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Dr. Asep Hidayat, Ir. MP.

Dr. Asep Hidayat, Ir. MP.

Lecturer/Academic Staff
School of  Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : agrotechnology and bioproduct technology
Email : asephidayat@itb.ac.id


Dr. Asep Hidayat, Ir. MP. is one of the lecturers from the expertise group of agrotechnology and bioproduct technology which focuses on the scientific and research fields of agrotechnology-food crops, horticulture, and plantations.

Bachelor’s degree

  • Winaya Mukti University, Indonesia. Major field : Agriculture

Master’s degree

  • Padjajaran University, Indonesia. Major field : Plant Science

Doctoral degree

  • Padjajaran University, Indonesia. Major field : Plant Science

Undergraduate Courses

  • Annual crop production technology, harvesting and post-harvest techniques for agricultural products
  • Post-harvest handling systems for plantation crop production
  • Basic engineering of biomass production, agricultural ethics
  • Maulani R.R, Hidayat A., Husyari U.D. 2019. Functional Properties of Dual Modified White Corn Starch. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-6S5
  • Maulani R.R., Hidayat A. 2016. Characterization of the functional properties of hydroxypropylated and cross-linked arrowroot starch in various acidic pH mediums. International Journal of Technology.
  • Maulani R.R., dan Hidayat A.. 2012. Stabilitas Pati Garut (Marantha arundinacea) Hasil Modifikasi Hidroksipropilasi dan Tautan Silang yang Diaplikasikan pada Pangan yang Bersifat Asam

Research Grant (as Principal Investigator)

2019 Pengembangan teknologi budidaya dan pengolahan umbi eksotis sebagai pangan alternatif. PM-P3MI-ITB
2019 Penerapan beberapa jenis pupuk organik untuk padi. P3MI-ITB
2018 Melestarikan umbi langka Sumedang – Jawa Barat melalui pembuatan koleksi sumber benih untuk menunjang pengembangan pangan alternatif. PM-P3MI-ITB
2018 Pengujian sifat fisikokimia dan potensi tepung biji hanjeli Pulut. P3MI-ITB
2017 Biokonversi kotoran dan Sisa Pakan Ternak (Domba) oleh Black Soldier Fly (BSF) untuk menghasilkan Larva BSF dan Kompos Premium (Residu dan Lindi). PM-P3MI-ITB


Community Empowerment Grant (as Principal Investigator)

2019 Kajian Bioethanol. Pertamina – LAPI ITB
2018 Kajian Bioethanol. Pertamina – LAPI ITB
2017 Kajian lahan Perkebunan di Jawa Barat. DISBUN Jabar
2016 Studi Kelayakan Lahan Perkebunan. DISBUN Jabar
2015 Studi Kelayakan Pencetakan sawah di Jawa Barat. DISPERTA Jabar
  • Kelompok Ilmu Tanah
  • 2019-2020 : Reviewer Jurnal Kultivasi UNPAD