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Publikasi artikel jurnal nasional 2012


A. Publikasi artikel jurnal internasional

B. Publikasi artikel jurnal nasional

  1. Rosmiati,M. Pengaruh Kredit terhadap Perilaku Ekonomi Rumahtangga Petani Padi Sawah. 2012. Aplikasi Model Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Usahatani. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi,Volume 11 No 2 , 2012, p 208-224, ISSN : 1412-1700.
  2. Ridwan, A., Zakaria, Z., Barlian, A. 2012. Pengaruh fotoperiode terhadap respon stress dan parameter reproduksi pada mencit jantan (Mus musculus L.) galur Swiss Webster. JMS. April 2012. Vol. 17-1 : 39-45
  3. Sifat Fungsional Pati Garut (Marantha arundinacea) Hasil Modifikasi Hidroksipropilasi Dan Taut Silang/Functional Properties Of Hydroxypropylated And Crosslinked Arrowroot Starch (Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pangan/JTIP; accepted )
  4. Respons Wortel Kultivar Lokal Lembang Terhadap Takaran Bokashi Pupuk Kandang Sapi (Jurnal Wacana Pertanian/Journal of Scientifik Discourse Agricultural) ISSN : 1412-369X Vol 9 (1)
  5. Kilowasid, L.H.M., T. S. Syamsudin , Endah Sulistyawati & F.X. Soesilo (2012): Ecological diversity of soil fauna as ecosystem engineers in small holder cocoa plantation in South Konawe. J. Tro Soils . Vol 17 no 2, 173-180.
  6. Chandra Jinata, Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman and Debbie Soefie Retnoningrum. 2012. Molecular Analysis of Immune Escape Mutants of Hepatitis B Virus from Local Clinical Samples. Microbiology Indonesia. 6 (1), 9-14.
  7. FX Reymond Sutandy, Putri Dwi Utari, Tati Kristianti , Sony Suhandono , Amy Estiati and Ernawati A. Giri Rachman. 2012. Transformation and Analysis of L-HBsAg DNA Transient Expression in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum Linn.) Seedlings. Journal of Life Sciences and Technology (STM online Journal) School of Life Science and Technology, ITB, 1 (1) : 19-24
  8. Esyanti RR, Dwivany F , Latief C, Handayani RU, Swandjaja LWR, Ginaldi A.2012. Ground Based Study of The Effect of Open and Closed Chamber Condition on Banana Ripening Process. STM Journals vol 2:, 2 August 2012 p 1-9.
  9. Chaerun, S.K ., Hasni, S., Sanwani, E., Moeis, M.R. (2012) Mercury (Hg)-resistant bacteria in Hg-polluted gold mine sites of Bandung, West Java Province, Indonesia, Microbiology Indonesia, 6(2): 57-68
  10. Sony Suhandono , ArdhaApriyanto , and TatiKristianti (2012) Isolation of Two Elongation Factor 1 Alpha Promoters Gene from Cassava (ManihotesculentaCrantz) ; Journal of Life Sciences and Technology, 2012, 1(1):9-13
  11. TatiKristianti , and Sony Suhandono . 2012 . Cloning and Sequence Analysis of metuf Gene Coding for The Elongation Factor of Cassava (ManihotesculentaCrantz) ; Journal of Life Sciences and Technology, 2012, 1(1):15-18
  12. SitiKhodijahChaerun. 2012. The Nakhodka Oil Spill and Its Bioremediation ; Journal of Life Sciences and Technology, 2012, 1(1):29-33
  13. Aldina S. Suwanto, Ihsanawati and Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman (2012) Molecular Cloning of PhoR Sensor Domain from Mycobacterium tuberculosis for Structure-Based Discovery of Novel Anti-Tubercular, Journal of Life Sciences
  14. Volume 6, Number 3, March 2012
  15. Parnidi, Rizkita R Esyanti, Leonita S, Siti K Chaerun, & I Nyoman P Aryantha. The Potential of Bacillus cereus Biofertilizer Sediment Based to Growth Response and Productivity of Paddy Rice (Oryza sativa) cv. Situ Bagendit. Agric, Volume 24, Nomor 1, Juli 2012. ISSN 0854-9028. Halaman 45-51.
  16. Munawar, P. Aditiawati, dan D.I. Astuti . 2012. Sequential Isolation of Saturated, Aromatic, Resinic, and Asphaltic Fraction Degrading Bacteria from Oil Contaminated Soil in South Sumatra. Journal Makara Seri Sains: 16 (1) ; http://journal.ui.ac.id/ science/article/view/1282 ; 2012
  17. Sugoro, I., D.I. Astuti , D. Sasongko., dan P. Aditiawati . 2012. Comparion of Gamma irradiated and Raw Lignite in Bioliquefaction Process by Fungus T5. 2012. Atom Indonesia , 38 (2): 1-6
  18. Sugoro, I., D.I. Astuti ., D. Sasongko., dan P. Aditiawati . 2012. Biosolubilisasi Lignit Mentah Hasil Iradiasi Gamma oleh Trichoderma asperellum . Jurnal Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi , 8 (1): 21-26
  19. Saepudin, Astuti, D.I . 2012. Pengembangan Model Penerimaan Biopestisida (StudiKasus Petani Sayuran di Desa Cipada Kecamatan Cisarua Kabupaten Bandung Barat). Jurnal Sosioteknologi, 27(11), 178-193
  20. Bahtiar, ET., Nugroho N., Arinana, Darwis, A. 2012. Pendugaan sisa umur pakai kayu komponen cooling tower di pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi (PLTP) unit II Kamojang . Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol.19 No.2 , 103-114.
  21. Bahtiar, ET., Nugroho N., Arinana, Darwis, A. 2012. Pendugaan sisa umur pakai kayu komponen cooling tower di pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi (PLTP) unit II Kamojang . Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol.19 No.2 , 103-114.

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