Associate Professor
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Animal Physiology, Development, and Biomedical Sciences
Email : wardono.n@itb.ac.id
Wardono Niloperbowo, Ph.D. focuses on Animal Physiology, Development, and Biomedical Sciences and the research of polyclonal and monoclonal antibody production, entomopathogen production for biological insecticides, modelling microbial culture and bioprocesses, as well as producing industrial enzymes and biological insecticides.
Bachelor’s degree
- Universitas Padjajaran, Indonesia (1988).
Doctoral degree
- Unversiy of Queensland, Australia (1994)
Undergraduate Courses
- Research Methodology; Scientific Communications Technique; Environmental Sciences; Animal Nutrients and Production;
- Internship; Animal Cell Culture Engineering; Introduction to Bioethics; Technical Statistics
Postgraduate Courses
- Research Design for Biotechnology, Bioethics, and Patent; Biotechnology Business
Niloperbowo , W. Syamsiah, S. and Damiri, B.V., 2007, Biological desulfurisation of flue gas, Scientific report submittetd to The Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology.
Risdianto, H., Setiadi, T., Suhardi, S.H., Niloperbowo , W., 2007, Laccase Production from Marasmius sp. Using A Modified Temporary Immersion Bioreactor”, Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Gadjah Mada University , Yogyakarta. |
Hendro Risdianto, Sri Harjati S, Wardono Niloperbowo ,Tjandra Setiadi, 2007, The Influence of Immersion Period on Laccase Production by Marasmius sp. in A Modified Temporary Bioreactor, The 20 th International symposium on Chemical Engineering, Hambat National University, Daejeon, Korea. |
Guswandhi, James S.P. Panjaitan, Sri Harjati Suhardi, Wardono Niloperbowo , Tjandra Setiadi , 2007, Decolorization of Textile Wastewater Using Marasmius sp. In Modified Packed Bed Reactor, Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Gadjah Mada University , Yogyakarta . |
Niloperbowo , W., Damiri, B.V,. 2007. Repeated Batch Cultivation of Aspergillus niger for Cellulase Production. Presented in Indonesia and Japan Symposium: Toward Sustainable Asia with Sound Material Cycle and Emission Minimization. Chemical Engineering Department ITB. Bandung-Indonesia. |
Guswandhi., Panjaitan, J.S.P., Suhardi, S.H., Niloperbowo , W., Setiadi, T. 2007. Decolorization of Textile Waste Water using Marasmius sp in Temporary Immersion Bioreactor. Presented in Indonesia and Japan Symposium: Toward Sustainable Asia with Sound Material Cycle and Emission Minimization. Chemical Engineering Department ITB. Bandung-Indonesia. |
Risdianto, H., Setiadi, T., Suhardi, S.H., Niloperbowo , W, 2007. Selection of White Rot Fungi and Growth Substrate for Ligninase Production . Presented in Indonesia and Japan Symposium: Toward Sustainable Asia with Sound Material Cycle and Emission Minimization. Chemical Engineering Department ITB. Bandung-Indonesia. |
Prasetyo, Y., Hadi, S., Niloperbowo , W. 2007. Study on Saccharification of Different Cellulases Substrates From Trichoderma viride . Poster in Indonesia and Japan Symposium: Toward Sustainable Asia with Sound Material Cycle and Emission Minimization. Chemical Engineering Department ITB. Bandung-Indonesia. |
Miranti, M and Niloperbowo , W., 2006, Invivo production of Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV), Scientific report submitted to the Directorate General for Higher Education, Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. |
Wulandari, R., Miranti, M. And Niloperbowo , W., 2006, Studies on the effect of subculture of Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV) in S podoptera litura on pathogenicity of HaNPV to Helicoverpa armigera , Presented in 2006 Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Microbiologist. Solo, Indonesia |
Indriyani, L., Miranti, M. And Niloperbowo , W., 2006, Studies on invivo production of Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV) with special attention to the effect of larval age on HaNPV production , Presented in 2006 Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Microbiologist. Solo, Indonesia |
Niloperbowo , W., Damiri, B.V. 2006. Repeated Batch Cultivation of Aspergillus niger for Cellulase Production. Poster in Conference on Industrial Enzyme and Biotechnology (CIEB 2006), BPPT Building . Jakarta-Indonesia |
Niloperbowo , W., Damiri, B.V. 2006. Aspergillus niger cellulase production in batch culture, Presented in 2006 Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Microbiologist. Solo, Indonesia |
Niloperbowo, W. and Budyanto, G., 1997, Monoclonal antibody production in continuous culture , Scientific report submitted to the Directorate General for Higher Education, Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. |
Niloperbowo , W., Nielsen, L.K., Reid, S., and Greenfield , P.F. 1992. Improved Antibody Production Via Controlled Feeding Strategies During Fedbatch Cultures of A Hybridoma Cell Line Utilising Protein Free Media. The Fifth Annual Meeting of JAACT, November 30 – December 4. Omiyama-Japan. |
Nielsen, L.K., Niloperbowo , W., Reid, S., and Greenfield , P.F. 1992. Avoiding Rapid Growth at High Cell Densities: A potential Important Optimisation Criterion For Hybridoma Cultures. Cytotechnology 9 : 21-27. |
Nielsen, L.K., Niloperbowo , W., Reid, S., and Greenfield , P.F. 1992. Optimisation of MAb Production From HomogenousPropagation System. Presented at Cell Culture Engineering III. February 2-7. Palm Coast . Florida-USA.
Radford, K., Niloperbowo , W., Reid, S., and Greenfield , P.F. 1991. Weaning of Three Hybridoma Cell Lines To Serum Free Low Protein Medium. Cytotechnology 6: 65-78. |
Nielsen, L.K., Niloperbowo , W., Reid, S., and Greenfield , P.F. 1991. Modelling Growth and Antibody Production by Hybridomas in Glutamine Limited Suspension Cultures. In : Production Of Biological From Animal Cells In Culture (Eds : Spier R.E., Griffith J.B. and Meigner B.). Oxford Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., pp : 625-630. |
Nielsen, L.K., Niloperbowo , W., Reid, S., and Greenfield , P.F. 1990. Modelling Growth and Antibody Production By Hybridomas in Glutamine Limited, Protein Free Batch Cultures. Presented at The Ninth Australian Biotechnology Conference. September 24-27. Gold Coast , Queensland , Australia . |
1995 | HIBAH BERSAING VIII from Directorate General for Higher Education, Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. The grant was awarded for two years research on Monoclonal antibody production in continuous culture |
2004 | HIBAH BERSAING XIII from Directorate General for Higher Education, Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. The grant was awarded for two years research on Invivo production of Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrosis virus (HaNPV). |
2004 | RISET UNGGULAN TERPADU XII From The Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology. The grant was awarded for three years research on Biological desulfurisation of flue gas. |
2007 | Production of Marasmius sp lacasse in a modified temporary reactor for pulp bleaching |
2007 | Studies on the utilisation of Marasmius sp . culture for textile waste water decolorisation in a modified packed bed reactor |
2006 | Sensitivity of Spodoptera litura to Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrosis virus ( Ha NPV) infections |
2006 | Studies on invivo production of Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV) : The effect of dose of infections on the production of Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus ( Ha NPV) in Spodoptera litura |
2006 | Studies on enzymatic saccharification of Biomasses |
2005 | Studies on invivo production of Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV) with special attention to the effect of larval age on HaNPV production |
2005 | Studies on the effect of subculture of Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV) in S podoptera litura on pathogenicity of HaNPV to Helicoverpa armigera |
2005 | Studies on the effect of various crude starches on the production of Aspergillus niger a -amylase |
2004 | Studies on the effect of harvest cycle length on the production of Aspergillus niger cellulase in repeated batch culture |
2002 | Studies on biological desulfurisation of flue gas |
2000 | Studies of sulfur oxidation by Thiobacillus sp |
1999 | Studies of Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV) pathogenicity on Helicoverpa armigera |
1998 | The effect of Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV) multiple exposure on the development of tolerance of Helicoverpa armigera to HaNPV infections |
1997 | Histological studies on the development of Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV) infections to Helicoverpa armigera , with special attention to the integrity of the midgut peritrophic membrane |
1996 | Kinetic studies of Saccharomycopsis fibuligera a-amylase production in batch culture |
1995 | Studies on Monoclonal antibody production in continuous culture |
1993 | Mathematical modelling on growth of hybridioma cells and monoclonal antibody production in fedbatch culture |
1991 | Studies on batch and fedbatch cultivations of hybridoma cells |