Associate Professor
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Microbial Biotechnology
Email : itaufik@itb.ac.id
Intan Taufik, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. focuses in the field of microbial physiology, microbial biosystematics, metabolomics, microbial product development, microbial ecology and evolution projects, and microbiology laboratory management. Dr. Intan Taufik has conducted many studies or research related to diversity and microbial dynamics in the environment (air, water, and soil), and the use of microbes in industry (including medicine and postharvest/food). Dr. Intan Taufik has a special interest in the field of coffee development, from the upstream to the post-harvest process. Dr. Intan Taufik and the research team at SITH are currently conducting a patent inspection process for the coffee calming process. Apart from being an expert in this field, currently Dr. Intan Taufik was entrusted with assisting several growth and strengthening of problem-solving innovations in the West Java provincial government.
Bachelor’s degree
- Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (1999). Major field : Genetic Diversity
Master’s degree
- Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (2003). Major field : Genetic Diversity
Doctoral degree
- University of Groningen(2019). Major field : Molecular Biology
Undergraduate Courses
- Microbial Physiology; Microbial Physiology Project; Internship; Metabolomics; Microbiomics, Final Projects (Undergraduate Thesis Research); Seminars and Thesis Defence, Tissues and Cellular Quantitative Physiology; Introduction to Engineering and Design; Industrial Biotechnology Management; Studium Generale for Microbiology
- Astuti, D. I., N. Kamarisima, N. R., Nugroho, G. G. S., Suhardi, V. S. H., and I. Taufik. 2022. Enhancement of Biosurfactant Production by Bacteria Isolated from Crud Oil through Adaptation Laboratory Evolution. Geomicrobiology Journal. DOI: 1080/01490451.2022.2128112
- Susandi, A., Taufik. I., P. Aditiawati., and S. Viridi. 2021. The relation between agent-based model and susceptible-infected-recovered model for spread of disease. AIP Conference Proceedings 2320 (1) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0038221
- Purwasena, I. A., Astuti, D. I., Taufik, I., dan Putri, F. Z. 2020. The Potential of Clove Essential Oil Microemulsion as an Alternative Biocide Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 14 (1)
- Makajanma, M.M., Taufik, I., dan Faizal, A. 2020. Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of extract from two species of mosses: Leucobryum aduncum and campylopus schmidii. Biodiversitas 21 (6)
- Faizal, A., Taufik, I., Rachmani, A.F., dan Azar, A.W.P. 2020. Short communication: Antioxidant and antibacterial properties of tree fern cyathea contaminans. Jurnal Mikrobiologi Vol 21 (5)
- Comparison of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) diversity and dynamics during growth of Cilembu sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L var. Rancing) in Cilembu and Jatinangor site, Indonesia. 2020. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 21 (5)
- Alteration of Basal Blood Glucose Level and Microbiota Metabolic Parameters in Rats Fed with Brown Rice and Herbal Extracts. 2019. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research 7
- Effects of nutrient composition on the formation of biofilm and biocorrosion in MEOR biostimulation medium based on response surface methodology. 2019. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 299
- Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Based Microbial Cellulose As Advanced Biomaterial For Sustainable Leather Production. 2019. Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology 26 (1)
- Effect of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) essential oil on biofilm-biocorrossion in formation water. 2018. Asian Journal of Scientific Research 11 (3)
- Indonesian Microbiology Association – Bandung Branch Manager – 2017 until now
- American Society for Microbiology – Young Country Ambassador for Indonesia – 2017 to 2019
- SITH ITB Instrumentation Lab – Head of Laboratory – 2017 until now
- Microbiology Study Program – Student Advisor – 2017 until now
- Building health and safety security (K3G) – Coordinator – 2018 until now
- The microbiology study program curriculum improvement team – members – 2019
- Assessor of provincial and district/city public service work units in West Java – members – 2019
- Assessor of regional apparatus innovation in West Java Province – members – 2019
- Assessor of provincial-level public service innovation competitions in 2019 – members – 2019
- West Java Champion Team of Experts in the West Java Forestry Service 2019 – members – 2019
- Science and Technology Area Development Activity Team in West Java – member – 2019
- Assessor of provincial-level public service innovation competitions in 2020 – members – 2020
- Controlled Arabica Wine Coffee Fermentation Method Using Bacterial and Yeast Isolates to Produce Coffee with a High and Consistent Taste Rating
PATEN 2019
- Fermented Coffee Rice (Green Bean) Process Using Proteolytic, Pectolytic, Amylolytic, and Cellulolytic Bacteria to Produce Coffee with a High and Consistent Taste Rating
PATEN 2019
Research Grant (as Principal Investigator)
- Development of Anti-Mold for coffee postharvest process to prevent coffee crop failure. Kedaireka Matching Fund. 2022
Community Empowerment Grant (as Principal Investigator)
- Seawater Microalgae Cultivation Training for aquaculture production (Larviculture). P3MI ITB. 2017
- Application of biofertilizer to improve the quality of coffee plant growth. P3MI ITB. 2018