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Publikasi prosiding seminar internasional 2012


Publikasi prosiding seminar internasional

  1. Preliminary Study on the Subchronic Toxicity in Rat Exposed to Crude Extraction of Root Tuba
  2. Mathematical modeling on growth of recombinant Pichia pastoris in YEPD and BMGY culture media
  3. Study of functional properties of hidroxypropylated and cross-linked arrowroot ( Marantha arudinacea ) starch as ingredient for food industry ( IAB Women in Science International Symposium, Malaysia, 2012; extended abstract)
  4. Pengaruh takaran kalium terhadap penyakit karat daun hasil beberapa kultivar kedelai (Attack intencity of fungi Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd (leaf rust desease) and yield of variuous Soybean cultivar as affected) (The 5 th International Seminar of Indonesia Society for Microbiology “Microbes for Food, Human Welfareand Invironment” September 20-22, 2012 Manado; extended abstract )
  5. Saptari, A.Y.,Supriadi A.,Wikantika K.,Darmawan S. 2012. Remote Sensing in Bandung Basin Erosion Assessment. Journal Makalah Seminar Internasional. AGSE Publishing, http://applied-geoinformatics.org/publications. Volume 1 (2012). Volume 1 (2012). ISBN 978-3-943321-06-7. Conference Web Site: http://applied-geoinformatics.org/. pp. 155-164.
  6. Irwanto, R.R.P., Muthia, H.L and A. Hamidi. The composition of essential oils in ginger ( Zingiber officinale var rubrum). Proceedings of Islamic Academy for Life Sciences and Biotechnology (IAB) Women in Science International Symposium. Selangor, Malaysia. 7 May 2012.
  7. Novianti, V., D. N. Choesin , D. Suprayogo, H. Suryawardana, D. T. Iskandar . Accelerating Primary Succession on Coal Mine Overburden Dumping Sites in Satui, South Kalimantan, Indonesia: Plant Species Selection and Growth Performance. The 5 th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment. Bandung, 21-22 November 2012.
  8. Aji, O.R., Utari, S.T., Moeis, M.R ., Septiningrum, K. (2012) Characterization of Lipases of Bacteria Isolated from Acacia mangium Wood Chip, The 2012 International Symposium on Resource Efficiency in Pulp and Paper Technology, Bandung November 20 th -22 nd 2012
  9. Andira Rahmawati, Dwiyantari Widyaningrum, Resti K. Rudjito, Falma Kemalasari, Indra Rudiansyah and Rizkita R. Esyanti . Biodegradable Plastic Produce from the Starch of Banana Peel (Musa sapientum cv. Raja) and Glycerine from Waste Cooking Oil.ICMNS 2012
  10. Andira Rahmawati, Iriawati and Rizkita R. Esyanti . Title: Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis and Secondary Metabolite Analysis in The Early Stage of Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack.) Somatic Embryos, ICMNS 2012
  11. Adeline Prapaisie 1 , Rizkita R. Esyanti 1* , Fenny M. Dwivanny 1 , Dian Magfirah Hala 1 , Jekson Robertlee 1 , Chunaeni Latief 2 , Ari Ginaldi 2 . Study of Banana Ripening Process in Microgravity Simulation Using 3D-Clinostat, ICMNS 2012
  12. Taufikurahman, Rifayanti, A. 2012. The effect of stress cadmium (Cd) on levels of proline in “akar wangi” (Vitiver zizanioides, L. Nash) grass., ICMNS 2012
  13. Ana Widiana, Taufikurahman, R.Manurung. 2012. Exploring the content of active compunds of Gelam tree (Melaleuca cajuputi Powell) for its socio-economic value for local people in Central Kalimantan. , ICMNS 2012
  14. Vally Septiadi, Taufikurahman. 2012. Ecophysiological responses of Cassava plant (Manihot esculenta L. Crantz) to drought stress., ICMNS 2012
  15. Sugoro, I., D. Sasongko., D.I. Astuti., dan P. Aditiawati . 2012. Biosolubilization of Gamma Irradiation Lignite by Penicillium sp. The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment .
  16. Noviantina, Okta. and Sulistyawati, Endah . 2012. Cultural and Practical Analysis of Forest Plant Resources in Dayak Tanjung Community at Kelekat Village, East Kalimantan . Proceeding of The 2 nd International Symposium For Sustainable Humaniosphere. Bandung
  17. Pambudi, Sidiq and Sulistyawati, Endah . 2012. Tree Inventory and Stock Carbon Measurement on ITB Ganesha Campus . Proceeding of The 2 nd International Symposium For Sustainable Humaniosphere. Bandung
  18. El-Farizy, Gibran Huzaifah Amsi and Sulistyawati, Endah . 2012. Seedlings Performance Of Indigenous Species With Fertilizer Addition And Weeding In Early Stage Reforestation In Mt. Papandayan Nature Reserves, West Java . Proceeding of The 2 nd International Symposium For Sustainable Humaniosphere. Bandung
  19. Tazkiana, Dinna and Sulistyawati, Endah . 2012. Changes in Tree Structure and Composition Along Altitudinal Gradient in Mount Leuser National Park, Aceh . Proceeding of The 2 nd International Symposium For Sustainable Humaniosphere. Bandung
  20. Dampak Insektisida terhadap Lebah Madu Lokal Apis cerana indica di Daerah Ciburial, Dago Pakar
  21. Potensi Larva Lalat Hermetia illucens L. (Diptera: Stratiomydae) dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Organik berupa Ampas Kelapa dan Sisa Sayuran Kol
  22. Hendartin E, Kartodihardjo H, Nugroho B, Darusman D. 2010. “Identification Successful  of Independent  Direct  Assistance (IDA) in the Ministries of Agriculture as a Model on a RFL for the Development of CFP  in the Ministry of Forestry” sebagai poster session di Kasetsart University-Thailand pada tanggal 11 Februari 2011.
  23. Environmental Analysis of Post Sand and Andesite Mining Land in Cimalaka and Paseh, Sumedang, West Java. Dipresentasikan dalam The 5 th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment.
  24. Sustainable Production and Consumer Response of Healthy Sugar Isomaltulose Fermented by Protaminobacter rubrum in Bandung, West Java. Dipresentasikan dalam The 5 th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment.
  25. Coral Reef Condition in Pangandaran Marine Nature Reserve and Tourism Park in Relation with Human Activities and Tsunami In 2006. Dipresentasikan dalam The 5 th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment.
  26. The impact of tourism on behavior change of monkey Macaca fascicularis (Raffles, 1821) and deer Cervus timorensis (Blainville, 1822) in Nature Reserve and Nature Park Pananjung Pangandaran, West Java. Dipresentasikan dalam The 4 th International Conference of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
  27. Enviromental Management Conflict in Mount Tangkuban Perahu Nature Reserve and Natural Park, North Bandung, West Java. Dipresentasikan dalam The 4 th International Conference of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
  28. Nature Reserve Management Conflict in Indonesia: Case-West Java. Dipresentasikan dalam The 2 nd Asia Regional Conference of the Society for Conservation Biology.

Publications  Tahun 2011

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