- Silabus dan SAP
- 1. Pendahuluan
- 2. Imunitas innate Pertahanan Tubuh awal
- 3. Immunitas innate terinduksi
- 4. Pengenalan Antigen Ig_Reseptor sel T
- 5. Pembentukan reseptor antigen
- 8. Respon Imun Adaptif
- 9. Respon Imun Adaptif Humoral
- 10. Mucosal Immune System
- 11. Dinamika Imunitas Adaptif
- 12. Failures of Host Defense
- 13. Alergi dan Penyakit Alergi
- 14. Autoimmunity and Transplantation
- Profile
- Education
- Study Programs
- Bachelor Program in Biology
- Bachelor Program in Microbiology
- Bachelor Program in Bioengineering
- Bachelor Program in Agriculture Engineering
- Bachelor Program in Forestry Engineering
- Bachelor Program in Post Harvest Technology
- Master Program in Biology
- Master Program in Biomanagement
- Master Program in Biotechnology
- Doctoral Program in Biology
- Program Profesi Insinyur
- Himpunan
- Program Pertukaran Pelajar
- Study Programs
- Research
- Facilities
- Pusat Kerja Sama
- Information and Documentation