Associate Professor
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Animal Physiology, Development, and Biomedical Sciences
Email : sonyheru@itb.ac.id
Sony Heru Sumarsono, M.Sc., Ph.D. mainly focuses in animal development and physiological sciences especially in embryo development, abnormalities and syndromes in development, as well as degenerative diseases. Over the years Dr. Sony has published multitude of studies on development and physiology involving algae and primarily animals. In the recent years, he is researching and uncovering characterisation of Insulin-like Growth Factor 3 of Cyprinids and the identifying gene roles in mammalian embryo implantation process along with their interactions with Areca palm extract.
Bachelor’s Degree
- Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia (1986). Major: Embryology.
Master’s Degree
- Monash University, Australia (1989). Major: Molecular Embryology and Birth Defects.
Doctoral Degree
- Monash Universiy, Australia (1996). Major: Molecular Genetic and Development.
Undergraduate Courses
- Evolution; Animal Nutrition and Production; Livestock Biology; Animal Biotechnology; Animal Development; Introduction to Life Sciences and Technology
Postgraduate Courses
- Systems Biology; Reproduction Biotechnology
- Suryohastari, R. R. B., Sumarsono, S. H., Giri-Rachman, E. A., Edi, S. P., Sukoco, R., & Wicaksana, D. N. (2024). Microbial Count and AvBD10 Expressions in Ovaries and Oviducts of Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (KUB)-1 Chickens Following Intravaginally CpG-ODN and S. Enteritidis. Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 9(2), 88750.
- Suryohastari, R. R. B., Sumarsono, S. H., Giri-Rachman, E. A., & Edi, S. P. (2024). Intravaginally CpG-ODN and Salmonella enteritidis on TLR21, cytokines, and AvBD10 gene expressions in the reproductive tract of native chicken. Tropical biomedicine, 41(2), 142-148.
- Rachma, S., Madihah, M., & Sumarsono, S. H. (2022). Spatiotemporal Profile of Skeletal Development in Bonylip Barb, Osteochilus vittatus (Valenciennes, 1842). Asian Fisheries Science, 35(4).
- Madihah, M., Andriani, S., Nisa, S. A. R., Wibowo, I., & Sumarsono, S. H. (2021). Reproductive performance and vitellogenin gene expression on female Bonylip barb (Osteochilus vittatus) during its reproductive cycle under culture conditions. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 55(4), 557-568.
- Wibowo, I., Nasution, F. R., Taufik, I., Zain, R. S., Marlinda, N., Utami, N., … & Sumarsono, S. H. (2020). Anti-inflammatory activity of Indonesian propolis in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 8(5), 225-230.
- Ruyani, S. F., & Sumarsono, S. H. (2023). Exposure to Valproic acid (VPA) resulted in alterations in the expression of angiogenic genes (NRP-1, VEGFA, VEGFR-2 and sFlt1) and histological modifications in the placenta of mice (Mus musculus). Reproductive Toxicology, 119, 108405
- Yulianti, A. B., Sumarsono, S. H., Ridwan, A., & Yusuf, A. T. (2021). Protofibril formation: decreased total glutathione concentration as an early indicator of neuron damage in the brainstems of Wistar rats treated with rotenone. F1000Research, 10, 1158
- Widyastuti, R., Prastowo, S., Sumarsono, S. H., Lubis, A., Hartady, T., Syamsunarno, M. R., & Sudiman, J. (2020). Deleterious effect of short-term gavage of an ethanol extract of cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica L.) roots on testis and epididymal sperm quality. Veterinary World, 13(7), 1311.
- Kartini Eriani, Arief Boediono, Sony Heru Sumarsono, dan Al Azhar. 2018. Utilization of Oocytes Collected from Preserved Ovarian for In Vitro Production of Cat Embryos. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education.
- Stranska-Zachariasova, M.aEmail Author, Kurniatanty, I.b, Gbelcova, H.c, Jiru, M.a, Rubert, J.a, Nindhia, T.G.T.d, D’Acunto, C.W.c, Sumarsono, S.H.b, Tan, M.I.b, Hajslova, J.a, Ruml, T.c. 2017. Bioprospecting of Turbinaria Macroalgae as a Potential Source of Health Protective Compounds. Chemistry and Biodiversity: Volume 14(2),e1600192
- R Widyastuti, R Lesmana, A Boediono, and SH Sumarsono. Effect of cryoprotectants on sperm vitrification. Advances in Biomolecular Medicine: Proceedings of the 4th BIBMC (Bandung International Biomolecular Medicine Conference) 2016 and the 2nd ACMM (ASEAN Congress on Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Biosciences), October 4-6, 2016, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
- Fitra Wahyuni, Sony Heru Sumarsono. 2017. Pengaruh Linamarin terhadap Penampilan Reproduksi Induk Mencit (Mus musculus L.). Jurnal Ipteks Terapan.
- Rini Widyastuti, Sony Heru Sumarsono, Arief Boediono, Siti Darodjah Rasad. 2016. Low concentration of ethylene glycol improved recovery rate of human spermatozoa after vitrification. Jurnal Veteriner.
- Kurniatanty, I., Tan, M.I., Ruml, T., Sumarsono, S.H. Potential cell proliferation inhibitor isolated from Indonesian brown algae (Phaeophyta). International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 7(11), pp. 140-143
- Candramila, W.O.L.L.Y., Sumarsono, S.H., Suryobroto, B.A.M.B.A.N.G., Moeis, M.R. Face Shape Variation Among Sundanese People from Western Java, Indonesia. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 22(1), pp. 34-40
- Arief Budi Yulianti, Sony Heru Sumarsono, Ahmad Ridwan, Ayda T Yusuf. 2015. Hubungan &60; i&62; Reactive Oxygen Species&60;/i&62;(ROS), &60; i&62; Superoxide Dismutase&60;/i&62;(SOD) dengan Protein α-Sinuklein-Larut Air pada Batang Otak Tikus yang Diinduksi Rotenon. Global Medical & Health Communication
- Ugiyadi, M., Tan, M.I., Giri-Rachman, E.A., Zuhairi, F.R., Sumarsono, S.H.. The expression of essential components for human influenza virus internalisation in Vero and MDCK cells. Cytotechnology 66(3), pp. 515-523
- Kartini Eriani, Yuhara Sukra, Arief Boediono, Ita Djuwita, Sony Heru Sumarsono. Produksi embrio kucing secara in vitro dari spermatozoa hasil preservasi melalui fertilisasi mikro. Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan.
- Maharani Ugiyadi, Fawzi R Zuhairi, Marselina Tan, Sony H Sumarsono. 2013. Influenza H1N1 Virus Internalization in Vero and MDCK Cell Lines. 6th International Singapore Symposium of Immunology, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.36772.17283
- Sony Heru Sumarsono (2007). Identifikasi protein yang berperan dalam perkembangan abnormal embrio mencit akibat terdedah teratogen (Asam metoksiasetat – MAA). Seminar Patologi Eksperimental. Dep. Patologi Anatomi FKUI Salemba- Jakarta, 1 Maret 2007
- Madihah, Kusumaningtyas, H., Boediono, A., Sumarsono, SH (2006). Kualitas, kemampuan implantasi dan viabilitas in vivo embrio mencit (Mus musculus) Galur Swiss Webster setelah pembekuan dengan metode vitrifikasi. Biota XI(2):72-79.
- Madihah, Kusumaningtyas, H., Boediono, A., Sumarsono, SH (2006). Kualitas, kemampuan implantasi dan viabilitas in vivo embrio mencit (Mus musculus) Galur Swiss Webster setelah pembekuan dengan metode vitrifikasi. Biota XI(2):72-79.
- Ruyani, A., Sudarwati, S., Sutasurya, L.A., Sumarsono, S.H. Kim, D.J., & Chung, J.H. (2005). A teratoproteomics analysis: Heat shock protein 70 is upregulated in mouse forelimb bud by methoxyacetic acid. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 73:517-521.
- SONY HERU SUMARSONO (2005). Identifikasi fetus trisomy 16 pada mencit sebagai hewan model untuk kasus Down syndrome. Kongres dan Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional Perhimpunan Ahli Anatomi Indonesia. FK – UGM Jogjakarta 29-30 Juli 2005
- Sumarsono, SH, Widjaja, LK, Kusumaningtyas, H., Barlian, A., Tan, M.I. (2005). The Development of exencephaly in mouse embryo caused by the methoxyacetic acid treatment, an histological analysis. Second International Seminar on Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. Novotel Hotel Yogyakarta 26-27 April 2005.
- Ruyani, A., Sudarwati, S., Sutasurya, L.A., Sumarsono, S.H. Kim, D.J., & Chung, J.H. (2005). A teratoproteomics analysis: Heat shock protein 70 is upregulated in mouse forelimb bud by methoxyacetic acid. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 73:517-521.
- Kaiin, E.M., Sumarsono, S.H., Surjono, T.W., Sudarwati, S. (2004). Maternal contribution in revealing the effects of methoxyacetic acid (MAA) administerded before implantation on the embryonic development of Swiss Webster mice (Mus musculus). Annales Bogorienses n.s. 9(1):20-26
- Ruyani, A., Sudarwati, S., Sutasurya, L.A., Sumarsono, S.H. and Gloe, T.(2003). The Laminin Binding Protein p40 Is Involved in Inducing Limb Abnormality of Mouse Fetuses as the Effects of Methoxyacetic Acid Treatment. Toxicological Sciences 75, 148-153.
- Sumarsono, S.H., Koesoemohamidjojo, K.A., Kusumaningtyas, H. (2002). Death at birth of Swiss Webster mouse fetuses causing immature development of the lung after treated with methoxyacetic acid (MAA). Indon. J. Environ. Chem. Toxicol. 1(2):30-34
- Sumarsono, S. H., Ibrahim, M., Sudarwati, S. (2002). The effect of methoxyacetic acid (MAA) and MAA-treated internal uterine environtment on the quality of Swiss Webster mouse preimplantation embryo and their viability on postimplantation stage. Reprotech 2: 97-101.
- Ruyani, A., Sudarwati, S., Sutasurya, L.A., Sumarsono, S.H. (2001), Protein yang terkait dengan teratogenisitas anggota tubuh mencit Swiss Webster akibat perlakuan dengan asam metoksiasetat (MAA). Proc. ITB 33(3):81-86
- Sony Heru Sumarsono, Sri Sudarwati, Ekayanti Mulyawati Kaiin (2001). Asam Metoksiasetat (MAA) menurunkan kualitas dan kemampuan implantasi embrio mencit Swiss Webster langsung maupun tidak langsung. Prosiding Seminar MIPA 2000. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Halaman:158-167
- Sony Heru Sumarsono, Martha Adelina, Hartanti Kusumaningtyas (2001). Asam Metoksiasetat terbukti menurunkan kualitas embrio Mencit Swiss Webster tahap praimplantasi. Hayati 8(3): 62-65 (September 2001)
- Ruyani, A., Sudarwati, S., Sutasurya, L.A., Sumarsono, S.H., (2001). Perubahan Profil Protein tunas Anggota tubuh depan mencit (Mus musculus) Swiss Webster akibat perlakuan dengan asam metoksiasetat (MAA). Medika, Jurnal Kedokteran dan Farmasi 6:363-367 (tahun XXVII)
- Sumarsono, SH & I. Kola (2000). Pembuatan mencit chimaera trisomy 16ódiploid sebagai hewan model Down syndrome mosaik. Prosiding 1 Seminar Nasional dalam rangka LUSTRUM ke IX Fakultas Biologi UGM, Yogyakarta, 22 September 2000. Tema: Aplikasi Biologi Dalam Peningkatan Kesejahteraan manusia dan kualitas lingkungan. Halaman: 330-346
- Sony Heru Sumarsono (2000). Horison: Teknologi Rekombinasi homologous untuk membuat mencit dengan mutasi gen. Medika, Jurnal Kedokteran dan farmasi edisi 12: 794-799.
- Endang Purwantini, Sony H. Sumarsono, Tri Partono Adi, Achmad S. Noer (2000). Perkembangan Bioteknologi Molekul dan aplikasinya. Proceedings Institut Teknologi Bandung Suplemen Vol 32 (2): 237-297.
- Sony Heru Sumarsono (2000). Horison: Teknologi Mencit Chimaera. Medika, Jurnal Kedokteran dan Farmasi edisi 9:581-587 (tahun XXVI, September 2000).
- Sumarsono SH, Wilson TJ, Tymms M, Venter DJ, Corrick CM, Kola R, Lahoud M, Papas TS, Seth A, Kola I (1996). Down syndrome-like skeletal abnormalities in Ets2 transgenic mice. Nature (London) 379:534-537
- Iannello, R.C., Young, J., Sumarsono, S., Tymms, M., Kola, I. (1994). Mouse testis Pdha-2 promoter upstream sequences confer tissue- and temporal-specific activity in transgenic mice. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 6(40):599-604.
- Hwang SY, Hertzog PJ, Holland KA, Sumarsono SH, Tymms MJ, Hamilton JA, Whitty G, Bertoncello I, Kola I (1995). Homozygous null mutation in the gene encoding a type I interferon receptor component eliminates antiviral and antiproliferative responses to interferon a and b and alters macrophage response. Proc. Nalt. Acad. Sci. USA 92:11284-11288.
- Kola I, Sumarsono SH (1995). Microinjection of invitro transcribed RNA and antisense oligonucleotides in mouse oocytes and early embryos to study gain and loss of function of genes. In:In vitro Transcription and Translation Protocols. Humana Press Inc. Totowa, New Jersey. P135-149.
- Kola I, Christiano F, de Haan JB, Thomas R, Sumarsono S, Corrick CM, Tymms M (1995). Genes, Embryogenesis and Down syndrome. In:Advances in Human Reproduction. Edited by: Moeloek FA, Affandi B, Trounson AO. The Parthenon Publishing Group. New York. P309-320.
- Iannello RC, Young J, Sumarsono SH, Tymms M, Kola I (1995). A model for understanding gene regulation during spermatogenesis: The mouse Pdha-2 promoter. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 7:705-712.
- Kola I, Sumarsono SH (1996). Microinjection of in vitro transcribed RNA and antisense oligonucleotides in mouse oocytes and early embryos to study gain- and loss-of function of genes. Molecular Technology 6:191-199.
- Ianello RC, Young J, Sumarsono SH, Martin Tymms, Dahl H-HM, Gould J, Hedger M, Kola I (1997). Regulation of Pdha-2 expression is mediated by proximal promoter sequences and CpG methylation. Molecular and Cellular Biology 17(2):612-619.
- Drago J, Padungchaichot P, Wong JYF, Lawrence AJ, McManus JF, Sumarsono SH, Natoli AL, Lakso M, Wreford N, Westphal H, Kola I. Finkelstein DI. Targeted expression of a toxin gene to D1 dopamine receptor neurons by cre-mediated site specific recombination. J. Neuroscience 18(23):9845-9857. (1 December 1998).
- Sumarsono, SH., Kusumaningtyas, H., Mori, N., Sumida, H., Yasuda, M., Soerjono, T.W., Sudarwati, S. (1998). The over expression of Ets2 gene during abnormal mouse forelimb development affected by methoxyacetic acid. Indonesia Toray Science Foundation Seminar. Jakarta Hilton 11 February 1998
- Sony Heru Sumarsono (1998). HIV dan mekanisme hancurnya sistem kekebalan tubuh. Medika, Jurnal Kedokteran dan Farmasi No 10/XXIV -Oktober 1998.