Popi Septiani, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Lecturer/Academic Staff
School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise Group : Genetics and Molecular Biotechnology
Email : popi.septiani@itb.ac.id
Popi Septiani, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. is one of lecturer at genetics and moleculer biotechnology expertise group which focuses on the fields of bioinformatics, genetics, and molecular biology.
Bachelor’s degree
- Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia (2008). Major field : Biology
Master’s degree
- Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (2011). Major field : Biotechnology
Doctoral degree
- Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy (2019). Major field : Agrobiodiversity
Undergraduate Courses
- Bioinformatics, genetics
- Advance molecular genetics, cell and biology molecular project
- Molecular breeding, introduction of bioinformatics for biologist
- Dwivany, FM., Nugrahapraja, H., Rahmawati, A., Meitasari DP., Putra, AM., Septiani, P., Farah, , Subandiyah. (2020). Data on banana transcriptome in response to blood disease infection. Data in Brief (29): 105133. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2020.105133
- Septiani, P., Lanubile, A., Stagnati, L., Busconi, M., Nelissen, H., Pè, ME., Dell’Acqua, M., Marocco, A. (2019). Unravelling the genetic basis of Fusarium seedling rot resistance in the MAGIC maize population: novel targets for breeding. Scientific Report (9): 5665. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-42248-0
- Septiani, P. Family Farming: The Case of Indonesia. (2015). Rendiconti Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali (133): 251.
- Septiani, P., Suhandono, S., Dwivany, F. Cloning and sequences analysis of Ma-ACS4 gene promoter from Banana (Musa acuminata AAA. Group). Proceeding on International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Bandung, Indonesia, November 29-30, 2010.
- Septiani, P., Akhmaisyah, Wulansari SA., Juliarni. Field observation on leaf anatomical structures of some plants as adaptation to ecological conditions. Proceeding on International Symposium of Sustainable Agriculture in Asia. Bogor, Indonesia. September 18-21, 2006.
- The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. September 12-13, 2019.
- The 60th Annual Maize Genetics Conference, Saint-Malo, France. March 22-25, 2018.
- SIBV-SIGA Joint Congress: “Sustainability of agricultural environment: contributions of plant genetics and physiology”. Pisa, Italy. September 19-22, 2017.
- The 59th Annual Maize Genetics Conference, Union Station, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. March 9-12, 2017.
- Summer school on “Genome-wide association studies: from theory to practice”. Alba di canazei, Italy. July 4-7, 2017.
- The 5th Annual meeting of plant genetic and biotechnology network. New breeding techniques: genome editing, cis-genesis and genomic selection. Piacenza, Italy, June 6-8, 2016.
- Asia Pacific Industry Affairs and Regulatory Training and Workshop. DuPont Pioneer, China 2014.
- Asia Pacific Biotech Affairs and Regulatory Cultivation Training and Workshop, DuPont Pioneer, India 2013.
- The 7th PAN-ASIA Farmer Exchange Program, CropLife Asia, Philippines, 2013.
- Workshop Confined Field Trial, Program for Biosafety Systems (PBS). ICABIOGRAD and InternationaI Rice Research Institute. Indonesia, 2010.
- PhD Fellowship in Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies from the Italian Ministry of Education. 2015-2018.
- The best poster in SIBV-SIGA Joint Congress: “Sustainability of agricultural environment: contributions of plant genetics and physiology”. Pisa, Italy. September 19-22, 2017.
- Research Grant from Ministry of Education West java Province, Indonesia. 2010-2011.
- PPA Student Scholarship, Bogor Agricultural University. 2005-2006.
- Member of Biotechnology Division, Crop Life Indonesia (2012-2015).
- Member of Indonesian Association of Biology Molecular and Microbiology (2011-2013).