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Performance Evaluation of IoT-Based Service System for Monitoring Nutritional Deficiencies in Plants

Performance Evaluation of IoT-Based Service System for Monitoring Nutritional Deficiencies in Plants

This study by Ahmad Faizal and his colleagues aimed to develop and evaluate the performance of a service system platform based on the Internet of Things (IoT) for monitoring nutritional deficiencies in plants and providing fertilizer recommendations. We have successfully developed and integrated a service system platform and chlorophyll meter that is based on IoT. We have also successfully tested the performance of the service system platform using the JMeter software. The dependability value measured from the five tested variables (reliability, availability, integrity, maintainability, and safety) showed a value of 0.97 which represents a very good level of system confidence in not failing to deliver services to users under normal operational conditions. From a future perspective, this platform can be used as an alternative service to monitor nutrient deficiencies in plants and provide fertilization recommendations to increase yields, reduce fertilizer costs, and prevent the use of excessive fertilizers, which can cause environmental pollution.

Article Citation:
Andrianto, H., Suhandi, Faizal, A., Kurniawan N. B., Aji, D. P. P. (2023). Performance evaluation of IoT-based service system for monitoring nutritional deficiencies in plants. Information Processing in Agriculture. 10(1):52-70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inpa.2021.10.001

Dr. Ahmad Faizal Picture
(Source: https://sith.itb.ac.id/en/dr-ahmad-faizal/)
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(Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/information-processing-in-agriculture/about/insights)

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