Dr. Asep Hidayat, Ir. MP.
Lecturer/Academic Staff
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : agrotechnology and bioproduct technology
Email : asephidayat@itb.ac.id
Dr. Asep Hidayat, Ir. MP. is one of the lecturers from the expertise group of agrotechnology and bioproduct technology which focuses on the scientific and research fields of agrotechnology-food crops, horticulture, and plantations.
Bachelor’s degree
- Winaya Mukti University, Indonesia. Major field : Agriculture
Master’s degree
- Padjajaran University, Indonesia. Major field : Plant Science
Doctoral degree
- Padjajaran University, Indonesia. Major field : Plant Science
Undergraduate Courses
- Annual crop production technology, harvesting and post-harvest techniques for agricultural products
- Post-harvest handling systems for plantation crop production
- Basic engineering of biomass production, agricultural ethics
- Maulani R.R, Hidayat A., Husyari U.D. 2019. Functional Properties of Dual Modified White Corn Starch. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-6S5
- Maulani R.R., Hidayat A. 2016. Characterization of the functional properties of hydroxypropylated and cross-linked arrowroot starch in various acidic pH mediums. International Journal of Technology.
- Maulani R.R., dan Hidayat A.. 2012. Stabilitas Pati Garut (Marantha arundinacea) Hasil Modifikasi Hidroksipropilasi dan Tautan Silang yang Diaplikasikan pada Pangan yang Bersifat Asam
Research Grant (as Principal Investigator)
2019 | Pengembangan teknologi budidaya dan pengolahan umbi eksotis sebagai pangan alternatif. PM-P3MI-ITB |
2019 | Penerapan beberapa jenis pupuk organik untuk padi. P3MI-ITB |
2018 | Melestarikan umbi langka Sumedang – Jawa Barat melalui pembuatan koleksi sumber benih untuk menunjang pengembangan pangan alternatif. PM-P3MI-ITB |
2018 | Pengujian sifat fisikokimia dan potensi tepung biji hanjeli Pulut. P3MI-ITB |
2017 | Biokonversi kotoran dan Sisa Pakan Ternak (Domba) oleh Black Soldier Fly (BSF) untuk menghasilkan Larva BSF dan Kompos Premium (Residu dan Lindi). PM-P3MI-ITB |
Community Empowerment Grant (as Principal Investigator)
2019 | Kajian Bioethanol. Pertamina – LAPI ITB |
2018 | Kajian Bioethanol. Pertamina – LAPI ITB |
2017 | Kajian lahan Perkebunan di Jawa Barat. DISBUN Jabar |
2016 | Studi Kelayakan Lahan Perkebunan. DISBUN Jabar |
2015 | Studi Kelayakan Pencetakan sawah di Jawa Barat. DISPERTA Jabar |