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Publikasi Staf Dosen SITH Tahun 2005-2009

Publikasi Prof. Djoko T Iskandar

Günther, R., S. Richards, B. Tjaturadi & D.T. Iskandar. 2009. A new species of the microhylid frog genus Oreophryne from the Mamberamo Basin of northern Papua Province, Indonesian New Guinea Vertebrate Zoology 59 (2): 147 – 155. Iskandar, D.T. & M. Kamsi 2009. On the second specimen of Opisthotropis rugosus (van Lidth de Jeude, 1890) (Colubridae, Natricinae) Hamadryad 35(1): 28-32.
Oliver, P., P. Edgar, Mumpuni, D.T. Iskandar & R. Lilley. 2009, A new bent toed Gecko (Cyrtodactylus, Gekkonidae) from Seram Island, Indonesia. Zootaxa 2115: 47-55.
Wanger, T.C., A. Saro, D.T. Iskandar, B.W. Brook, N.S. Sodhi, Y. Clough & T. Tscharntke. 2009. Conservation value of cacao agroforestry for amphibians and reptiles in Southeast Asia: combining correlative models with experiments. Journal of Applied Ecology 46(4):823-832.
Koch, A., E. Arida, J.A. McGuire, D.T. Iskandar & W. Böhme. 2009. A new species of Calamaria (Squamata: Colubridae) similar to C. ceramensis de Rooij, 1913, from the Banggai Islands, east of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Zootaxa. 2196: 19–30.
Rowley, J., R. Brown, R. Bain, M.D. Kusrini, R. Inger, B. Stuart, G. Wogan, N. Thy, T. Chan-ard, C. T. Trung, A. Diesmos, D. T. Iskandar, M. Lau, T. M. Leong , S. Makchai, N. Q. Truong & S. Phimmachak. 2009. Impending conservation crisis for Southeast Asian amphibians. Biology Letters 6(3): 336-338
Inger, R.F., B.I. Stuart & D.T. Iskandar. 2009. Systematics of a widespread Southeast Asian frog, Rana chalconota (Amphibia: Anura: Ranidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 155: 123–147.
Koch, A., I. Ives, E. Arida & D.T. Iskandar. 2008. On the occurrence of the Asiatic Softshell Turtle, Amyda cartilaginea (Boddaert, 1770), on Sulawesi, Indonesia. Hamadryad 32(2): 121-127.
Bickford, D.P., J. Supriatna, N. Andayani, D.T. Iskandar, B.J. Evans, R.M. Brown, T. Townsend, Umilaela, D. Azhari, & J.A. McGuire. 2008. Indonesia’s protected areas need more protection – suggestions from island examples. In Sodhi, N.S., G. Acciaioli, M. Erb & A. K.-J. Tan (Eds). Biodiversity and human livelihoods in protected areas: case studies from the Malay Archipelago. Cambridge University Press, Pp. 53-77.
Bickford, D.P., D.T. Iskandar, & A. Barlian, 2008. A Lungless Frog found on Borneo Current Biology 18(9):R392-393. 10.025
Hero, J.M., S. Richards, R. Alford, A. Allison, P. Bishop, R. Gunther, D. Iskandar, F. Kraus, F. Lemkert, J. Menzies, d. Roberts & M. Tyler, 2008. Amphibians of the Australasian Realm. Pp 65-70, In Stuart, S. J. Hoffmann, J. Chanson, N. Cox, R. Berridge, P. Ramani and B. Young (eds). Threatened Amphibians of the World. IUCN-Conservation International-Lynx Press.
Iskandar, D.T. 2008. Essai 7.1. An Overview of our knowledge on Indonesian Amphibians. p. 80. In Stuart, S. J. Hoffmann, J. Chanson, N. Cox, R. Berridge, P. Ramani and B. Young (eds). Threatened Amphibians of the World. IUCN-Conservation International-Lynx Press
Bain, R., S.D. Biju,R. Brown, I. Das, A. Diesmos, S. Dutta, D. Gower, R. Inger, D. Iskandar, Y. Kaneko, M.W.N. Lau, M. Meegaskumbura, A. Ohler, T. Pappenfuss, R. Pethyagoda, B. Stuart, M. Wilkinson & F. Xie. 2008. Chapter 7. Amphibians of the Indomalayan Realm. Pp 74-84, In Stuart, S. J. Hoffmann, J. Chanson, N. Cox, R. Berridge, P. Ramani and B. Young (eds). Threatened Amphibians of the World. IUCN-Conservation International-Lynx Press.
Hayden, C.J. R.M. Brown, G. Gillespie, M.I. Setiadi, C.W. Linkem, D.T. Iskandar, Umilaela, D. Bickford, A. Riyanto, Mumpuni & J.A. McGuire. 2008. A new Species of bent toed Gecko Cyrtodactylus Gray, 1827 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Herpetologica; 64(1): 109-120.
Oliver, P., S.J. Richards, B. Tjaturadi & D.T. Iskandar. 2007. A new large green species of Litoria (Anura: Hylidae) from western New Guinea. Zootaxa 1519: 17-26.
Howard, S.D., G.R. Gillespie, A. Riyanto, & D.T. Iskandar, 2007. A New Species of Large Eutropis (Scincidae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Herpetology 41(4): 604-610.
Iskandar, D.T. & Umilaela. 2006. The Herpetofaunal composition of Maruwai, in Kitchener, D.R. and G. Paoli (eds). Report to BHPB Maruwai Coal Project: Phase II. Biodiversity Survey of Tuhup, Lampunut Block, North East Lampunut, Logistic Corridor, Transport Corridor and Melak Area. (Ch. XII): 1-79.
Iskandar, D.T. & W. Erdelen. 2006. Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles in Indonesia. Journal of Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. 4(1): 60-87.
Richards, S.J. & D.T. Iskandar. 2006. A new species of torrent dwelling frog (Hylidae, Litoria) from the mountains of New Guinea. Current Herpetology. 25(2) 76-87.
Meijard, E., D. Sheil, R. Nasi, D. Augeri, B. Rosenbaum, D. Iskandar, T. Setyawati. M. Lammertink, I. Rachmatika, A. Wong, T. Soehartono, S. Stanley, T. Gunawan & T. O’Brien. 2006. Hutan Pasca Pemanenan: Melindungi satwa liar dalam kegiatan hutan produksi di Kalimantan. CIFOR, UNESCO, ITTO. Indonesia
Printer Jakarta. xxx+384 pp.
Meijaard, E., D. Sheil, B. Rosenbaum, D. Iskandar, D. Augeri, T. Setyawati, W. Duckworth, M. Lammertink, I. Rachmatika, A. Wong, R. Nasi, T. Soehartono & T. O’Brien, 2005. Life after logging: reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR, 2005, 324 pp.
Meijaard, E., D. Sheil, B. Rosenbaum, D. Iskandar, D. Augeri, T. Setyawati, W. Duckworth, M. Lammertink, I. Rachmatika, A. Wong, R. Nasi, T. Soehartono & T. O’Brien, 2005. Life after logging: reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR, 2005, 324 pp.
Inger, R.F. & D.T. Iskandar. 2005. A collection of Amphibians and from West Sumatra: with description of a new Megophrys (Amphibia: Anura). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 53(1): 133-142.
Sumantri, R.A. & D.T. Iskandar. 2005. Kajian keberagaman genetik nyamuk Anopheles barbirostris dan A. vagus di dua daerah Endemik penyakit malaria di Jawa Barat. Jurnal Matematika dan Sains 10(2): 37-44.
Diterbitkan sebagai
Dr. Achmad Sjarmidi


Subardja A., Sjarmidi A., Prasetyo E.B., Tasrif A. 2004. Otonomi Daerah dan Pluralitas Lokal: Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan Hidup. Riset Kompetitif Pengembangan Iptek Sub Program Otonomi Daerah, Konflik dan Daya saing. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. 126 pp
Buku ber ISBN
Zuhro R.S. Sukarno M., Wardiat D., Ratnawati T., Romli L., Chaniago A.A ., Sjarmidi A. 2005. Membangun Model Pembagian Kewenangan Antar Pusat-Daerah yang Aplikatif-Demokratis. Riset Kompetitif LIPI Bidang X Sub Program Otonomi Daerah, Konflik dan Daya Saing. 126 pp
Buku ber ISBN
Abdullah, Iskandar T., Sjarmidi A ., Choesin D.N. 2007. Using Geographic In formation System for Estimating Habitat Carying Capacity of Sumatera Elephant in Aceh Province. International GIS Workshop, Syah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, December 2007
Makalah diisajikan di Seminar Internasional
Sulistyawati, E . Hidayanto, Y., Sjarmidi, A. 2007. Simulation Study for Assessing the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Different Tree Species for Reforestation. Paper presented on 2rd Regional Conference on Ecological and Environmental Modelling, August 28-30, 2007, Penang, Malaysia.
Makalah disajikan di Seminar Internasional
Hendiani, T., Subahar, T.S., Sjarmidi A., Choesin, D.N., Analysis of The Use Value of the Strict Nature Reserve and Recreation Park of Tangkuban Parahu Mountain, West Java (Sciences Education Development Center Bandung ITB. 2007.). Seminar Proceeding of The First International Seminar of Science Education, 20 Okt. 2007. 267-276. Bandung.
Makalah disajikan di Seminar Internasional
Abdullah, D.T. Iskandar, A. Sjarmidi and D.N. Choesin. 2008. Evaluation of elephant habitat in disturbed forest. Oryx. 68: (in press).
Publikasi Internasiomal
Dr. Adi Pancoro


Biotechnology of forestry : Genetic engineering of teak ( Tectona grandis L.f).
Report Collaboration research between ITB and Oregon State University, USA.
Pancoro A dan Nisa Microsatellit for identificayion of mango cultivar dan genetic variation (Sistem Penanda Molekuler Mikrosatelit untuk identifikasi kultivar Mangga ( Mangifera indica , L.) dan variasi genetik.
Proceeding Nasional Biotechnology, Malang
Asmarayani R. & A. Pancoro . Phylogenetics study of piper L. (Piperaceae) Based on ITS Regions of nrDNA.
Florida 2(8) : 202-208
Sartika, D. & A. Pancoro . Bioinformatics of flowering gene : characterzation of homologue gene in Magnoliopsida and Liliopsida
International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 29-30 Nov. 2006, Bandung West Java
Pancoro A., Nisa, Dini Ayudia and Ulfa Mardhiah. Genetic variation of wild and cultured black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in Indonesia using microsatellite markers
International conference Aquaculture Indonesia. July 8-10. 2008. Bandar Lampung
Arifina N, Puri Arta and A.Pancoro. 2008 . Isolation and characterization phaA, phaB and phaC genes which encode beta-ketothiolase, acetoacety-CoA reductase and polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase from Rasltonia eutropha JMP 134
International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 28 Okt. 2008, Bandung West Java.
Topik H., and A. Pancoro . Molecular phylogenetic studies provide a basic knowledge of improving genetic resources
Agrobiogen 4 : 35-40
Bahrelfi M , A. Pancoro, ernawati A.Giri Rachman Phylogeogaphy and distribution pattern of H5N1 from Indonesia
International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 28 Oct. 2008, Bandung West Java. Abstract
Dr. Agus D. Permana


Oviposition Behavior and Preference of Soybean Podborer, Etiella zinckenella on Soybean, Glycine max cultivars
Jurnal Ilmiah International
Monitoring pyrethroid resistance in field collected Blatella germanica Linn. Paper submitted to Korean Entomology (2008). Intan Ahmad, Sriwahjuningsih, Sita Astari, Ramadhani Eka Putra, & A. D. Permana
Abundant parasitoids of Erinata thrax in banana plantation around Bandung areas. (Paper presented in Biological Control / Mini Symposium ICMNS 2008) Intan Ahmad, Redsway Maramis, S. Sastrodihardjo & A.D. Permana..
Fruit Fly vs Parasitoid (Paper presented in Biological Control / Mini Symposium ICMNS 2008) RC. Hidayat Tati S. Subahar & A.D. Permana.
Effectivity of four insect traps with three attractants of nutmeg (Poster presented in ICMNS 2008) Windra Priawandiputra & A.D. Permana
Alteration of Ecdysteroid titre by Thyroxine and Juvenile hormone analogue (Methoprene) in
Bombyx mori (Lepidopera: Bombycidae). Biota (in press) Ahmad, I., Rahayu, R., Permana, A ., Astari, S.
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Mushroom Fly Population, Bradysia ocellaris (Diptera : Sciaridae) in Oyster Mushroom Culture. Paper submited to Hayati. Rostaman, A.D. Permana , T.S. Subahar, S.Sastrodihardjo, U. Pasaribu,
Dr. Ahmad Ridwan


Toksisitas Subkronis Timbal (Pb) dalam Limbah Padat IPAL Industri Kertas terhadap Karakteristik Darah Tikus Rattus norvegicus . Berita Selulosa. Vol. 40, No. 2 : 63 – 76.
Berita Selulosa. Vol. 40, No. 2 : 63 – 76.
Pengujian Toksisitas Limbah Padat Industri Kertas terhadap Hematology Tikus ( Rattus norvegicus ) Jantan Galur Wistar
Hasil Penelitian
Studi Perilaku Mencit ( Mus musculus L. ) Swiss Webster Usia 35 hari selama 24 jam dalam Kondisi Laboratorium Departemen Biologi ITB.
Hasil Penelitian
Uji Toksisitas Sub-kronis Abu Boiler Industri Pulp Paper terhadap Laju Pertambahan Berat Badan dan Karakteristik Darah Tikus Rattus norvegicus Strain Wistar Jantan. Skripsi Sarjana Biologi – ITB.
Hasil Penelitian
Dr. Anggraini Barlian


Tan, M.I, A. Siddiq, Y. Sandraling, Tri handayani, A. Barlian , S. Haga, S. Imai. 2005. “Effect of Sargassum siliquosum Extract and Fucoidan on The Expression of p53 and Estrogen Receptor and Proliferation Activity on Breast Cancer Cell Line T47D”,
Basic Investigation Of Breast Carcinoma, Vol. 14 2005. ISSN 1343-2028
Bickford, D.P., D.T. Iskandar, & A. Barlian, 2008. A Lungless Frog found on Borneo Current.
Biology 18(9):R392-393
Tan, M.I, A. Siddiq, Tri handayani, A.T. Yusuf, A. Barlian, S. Haga. 2004. “Effect of Sargassum siliquosum Extract on The Expression of p53 and Estrogen Receptor and Breast Cancer Cell Line T47D and MCF7..
Procedings Of International Symposium on Biomedicine, Bogor, Indonesia
Tan, M.I, A. Barlian , A. Noor, A. Nadina, 2005. Pengaruh Laminin, Estradiol-17b dan Tamoxifen Terhadap Ekspresi Gen VEGF dan RE pada Lini Sel Kanker Payudara Manusia MCF-7
. Kongres Nasional (KONAS) XI & Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional (PIN) Perhimpunan Ahli Anatomi Indonesia (PAAI) 2005. Yogyakarta, 29-30 Juli 2005.
Barlian, A., D. Anugrah U, 2005. Kehadiran Reseptor Estrogen (RE) Selama Determinasi dan Diferensial Seks Gonad Embrio Penyu Hijau (Chelonia mydas).
Kongres Nasional (KONAS) XI & Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional (PIN) Perhimpunan Ahli Anatomi Indonesia (PAAI) 2005. Yogyakarta, 29-30 Juli 2005.
Barlian, A. and Gozali, N. 2007. The effects of polychlorinated biphenyl (Aroclor 1242) on early sea urchin embryo development ( Diadema setosum )
Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Barlian, A and. Atmanegara, B . 2007. Expression of temperature-related protein during gonadal differentiation in green sea turtle ( Chelonia mydas ).
Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Bickford, D.P., D.T. Iskandar, & A. Barlian , 2008. First lungless frog with stereoscopic vision from Borneo
Current Biology 18(9):R392-393.
Barlian, A., Equilibrina, I., Bahri, Syamsul. 2008. The Presence of Aromatase in Green Turtle Embryos Gonads During the Thermosensitive Period.
Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Barlian, A., Widiarini. 2008. The Presence of Soxg in Green Turtle Gonad – Mesonephros Cell Cultures.
Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Barlian, A. Noviana. 2008. Localization & Distribution of Wnt4 in Green Turtle Gonads
Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Bahri, S., Barlian, A . and Vebiyanti, D. 2008. The role of Steroidogenic Factor 1 (Sf1) in temperature-dependent sex determination.
Seminar Biologi Nasional, Makasar, 10 Juli 2008
Dr. Ayda T. Yusuf


In vivo genotoxic effect of aflatoxin B 1 in male rat ( Rattus norvegicus L.) Wistar liver, kidney, and intestine using the alkaline comet assay
Makalah disajikan pada: ICMNS, ITB, Bandung. 28-30 October 2008
Male reproductive toxicity of cadmium (Cd) in SW mice ( Mus musculus L)
Makalah disajikan pada: ICMNS, ITB, Bandung. 28-30 October 2008
Effects of prenatal T-2 toxin exposure on preweaning
Makalah disajikan pada: ICMNS, ITB, Bandung. 28-30 October 2008
Efek teratogenik kadmium (Cd) yang didedahkan melalui jalur paternal terhadap F 1 mencit ( Mus musculus L.) SW
Makalah disajikan pada: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional (PIN) Perhimpunan Ahli Anatomi Indonesia (PAAI), FK UNAND-Padang. 28-30 Agustus 2007
Studi akumulasi dan depurasi logam tembaga (Cu) pada ikan nila ( Oreochromis niloticus )
Prosiding. Seminar Nasional Limnologi. Jakarta. 5 September 2006
Copper bioaccumulation and the influenced of hardness and pH on copper depuration in nila fish ( Oreochromis niloticus L . )
Proceedings. Environmental Technology and Management Conference. 7-8 September 2006. Bandung-West Java, Indonesia
Copper bioaccumulation and depuration effects on histopathological target organ of nila fish ( Oreochromis niloticus L . ).
Proceedings. Environmental Technology and Management Conference. 7-8 September 2006. Bandung-West Java, Indonesia
Dr. Dea I. Astuti


Astuti, D.I., Suantika, G., Aditiawati, P., Ristyasari, L., and Prihastuti, I. Isolation of Potential Probiotic Bacteria against Vibrio harveyi in Pacific White Shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei ) larviculture
(submitted to Asian Fishery Society)
Astuti, D.I., Suantika, G., Aditiawati, P., and Susanti, A. The Usage of Probiotic Bacteria Isolated from Lampung Bay in the Growth Inhibition of Vibrio harveyi in BlackTiger Shrimps ( Penaeus monodon ) larviculture at LaboratoryProduction Scale
(submitted to Asian Fishery Society)
Aditiawati, P., Suantika, G., Astuti, D.I., Nestiti, Y., and Sarah, D. Use of Reduced Water Discharge by Nitrifying Bacteria Application in Pacific White Shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei ) larviculture
(submitted to Asian Fishery Society)
Suantika, G., Aditiawati, P., Astuti, D.I., and Perangin angin K. 2008. Isolation and Application of Potential Probiotic Bacteria Against Aeromonas hydrophila in Larvae Culture of Pangasid Catfish Pangasius sutchi Fowler.
International Symposium on Catfish Farming in Asia, Vietnam, Dec 2008
Fitriyanti, M. and Astuti, D.I. 2008. The Making of Heat Killed Vaccine of Aeromonas hydrophila and Determining Its Effect on Immunity of Nile Tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus with Immersion Method.
2 nd International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), Bandung, Indonesia
Dwiranti, A. and Astuti, D.I. 2008. Vaccine Production from Aeromonas hydrophila with the Addition of 3% Formalin and Determination of Vaccine Concentration to Increase Specific Immunity of Indigo Fish ( Oreochromis niloticus ) Using Submerssion Vaccination Method.
2 nd International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), Bandung, Indonesia
Primeia, S., Astuti, D.I., and Juli, N. 2008. Nitrogen Source Optimization for Biosurfactant Production by Hydrocarbonoclastic Bacteria from East Kalimantan for MEOR Application.
2 nd International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), Bandung, Indonesia
Halim, A.Y., Astuti, D.I., Juli, N., Siregar, S., Solihah, E. 2008. Laboratory Study of Bacteria from an Oil Reservoir in Kalimantan to be applied as indigenous and non-indigenous bacteria in Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
2 nd International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), Bandung, Indonesia
Halim, A.Y., Juli, N., Astuti, D.I. , and Siregar, S. 2008. The EOR Impact of Bacteria from Handil Field in Kalimantan on crude oil from X Reservoir in Java Island.
Proceeding Indonesian Petroleum Association, 32 nd Annual Convention and Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Novilla, A., Aryantha, N.P., and Astuti, D.I . 2006. The lactic acid bacteria as biocontrol agent against Salmonella typhii (Le Minor and Popov)
Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), Bandung, Indonesia
Satitiningrum, Y., Juli, N., and Astuti, D.I. 2006.Isolation and Identification of Indigenous Microbes from Oily Cutting and Sludge
Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), Bandung, Indonesia
Satitiningrum, Y., Astuti, D.I ., and Juli, N. 2006.Optimization of C:N:P and inoculum ratio for Bioremediation Process of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Wastes Using Indigenous Microbes
Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), Bandung, Indonesia
Aditiawati, P., Astuti, D.I., Suantika, G. 2005. Isolation and screening of probiotic bacteria for supporting the growth of common carp against Aeromonas
Asahi Glass Foundation final report
Dr. Devi N. Choesin


Zulkarnaen, R. & D.N. Choesin . The effects of six phytoremediation agents and their combination on iron contaminated well water.
Makalah yang disajikan pada Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008. Bandung, 28-30 October 2008.
Sulistyawati, Endah, Nusa Mashita & Devi N. Choesin . Pengaruh dekomposer terhadap kualitas hasil pengomposan sampah organik rumah tangga.
Artikel dalam journal: Lingkungan Tropis . Edisi Khusus Agustus 2008: hlm. 227-236 (Makalah seminar).
Rahmawati, S. & D.N. Choesin . The effectiveness of sequential and non-sequential constructed wetland systems for nitrogen wastewater treatment.
Makalah yang disajikan pada Asian Wetland Symposium. Hanoi, Vietnam. 22-25 June 2008.
Tati-Subahar, S.S., Anzilni F. Amasya & Devi N. Choesin . Butterfly (Lepidoptera: Rhophalocera) distribution along an altitudinal gradient on Mount Tangkuban Parahu, West Java, Indonesia.
Artikel dalam journal: The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 55(1): 175-178.
Choesin, Devi N. The problem of wetland terminology in Indonesia: a review of wetland classification systems.
Makalah yang disajikan & tercetak dalam Prosiding: International Seminar on Wetlands and Sustainability. Johor Bahru, Malaysia. 4-6 September 2007.
Rosleine, D., Devi N. Choesin & E. Sulistyawati. The contribution of dominant tree species to nutrient cycling in a mixed forest ecosystem on Mount Tangkubanperahu, West Java, Indonesia.
Makalah yang disajikan pada International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, November 29-30, 2006. Bandung, Indonesia.
Choesin, Devi N., Karlina Bone & Gede Suantika. A model wetland system for nitrogen wastewater treatment.
Makalah yang disajikan pada Environmental Technology and Management Conference, September 7-8, 2006 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
Dr. Endah Sulistyawati


Simulation Study to Assess the Impact of Biomass Characteristic of Plant on the Carbon Sequestration in Forest Ecosystem
Poster Session at APGC Symposium ‘Plant Functioning in a Changing Global Environment’, Creswick, Victoria, Australia, 7-11 December 2008.
Pengaruh Agen Dekomposer terhadap Kualitas Hasil Pengomposan Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga
Jurnal Lingkungan Tropis Hidup Edisi Khusus Agustus 2008.
Land-use Changes in Mount Papandayan: it’s Associated Impacts on Biodiversity and Carbon Stock.
Proceedings International Conference of Environmental Research and Technology 2008
Simulation Study for Assessing the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Different Tree Species for Reforestation.
Paper presented on 2rd Regional Conference on Ecological and Environmental Modelling, August 28-30, 2007, Penang, Malaysia
The Biodiversity of Mount Papandayan and the Threats
Proceedings International Interdisiplinary Conference Volcano International Gathering 2006, “1000 years Merapi Paroxysmal Eruption”, Volcano: Live, Prospeity, and Harmony. 206-213
Estimation of Carbon Stock at Landscape Level using Remote Sensing : a Case Study in Mount Papandayan
Proceedings Environmental Technology and Management Conference 2006
A Simulation Model to Study Land Use Strategies in Swidden Agriculture Systems
Agricultural Systems, Elsevier 85 (2005): 271-288
Dr. Erly Marwani


Wening Enggarini & Erly Marwani, 2006, Pengaruh Cekaman Aluminium Terhadap Kandungan Asam Organik Dalam Kalus dan Pinak Tomat ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Kultivar ‘Intan’, Jurnal Agrobiogen
Jurnal Agrobiogen
Fainmarihat Inabuy & Erly Marwani, Optimisation of callus induction and organogenesis of Saccharum officinarum L. Var. BL and CB-10029
Procceding of International Conference on Mathematics & Natural Sciences
Dr. Gede Suantika


Pengembangan Teknologi Ultrafiltrasi Unntuk Pemekatan Mikroalga. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Rekayasa Kimia dan Proses. Universitas Diponegoro Semarang
Artikel dalam Proseding
Buku Ekologi Laut dan Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir (in press), 2004
Pengaruh Penggunaan Shelter Terhadap Kesintasan dan Padat tebar Udang Galah (Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man)) dalam Skala Laboratorium. Prosiding Nasional Seminar MIPA IV. Institut Teknologi Bandung
Disajikan di seminar MIPA-ITB
Optimasi suhu, pH, Jumlah dan Jenis Pakan Kultur Daphnia sp. Prosiding Seminar Nasional MIPA IV. Institut Teknologi Bandung
Disajikan di seminar MIPA-ITB
Gunawan, A.Y., Soewono, E., Suantika, G . 2005. Rotifer production in a recirculating system: Experiment, modelling, and simulation
(oral presentation). ICAM Conference – ITB, Indonesia
Noerdjito., D.R., Suantika, G . 2005. Peningkatan Produktivitas Kultur Statis Rotifera ( Brachionus plicatilis Mueller 1786) Dengan optimasi Jenis dan Konsentrasi Pakan serta Penambahan Bakteri Nitrifikasi.
(Tesis Magister, Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Peningkatan Produktivitas Kultur Statis Rotifera (Brachionus plicatilis Mueller 1786) Dengan optimasi Jenis dan Konsentrasi Pakan serta Penambahan Bakteri Nitrifikasi.
Hasil Penelitian
Suantika, G. , Aditiawati, P., Sasmita, J.P.G., Supriyatno, T. 2005. Penggunaan Teknologi Zero-Water Exchange dan Aplikasi Bakteri Nitrifikasi dalam Budidaya Udang Galah ( Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man)).
Laporan Akhir Riset ITB 2005. Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Suantika, G., Sofyan, Y. 2008. “Pengaruh Perbedaan Kepadatan Awal Inokulum Terhadap Kualitas Kultur Chaetoceros gracilis (Schütt) Pada Sistem Batch
”. Submitted to Jurnal Matematika dan Sains, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2008
Suantika, G ., Aditiawati, P., Astuti, D.I., Perangin-angin, K. 2008. Isolation and Application of Potential Probiotic Bacteria Against Aeromonas hydrophila in Larvae Culture of Pangasidn Catfish Pangasius sutchi Fowler.
”International Symposium on Catfish Farming in Asia”, Vietnam, December 5 – 7, 2008
Astuti, D.I., Suantika, G. , Adityawati, P., Ristyasari, L., Prihastuti, I. 2008. ”Isolation of Potential Probiotic Bacteria Against Vibrio harveyi in Pacific White Shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei ) Larviculture”.
Submitted to Asian Fishery Science, 2008.
Suantika, G. , Hendrawandi, D. 2008. ”Efektivitas Teknik Kultur Arthrospira ( Spirulina ) sp. Menggunakan Sistem Kultur Statis, Kultur Semi-kontinyu, dan Kultur Kontinyu”.
Submitted to Jurnal Matematika dan Sains, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2008.
. Suantika, G ., Adityawati, P., Astuti, D.I., Wuri, M., Sektiana S.P. 2008. ”The Development of Commercial Medium Based on the Optimization of N:P:Si Ratio in Improving Productivity of Diatom Chaetoceros gracilis (Schutt) Culture at Hatchery Production Scale”
Submitted to Asian Fishery Science, 2008.
Adityawati, P., Suantika, G ., Astuti, D.I.,Nestiti, Y., Sarah, D. 2008. ”The use of reduced water discharge by nitrifying bacteria application in Pacific White Shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei) larviculture
Submitted to Asian Fishery Science, 2008.
Suantika, G ., Astuti, D. I., Aditiawati P., Sasmita, P.G., 2009. Development of Zero-Water Discharge Technology and Nitrifying Bacteria Application in Nursery Phase of the Giant Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man.
Abstract in “World Aquaculture 2009”, Mexico, May 26 – 29
Suantika, G ., Adityawati, P., Astuti, D.I., Perangin-angin, K. 2009. ”Isolation and Application of Potential Probiotic Bacteria against Aeromonas hydrophila in Pangasid catfish Pangasius sutchi Fowler larviculture”.
Submitted to “International Symposium Catfish Farming in Asia”, Can Tho University – Vietnam.
Astuti, D.I., Suantika, G., Adityawati, P., Susanti, A. 2009. ”The Usage of Probiotic Bacteria Isolated from Lampung Bay in the Growth Inhibition of Vibrio harveyi in Black Tiger Shrimps (Penaeus monodon) Larviculture at Laboratory Production Scale”.
Submitted to Asian Fishery Science, 2009
Dr. I Nyoman P. Aryantha


Pengembangan produk kesehatan dari jamur Shiitake
Makalah disajikan dalam Pra Workshop Pengembangan Propduk dan Industri jamur pangan Indonesia, BPPT, 1-2 Agustus 2005
Aplikasi penanda molekuler mikrosatelit dan RAPD untuk standarisasi bibit jamur kuping (Auricularia sp)
Makalah disajikan dalam Seminar hasil riset unggulan ITB tahun 2003-2004, Aula Barat ITB 24 Agustus 2005
Efek pemberian ekstrak Ganoderma terhadap kadar gula darah tikus putih Wistar
Poster disajikan dalam Kongres Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan, PERMI, Denpasar 25-27 2005
Biokonvrsi limbah sabut sawit menjadi “bulking agent” substrat tanaman tomat dan jagung
Poster disajikan dalam Kongres Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan, PERMI, Denpasar 25-27 2005
Mycoparasitic and antagonistic inhibition on Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands by microbial agents isolated from manure composts,
Plant Pathology Journal 5(3), 291-298.
Biodegradation Of Cyanide By Bacterial Isolate From Tapioca Waste Origin From Tasikmalaya-West Java
International Conference on Mathemaics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 29-30 Nov. 2006, Bandung West Java
The lactic acid bacteria as biocontrol agent against Salmonella typhi (Le Minor & Popoff),
ICMNS 29-30 Nov. 2006, Bandung West Java
RAPD marker for characterization of wood-ear mushroom ( Auricularia polytricha ) spawns,
ICMNS 29-30 Nov. 2006, Bandung West Java
The presence of bacterial endosymbiont in Aphid species from Lembang, West Java,
ICMNS 29-30 Nov. 2006, Bandung West Java
Screening soft rot bacteria which utilize palatinose and cloning Pali (Sucrose ISomerase) gene from Erwinia rhapontici
ICMNS 29-30 Nov. 2006, Bandung West Java
Effect of oyster mushroom mycelial water extract on total blood cholesterol level of Wistar female rats
ICMNS 29-30 Nov. 2006, Bandung West Java
Suppression on the Aflatoxin-B production and the growth of Aspergillus flavus by Lactic Acid Bacteria ( Lactobacillus delbrueckii , Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus plantarum ),
Biotechnology Journal, Vol. 6(2), 257-262.
The effect of Laetiporus sp. {Polyporeaceae} extract on total blood cholesterol level of Wistar female rats
Proceeding of IOCD International Symposium and Workshop Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacology and Clinical Study of Asian Plants, Seminar of Indonesian Medicinal Plants XXXI, Surabaya, Indonesia 9-11 April 2007.
Lovastatin production by Laetiiporus sp. {Bull. Ex. Fr.} Bond et Sing.in various solid substrates
Asian Mycological Congress (AMC), Penang Malaysia, 2-6 December 2007
The effect of Gamma (?) radiation on Lovastatin production by Laetiporus sp. {Bull. Ex. Fr.} Bond et Sing in sub,erged culture,
Asian Mycological Congress (AMC), Penang Malaysia, 2-6 December 2007
Pengaruh bakteri rhizozfir Bacillus sp. (ISolat 1.7) terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif kedelai { Glycine max (L) Merill cv Willis,
Kongres Nasional Himpunan Ilmu Tanah Indonesia IX, 5-7 Desember 2007, Yogyakarta
Pengaruh inokulasi silang bakteri nodul dari berbagai tanaman leguminosae terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai hitam { Glycine sojae (Moench) FJ Herm,
Kongres Nasional Himpunan Ilmu Tanah Indonesia IX, 5-7 Desember 2007, Yogyakarta
Biogeochemical and agricultural significance of sediments : microbial diversity and activity of sediment from three largest dam reservoirs (Saguling , CIrata and Jatiluhur) in West Java Province, Indonesia
2 nd USM Penang Inernationl Post Graduate Convention, 18-20 June 2008
Sediment from three largest dam reservoirs (Saguling , CIrata and Jatiluhur) in West Java Province, Indonesia as natural biomineral fertilizers : an agricultural implication,
2 nd USM Penang Inernationl Post Graduate Convention, 18-20 June 2008
Chemical and mineralogical characterization of sediment from three largest dam reservoirs (Saguling , CIrata and Jatiluhur) in West Java Province, Indonesia,
2 nd USM Penang Inernationl Post Graduate Convention, 18-20 June 2008
Biogeochemistry of sediments II: mineralogical and chemical characterization of sediments from three largest dam reservoirs (Saguling, Cirata, Jatiluhur) in West Java Province, Indonesia
The 12 th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME 12), Cairns, Australia, August 17 – 22, 2008
Penanda DNA mikrosatelit untuk karakterisasi kualitas bibit jamur kuping (Auricularia polytricha),
Jurnal Matematika dan Sains , Vol. 13 (1).
Dr. Iriawati


Biologi Sel
Diktat Kuliah dan Praktikum
Kajian tentang fusi protoplas antara Vigna radiata dan V. sublobata : Struktur anatomi protoplas induk dan hasil fusi
Kongres dan Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional Perhimpunan Ahli Anatomi Indonesia – Yogyakarta
Rizkita R.E. & Iriawati, , A study on the defend mechanism of several tomato cultivars ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) against Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) : Salicilyc acid and ‘protein relared to resistance. ASAHI Glass Foundation,
Reports of Research assisted by The Asahi Glass Foundation. VI – 2 – 8
Rizkita RE & Iriawati , , Produksi Gosipol pada Kultur “Hairy Root” Gossypium hirsutum yang diinduksi oleh Agrobacterium rhizogenes
Penelitian Dasar, Laporan penelitian dan seminar hasil penelitian
Iriawati & N. Setyari. Anatomical structure of fusion product between mungbean ( Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) and a wild mungbean ( Vigna sublobata L.)
J. Anat. Ind. 1 : 38 – 45
Iriawati & R. Fitriana. Cadmium toxicity on root growth of water hyacinth ( Eichornia crassipes Mart. Solms).
International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences. ITB – Bandung
Iriawati & A. Faizal. The expression of sHSP in response to drought during somatic embryogenesis of carrot ( Daucus carota ).
Report of Granted Research. The Asahi Glass Foundation. VIII – 1 – 6
Hapsari, B., Iriawati, R.R. Esyanti & A. Fadillah, In vitro oil production in somatic embryo of Jatropha curcas L. – microscopic analysis.
International Conference in Mathematics and Natural Sciences. ITB. Bandung – Indonesia
Fadillah, A., R.R. Esyanti, Iriawati, & Hapsari, B., In vitro oil production in somatic embryo of Jatropha curcas L. – analysis of protein.
International Conference in Mathematics and Natural Sciences. ITB. Bandung – Indonesia
Dr. Lulu L. Fitri


Pemberian Tepung Isi Rumen Sapi Pada Pakan dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Metabolisme Burung Puyuh ( Coturnix coturnix japonica ).
Prosiding Seminar MIPA IV Institut Teknologi Bandung, 6 – 7 Oktober 2004.
Pengaruh Pemberian Tepung Kelenjar Tiroid Sapi melalui Pakan terhadap Metabolisme Burung Puyuh ( Coturnix coturnix japonica ).
Prosiding Seminar MIPA IV Institut Teknologi Bandung, 6 – 7 Oktober 2004.
Effects of prenatal lead exposure on preweaning behavior and physical development F1 generation of SW mice (Mus musculus L.)
Prosiding on 2 nd International Seminar on Environmental Chemistry dan Toxicology (InSECT), Yogyakarta, 26-27 April
The effects of Lead Nitrate on Hemoglobin concentration and cognitive ability of male Swiss Webster mice. ( Mus musculus L.).
Prosiding on 2 nd International Seminar on Environmental Chemistry dan Toxicology (InSECT), Yogyakarta, 26-27 April
Effects of Learning and Memory on Monoamine Neurotrasmitter on Rat’s Hippocampus
Prosiding on 1st International Conference in Mathematics and Natural Science, Bandung, November
Effect of Aqueous Leaves Extract of Pegagan ( Centella asiatica L.) on Cognitive Ability and Monoamine Neurotransmitter of Adult Male Wistar Rats ( Rattus norvegicus L.).
Prosiding on 1st International Conference in Mathematics and Natural Science, Bandung, November
Effect of Aqueous Leaves Extract of Pegagan ( Centella asiatica L.) on Learning Ability and Memory, Hemoglobin Concentration, Hematocrit Value of Adult Male Wistar Rats ( Rattus norvegicus L.)
Prosiding on 1st International Conference in Mathematics and Natural Science, Bandung, November
The Effect of Isolation and Song Exposition of Adult Male Intraspecies Bird (Canary / Serinus canaria L . ) and Interspecies (Anis Kembang / Zoothera interpres L . ) on Juvenile Male Canary Song Emission
Proceeding National Seminar on Animal Science Technology and Veteriner, Bogor, 21-22 August.
Assessment of Song Emission Quality and Observation of Syrinx Anatomy in Two Singing Bird of Canary ( Serinus canaria ) and Red Anis ( Zoothera citrina Latham).
Proceeding National Seminar on Animal Science Technology and Veteriner, Bogor, 21-22 August
Panduan Praktikum Biologi Perilaku BI 3223
Effect of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Leaf Crude Extract on Rat’s (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout)Learning Performance
Prosiding on 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science, Bandung, October 28-30
Effect of Different Period & Mazes During Learning Process on Level of Glutamate Neurotransmitters in Male Outbreed Rat’s Hippocampus (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout)
Prosiding on 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science, Bandung, October 28
Effect of Different Period & Mazes During Learning Process on Level of Monoamine Neurotransmitters in Male Outbreed Rat’s Hippocampus (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout)
Prosiding on 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science, Bandung, October 28
Acetylcholine Activity Measurement on Rat’s ( Rattus norvegicus B.) Hippocampus with Spatial dan Motoric Learning
Prosiding on 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science, Bandung, October 28
Effect of Spatial and Motor Learning Induction on Synaptogenesis Modification in Rat’s ( Rattus norvegicus B.) Hippocampus
Prosiding on 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science, Bandung, October 28
Dr. Marselina I. Tan


Tan, M.I. Hormon dan enzim pada kanker.
The 12 th Course & Workshop Basic Science of Oncology Modul B. Januari 2008.
Tan, M.I & Agustina, S. 2008. The Effect of Estradiol-17b on The Expression of VEGF and ER Genes Breast Cancer Cell Line MCF-7 Cultured on Type IV Collagen.
The 1 st International Symosium on molecular pathogenesis. Bandung, January 2008.
Tan, M.I & Sophianie, N.E. 2007. The effect of mangostin on the activity of protein kinase A and the existence of estrogen receptor protein in human breast cancer cell line MCF-7.
International Seminar on Pharmaceutics. Bandung, October 31-November 1, 2007.
Tan, M.I & Warjoto, R.E. The effect of dichloromethane Extract of Phyllanthus Amarus Schum Et. Thonn. on ERK 1/2 Expression in Mouse Mammary Cancer Cell Line, MMT 060562.
International Seminar on Pharmaceutics. Bandung, October 31-November 1, 2007.
Tan, M.I & Fuad D.G.. The effect of dichloromethane extract of Phyllanthus amarus Schum. et Thonn on apoptosis of mouse mammary cancer cell line MMT 060562 through the caspase-3 activity.
International Seminar on Pharmaceutics. Bandung, October 31-November 1, 2007.
Tan, M.I. Onkogen
The 11 th Course & Workshop Basic Science of Oncology Modul A. Mei 2007
Tan, M.I., Velaneta, Haga, S.and S.Imai. Effect of fucoidan and Sargassum siliquosum J. Agardh extract on the expression of ERK1/2 in breast cancer cell line MCF-7.
Meeting of society of research of Phytochemical. Nagoya, Japan. November 2006
Tan, M.I., Velaneta, Haga, S.and S.Imai.Effect of fucoidan and Sargassum siliquosum J. Agardh extract on the expression of ERK1/2 in breast cancer cell line MCF-7.
Association of basic investigation of breast carcinoma. Chiba PrefectureJapan. July 2006
Tan, M.I. and Sulistyawati, D.R.The effect of fucoidan and Sargassum siliquosum J. Agard extract on the existence of caspase 9 protein in MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line. ICMNS-ITB
ICMNS-ITB, Bandung, November 2006
Tan, M.I. and Wiryanto, A. The Effects of Estradiol-17ß on ERK1/2 Expression in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cell Line.
ICMNS-ITB, Bandung, November 2006
Dr. Noorsalam R. Nganro


Retno Wimbaningrum, Devi N. Choesin & Noorsalam R. Nganro , 2003, Komunitas Lamun di Rataan Terumbu Pantai Bama, Taman Nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur.,
Artikel dalam Jurnal Ilmu Dasar 4(1): 24-31,
Dr. Pingkan Aditiawati


P.E. Susilowati, Subandi, P. Aditiawati , F. Madayanti, dan Akhmaloka. Studi Struktur Fungsi Karboksi Terminal eRF1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae ,
Proceeding JSCHEM ITB-UKM VI, ISBN: 979-9299-16-0
Yohandini, H., F. Madayanti, P. Aditiawati , dan Akhmaloka Biodiversitas Mikroorganisme Termofilik Isolat Kawah Hujan, Kamojang, Jawa Barat.
Proceeding of JSChem ITB-UKM VI , Sanur, Bali
Subandi, P.E. Susilowati, Muntholib, Evi Susanti, H. Sutedjo, P. Aditiawati , F. Madayanti, dan Akhmaloka. Studi fenotipik mutan SAL4 di ragi Saccharomyces cerevisiae ,
Proceeding Asean Biochemistry Seminar , ISBN: 979-99675-1-1
Subandi, P.E. Susilowati, Muntholib, Evi Susanti, H. Sutedjo, P. Aditiawati , F. Madayanti, dan Akhmaloka. Expression and Purification of Sup45- Y410A Saccharomyces cerevisiae ,
Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), ISBN: 979-3507-91-8
P.E. Susilowati, P. Aditiawati , F. Madayanti, dan Akhmaloka. Construction and expression of sup45 mutans gene,
Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), ISBN: 979-3507-91-8
Akhmaloka, S. Nurbaiti, P. Aditiawati , R. Hertadi, H. Yohandini, A.L.Aminin, H.Helwati, and F. Madayanti Exploration of Thermophilic Microorganism from Hot Spring Around Java.
Journal of the Indonesian Chemical Society , 1, 1-9
Yohandini, H., F. Madayanti, P. Aditiawati , dan Akhmaloka Bacterial Community Analysis of Kawah Hujan, Kamojang Hot Spring, West Java.
Proceeding of International Conference on Mathematic and Natural Sciences , Bandung, Indonesia
P.E. Susilowati, P. Aditiawati , F. Madayanti, dan Akhmaloka. Phenotypic analysis of T295 eRF1 mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae ,
Proceeding JSCHEM -ITB-UKM-2007
Yohandini, H., F. Madayanti, P. Aditiawati , dan Akhmaloka Culture-Independent and Culture-Dependent Analysis of Microbial Community in Kawah Hujan.
JSChem ITB-UKM-2007 . Bandung, Indonesia
Yohandini, H., F. Madayanti, P. Aditiawati , dan Akhmaloka. Diversity of Microbial Thermophiles in a Neutral Hot Spring (Kawah Hujan A) of Kamojang Geothermal Field, Indonesia,
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology (submitted)
Yohandini, H., F. Madayanti, P. Aditiawati , dan Akhmaloka. Microbial Diversity in Acidic Hot Spring (Kawah Hujan B) of Kamojang Area, West Java-Indonesia,
Microbes and Environment (submitted)
Yohandini, H., F. Madayanti, P. Aditiawati , dan Akhmaloka Cell Lysis Variation on Assessment of Microbial Diversity Based on Ribotyping Analysis,
Microbiology Indonesia (accepted)
Prima Endang Susilowati , Pingkan Aditiawati, Fida Madayanti, dan Akhmaloka. The effect of mutation at threonine 295 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae eRF1 on nonsense codons suppression and eRF1 structure
Mikrobiologi Indonesia, ISSN 1978-3477, Vol. 2, 11-16
Aditiawati. P ., Kartik. A.The Optimuzation of C/N Ratio on Biofloc Formation by Sucrosa Supplementation for Water Quality Improvement I Aquaculture System.
Sari., D.N., Aditiawati. P .The Optimizations of pH and Salinity towards the Formation of Biofloc to Control Watewr Quality in The Aquaculture System
Ayuningtias. M. Aditiawati. P . The Optimization of Aeration on Biofloc Formation for Quality Improvement in Aquaculture System
Junda. M., Subahar. T.S. Aditiawati. P. Suantika. G. Dan Nuraeni. R. Exploration of Floc-forming Microbe Isolated from Shrimp Farming Ponds in South Sulawesi
Astuti, D.I., Suantika, G., Aditiawati, P ., Ristyasari, L., and Prihastuti, I. Isolation of Potential Probiotic Bacteria against Vibrio harveyi in Pacific White Shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei ) larviculture
(submitted to Asian Fishery Society)
Astuti, D.I., Suantika, G., Aditiawati, P ., and Susanti, A. The Usage of Probiotic Bacteria Isolated from Lampung Bay in the Growth Inhibition of Vibrio harveyi in BlackTiger Shrimps ( Penaeus monodon ) larviculture at LaboratoryProduction Scale
(submitted to Asian Fishery Society)
Aditiawati, P ., Suantika, G., Astuti, D.I., Nestiti, Y., and Sarah, D. Use of Reduced Water Discharge by Nitrifying Bacteria Application in Pacific White Shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei ) larviculture
(submitted to Asian Fishery Society)
Suantika, G., Astuti, D. I., Aditiawati P ., Sasmita, P.G., 2009. Development of Zero-Water Discharge Technology and Nitrifying Bacteria Application in Nursery Phase of the Giant Freshwater Prawn
Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man. Abstract in “World Aquaculture 2009”, Mexico, May 26 – 29, 2009.
Suantika, G., Aditiawati, P., Astuti, D.I., Perangin-angin, K. 2008. Isolation and Application of Potential Probiotic Bacteria Against Aeromonas hydrophila in Larvae Culture of Pangasidn Catfish Pangasius sutchi Fowler.
”International Symposium on Catfish Farming in Asia”, Vietnam, December 5 – 7, 2008
Dr. Rina R. Purnamahati


Irwanto, R.R and R.J. Rose . AFLP fingerprints as markers to evaluate genetic differences between Jemalong and 2HA, a new line produced by in vitro cultures.
ITB Journal of Science. 40A (2), 138-150
Irwanto, R.R . Rofianty, R & Wardini, T.H.. Bioprospek Azadirachta indica Juss dan Tamarindus indica sebagai bahan baku biodiesel
Journal Eugenia:14(3): 328-337
Estu, D & Irwanto, R.R. Eksplorasi habitat bakung putih ( Crinum asiaticum L.) untuk mendapatkan kadar galantamin pada ketinggian tempat yang berbeda.
Jurnal Matematika, Sains dan Teknologi (submitted)
Rina Ratnasih Irwanto dan Djuandi. Peranan Herbarium Bandungense Dalam Penelitian Keanekaragaman Hayati di Jawa Barat.
Lokakarya Nasional Herbarium Seminar dan Kongres Penggalang Taksonomi Tumbuhan Indonesia. LIPI, Cibinong, 21-23 Oktober 2008.
Rina Ratnasih Irwanto , Muslich Hidayat, Undang A. Dasuki, Arief Hamidi. Analisis dan Kajian Fitofarmaka Tumbuhan yang Digunakan Dalam Makanan Khas Aceh (Studi Kasus di Kotamadya Banda Aceh).
Lokakarya Nasional Herbarium Seminar dan Kongres Penggalang Taksonomi Tumbuhan Indonesia. LIPI, Cibinong, 21-23 Oktober 2008.
Hadiana Arjulis, Rina R. Irwanto , Arief Hamidi. Analysis of Terminalia catappa L. Seed Oil Content in Three Locations and Its Potency as Biodiesel.
Poster presentation in The Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science. 28-30 Oktober 2008. ITB, Bandung.
Taufik Taufikurahman, Rina Ratnasih Irwanto. An Analysisis of seeds Tanjung tree ( Mimusops elengi ) as source of biofuel.
Poster presentation in The Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science. 28-30 Oktober 2008. ITB, Bandung.
Arief Hamidi, Rina Ratnasih Irwanto , Djuandi. Eksplorasi Alga dari Pantai Selatan, Jawa Barat Sebagai Sumber Potensi Obat, Makanan dan Bahan Industri.
Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ikatan Oseanologi Indonesia (PIT-ISOI). Bandung, ITB, 11 November 2008.
Irwanto,R.R ., Mulyani, E., Rahman, H.A., Rofianty, R., Rachmi, R.E. (2007). Bioprospecting of potential plants for bioenergy resources.
Poster presentation in International Symposium “Food Security, Agricultural Development and Environmental Conservation in Southeast and East Asia”. Bogor, 4-6 September 2007.
Irwanto, RR , Rofianty, R., Rahman, H A., Mulyani, E., Wardini. T.H. (2007). The prospect of Azadirachta indica Juss., Cerbera odollam Gaertn., and Terminalia catappa Linn. as Biofuel Energy.
Poster presentation in International Symposium “Food Security, Agricultural Development and Environmental Conservation in Southeast and East Asia”. Bogor, 4-6 September 2007
Dr. Rizkita R. Esyanti


Calliandra axillary shoot multiplication through the in vitro node-cutting technique
Paper, Eugenia
The growth of axillary shoot-buds of castor from cotyledonary node-segments. Eugenia
Paper, Eugenia
Pola Produksi Ajmalisin dari Kultur Agregat Sel Catharanthus roseus (L) G. Don. dalam Bioreaktor “airlift”.
Paper, Hayati , Desember
Enhancement of Catharanthine Production in Catharanthus roseus Cell Cultures by Adding Tryptophan as Precursors
Proceeding. ICMNS, International Seminars. Bandung, ITB. Desember 2006
Produksi Gosipol Menggunakan Kultur Akar Berambut Gossypium hirsutum cv Kanesia
Berkala Ilmiah Biologi, Juni 2006
A study on the defend mechanism of several tomato cultivars ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) against Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) : Salicilyc acid
Proceeding dalam seminar Asahi
Umrah, Tjandra Anggraeni, R. R. Esyanti, I. N. P. Aryantha. The potential of Dolichoderus thoracicus as a vector in the spread of Trichoderma spp for controlling Phytophthora palmivora (E.J. Butler) black pod disease on cocoa
Presentasi di Widya Graha LIPI, Jakarta
Chaerun S.K., Aryantha, I.N.P, Esyanti R.R., Toyota K., Sato T. Biogeochemistry of sediments I: microbial diversity and activity of sediments from three largest dam reservoirs (Saguling, Cirata, Jatiluhur) in West Java, Indonesia
The 12 th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology Proceedings of The 12th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology
Chaerun S.K., Aryantha, I.N.P, Esyanti R.R., Toyota K., Sato T. Biogeochemistry of sediments II: mineralogical and chemical characterization of sediments from three largest dam reservoirs (Saguling, Cirata, Jatiluhur) in West Java Province, Indonesia
USM Penang International Postgraduate Convention 2008, pp. 499
Jumiarni, D., Chaerun, S.K., Aryantha, I.N.P., Esyanti, R.R., Sato, T. Sediments from three largest dam reservoirs (Saguling, Cirata, Jatiluhur) in West Java Province, Indonesia as natural biomineral fertilizers: an agricultural implication
the Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia
Dwi Puji Astuti, Irma Mardiah, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti. The Effect Of Tryptophane Feeding On The Growth Rate And Catharanthine Production Of Catharanthus Roseus (L.) G. Don Aggregate Cell Culture
The Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia
Amilia Wulansari , Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti, Dingse Pandiangan. The Influence of Cell Immobilization on Cell Growth and Catharanthine Production in the Cell Agregate Culture
the Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia
Betalini Widhi Hapsari, Iriawati , Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti, Andri Fadillah Martin, Totik Sri Mariani In Vitro Oil Production In Somatic Embryo Of Jatropha Curcas L.: Microscopic Analysis
the Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia
Andri Fadillah Martin, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti, Iriawati , Betalini Widhi Hapsari, Totik Sri Mariani. In Vitro Oil Production In Somatic Embryo Of Jatropha Curcas L.: Analysis Of Protein And Total Lipid Content
the Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia
Parnidi , Rizkita R Esyanti, I Nyoman P. Aryantha, Siti Khodijah Chaerun, Rafid Tisna Sanjaya, Deri Hendrawandi. Influence of Sediment Application Collected from Saguling Dam Reservoir (West Java, Indonesia) as Natural Biomineral Fertilizer on Growth and Productivity of Rice variety Situ Bagendit
the Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia
Rafid Tisna Sanjaya, I Nyoman P Aryantha, Siti Khodijah Chaerun, Rizkita R Esyanti, Parnidi, Deri Hendrawandi. Influence of Sediment Application Collected from Saguling Dam Reservoir (West Java, Indonesia) Amended with Azotobacter sp. as Biofertilizer on Growth of Red Chili Plant
the Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia
Dingse Pandiangan, Veny Usviany, Amelia Wulansari, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti. Production of Catharanthine in Catharanthus roseus Aggregate Cell Cultures
the Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia
Evaluation of Gossypol Production in Hairy Root Culture of Gossypium hirsutum L. cv Kanesia 7 Transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes . , l
Seminar internasional dalam bioteknologi, SEAMEO BIOTROP
Nyoman PA, Siti KC, Rizkita RE. The potential of sediments as natural fertilizers and artificial soils for restoring and improving soil quality of dry-lands
Laporan Ristek
Rizkita RE, Iriawati, Totik SM . Induksi sintesis minyak Jatropha secara invitro
Laporan RU ITB
Rizkita RE & SriNanan BW. Koleksi dan perbanyakan tanaman energi multiguna (Kemurgi).
Laporan RU ITB
Ratnasih R & Rizkita RE. Bioprospekting tumbuhan penghasil energi
Laporan RU ITB
Dingse P & Rizkita R.E Produksi antikanker Katarantin pada kultur Agregat sel Catharanthus roseus : Optimasi dan peningkatan produksi
Laporan Hibah Pekerti
Rizkita RE & Iriawati , Produksi Gosipol pada Kultur “Hairy Root” Gossypium hirsutum yang diinduksi oleh Agrobacterium rhizogenes
Laporan penelitian dan seminar hasil penelitian
Dr. Robert Manurung


Synthesis of higher fatty acid starch esters using vinyl laurate and stearate as reactants
Jurnal internasional pada Starch-starke.
Experimental and modeling studies on the synthesis and propertiesa of higher fatty esters of corn starch
Jurnal internasional pada Starch-starke.
Sintesis Bahan Pelumas dan Novel Fuels dari Minyak nabati
3rd Fuels Lubes Conferenceand Exhibition 2008
Potensials and Experiences in Utilization of Pure Jatropha Oil in diesel emgines
Tagungsband Proceeedings – First International Congress on Plant oil Fuels, Messe Erfurt, 6 th – 7 th September 2007
Jatropha curcas Oil storage and Shelf life
The Jatropha World Asia 2009 Kuala Lumpur, February 16-17, 2009
Valorisation of Jatropha curcas using the Biorefinery Concept
United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Biofuel New York, March 29-30, 2007
Minyak Jarak Pagar Murni, Bahan Bakar Pengganti BBM.
Seminar Nasional Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Jarak Pagar ( Jatropha curcas Linn .) Sebagai Bio-Energi di Indonesia. Jakarta, February 25, 2006
Peran Lembaga Penelitian dalam Pengembangan Teknologi Penyulingan dan Fraksionasi Minyak Atsiri untuk IKM
Forum Komunikasi IKM Minyak Atsiri, Jakarta, Juni, 21
Initial Stage on Valorisation of Jatropha curcas using The Biorefinery Concept
International Seminar on Valorisation of Jatropha curcas as Sustainable Resources for Biofuel and Non-energy Resources, Jakarta, November 20-21
Minyak Jarak Pagar Murni ( Pure Jatropha Oil )
Workshop dan Ekspose Pemanfaatan Minyak Nabati Secara Langsung Sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif (pUre Plant Oil), Jakarta, Mei, 9
Minyak Jarak Pagar Murni, Bahan Bakar Pengganti BBM.
Seminar Nasional Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Jarak Pagar ( Jatropha curcas Linn .) Sebagai Bio-Energi di Indonesia, Jakarta, February 25.
Experimental and Kinetic modeling studies on the acid-catalysed hydrolysis of the water hyacinth plant to levulinic acid
Artikel dari buku editorial (Bioresource Technology)
Biomass to fuels: Upgrading of flash pyrolysis oil by reactive distillation using high boiling alcohol and acid catalysts
Trans IChemE, Part B, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 85(B5):466-472.
Dr. Sony H. Sumarsono


SONY HERU SUMARSONO (2005). Identifikasi fetus trisomy 16 pada mencit sebagai hewan model untuk kasus Down syndrome. Kongres dan Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional Perhimpunan Ahli Anatomi Indonesia. FK – UGM Jogjakarta 29-30 Juli 2005
Abstak dan paper pada Presentasi seminar
Sumarsono, SH , Widjaja, LK, Kusumaningtyas, H., Barlian, A., Tan, M.I. (2005). The Development of exencephaly in mouse embryo caused by the methoxyacetic acid treatment, an histological analysis. Second International Seminar on Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. Novotel Hotel Yogyakarta 26-27 April 2005.
Abstrak dan paper pada Presentasi seminar
Ruyani, A., Sudarwati, S., Sutasurya, L.A., Sumarsono, S.H. Kim, D.J., & Chung, J.H. (2005). A teratoproteomics analysis: Heat shock protein 70 is upregulated in mouse forelimb bud by methoxyacetic acid. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 73:517-521 .
Artikel dalam jurnal
Madihah, Kusumaningtyas, H., Boediono, A., Sumarsono, SH (2006). Kualitas, kemampuan implantasi dan viabilitas in vivo embrio mencit (Mus musculus) Galur Swiss Webster setelah pembekuan dengan metode vitrifikasi. Biota XI(2):72-79 .
Artikel dalam jurnal
Sony Heru Sumarsono (2007). Identifikasi protein yang berperan dalam perkembangan abnormal embrio mencit akibat terdedah teratogen (Asam metoksiasetat – MAA). Seminar Patologi Eksperimental. Dep. Patologi Anatomi FKUI Salemba- Jakarta, 1 Maret 2007
Abstrak dan paper pada Presentasi pada Seminar
Dr. Sony Suhandono


Codon optimization of HBsAg gene based on Musa spp. In silico and construction of HBsAg gene with VSPa S signal peptide and cloning into pAF expression vector
Poster pada ICMNS
Construction of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxydase promoter of pisang ambon (musa sp aaa group) on binary vector p.Cambia 1304
Poster pada ICMNS
Isolation and cloning of d-arabinose 5-phosphate isomerase gene from Erwinia cripipedii
Poster pada ICMNS
The Design of ihpRNA Constructs to Silence the Expression of Pisang Ambon ACS and ACO Genes as an Alternative Solution to Control Fruit Ripening
Poster pada ICMNS
Isolation Cloning and Characterization of Pyrophosphate-dependent Phosphofructokinase a-Subunit genes from Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.)
Poster pada ICMNS
Screening Soft-Rot Bacteria Which Utilize Palatinose and Cloning palI (sucrose isomerase) Gene from Erwinia rhapontici ATCC 29283
Poster pada ICMNS
Vector construction for regulating ACC synthase and ACO oxidase gene expression as an alternative n ripening control in pisang ambon (Musa sp., AAA group)
Poster pada ICMNS
Suhandono, S., Febriani, A., Abbas, Yudi K., Natalia, D. 2005. Konstruksi Vektor Biner untuk Ekspresi Gen CB42 pada Tumbuhan Potensial Digunakan sebagai Vaksin Ternak.
Kongres III dan Seminar Nasional PBPI Gedung PPI UNIBRAW 12-13 April 2005
Pancora Adi, Annisa, Suhandono, S., dan Mulyani Yuniar. 2005. Aplikasi Penanda Molekuler Mikrosatelit untuk Analisis Keragaman Genetik dan Heterozigositas pada Mangga.
Kongres III dan Seminar Nasional PBPI Gedung PPI UNIBRAW 12-13 April 2005
Widiyanto, Sri N., Pancoro, Adi., Suhandono, S., Brunner, Amy M., Strauss, Steven H. 2005. Transformasi Genetik pada Jati dengan Perantara Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
Kongres III dan Seminar Nasional PBPI Gedung PPI UNIBRAW 12-13 April 2005
Dwivany, F., Suhandono, S., Ramondrana D., Wicaksono, D.W., 2005,Isolation and Expression Analysis of the ACC synthase and ACC oxidase Genes from Pisang ambon.
., Sub Biotechnology Conference-Asean Science Technology Week Jakarta, Indonesia
A, Yudi Kustiawan, Y, Efendi, D, Natalia, Suhandono, S. 2004. Kontribusi Gen Cb42 dengan promotor CaMV pada Vektor Ekspresi pCambia 1303.
Ekologi & Biodiversitas Tropika. 2(1):6-10
Effendi, B., Ghotzadi M., Widodo, Suhandono, S. 2004. Konstruksi Vektor Biner dengan Promoter MeEF1 dan CaMV 35S Berbasis pCAMBIA1390 DAN pCAMBIA1303 untuk Ekspresi Gen Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HbsAg) pada Tumbuhan.
Proceeding Seminar MIPA IV Bandung 6-7 Oktober 2004. ISBN NO : 979-368-8-02-5
Dr. Tati Syamsudin. Subahar


Keragaman kupu-kupu di Bantimurung dan antisipasi terhadap perubahan iklim
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi XIX – PBI Cabang Sulawesi Selatan. Hal 294-298
Butterfly (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) distribution along an altitudinal gradient on Mount Tangkuban Parahu, West java. Indonesia.
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 55(1): 65-68 . Date of Publication: 28 Feb.2007. © National University of Singapore.
Population structure of top shells (Trochus niloticus) in Saparua island.
Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional Biotropia, 14 (2):52-61 . December 2007. SEAMEO
Kepadatan, biomassa, dan pola distribusi keong lola ( Trochus niloticus ) di pulau Saparua, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah.
Jurnal Berkala Penelitian hayati 12 (1):73-78. Desember 2007. Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia (PBI) Cabang Jawa Timur. Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
Coleopteran Assemblages at Four Different Habitats in the Mount Tangkuban Parahu Area, West Java – Indonesia. In Okada, H. Mawatari, S.F., Suzuki, N. and Gautam, P. (eds), Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity ,
Proceedings of International Symposium “The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, 1-5 October 2007, Sapporo, pp 251-255
Reorientasi Pendidikan Biologi Menuju Milenium ketiga.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional “Perkembangan Biologi dan Pendidikan Biologi untuk Menunjang Profesionalisme” Bandung. Hal 265-269
Fruit Fly ( Bactrocera carambolae Drew & Hancock) Response to Several Types of Local Protein Baits under Laboratory Condition.
Proceeding of International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, pp 389-392
Potensial reproduksi keong lola snail ( Trochus niloticus ) di Kepulauan Saparua – Maluku Tengah .
Hayati vol 13 no 2, 49-52
Estimasi Daya Dukung dan Pola Pertumbuhan Populasi Keong Lola ( Trochus niloticus ) di Pulau Saparua Kabupaten Maluku Tengah.
Jurnal Matematika & Sains 10(3):75-80 .
Khasiat & Manfaat Peria, Si Pahit Pembasmi Penyakit.
Buku diterbitkan dalam bahasa Malaysia oleh Synergi Media ISBN no 983-197-422-0
Biologi , Sains Hayati 3.
( Buku SMA kelas XII) diterbitkan oleh Quadra / Yudistira ISBN no 978-979-746-822-4
Biologi, Sains Hayati 2.
( Buku SMA kelas XI) diterbitkan oleh Quadra / Yudistira ISBN no 978-979-746-821-7
Biologi Sains Hayati 1.
( Buku SMA kelas X) diterbitkan oleh Quadra/Yudistira ISBN no. 979-746-820-8
The Role of Macrofauna in Litter Decomposition at Fallow in Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Province Sulawesi Tenggara
Presentation, The Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia, 28 – 30 October 2008
Exploration of the Floc-forming Microbe Isolated from Shrimp Farming Pond in South Sulawesi,
Presentation, The Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia, 28 – 30 October 2008
Nest formation and productivity in two type of edible nest in Gresik, East Java
Presentation, The Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia, 28 – 30 October 2008
Macrozoobenthos Communities along Ciliwung River-West Java, Indonesia
Presentation, The Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia, 28 – 30 October 2008
Preferences of Fruit Fly Bactocera dorsalis Complex (Diptera : Tephritidae) on Five Mango Varieties
Presentation, The Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia, 28 – 30 October 2008
Estimation of Recreational Value by Travel Cost Method for Conservation
Presentation, The Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia, 28 – 30 October 2008
The effect of host plant (Averrhoa carambola L.) and (Biosteres vandenboschi, Hymenoptera – Opiidae)on the fruit fly population (Bactrocera carambolae, Diptera: Tephritidae)
Presentation, The Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia, 28 – 30 October 2008
Combination of commercial feed and selected bacteria on flock formation on black tiger shrimp (penaeus monodon Fab) culture
Presentation, The Second International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, Bandung, Indonesia, 28 – 30 October 2008
Efektifitas Tiga Jenis Perangkap Dan Umpan Protein Dalam Menangkap Lalat Buah (Diptera : Tephritidae) Di Kebun Belimbing Subang-Jawa Barat.
Presentasi Seminar Nasional Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia (PEI). 25-27Juli 2007 Denpasar
The Effect of land use change on diversity of Coleoptera at Mount Tangkuban Parahu, , West-Java. Indonesia.
Presented in International Conference on “Biodiversity Conservation in Asia: Current Status and Future Perspectives” Kathmandu 17 – 20 November 2005
Dr. Taufikurahman


Taufikurahman, T. and M. Muhsin. Ecophysiological responses of lichen Physia sp to sulfur dioxide polluted air. 2008. APGC (Air Pollution and Global Change)
Symposium on “Plant Functioning in a Changing Environment”. Creswick, Australia, 7-11 December 2008.
Taufikurahman, T. and Syifa Latifah Zahra . Biogas production from water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes Mart. Solm.).
International Conference on mathematics and Natural Sciences, ITB. 28-30 Okttober 2008.
Taufikurahman,T. and Rima Mustika Sari. The Use of Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Scirpus grossus L.f as phytoremediators for chromium in textile waste  water.
International Conference on mathematics and Natural Sciences, ITB. 28-30 Oktober 2008.
Taufikurahman, T. and Yayuk Purwandari.The Effectivity of Phytoremediation using Water Hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes Mart. Solm.) in reducing Cu and Pb Content of Textile Wastewater Tested to Spinach ( Ipomoea reptans Poir.).
International Conference on mathematics and Natural Sciences, ITB. 28-30 Oktober 2008.
Taufikurahman. T. and Ermayanti. The Effectivity Of Water Hyacinth [ Eichornia Crassipes (Martius) Solms.] In Accumulating Mercury From Waste Water.
International Conference on mathematics and Natural Sciences, ITB. 28-30 Okttober 2008.
Taufikurahman, T. and Sri Amnah. The responses of Vaccinium varingiaefolium to Sulphuric acid polluted air in mount Tangkuban Parahu.
International Conference on mathematics and Natural Sciences, ITB. 28-30 Okttober 2008.
Taufikurahman, T. Rina Ratnasih. An analysis of seeds of  Tanjung tree ( Mimusops elengi ) as source of biofuel.
International Conference on mathematics and Natural Sciences, ITB. 28-30 Okttober 2008.
Trimurti H. Wardhini, Taufikurahman and Ermayanti. The effects of cadmium on growth of water hyacinth [ Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solm.].
International Conference on mathematics and Natural Sciences, ITB. 28-30 Okttober 2008
Taufikurahman. Mangrove ecosystem responses and its bioremediation potentiality to oil refinery’s waste water.
Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia. Perth, Australia , 25-30 th November 2007.
Taufikurahman, L.F. Noer. Bioremediation of waste water containing chromium using aquatic plants Vallisneria spiralis Auct. Non and Cabomba caroliniana Gray.
International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Science for Better Living. ITB, 29-30 November 2006.
Taufikurahman and 2 Fitrisally, D.. Bioremediation of waste water containing heavy metals Cadmium and Zinc using aquatic plant Pistia stratiotes L.
International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Science for Better Living. ITB, 29-30 November 2006.
Taufikurahman. Biopesticide registration procedures in Indonesia.
GTZ’s the 2 nd Commercialization of Biopesticides in Southeast Asia Worlshop. Medan, 8 April 2006.
Taufikurahman, T. Anggraeni, Sony Suhandono. 2005. Konsep Teknologi:. Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati ITB.
Bahan kuliah (diktat) untuk mahasiswa Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati ITB
Taufikurahman , Tanti Kuspriyanto, Trisni A.E.M. 2006. BIOLOGI, menelusuri rahasia kehidupan. Untuk kelas XII SMA. Penerbit Cempaka Putih.
Taufikurahman , Hani Susanti, Endah Sulistyowati. BIOLOGI, menelusuri rahasia kehidupan. Untuk kelas XI SMA. Penerbit Cempaka Putih.
Taufikurahman , Ndiyan Yoni Aripta, Endah Sulistyowati. BIOLOGI, menelusuri rahasia kehidupan. Untuk kelas X SMA. Penerbit Cempaka Putih.
Umilaela, Airlangga, A.Y, Noer, L.F., Sulis, D., Hutabarat J.A., Taufikurahman. Konsentrasi klorofil pada daun Caesalpinia pulcherrima sebagai indikator pencemaran udara.
Jurnal Ekologi & Biodiversitas Tropika. Vol 4, No 3, Desember 2005. hal 72-74.
Rizal, M.A. dan Taufikurahman. . Pengaruh pemberian limbah pengilangan minyak bumi pada substrat terhadap pertumbuhan semai Rhizophora mucronata Lamk., Rhizophora apiculata (Bi), Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lamk., dan Avicennia alba.
Jurnal Ekologi & Biodiversitas Tropika. Vol 4, No 3, Desember 2005. hal 72-74.
Murningsih dan Taufikurahman . Efek penanaman ganda tanaman tomat ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mili ) dan paria ( Momordica charantia L.) terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil panennya.
Jurnal Ekologi & Biodiversitas Tropika. Vol 4, No 1, Pebruari 2005. hal 8-15.
Rachmat, B., Taufikurahman dan M. Sutisna. 2005. Pengukuran laju sedimentasi di cagar alam dan taman wisata telaga patengan Rancabali, kabupaten Bandung.
Jurnal Ekologi & Biodiversitas Tropika. Vol 4, No 1, Pebruari 2005. hal 27-31.
Fubani, A., Cecilia, Taufik D.I., Fitrisally, D.D., Taufikurahman , Aaron M., Antarini R., Microcystis sebagai bioindikator perairan eutrofikasi. 2005.
Jurnal Ekologi & Biodiversitas Tropika. Vol 4, No 3, Desember 2005. hal 79-82.l
Gisti R., Taufikurahman , Situmorang, M., Delima A., Cemara, B., Husnul, N., Nunung. 2005.
Jurnal Ekologi & Biodiversitas Tropika. Vol 4, No 3, Desember 2005. hal 83-90.
Taufikurahman , Suhandono, S., Dasuki, U.A. 2005. Menentukan spesies tumbuhan indikator untuk daerah aliran sungai yang tercemar.
Jurnal Ekologi & Biodiversitas Tropika. Vol 4, No 2, Juli 2005. hal 42-49.
Taufikurahman. 2005. Kompetisi antara klon saltmarsh dan klon daratan dari Trifolium repsns L., pada tanah dengan penggaraman dan tanpa penggaraman.
Jurnal Ekologi & Biodiversitas Tropika. Vol 4, No 2, Juli 2005. hal 55-58.
Nugroho, B.B., Prasetyo, A.B.,Mardiana, S., Mizwar, D.C.T., Purnaning A.S., Estu D., Rahmatika W., Taufikurahman . . Pertumbuhan Lemna minor pada kultur air sawah dan air limbah pabrik tahu.
Jurnal Ekologi & Biodiversitas Tropika. Vol 4, No 3, Desember 2005. hal 75-78.
Taufikurahman, Rina Ratnasih, Tatang Hernas. Analisis Potensi Biji Tanjung ( Mimusops elengi L.) sebagai bahan baku biofuel
Riset Insentif Riset Dasar Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi
Taufikurahman, Tatang Hernas Soerawidjaja. Trimurti H.W. Integrasi pemanfaatan tumbuhan eceng gondok Eichornia crassipes sebagai biogas dan biofertilizer dalam skala lapangan.
Riset Unggulan ITB
Taufikurahman, Trimurti H. Wardini. Robert Manurung. Eksplorasi pola pemanfaatan tumbuhan eceng gondok Eichornia crassipes sebagai biofertilizer, animal feed, biogas dan pulp dengan memberdayakan petani.
Riset Unggulan ITB
Taufikurahman, Rina Ratnasih., Devi N. Choesin. Bioremediasi: Screening tumbuhan dan mikroorganisme yang berpotensi sebagai bioremediator dalam model constructed wetland.
Riset Unggulan ITB
Dr. Tjandra Anggraeni


Vertical and seasonal distribution of flying beetles in a suburban temperate deciduous forest collected by water pan trap.
Insect Science Vol. 12 (3) page 199
Yayan Sanjaya, Wardono Niloperbowo, Tjandra Anggraeni, Agus Susanto. Penghentian pendedahan HaNPV terhadap Helicoverpa armigera Hubner.
Bionatura Vol.8 No.1 pp. 12-23
Aisah Jamili & Tjandra Anggraeni . Preference and Oviposition ehaviour of egg parasitoid Hadronotus leptocorisae (Hymenoptera : Scelionidae) on Leptocorisa acuta (Hemiptera : Alydidae) eggs.
Disampaikan pada International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences. ITB. 29 – 30 November 2006
Didot B Prasetyo & Tjandra Anggraeni . The effect of Mirabilis jalapa ‘s leaf ethanolic extract to feed intake, weight gain, growth rate, time to pupation and percentage of emergence to adult of Spodoptera exigua Hubner.
Poster pada International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences. 29-30 November 2006
Umrah, Tjandra Anggraeni , R. R. Esyanti, I. N. P. Aryantha. The potential of Dolichoderus thoracicus as a vector in the spread of Trichoderma spp for controlling Phytophthora palmivora (E.J. Butler) black pod disease on cocoa
Disampaikan di Widya Graha LIPI, Jakarta. 20-21 Februari 2008
Tjandra Anggraeni , Melanie, Wardhono N. 2008. Cellular and Humoral Immune Defenses of Oxya japonica (Orthoptera : Acridiidae) to Entomopathogenic Fungi Metarhiziumanisopliae.
Disampaikan pada International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences. 28-30 Oktober 2008.
Melanie, Tjandra Anggraeni , Wardhono N. The Infection Effect of Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium anisopliae to the Mortality of Oxya japonica (Orthoptera : Acrididae).
Poster pada International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences. 28-30 Oktober 2008.
Suci Rahayu, Tjandra Anggraeni , Intan Ahmad, Rizkita R Esyanti. Comparation of Preference Behaviour of The Temporal Change Among Four Flower Stage and Effectiveness of Weevil Pollinator Oil Palm Elaeidobius kamerunicus and Thrips hawaiiensis.
Disampaikan pada International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences. 28-30 Oktober 2008
Suci Rahayu, Tjandra Anggraeni , Intan Ahmad, Rizkita R Esyanti, Agus Susanto. Volatile compound constituens from Inflorecence Oil Palm to Attractivenes of Insect Pollinator Elaeidobius kamerunicus and Thrips hawaiiensis
Disampaikan pada Lustrum IV USU Agustus 2008
Umrah, T. Anggraeni, R.R. Esyanti, I.N.P. Aryantha. Dolichoderus thoracicus preferneces to some nutrition source and it is role on dispersion of Trichoderma on cocoa pod.
Disampaukan pada International Scientific Conference on Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change. 5-9 October 2008. Bali Indonesia
Dr. Trimurti H. Wardini


Argyreia Lour.
Artikel dalam buku PROSEA: Plant Resources of South-East Asia 12. (3) Medicinal and Poisonous plants 3. pp.83-86.
Gomphostemma Wallich ex Benth.
Artikel dalam buku PROSEA: Plant Resources of South-East Asia 12. (3) Medicinal and Poisonous plants 3. pp.218-219
Perkembangan haustorium Cuscuta australis .
Poster pada Seminar Nasional Penggalang Taksonomi Tumbuhan Indonesia. UPI, Bandung
Role of sugars in regulating transfer cell development in cotyledons of developing Vicia faba seeds
Artikel dalam jurnal Protoplasma 230: 75–88
Induction of wall ingrowths of transfer cells occurs rapidly and depends upon gene expression in cotyledons of developing Vicia faba seeds.
Artikel dalam jurnal Protoplasma 231: 15–23
The effects of cadmium on growth of water hyacinth ( Eichornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms.)
Poster pada International Conference Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Bioprospek Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Sebagai bahan baku diesel
Artikel dalam jurnal Eugenia 14 (3) : 328-337