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Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Abduh, MT.

Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Abduh, MT.

School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung
E-mail : yusuf_abduh@itb.ac.id, yusuf@sith.itb.ac.id

2011-2015 Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering, University of Groningen (RuG), The Netherlands
2008-2009 Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (cum laude), University of Groningen (RuG), The Netherlands
2007-2008 Master of Engineering (Magister Teknik) in Chemical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia
2006-2007 Bachelor of Engineering major in Biochemical-Biotechnology Engineering, minor in Business Administration (first class),International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia
2010-present Lecturer, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia
2006-2007 Hydraulic Modeling Engineer, Dan-Water Malaysia, Malaysia
2015-Present Application of biorefinery concept to various feedstock in producing bioproducts
2011-2014 Valorisation of rubber seeds using biorefinery concept for production of bioproducts
2008-2009 Continuous production and refining of biodiesel in a cascade of centrifugal contactor separator devices
2005-2006 Production and purification of phytase enzyme
  • Recipient of NWO-KNAW Scholarship Program (for PhD at RuG)
  • Recipient of DIKTI Overseas Scholarship Program (for MSc in RuG)
  • Recipient of ASEA-UNINET Scholarship Program (for MT in ITB)
  • Biobased products from rubber, jatropha and sunflower oil, Unieversity of Groningen, (ISBN: 978-90-367-7644-8)(2015)
  • Best Student in Biotechnology Engineering Design Award, IIUM (2006)
  • Student Academic Excellence Award, IIUM (2003 & 2006)
  • Dean’s List Award, IIUM (2002-2006)
  • M.Y.Abduh, S. A. K. Suhandi, M. F. Agustian, R. C. Pempasa, M. A. Nurdiansyah, R. R. Maulani, L. Melani, Dari ITB untuk Indonesia: Biorefinery Kemiri, ITB Press, 2024 (ISBN: 978-623-297-604-7)
  • M.Y.Abduh, L. Melani, A.D. Putri, B A. Salsabila, A. F. Azzahra, Dari ITB untuk Indonesia: Biorefinery Kelor, ITB Press, 2023 (ISBN: 978-623-297-318-3)
  • M.Y.Abduh, L. Melani, A.D. Putri, B A. Salsabila, A. F. Azzahra, Dari ITB untuk Indonesia: Biorefinery Kelor, ITB Press, 2023 (ISBN: 978-623-297-318-3)
  • M.Y.Abduh, A.D. Permana, M. Firmansyah, T.I. Indira, T.R. Shafitri,  Dari ITB untuk Indonesia: Biorefinery Lalat Tentara Hitam, ITB Press, 2020 (ISBN: 978-623-7568-15-5)
  • M.Y.Abduh, Abdurrahman Adam, Bagoes M. Inderaja, M. Naufal Hakim, Lina Oktaviani, Dari ITB untuk Indonesia: Biorefinery Kopi, ITB Press, 2019 (ISBN: 978-602-0705-30-9).
  • M.Y.Abduh, Nurhayati Br Tarigan, Mochamad Firmansyah, Asri Ifani Rachmawati, Bagoes M. Inderaja, Dari ITB untuk Indonesia: Biorefinery Karet, ITB Press, 2018 (ISBN: 978-602-5417-49-8).
  • M.Y.Abduh, Elizabeth Widiasri, Nurhayati Br Tarigan, Dari ITB untuk Indonesia: Biorefinery Padi, ITB Press, 2017 (ISBN: 978-602-5417-39-9).
  • M.Y.Abduh, Syaripudin, A.Zakaria, Dari ITB untuk Indonesia: Biorefinery Kemiri Sunan, ITB Press, 2016 (ISBN: 978-602-7861-57-2).
  • M.Y.Abduh, Biobased products from rubber, jatropha and sunflower oil, Unieversity of Groningen, 2015 (ISBN: 978-90-367-7644-8).
  • M.Y.Abduh, M. P. Perdana, M. A. Bara, L.W. Anggraeni, R. E. Putra, R. Manurung, Sarang Lalat Modular untuk Produksi Biomassa Larva Lalat Tentara Hitam yang Menggunakan Sistem Instrumenasi untuk Pengendalian Kondisi Lingkungan di Dalam Sarang (P00202104508)
  • M.Y.Abduh, B.M. Inderaja, Alat Pengering Kulit Buah Kopi Modular Yang Menggunakan Pengumpul Cahaya Matahari (P00201910815)
  • M.Y.Abduh, M.N. Hakim, Sarang Lebah Modular untuk Pemanenan Madu dan Propolis Yang Menggunakan Instrumen untuk Pemantauan Propolis di Dalam Sarang (P00201902955)
  • M.Y.Abduh, Syaripudin, R. Manurung, R. E.Putra, Sarang Lebah Modular untuk Pemanenan Propolis dan Madu (S00201808741)
  • M. Y. Abduh, G. Merari, M. D. Angkasa, W. I. R. Pangastuti, A. Rahmawati, I. Taufik, M. I. Tan, M. Rosmiati. Effects of fermentations using Aspergillus spp. towards extraction yield and bioactivity of coffee pulp extract, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2024.
  • M. Y. Abduh, T. R. Shafitri, E. Elfahmi, Chemical profiling, bioactive compounds, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities of Indonesian propolis extract produced by Tetragonula laeviceps, Heliyon, 10, 2024.
  • A. Huka, A. M. Syach, A. J. Kumalaputri, M. Y. Abduh. Effects of brewing conditions and organoleptic assessment of cascara from Coffee arabica L. Current Research on Biosciences and Biotechnology, 6(1), 2024.
  • M. A. Nurdiansyah, M. Y. Abduh, H. Ono, A. D. Permana. Attractiveness of Tetragonula laeviceps (Hymenoptera: Apidae) to Citrus volatile compounds and flower colors in indoor microclimate conditions. Sociobiology, 71(3), 2024.
  • M. A. Nurdiansyah, M. Y. Abduh, H. Ono, A. D. Permana. Attractiveness of Tetragonula laeviceps (Hymenoptera: Apidae) to Citrus volatile compounds and flower colors in indoor microclimate conditions. Sociobiology, 71(3), 2024.
  • N. I. M. Puad, S. A. I. Mze, A. S. A, M. Y. Abduh, H. Ono, A. D. Permana. The influence of plant growth regulators and light supply on bitter cassava callus initiation for starch production. IIUM Engineering Journal, 25(1), 2024.
  • M. Y. Abduh, A. Shabrina, A. R. Caman, A. E. Pratiwi, M. Insanu, Effects of hive sizes and mesh materials on the productivity of propolis and honey produced by Tetragonula Laeviceps, IIUM Engineering Journal, 24(2), 2023.
  • M. Y. Abduh, A. Shabrina, A. R. Caman, A. E. Pratiwi, M. Insanu, Effects of hive sizes and mesh materials on the productivity of propolis and honey produced by Tetragonula Laeviceps, IIUM Engineering Journal, 24(2), 2023.
  • M. Y. Abduh, A. I. Rahmawati, T. Komariyah, Y. Theda, Solid state fermentation of turmeric rhizomes with Aspergillus sp. to improve yield and composition of extracted turmeric oil, IIUM Engineering Journal, 24(1), 2023.
  • M. Y. Abduh, D. Nofitasari, A. Rahmawati, A. Y. Eryanti, M. Rosmiati, Effects of brewing conditions on total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and sensory properties of cascara, Food Chemistry Advances, 2, 2023
  • M. Y. Abduh, D. A. Prawitasari, U. A. Fitrian, M. Firmansyah, Effects of enzymatic hydrolysis on the antioxidant activity of protein hydrolysate derived from the larvae of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.), Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology, 11(2), 2023
  • N. A. S. A. Nuri, N. I. M. Puad,M. Y. Abduh, A. S. Azmi, Study of Metabolic Flux Distribution in Rice (Oryza sativa) Cultures for Starch Production, Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 31(1), 2023
  • Y. Nanda, R. Fiqraini, Kelvin Alfianza, R. R. Maulani, N. I. M. Puad, M. Y. Abduh, Effects of pre-treatment with Aspergillus awamori and extraction methods onessential oil yield from spearmint leaves (Mentha spicata L.), Current Research on Biosciences and Biotechnology, 4(2), 2023
  • E. Widiasri, R.R. Maulani, D. Nofitasari, K. Lambangsari, R. Manurung, M.Y. Abduh, Enrichment of growing media using biochar, compost, and nanosilica for the cultivation of Oryza sativa L, Agronomy Research 20(S1), 2022
  • M. Y. Abduh, A. T. Rahmanita, E. R Maulana, V. F. Nadhira, T. I. Indira, R. Manurung, Valorization of Lower Grade Resin, Bark, and Fruit of Styrax Sumatrana, International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 5(1), 2022
  • A. Wiliana, S. Agustin, A. J. Kumalaputri, M. Y. Abduh, Production and Characterization of Cascara Powder from Coffee Pulp, Biological And Natural Resources Engineering Journal, 6(1), 2022
  • M. Y. Abduh, M. P. Perdana, M. A Bara, L. W. Anggraeni, R. E. Putra, Effects of aeration rate and feed on growth, productivity and nutrient composition of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) larvae, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 25(2), 2022
  • M. Y. Abduh, C. R. Ramadhan, A.P. Fadhilah, S. D. N. Abdul, K. H. Burhan, Solid-state fermentation of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) shell using Trichoderma sp., tape yeast, and tempeh yeast to produce cellulase, Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology, 10(4), 2022
  • M. Y. Abduh, F. Ramdhani, Indonesian Propolis Content, Indonesian eliponiculture and beyond, International Bee Research Association, 2022.
  • S. A. Raharjani, Arlene, J. Angelia, A. J. Kumalaputri, A. Chahyadi, M.Y. Abduh, Effect of extraction conditions on yield and bioactive compoinds of coffee pulp extract, Biological And Natural Resources Engineering Journal, 5(2), 2021
  • E. Widiasri, B.K. Gaib, D. Karnia, R.J. Putri, I.C. Adilaksono, D. Nofitasari, R. Manurung, M.Y. Abduh, A water recirculation system for the cultivation of Oryza sativa L. at Sumedang, Indonesia, Thai Journal of Agricultural Science, 54(4), 2021
  • M. Y. Abduh, R. Yulianto, D.Avima, A.K. Wdianto, R. Alfianny,  Solid-State Fermentation Of Cinnamon Bark Using Aspergillus Awamori To Increase Cinnamon Oil Yield Extracted Using Hydrodistillation, Maceration, And Soxhlet Extraction, Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils, 8(6), 2021
  • M. Y. Abduh, R. Manurung, H.J. Heeres, N.I.M. Puad, A review on community scale stationary and mobile production of biodiesel, Current Research on Biosciences and Biotechnology, 2(2), 2021.
  • R. Triani, R. Alfianny, R. Manurung,M. Y. Abduh, Synthesis of Protein Hydrolysate from the Prepupae of Hermetia illucens using a Papain Enzyme, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 18, 2021
  • M. Y. Abduh, F. Tejo, G.M.S.Hidaya, R. Joseph, R. E. Putra, R. Manurung, A. D. Permana, M. I. Mandasari, Production of protein hydrolysate and biodiesel from black soldier fly larvae cultivated using rotten avocado and tofu residue, London Journal of Research in Science: Natural and Formal, 20(8), 2020
  • M. Y. Abduh, F. Tejo, G.M.S.Hidaya, R. Joseph, R. E. Putra, R. Manurung, A. D. Permana, M. I. Mandasari, Production of protein hydrolysate and biodiesel from black soldier fly larvae cultivated using rotten avocado and tofu residue, London Journal of Research in Science: Natural and Formal, 20(8), 2020
  • M. Y. Abduh, F. Tejo, G.M.S.Hidaya, R. Joseph, R. E. Putra, R. Manurung, A. D. Permana, M. I. Mandasari, Production of protein hydrolysate and biodiesel from black soldier fly larvae cultivated using rotten avocado and tofu residue, London Journal of Research in Science: Natural and Formal, 20(8), 2020
  • L. Oktaviani, M. Y. Abduh, D. I. Astuti, M. Rosmiati, Solid-State Fermentation of Agro-Industrial Waste Using Heterofermentative Lactic Acid Bacteria , Multifaceted Protocols in Biotechnology, 2021
  • M. Y. Abduh, I. N. Ibrahim, U. Atika, R. Manurung, D. Suheryadi, Influence of water stress and plant age on the yield and chemical composition of essential oil from Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt, BIOTROPIA, 27(1): 80 – 87/2020
  • M. Y. Abduh, I. N. Ibrahim, U. Atika, R. Manurung, D. Suheryadi, Influence of water stress and plant age on the yield and chemical composition of essential oil from Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt, BIOTROPIA, 27(1): 80 – 87/2020
  • A. Adam, M. M. Hakim, L. Oktaviani, B. M. Inderaja, R. Manurung R. E. Putra, M. Y. Abduh, Techno-economic evaluation for integrated cultivation of coffee and stingless bees in West Java, Indonesia, Biological And Natural Resources Engineering Journal, 3, 2020
  • D. E. Pratiwi, M. A. H. Isbindra, A. R. Fachrudin, L. D. N. Sasita, R. Manurung, M. Y. Abduh, Effects of different media composition on growth and productivity of Oryza sativa L., International Journal of Agricultural Research, 15(1):9-18, 2020
  • A. Zakaria, E. N. Rahman, U. N. Rahmani, R. Manurung, Y. Abduh, A production of carrageenan by different strains of Kappaphycus alvarezii cultivated in Serang, Indonesia, IIUM Engineering Journal, 20(2): 1-10, 2019
  • M. Y. Abduh, W. Zuliansyah, L. Aprina, N. Arazella, Effect of pectin biodegradation with Aspergillus niger on total flavonoid content of Citrus limon L. , Biodjati, 4(2): 194-203, 019
  • M. Y. Abduh, Syaripudin, L. W. Putri, R. Manurung, Effect of storage time on moisture content of Reutealis trisperma seed and its effect on acid value of the isolated oil and produced biodiesel, Energy Reports, 5/2019
  • M. Firmansyah, M. Y. Abduh, Production of protein hydrolysate containing antioxidant activity from Hermetia illucens, Heliyon, 5, 2019
  • A. Fajar, G. A. Ammar, M. Hamzah, R. Manurung, M. Y. Abduh, Effect of tree age on the yield, productivity, and chemical composition ofessential oil from Cinnamomum burmannii, Current Research on Biosciences and Biotechnology, 1(1), 2019
  • M. Y. Abduh, M. H. Nadia, Syaripudin, R. Manurung, R.E.Putra, Factors affecting the bioconversion of Philippine tung seed by black so, ldier fly larvae for the production of protein and oil-rich biomass, J. Asia-Pacific Entomol. 21 (2018), 836-842
  • H. N. Achmad, H. E. Rana, I. Fadilla, A. Fajar, R. Manurung, M. Y. Abduh, Determination of yield and chemical composition of eucalyptus oil from different species and locations in Indonesia, Biological and Natural Resources Engin. J. 1(1) 2018, 36-49
  • B. M. Inderaja, Oka Pradhita, R. Hanifa, R. Manurung, M. Y. Abduh, Factors affecting biomass growth and production of essential oil from leaf and flower of Salvia Leucantha Cav., J. Essential Oil-Bearing Plant (2018)
  • M. Ilmi, M. Y. Abduh, A. Hommes, J. G. M. Winkelman, C. Hidayat, H. J. Heeres, Process Intensification of Enzymatic Fatty acid butyl ester Synthesis using a Continuous Centrifugal Contactor Separator, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.57 (2018), 470-482
  • M. Y. Abduh, J. M. Ono, M. Khairani, R. Manurung, The Influence of Light Intensity on the Protein Content of Azolla Microphylla and Pre-treatment with Saccharomyces cerevisiae to Increase Protein Recovery, J. App. Sci. Res. 13(8) (2017), 16-23
  • M. Y. Abduh, R. Manurung, H.J. Heeres, Techno-economic analysis for small sale production of rubber seed oil and biodiesel in Palangkaraya, Indonesia, J.Clean Energy Technol. 5 (2017) 268–273.
  • M. Y. Abduh, R. Manurung, H.J. Heeres, Techno-economic analysis for small sale production of rubber seed oil and biodiesel in Palangkaraya, Indonesia, J.Clean Energy Technol. 5 (2017) 268–273.
  • M. Y. Abduh, R. Manurung, A. Faustina, E. Affanda, I. R. H. Siregar, Valorization of Pandanus tectorius from Papua for the production of edible oil and protein-rich biomass using a biorefinery approach, J. Entomol. Zoology Studies. 5 (2017) 803–809
  • Manurung, R., Abduh, M.Y., D. Ariono. 2015. Solvent assisted hydraulic pressing of Sterculia Foetida. Eur. J. Sci. Res. 134(3), 229-239.
  • Syant, V.K., Rosmiati, M., Abduh, M. Y. 2017. Pengaruh Jumlah Air, Interval Penyiraman, dan Dosis Pupuk N, P, K Terhadap Produksi Biomassa dan Efisiensi Penggunaan Air Irigasi Tanaman Selada Merah (Lactuca sativa var. crispa cv. Lollo Rossa) Melalui Aplikasi Sistem Irigasi Tetes. Seminar Nasional Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi dan Seni. LPPM ITB. Bandung-Indonesia
  • Abduh, M. Y., Manurung, R., Ibrahim, I.N., Atika, U. 2017. Influence of Water Input and Plant Age on the Yield and Composition of Essential Oil from Cymbopogon Winterianus Jowitt. 1st International Conference of Essential Oils. Malang-Indonesia
  • Abduh, M. Y., Ono, J.M., Khairani, M., Manurung, R. 2017. The Influence of light intensity on the protein content of Azolla microphylla and pre-treatment with Saccharomyces cerevisae to increase protein recovery. 4th International Conference on Agriculture, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystem Engineering. IPN Education Group. New Delhi-India
  • Abduh, M. Y., Jamilah, M., Istiandari, P., Mochamad. 2017. Bioconversion of rubber seeds to produce protein and oil-rich biomass employing black soldier fly larvae assisted by microbes. 9th Asian Federation of Biotechnology Regional Symposium. Asia Federation of Biotechnology. Manila-Filipina
  • Abduh, M. Y., Manurung, R., Syaripudin, Istiandari, P., Melinda, R., Ibrahim, I.N., Atika, U. 2017. Techno-economic analysis for the production of citronella oil using a biorefinery concept. 1st International Conference of Essential Oils. Essential Oil Institute. Malang-Indonesia
  • Abduh, M.Y., M. Iqbal, F.  Picchioni, R. Manurung, H.J. Heeres. 2015. Cross-linking of epoxidized rubber seed oil with triethylenetetramine to produce novel resins  (oral presentation), 22nd Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Thailand
  • Abduh, M.Y., R. Manurung, H.J. Heeres. 2014. Continuous biodiesel production and refining in a dedicated bench scale unit for mobile biodiesel application (oral presentation), Junior Scientist Symposium at the 7th Open Science Meeting, Indonesia
  • Abduh, M.Y., R. Manurung, H.J. Heeres. 2014. Exploratory studies on biodiesel synthesis in a mobile unit (laptop poster presentation), 7th Open Science Meeting, Indonesia
  • Abduh, M.Y., Albert Fernandes Martinez, Arjan Kloekhorst, Robert Manurung, H.J. Heeres. 2014. Continous biodiesel synthesis and refining for mobile applications (oral presentation), Netherlands Process Technology Sympsoium,  Netherlands
  • Abduh, M.Y., Albert Fernandes Martinez, Arjan Kloekhorst, Robert Manurung, H.J. Heeres. 2013. Experimental and modelling studies on continuous biodiesel production and refining in a dedicated bench scale unit (oral presentation), 4th International Conference on Biorefinery – towards Bioenergy, China
  • Abduh, M.Y., E. Subroto, R. Manurung, H.J.  Heeres. 2013. Solvent assisted hydraulic pressing of dehulled rubber seeds (poster presentation), 6th Workshop on Oil and Fats as Renewable Feedstock for the Chemical Industry, Germany
  • Abduh, M.Y., Wouter van Ulden, Vijay Kalpoe, H.H. van de Bovenkamp, R. Manurung, H.J. Heeres. 2012. Ethanolysis of Jatropha curcas L. oil in a continuous centrifugal contactor separator (oral presentation), 5th Workshop on Oil and Fats as Renewable Feedstock for the Chemical Industry, Germany