung, June 2001.
- Trainer for course on HACCP and Food Hygiene, Caraka Training Organiser, 2001
- Trainer for sanitation, drainage and plumbing system and Laboratory Safety on Building Management of Extension of Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung, June – August 2001
- Instructorfor workshop on sludge maintenance for bioremediation project in Unocal, Indonesia, Laboratory of environmental Biotechnology, IURC Biotechnology, ITB, 9 – 13 July 2001.
- Organiser and Trainer for “Laboratory Health and Safety” short course, IUC Biotechnology ITB dan Environmental Biotechnology and Biodiverisity Project – ODA/The British Council, Bandung, 24 – 27 January 2000.
- Organiser and Trainer for “Laboratory Health and Safety” short course, IUC Biotechnology ITB dan Environmental Biotechnology and Biodiverisity Project – ODA/The British Council, Bandung,23 – 26 Juni 1997.
- Trainer for sanitation, drainage and plumbing systemon Building Management System training. In collaboration with Public Service Division (LPM), Bandung Insitute of Technology (ITB.)