School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Forestry Technology
Email : endah@itb.ac.id
Prof. Endah Sulistyawati, S.Si., Ph.D. focuses in the fields of forest ecology, landscape ecology, human ecology, management and conservation of tropical bioresources and environment using various approaches including field survey, computer simulation and remote sensing-based analysis. Dr. Endah had developed a computer simulation (KantuSim) to study the impacts of land-use decision-making by swidden farmers in West Kalimantan on the landscape and welfare of the community. Since 2004, she has been conducting research in various ecological and socio-economical aspects on Mt. Papandayan including assessment of plant and bird diversity, spatial and temporal distribution of deforestation, identification of driving forces of deforestation, secondary succession following natural and human-induced disturbances. Another major field studied by Dr. Endah is forest and climate change, in which she has been conducting field assessments of carbon stock in various land-use / cover in West Java, simulation assessment of carbon sequestration in reforestation settings, developing an allometric equation and a remote-sensing-based model to estimate carbon stock at landscape level.
Bachelor’s Degree
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (1993). Major: Plant Ecology.
Doctoral Degree
- The Australian National University, Australia (2002). Major: Land-use and Ecological Modelling.
Undergraduate Courses
- Environmental Sciences; Forest Ecology; Landscape Ecology; Forest Ecosystem Processes
Postgraduate Courses
- Ecology for Mining
- Darwis, A., HADIYANE, A., SULISTYAWATI, E., & SUMARDI, I. (2023). Effect of vascular bundles and fiber sheaths in nodes and internodes of Gigantochloa apus bamboo strips on tensile strength. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology, 51(4), 309-319.
- Sulistyawati, E., Setiawan, N.N., Iqbal, A., Alhumaira, A., Fitriana,S. Syamuda, T,, Choesin, D.N. 2022. Forest tree dynamics from the first four years of permanent plot in Mount Papandayan, Indonesia: mortality, recruitment, and growth. Annals of Forest Research, 65(1): 127-140
- Dewi, S.P., Sulistyawati, E., and Syamsudin, T.S. (2019): The reproductive period of sub-montaneous tropical forest: estimation of seed availability for forest restoration in Mount Masigit-Kareumbi, Indonesia. Tropical Ecology, 60(1), 62-73. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42965-019-00007-2
- Dewi, S.P., Syamsudin, T.S., and Sulistyawati, E. (2019): Dataset on the reproductive period of three local species in a tropical sub-mountainous forest. Data in Brief, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2019.104238.
- Supriyadi, A., Sulistyawati, E., Syamsudin, T.S.* 2019. Process and Characterization of Aggregate Stabilization in Degraded Inceptisols by Earthworms. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sc. 42 (2): 761 – 777. ISSN: 1511-3701. e-ISSN: 2231-8542
- Rumidatul, A.*, Sulistyawati, E., and Aryantha, I.N.P. 2018. Trypsin Inhibitor Activity and Protein Analysis of Gall Rust from Sengon Plants (Falcataria moluccana Miq.) Infected with Uromycladium tepperianum Fungus. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences. Volume 17, Number 2. eISSN: 1812-5697. pISSN: 1682-3974. “
- Sutrisno*, Alamsyah, E.M., Sulistyawati, E., Suheri, A. 2018. The potential use of wood waste ash nanofiller for improvementof laminated veneer lumber production made from Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba). Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science. Volume 15, Issue 2.
- Hadiyane, A., Sulistyawati, E., Asharina, W. P., & Dungani, R. (2015). A study on production of resin from Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriese in the Bosscha observatory area, West Java-Indonesia. Asian J. Plant Sci, 14(2), 89-93.
- Aos, Sulistyawati, E., Syamsudin, T.S. Influence of cropping system on root distribution of annual crops. 2017. Journal of Agronomy. 16 (1): 12-22.
- Setiawan, N.N., Sulistyawati, E. 2021. A seed rain community in a reforested post-agricultural field and adjacent secondary forest of Mount Papandayan Nature Reserve, West Java, Indonesia. Journal of Forestry Research, 32(3), pp. 1013–1023
- Sembada, A. A., Faizal, A., & Sulistyawati, E. (2024). Photosynthesis efficiency as key factor in decision-making for forest design and redesign: A systematic literature review. Ecological Frontiers.
- Sulistyawati, E., Tihurua, E.F. 2019. Analysis of the condition of forest interior and edge in mount Papandayan, West java, Indonesia based on floristic composition and structural characteristics of tree community. Biodiversitas 20 (3): 900-906.
- Sulistyawati, E., Nasution, T., Rosleine, D. & Putra, D.C. 2018. Tree Community Structure and Composition of a One Hectare Permanent Plot in the Montane Zone of Mount Kerinci, Kerinci Seblat National Park, Jambi. J.Math.Fund.Sci. 50 (3) : 315-331
- Aos, Sulistyawati, E., Syamsudin, T.S. Influence of cropping system on root distribution of annual crops. Journal of Agronomy. 2017.(URL)
- Rozak, A.H., Astutik, S., Mutaqien, Z., Widyatmoko, D, Sulistyawati, E. Hiperdominansi jenis dan biomassa pohon di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pengrango, Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan. 2017.
- Sulistyawati E., Fitriana S. 2017. Post fire succession in Tegal Panjang Grassland, Mount Papandayan, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas.(URL)
- Tri Rizkiana Yusnikusumah, Endah Sulystiawati S.Si.,Ph.D. Evaluasi Pengelolaan Ekowisata di Kawasan Ekowisata Tangkahan Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser Sumatera Utara. Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota. 2016.
- Rozak, A.H., Astutik, S., Mutaqien, Z., Widyatmoko, D, Sulistyawati, E. Kekayaan jenis pohon di hutan Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango, Jawa Barat. Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam. 2016.
- Hadiyane, A., Sulistyawati, E. , Asharina, W P., Dungani, R.A. 2015. Study on Production of Resin from Pinus merkusii Jungh. Et De Vriese in the Bosscha Observatory Area, West Java-Indonesia. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 14 (2) : 89-93
- Yusuf, M., Sulistyawati, E., Suhaya, Y. 2014. Distribusi Biomassa di Atas dan Bawah Permukaan dari Surian (Toona Sinensis Roem.) Jurnal Matematika & Sains, 19 (2) : 69-75
- Indiarto, D and Sulistyawati, E. 2014. Monitoring Net Primary Productivity Dynamics in Java Island Using MODIS Satellite Imagery. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 14 (1) : 21-27. ISSN: 1513-6728
- Kilowasid, L.M.H., Syamsudin, T.S.S., Susilo, F.X., Sulistyawati, E., Syaf, H. 2013. Characteristics of Soil Fauna Communities and Habitat in Small-Holder Cocoa Plantation in South Konawe. Journal of Tropical Soils, 18 (2) : 149-159. ISSN 0852-257X.
- Sulistyawati, E., Mashita, N., Setiawan, N.N., Choesin, D.N., Suryana, P. 2012. Flowering and Fruiting Phenology of Tree Species in Mount Papandayan Nature Reserve, West Java, Indonesia. Tropical Life Sciences Research, 23 (2): 81-95. ISSN 1985-3718.
- Kilowasid, L.M.H., Syamsudin, T.S.S., Susilo, F.X., Sulistyawati, E. 2012. Ecological Diversity of Soil Fauna as Ecosystem Engineers in Small-Holder Cocoa Plantation in South Konawe. Journal of Tropical Soils, 17 (2) : 173-180. ISSN 0852-257X.
- Primajati, M. Harto, A.B dan Sulistyawati, E. 2011. Forest Condition Analysis Based on Forest Canopy Closure With Remote Sensing Approach. Jurnal Biologi Indonesia, 7 (1). ISSN 0854-4425.
- Zuhri, M., Sulistyawati, E. 2007. Pengelolaan Perlindungan Cagar Alam Gunung Papandayan. Jurnal Lingkungan Tropis Hidup Edisi Khusus Agustus 2007, 579-588, ISSN No. 1978-2713.
- Choesin, Devi N., Sulistyawati , E. , Indriana. 2004. Distribution of Climber Plants along an Altitudinal Gradient on Mount Tangkuban Parahu, Indonesia. Presented in Biology in Asia International Conference, Singapore. 7-10 December 2004.
- Choesin, D.N., Undang A. Dasuki, Tika Dewi A. & Endah Sulistyawati; Studi tumbuhan di Gunung Tangkubanparahu, Jawa Barat: implikasi untuk pelestarian dan pengelolaan.; 2003; Artikel dalam Ekologi & Biodiversitas Tropika 1 (1): 59-62.
- Choesin, D.N., Dasuki, U.A., Dewi, T., Sulistyawati, E., “Studi Tumbuhan di Gunung Tangkuban Parahu, Jawa Barat: Aplikasi Untuk Pelestarian dan Pengelolaan”, 2003, Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi, Ekologi Biodiversitas Tropika Vol. 1 No. (1) Februari 2003, 59-62, 2003, 1412-7903
- Choesin, D.N., Achmad Sjarmidi, Djoko T. Iskandar, Endah Sulistyawati, Tati S. Subahar, Taufikurahman, Undang A. Dasuki, & Agus D. Permana, 2003; Biodiversity conservation in a highland ecosystem in western java, indonesia: ecological, economic & socio-cultural perspectives.; 1-4/12- 2003; Hasil penelitian/Makalah pada ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation (ARCBC) Regional Research Grant Conference, Bangkok, Thailand
- Sulistyawati, E., “Shifting Cultivation: Pattern in Kalimantan and Approaches to Model The Dynamics”. 2002, 2002, Makalah BI-2002/007
- Sulistyawati, E., Review of forest succession model: Vital attributes, FATE and individual-based models. 2001, 2001, Makalah BI-2002/00
- Sulistyawati, E., Patch to landscape modelling of land-use change in tropical forest of Sumatera Indonesia 1998, Poster dipresentasikan dalam GCTE-LUCC Open Science Conference on Global Change, Barcelona, 14-18 March 1998.
Books and Book Chapters
- Brearley, F.Q.*, Adinugroho, W.C., Cámara-Leret, R., Krisnawati, H., Ledo, A., Qie, L., Smith, T.E.L., Aini, F., Garnier, F., Lestari, N.S., Mansur, M., Murdjoko, A., Oktarita, S., Soraya, E., Tata, H.L., Tiryana, T., Trethowan, L.A., Wheeler, C.E., Abdullah, M., Aswandi., Buckley, B.J.W., Cantarello, E., Dunggio, I., Gunawan, H., Heatubun, C.D., Arini, D.I.D., Istomo., Komar, T.E., Kuswandi, R., Mutaqien, Z., Pangala, S.R., Ramadhanil., Prayoto., Puspanti, A., Qirom, M.A., Rozak, A.H., Sadili, A., Samsoedin, I., Sulistyawati, E., Sundari, S., Sutomo., Tampubolon, A.P., Webb, C.O. 2019. Opportunities and challenges for an Indonesian forest. Annals of Forest Science, 76:54.ISSN 1297966X, 12864560. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-019-0840-0
- Sulistyawati, E. 2012.The Historical Demography of Resource Use in A Swidden Community in West Kalimantan In Dove, M R., P.E. Sajise, A.A. Doolittle, eds. Beyond the Sacred Forest: Durham (NC): Duke U. Press.
- Novasyurahati, Sulistyawati, E. 2008. Kelimpahan Sumberdaya Hutan di Sekitar Desa Baru Pelepat. Dalam Belajar Dari Bungo Mengelola Sumberdaya Alam di Era Desentralisasi. Editor Adnan, H., Tadjudin, D., Yuliani, E.L., Komarudin, H., Lopulalan, D., Siagian, Y.L., Munggoro, D.W. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). ISBN 978-979-1412-47-6.
- Rustina, A., Sulistyawati, E., Deliar, A. 2007. Pengelolaan Lahan Kering Untuk Pengembangan Budidaya Tanaman Jarak Pagar (Jatropa curcas L.) di Kabupaten Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Jurnal Lingkungan Tropis Edisi Khusus Agustus 2007, 285-293, ISSN No. 1978-2713.
- Sulistyawati, E., Noble, I.R., Roderick, M.L. 2005. A Simulation Model to Study Land-use Strategies in Swidden Agricultural System. Agricultural Systems. 85: 271-288. ISSN 0308-521X
Proceedings and Presentations
- N F Ramdhani, E Sulistyawati and Sutrisno. 2019. Land surface temperature analysis of post-mining area using Landsat 8 imagery. Proc. SPIE 11372, Sixth International Symposium on LAPAN-IPB Satellite, 113720P. alamat url: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2541811
- T Syamuda, E Sulistyawati and S Sunarya. 2019. Estimation of soil erosion by RUSLE model: a case study of Situ Ciseupan area, West Java. Proc. SPIE 11372, Sixth International Symposium on LAPAN-IPB Satellite, 113720E. alamat url: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2541837
- T Bulkiah, E Sulistyawati and Sutrisno. 2019. Wood Pellet Characteristics of Five Energy Species Grown in Post-Mining Reclamation Area in South Kalimantan. Journal IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 394 012050. alamat url: https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/394/1/012050
- F Akmalluddin, E Sulistyawati and Sutrisno. 2019. Potential Biomass Production Estimation of Wood Energy Species in
Post Mining Reclamation Area Using CO2FIX Model. Journal IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 394 012038 alamat url: https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/394/1/012038 - Alfi Rumidatul, I. Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha, Endah Sulistyawati. 2017. The diversity of trypsin inhibitor activity Sengon plants due to fungus attack Uromycladium tepperianum in three different locations growing place. International Conference on Biodiversity. Kerjasama UNPAD, ITB, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati dan UNS Solo. Bandung-Indonesia
- Sumardi, I., Alamsyah, E. M., Suhaya, Y., Dungani, R., Sulastiningsih, I. M., & Pramestie, S. R. (2022). Development of bamboo zephyr composite and the physical and mechanical properties. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology, 50(2), 134-147.
- Tantra Rahmadia, Endah Sulistyawati, Dasapta E. Irawan, Keukeu K. Rosada. 2017. Cikapundung Watershed Land Cover Characterization Using SPOT-6 Imagery. Presentasi poster pada The 4th International Conference of Mathematics, Sciences, and Education (ICMSE). The 4th International Conference of Mathematics, Sciences, and Education (ICMSE). Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Semarang State University, Indonesian Chemical Society, Indonesian Physical Society, Indonesian Biology Society, Association of Computer Science Higher Education, Indonesian Mathematical Society, and Indonesian Educator Science. Semarang-Indonesia
- Meli Triana Devi, Endah Sulistyawati, Dasapta E. Irawan, Keukeu K. Rosada. 2017. Vegetation of Riparian Areas Along Cikapundung River. The 4th International Conference of Mathematics, Sciences, and Education (ICMSE). Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Semarang State University, Indonesian Chemical Society, Indonesian Physical Society, Indonesian Biology Society, Association of Computer Science Higher Education. Semarang-Indonesia
- Adzani, T., Sulistyawati, E., Yustiana, Y. & Hidayati, N. 2016. Characteristic of local species in Mount Papandayan based on transpiration rate at leaf and canopy level. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Forest Development in view of Climate Change (SFDCC2016) 8-11th August 2016, Putrajaya, Malaysia
- Prasetyo, R.T., Sulistyawati, E., Yustiana, Y. & Hidayati, N. 2016. CO2 Absorption capability of several local species of Mount Papandayan, Indonesia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Forest Development in view of Climate Change (SFDCC2016) 8-11th August 2016, Putrajaya, Malaysia
- Senoputri, M., Sulistyawati, E., Yustiana, Y. & Hidayati, N., 2016. Native species characteristics of Mount Papandayan in terms of energy usage. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Forest Development in view of Climate Change (SFDCC2016) 8-11th August 2016, Putrajaya, Malaysia
- Wijayanti, S.T., Sulistyawati, E., Yustiana, Y. & Hidayati, N. 2016. Characteristics of local tree species of Mount Papandayan in terms of nutrient absorption. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Forest Development in view of Climate Change (SFDCC2016) 8-11th August 2016, Putrajaya, Malaysia
- Pratama, M.F. and Sulistyawati, E. 2015. Structure and Composition of Tree Community along an Elevational Gradient in Mount Gede Pangrango National Park. Poster presentation in The 9th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) Asia-Pacific Chapter, 30 March – 2 April 2015, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
- Rosyidah, N. and Sulistyawati, E. 2015. Environmental Factors Influencing Understory Cover and Composition across the Forest Boundary in Mount Papandayan Nature Reserve, Indonesia. Poster presentation in The 9th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) Asia-Pacific Chapter, 30 March – 2 April 2015, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
- Wetadewi, R.I. and Sulistyawati, E. 2015. Forest Regeneration at the Boundary of Mount Papandayan Nature Reserve, West Java, Indonesia. Poster presentation in The 9th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) Asia-Pacific Chapter, 30 March – 2 April 2015, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
- Dungani R., Khalil H.P.S.A., Sumardi I., Suhaya Y., Sulistyawati E., Islam M.N., Suraya N.L.M., Aprilia N.A.S. 2015. Non-wood renewable materials: Properties improvement and its application. Biomass and Bioenergy: Applications.
- Rumidatul, A., Aryantha, I. N. P., & Sulistyawati, E. (2021). Phytochemicals Screening, GC/MS Characterization and Antioxidant Activity of Falcataria moluccana Miq. Barneby and JW Grimes Methanolic Extract. Pharmacognosy Journal, 13(2).
- Sulistyawati, E., Muhammad, E., Citasyari, D., Ratnasih, R. 2014. Inventory of Tree and Understory Plants in a 1-ha Permanent Plot at Mount Rinjani, Indonesia. Oral presentation in International Conference on Forest, Soil and Rural Livelihoods in a Changing Climate, 27-30 September 2014, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal.
- Budianti, N., Sulistyawati, E., Choesin, D.N., Suhaya, Y. 2014. Litter-fall Dynamic in 1-ha Permanent Plot at Mount Papandayan, Indonesia. Proceeding of The International Conference on Forest, Soil and Rural Livelihoods in a Changing Climate, 27-30 September 2014, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal.
- Permadi, D. and Sulistyawati, E. 2014. Epiphytic Bryophytes along an Altitudinal Gradient in Mt. Gede-Pangrango National Park, Indonesia. Poster presentation in International Conference on Forest, Soil and Rural Livelihoods in a Changing Climate, 27-30 September 2014, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal.
- Budianti, N., Mizunaga, H., & Iio, A. (2021). Crown structure explains the discrepancy in leaf phenology metrics derived from ground-and UAV-based observations in a japanese cool temperate deciduous forest. Forests, 12(4), 425.
- Sulistyawati, E., Fathoni, I. 2013. Tropical Forest Vegetation along an Altitudinal Gradient in Mount Rinjani, Indonesia. Oral presentation in The 11th INTECOL Congress, 18-23 August 2013, London, UK.
- Sulistyawati, E. 2013. Plant and Landscape Ecology Studies in Mount Papandayan, West Java, Indonesia. Poster presentation at KAVLI Frontiers of Science, Indonesia-American Symposium 2013, June 24-27, 2013, Bali, Indonesia.
- Azhardita A., Sulistyawati E. 2013. Land cover change analysis using multitemporal landsat satellite data (case : Mount wayang). 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2013, ACRS 2013.
- Sulistyawati, E. , Iqbal, A., Choesin, D.N., Rozieanti. S. 2012. Forest Structure and Composition of One Hectare Permanent Plot in Mount Papandayan, Indonesia. Oral presentation in The 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) 18-22 June 2012, Bonito, Brazil.
- Fadhilah, M. F., Hidayat, Y., & Hadiyane, A. (2021). The role of the mahogany tree (Swietenia macrophylla King) on quantity and quality of water that fall below the canopy. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 918, No. 1, p. 012036). IOP Publishing.
- Iqbal, A., Sulistyawati, E., Fetriza. 2012. Carbon Stock in a Tropical Montane Forest in Mount Papandayan Indonesia. Poster presentation in The 2nd Asia Regional Conference of the Society for Conservation Biology, 7-10 August 2012, Bangalore, India.
- Tazkiana, D. and Sulistyawati, E. 2012. Changes in Tree Structure and Composition Along Altitudinal Gradient in Mount Leuser National Park, Aceh. Proceeding of The 2nd International Symposium For Sustainable Humaniosphere, Bandung.
- Noviantina, O. and Sulistyawati, E. 2012. Cultural and Practical Analysis of Forest Plant Resources in Dayak Tanjung Community at Kelekat Village, East Kalimantan. Proceeding of The 2nd International Symposium For Sustainable Humaniosphere, Bandung.
- El-Farizy, G.H.A. and Sulistyawati, E. 2012. Seedlings Performance of Indigenous Species With Fertilizer Addition And Weeding In Early Stage Reforestation In Mt. Papandayan Nature Reserves, West Java. Proceeding of The 2nd International Symposium For Sustainable Humaniosphere. Bandung.
- Pambudi, S. and Sulistyawati, E. 2012. Tree Inventory and Stock Carbon Measurement on ITB Ganesha Campus. Proceeding of The 2nd International Symposium For Sustainable Humaniosphere, Bandung.
- Santhyami, Sulistyawati, E., Leimona, B. 2011. The Potential of Implementation of Cocoa Based Agroforestry in Critical Land at Nagari Nan Tujuah, Palupuh District, West Sumatera Within The Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM). Presented in The 3rd International Conference on Biosciences and Biotechnology. Udayana University, Bali. 21 – 22 September 2011.
- Sulistyawati, E., Primajati, M., Setiawan, N.N., Utami, I., Mashita, N., Ulumudin, Y.I., Rosleine, D. 2010. Ecology of Mount Papandayan : Plants, Landscape, and the Role of Disturbances. Presented at The First Joint Symposium of ITB-Universiti Sains Malaysia. Bandung, Indonesia. 20-21 December 2010.
- Setiawan, N.N, Sulistyawati, E. 2010. Seed Rain, Seed Germination, and Seedling Performance of Native Tree Species on Early Reforestation Period at Mount Papandayan, West Java. Presented at The First Joint Symposium of ITB-Universiti Sains Malaysia. Bandung, Indonesia. 20-21 December 2010.
- Sulistyawati, E., Mashita, N., Choesin, D.N., 2010. Seed Germination of Four Native Tree Species of Mount Papandayan. Poster presentation in The 1st Joint Symposium ITB USM, ITB, Bandung, 20-21 December 2010.
- Sulistyawati, E., Setiawan, N.N. 2010. Seed Rain in Forest and the Adjacent Reforested Area at Mount Papandayan Nature Reserve, West Java, Indonesia. Presented at International Conference of Environmental and Natural Resources 2010. Salaya, Thailand. 9-12 November 2010.
- Setiawan, N.N, Sulistyawati, E. 2010. Seedling Performance of Five Native Tree Species on Early Reforestation Period at Mount Papandayan Nature Reserve. Poster Session at International Conference of Environmental and Natural Resources 2010. Salaya, Thailand. 9-12 November 2010.
- Noviantini, A., Sulistyawati, E. 2010. Fruit Predation on Succession Process in Reforested Area at Mount Papandayan, West Java, Indonesia. Poster Session at International Conference of Environmental and Natural Resources 2010. Salaya, Thailand. 9-12 November 2010.
- Mashita, N, Sulistyawati, E., Setiawan, N.N, Choesin, D.N, Suryana, P. 2010. Phenology of Tree Species in Mount Papandayan Nature Reserve, West Java, Indonesia. Poster Session at International Conference of Environmental and Natural Resources 2010. Salaya, Thailand. 9-12 November 2010.
- Utami, I., Sulistyawati, E. 2010. Vegetation Structure and Composition Analysis along Interior to Edge of Forest and the Adjacent Disturbed Lands in the Mount Papandayan Nature Reserve, West Java. Poster Session at International Conference of Environmental and Natural Resources 2010. Salaya, Thailand. 9-12 November 2010.
- Nuraziza, I. Sulistyawati, E. 2010. Simulation of Carbon Dynamics of Acacia mangium Forest at Parungpanjang, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia Using Century Model. Presented at International Conference of Environmental and Natural Resources 2010. Salaya, Thailand. 9-12 November 2010.
- Sulistyawati, E. 2010. Human-Environment Interaction in a Slash and Burn Agricultural Setting: Perspectives Gained from Computer Simulation. Working Papers Cultural Resource Studies Asian Linkage Building Seminar 2010. Kanazawa University, Kanazawa.
- Sulistyawati, E., 2010. Vegetation and Landscape of Mount Papandayan. Oral presentation in Workshop of JSPS International Training Program to Protect Diversity of Bioresources in the Tropical Forest. Bogor, Indonesia. 15-16 November 2010
- Sulistyawati, E., Primajati, M., Harto, A.B., 2010. Landscape Structure Analysis of Mount Papandayan Region of West Java, Indonesia. Poster presentation in The 2010 International Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Bali, Indonesia. 19-23 July 2010.
- Sulistyawati, E., Nugraha, R. 2009. Efektivitas Kompos Sampah Perkotaan Sebagai Pupuk Organik dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas dan Menurunkan Biaya Produksi Budidaya Padi. Makalah dipresentasikan pada Seminar Nasional Biologi XX & Kongres Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia XIV. UIN, Malang. 24-25 Juli 2009
- Abdullah, A.P, Sulistyawati, E. 2009. Analysis of Forest Patches in Three Regencies in West Java Based on Satellite Data. Proceedings of The 3rd Regional Conference on Natural Resources in Tropics (NRTrop3 2009). Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. 3-5 August 2009.
- Herdiyanti, I., Sulistyawati, E. 2009. Carbon Stocks In Acacia mangium Willd. Stands of Different Ages. Proceedings of The 3rd Regional Conference on Natural Resources in Tropics (NRTrop3 2009). Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. 3-5 August 2009.
- Sulistyawati, E., Yessy., Suantika, G. 2009. The Capacity of Microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa Culture in Sequestrating Carbon. Poster presentation in The 4th International Conference on Impacts of Climate Change on Natural Resources. Ismailia, Egypt. 10-11 November 2009
- Santhyami & Sulistyawati, E. 2009. Etnobotani Tumbuhan Obat oleh Masyarakat Adat Kampung Dukuh, Garut, Jawa Barat (Ethnobotany of medicinal plants in Dukuh Village, Garut, West Jawa). Paper presented in Seminar Etnobotani IV. Cibinong, Bogor. 18 Mei 2009 (In Bahasa).
- Sulistyawati, E., Nuraziza, I. 2008. Simulation Study to Assess the Impact of Biomass Characteristic of Plant on the Carbon Sequestration in Forest Ecosystem. Poster Session at APGC Symposium ‘Plant Functioning in a Changing Global Environment’, Creswick, Victoria, Australia. 7-11 December 2008.
- Sulistyawati, E., Ulumudin, Y. I., Zuhri, M. 2008. Land-use Changes in Mount Papandayan: it’s Associated Impacts on Biodiversity and Carbon Stock. Proceedings of International Conference of Environmental Research and Technology 2008.
- Setiawan, N. N., and Sulistyawati, E., 2008. Succession Following Reforestation On Abandoned Fields In Mount Papandayan, West Java. Paper Presented at International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang. 27-30 May 2008.
- Sulistyawati, E.Pengaruh Agen Dekomposer terhadap Kualitas Hasil Pengomposan Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga. 2008.
- Sulistyawati, E.Land-use Changes in Mount Papandayan: it’s Associated Impacts on Biodiversity and Carbon Stock. 2008.
- Sulistyawati, E., Hidayanto, Y., Sjarmidi, A., 2007. Simulation Study for Assessing the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Different Trees for Reforestation. Paper presented at ECOMOD 2007, Regional Conference on Ecological and Environmental Modelling, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, 28-30 August 2007.
- Hidayanto, Y., Sulistyawati, E., Sjarmidi, A., Subahar, T.S. 2006. Simulating Carbon Dynamics of Pine Plantation using CENTURY model. Graduate Student Internasional Seminar, Chulalongkrong University, Bangkok, December 2006.
- Sulistyawati, E., Ulumuddin, Y.I, Hakim, D.H., Harto, A.B., Ramdhan, M., 2006. Estimation of Carbon Stock at Landscape Level using Remote Sensing : a Case Study in Mount Papandayan. Poster presentation in Environmental Technology and Management Conference (ETMC) 2006, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. 7-8 September 2006.
- Sagita, A. W., Sulistyawati, E., Dasuki, U.A. 2006. Watershed Management System Analysis: Case Study Ciberang Sub-Watershed (Ciujung Watershed) In Lebak And Bogor Regency. Paper presented at Environmental Technology and Management Conference 2006, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. September 7-8, 2006
- Sulistyawati, E., Sungkar, R.M., Maryani, E., Aribowo, M., Rosleine D. 2006. The Biodiversity of Mount Papandayan and the Threats. Proceedings of International Interdisiplinary Conference Volcano International Gathering 2006, “1000 years Merapi Paroxysmal Eruption”, Volcano: Live, Prospeity, and Harmony. 206-213.
- Rosleine, D., Choesin, D.N., Sulistyawati, E. 2006. The Contribution of Dominant Tree Species to Nutrient Cycling in a Mixed Forest Ecosystem on Mount Tangkubanperahu, West Java, Indonesia. International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) Bandung-Indonesia. 29-30 November. 378-380, ISBN: 979-3507-91-8.
- Sulistyawati, E., Rosleine, D., Sungkar, R., Gurnita. 2005. Struktur Komunitas dan Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan di G. Papandayan. Makalah dipresentasikan pada Seminar Penggalang Taksonomi Indonesia. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung. 18-19 November 2005.
- Ulumudin, Y.I., Sulistyawati, E., Hakim, D.M., Harto, A.B. 2005. Korelasi Stok Karbon dengan Karakteristik Spektral Citra Landsat : Studi Kasus Gunung Papandayan. Makalah dipresentasikan pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan MAPIN XIV, ITS, Surabaya. 14-15 September 2005.
- Fawnia, S., Sulistyawati, E., Adianto. 2004. Ecological Condition of Community Managed Forest of Baduy. Paper presented at Mathematics & Natural Sciences Seminar at Institut Teknologi Bandung. 6-7 Oktober 2004.
- Rahmawati, N., Rumidatul, A., & Sunarya, S. (2023). Fusarium sp., an endophytic fungi isolated from sengon (Falcataria moluccana) gall rust, shows antimicrobial and antioxidant potential. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 39(1), 229-235.